Workers reported multiple near-misses before fatal Oakridge crane accident, WorkSafe documents show | CBC News (2024)

British Columbia

Freedom of information documents obtained from WorkSafeBC show reports of heavy loads falling from cranes before the fatal February incident. The workplace safety regulator recently recommended changes to improve crane safety in B.C.

WorkSafeBC says operator has 'strong site-specific safety plan, strong prime contractor oversight'

Workers reported multiple near-misses before fatal Oakridge crane accident, WorkSafe documents show | CBC News (1)

Jon Hernandez · CBC News


Workers reported multiple near-misses before fatal Oakridge crane accident, WorkSafe documents show | CBC News (2)

Workers on the Oakridgeconstruction site reported multiple near-misses involving cranes in the months before a fatal incident that killed a worker, including a crane failure where ablockcrashed ontoa roof— an incident thatwasn't reported to site leaders until the following morning.

Yuridia Flores, a mother of two from Mexico, was killed on Feb. 21 when thetower crane at theOakridge redevelopment sitedropped its load onto a building, which subsequently fell onto her.The incident is still under investigation by WorkSafeBC.

Through a freedom of information request, CBC News received records of all complaints made about theOakridge redevelopment site, led by prime contractor EllisDon,at West 41st and CambieStreet in Vancouver between Jan. 1, 2023 andFeb. 29, 2024.

On March 21, 2023, a worker reported two cranes cominginto contact with each other. Per B.C. crane regulations, cranes operating in overlapping zones must have clear boundaries, and there must be clearly written operating procedures to prevent them from hitting each other to avoid safety hazards like loads dropping or cranes becoming dislodged.

On April 19, 2023,a WorkSafeBC safety officer reported that a crane attemptedto pick up an 80-foot wall. Thewall subsequently broke in half and fell to the ground. No injuries were reported.

  • Changes to B.C. crane safety standards recommended after spate of fatalities, accidents

OnDec. 13, 2023, a crane failure caused a block to drop90 feet onto aroofat the work site. Blocks areheavy-duty equipmentat the end of the cable used to lift and move loads.

According to the documents, after the block fell, the crane continued to operate for the rest of the day, and the incident wasn't reported to WorkSafeBC or EllisDon until the following morning.

The documents also detail the calls that came in on Feb. 21, the day Flores was killed. One caller reported that a sling had snapped, andthere was "lumber everywhere all over the road." According to fire services at the time, the load fell about 25 storeys.

Workers reported multiple near-misses before fatal Oakridge crane accident, WorkSafe documents show | CBC News (3)

The following day, WorkSafeBC received an anonymous complaint from aworker who said there was very little overhead protection, little supervision, and "little to no safety."

Another complainantclaimedthere was also a crane-related near-miss crane on Feb. 28 — one week after Flores's death —but details in the document are redacted.

CBC News has contactedEllisDon for comment.

  • WorkSafeBC investigates another crane incident in Metro Vancouver

WorkSafeBC wouldn't comment on the fatal incident, citing that it's stillan active investigation. In regard toworker-reported near-misses, it said all of those incidents are inspected, and findings are disclosed to all workers on the site.

"Those types of events are reported to us. We have been to that site many times, from the very start when the work started,"said Suzana Prpic, director of prevention field services with WorkSafeBC.

"We would have attended the site and had discussions on how that incident can be prevented in the future."

Prpic said WorkSafeBCis confident in EllisDon'soversight at Oakridge, which has 1,700 workers on a given day.

"It's got a strong site-specific safety plan, strong prime contractor oversight," she said. "We communicate with the employer to make sure they're conducting all of that work as required per our regulation."

Workers reported multiple near-misses before fatal Oakridge crane accident, WorkSafe documents show | CBC News (4)

Crane safety recommendations

According to WorkSafeBC, there have been four significant tower crane incidents in Metro Vancouver this year and 22 between 2019 and 2023, including the collapse in Kelowna that killed five people in 2021. RCMP have recommended criminal negligence charges in that case.

WorkSafeBChas recommended new safety procedures, including reviewing B.C.'s crane operator certification program and increasing the frequency and capacity of crane inspections.

  • Union calls for more certification, training for B.C. crane operators

This week, it met with industry stakeholders, including prime contractors and the B.C.Association for Crane Safety to discuss how they'll be implemented.

"These are complex, large sites with many different activities. We want that work co-ordinated. We want it well supervised, and we want everyone to go home safely," she said.


Workers reported multiple near-misses before fatal Oakridge crane accident, WorkSafe documents show | CBC News (5)

Jon Hernandez

Video Journalist

Jon Hernandez is an award-winning multimedia journalist from Vancouver, British Columbia. His reporting has explored mass international migration in Chile, controversial logging practices in British Columbia, and the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. Follow Jon Hernandez on Twitter:

With files from Tarnjit Parmar

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Workers reported multiple near-misses before fatal Oakridge crane accident, WorkSafe documents show | CBC News (2024)


Workers reported multiple near-misses before fatal Oakridge crane accident, WorkSafe documents show | CBC News? ›

Workers on the Oakridge construction site reported multiple near-misses involving cranes in the months before a fatal incident that killed a worker, including a crane failure where a block crashed onto a roof — an incident that wasn't reported to site leaders until the following morning.

What is an unsafe act near miss accident? ›

Usually, when someone is injured or there is property damage of some type, we call it an accident. An unsafe act is any hazard created as the result of human action or behavior. On the other hand, a near miss usually describes a close call where someone or something could have been hurt or damaged.

What is the most common cause of crane accidents? ›

In fact, 90% of crane accidents are caused by human error and 80% can be attributed to crane operators exceeding operational capacity.

How many near misses make an accident? ›

According to Henrich's triangle, also known as the Accident Triangle, for every 300 near misses, there is one serious accident. More recent research has shown that approximately 90 near misses precede one serious accident at work.

Do near misses need to be reported to OSHA? ›

OSHA regulations require employers to maintain accurate records of all incidents that occur in the workplace, including near-misses. According to OSHA, near-misses should be treated like any other workplace accident or injury.

What is the root cause of crane accident? ›

Overloading or improper use of outriggers, the hydraulic posts that stabilize the crane, are primary reasons for tipping incidents. External factors like strong winds or uneven ground can also contribute to the crane tipping over, highlighting the importance of considering environmental conditions during operations.

What is one of the most serious hazards presented by cranes? ›

Electrical Hazards

Many crane accidents happen when a crane comes into contact with an energized or live power line. Several workers get hurt or fatally injured from powerline contact each year. High-voltage power lines can cause injuries such as burns, shocks, or fatalities.

Are 90% of crane-related accidents caused by human error? ›

90% of crane accidents occur due to human error. 80% of all crane upsets are attributed to operators exceeding the crane's operational capacity.

What is accident due to unsafe act? ›

These could include using improper tools, failing to wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE), working without proper authorization, or simply being careless or distracted on the job. Unsafe conditions are any factors in the workplace that increase the risk of accidents or injuries.

What is classified as an unsafe act? ›

Unsafe acts refer to behaviors or actions by employees that increase the risk of accidents or injuries in the workplace. These can include not following safety procedures, using equipment improperly, or taking shortcuts that compromise safety.

What is the unsafe condition of an accident? ›

Unsafe conditions refer to physical or environmental factors in the workplace that increase the risk of accidents or injuries. These can include poorly maintained equipment, inadequate lighting, slippery floors, or exposure to hazardous materials.

What is classed as a near miss accident? ›

A near miss is defined by the HSE as any event that doesn't lead to harm but does have the potential to cause illness or injury.

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