Tucson Citizen from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

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Tucson Citizeni

Tucson, Arizona

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i1 Livestock New York Stock list uTsrara Ctilg Citftra us Unlisted Securities PukllH by IKa NAID A af Naaa Naia Vart Tim IANKI 4a4 TRUST COMFANI4 Rid Akd LoSses Spotty In Grain Pits Tvaaday tvenine OaL MM on Purity Bk i Radi Cp Radio Raybest Mas Ram Rand Has Motors Rspub Avia Repub Plct Rapub SU I Corn Fred IS On Dl Crane Co Creaiaar Sd 4H A to 14 in to 4 OS) to SS Ml SO' to Stto A to A to 's a to I4T A Vk 1001 1 11 SOI A to 4 ST A Va 1ST 4M A to TTn Carbide Un OU Cal Un Pae Unit Air Ltd Unit Aire Unit Bias United Corp Unit Fruit Unit Oaa Cp Unit MAM 8 Gypauna Rubber Smalt Steel tt 44 A Si Couth RV SB) to Sparks Itl TT A Vk 14' A to If A ID A to Sto 43 1 to to 444 A to 1ST I Sparks With Sperry Sptegad Std Brands Bid GAR Std OU Std OU ind Std OU Std OU std st Stevens Stew Warn Stoke Van Stono 4k Studabater Bank af Douglas First Mitloul Bank 11 M) SI Fheenik TUla Trust Co () 1 Valley National Bank (4 to) lk UTILfTHS 4S to A Ik SOU to A to S3T St At T4 All STT A to SS sr SBT A to A to IS If A to to S3 A Ik If A 1 SOI Alto 101 A 1 Sol A to Ml A to Mto A to SS IT 11 SS SS S4P1 ST Cal SS SS NJ 4t Ohio Bps (JP) Wab i 04 Sunray OU 1 104 Nun ah Bis Sunahlna Mn S4 Swift Co 4 Sylv XI Pd Sym Gould US 11 III Abb4t Ann 'a A'wtt Exp Aarc-Jral Cars A ftoPurt Akatsa Jua Arta A s-fiany Cors A wujhany pf A tcMCSIaat Ail ad lam A Jad MUia Abad Sira AlAjCba4 lWl An mii t-Crowm Cork ui 1 rows tall a id Crucible Btt sk A is Cub Am 8ug Mtt A Cudahy Pk Curtia Pub Curtin Wr FT' Day FAC Mtt Dear CO 411 I Dal A Hud FT 1 Del Lack ss4 A to LadadeGag Ll4 A totembar I to LhJh CH 34 A to Lak Port III A to Lek Val Coal 11 A toiLakaumcorp I 1 10 to uamar Btr A to LlbD Glass to Lib MeH i List A My 8i A Ums SI to toUoaOU 41 to Ueuld Carb ll Leckh Airs ST to'lroew a Ine 93 A to LortUard Mk Lou A Had 4 5 SS SI is SI Revere A SS Rexall Drug -RichUcld IS Rob Fulton ST Safeway It St Joe Lead St San St Rag Pap Savage Arms Schenley ind Scab RR Mb Ftnan Sears Rovb SS SI 1 IS lot 11 ST I "I I MU I Ha HR ITT i MM MSS IIS' Bond Market Prices' Mixed 4 1 NEW YORK Qct24j'(JV-Th bond market developed price trends in late dealings today after an uneventful fdrenocn -which produced few important changes Heavy turnover In selected convertible issues uraj a feature Consolidated Edison convertible Sa were heavily traded andi up 2 A tt Aaa 4r Ch An Airline Am Rank Net I mlAm reade knm wam in "I I Can vat Artannk LIlM (I 0 Viartasipei Rlvzr Fuat 111) Fublle larrtca (41) SauUiara Union Oaa (4 40) Tama East TranamtaakH (atk) Tucaon Oaa LlM 11 401 INVIlThltNT TRUSTS Affiliated ruad MSI Saawn Funk I f9t4 It UtftitlilJ f1nmiwl 9Sjb4 pee fsSssi 11 IMakaad Shares I Salaa Howard (talaftaad) Sana teas Si Howard aiocft SS Tunaaiaaatal Invaatara it as Snears acatod hraaloia a STM BaaaWiairt Ca af America 14 Maaa bnMtan True a a aiTi si Fit Inaaatara a Fat Saeurttlaa (keck) a Hat nanarltiaa (apoeulattra) tat tlktHan Fund a 1344 aa Dan A Kgw Da Tdla Dut Cp Sang Dome Minas Doug Aire Dow Cham SO to if to is to St Mto Ml A to kJOto A 1 MV to 44 At S3 at a to a to Ml A to Slto A to to 1 A I 44 A in to ST ta is is si las l4k Hi to aak to n1 A to sito CHICAGO Oct 24 WV-RaWerin grains were not abstained at the board of trade today and minus signs predominated in corn Oats acted tight and resisted declines In other futures but failed to make much progress Soybeans' had an up end down day One good rally carried prices up around two cents over the previous- close' but profit cashing ate Into that advance Com was under pressure most of the day a lower- cash market and the start of corn picking in Illinois being trading factors At the close Wheat was 'H higher to lower December $222- corn was to 1 lower $147- oats were higher to 14 lower December rye was 1 to 1 lower December $140 soybeans were 1 to 1 higher November $243- Jard was 15 to 40 cents a hundredweight lower November $1300 Vanad Cp Va XI A Pw Warner Plct Wasson A fl Ky Coal Psnn XI Western Air Weet Mary Weet Un Tel Weet Air Br Weet XleS Wheel SU White Mot White Sew Willy Over wuson A Co Wise XI Pw Woolwerth Wyand War 4 Young SpflrW Youngat ShAT SS Zenith Sad ST Zonite Pd IS stH to 4T A to IT 10to Mto to 34)k A Ik Stto A to lTto to Mto to to Sito 1 Ml 1 if Dito to St S4 S4 41a to a a to to 1 Ht A to llto OT to An fib! 4k Rad i an An Oaa ad Me An Oar AF in1 An Cvan 11 mi Am 4 For Fen S4 Mi An On Ft It Texas Ce Tex Tax Gulf Sul Tag Pee LI TE Textron Thomson Tide Wt Aa Tlmk Det AX Ttmk Baer Trans Air Tranaamer Trl Coat Cp Twent Pox TSto A to 3k to 51 A to S54 13 A to Mi A to Mto A to to Mi IT Mto A to 1ST points at 118 Sham 0 040 Sharon SU Shall OU I Simmons Ca Sinclair OU Smith (AO) Sooony Vac Sou Am GAP Sou Caro EirO So JUce Bug Sou Cal Edit Southern Ce South Pa Lewenatela Mack Trucks Macy (AH) Magma Cop Mnavtx Marae Oil Marine Mid Marsh Field Martin May Dept Str Maytya McGraW Mclntyr McKet A I McLaU gtr Mead Corp Mdata Mach Miami Cop Mid Cent Pet Middle Ut Minn Honeyw 463 A VaMlna Mol lk A Mlaaloa Cp M'l l'k 44 A Sato A to 14 A toi 444 A to 114 ssto a to STp 4 A to 11 IT A to so a to SI 144 A to ISto Ik a si' a a to CTOCAOO OcL VO-He bredlns opened slow today with price about te cents lower The oarly top wee 11115 Butcher hog led th decUn dropping a much aa to eants Sow were uneven moetiy SS eents lower Good atu ISO to 104 pound butcher brought 111 SO te tlMB moetiy 111 SO Odd heads up round SOS pounds were ss low as I1IS5 In the cetU market yearling oteera welshing around LOSS pound and lower were steady to SS cents higher in active trading Btaera 1060 pounds and up were steady to weak A taw choice load of eteera scaling 1 MS te I JOS pounds brought 53330 to S33J5 Th bulk of rood and choice steers sold at 3ste to mis Salable boss 11000 to 40 lower on butchers oows uneven hut moetiy lower top 10 It good and choice 100-300 lb butchers It to-II tt lSe-110 13 00-11 50 sows under 400 lba 1LSS-10J5 400-400 lbs 10Jt-lllt Salable cattle 1000 1000 calves yearling eteera weighing around 103S lb down and heifere steady te SS higher: eteera around IOSO lb up steady te weak medium and good beef cows steady lower grad cows strong bulls and veal re fully steady choice 1 0SS-1 300 lb steers S0-HJS bulk good and choice steers S0J0-SLM medium te low good grades SS 50-10 JS: most good te choice IhSUers 30 00-1175 medium and good cow 1100-33 SO cennero and cutter IS 00-1335: medium and good bulls 34 5-700 medium to choice vealers SS 00-34 00 KANSAS CITY' OcL SL Cattle salable 7000 calves salable 1000 slaughter steer slow steady te SS extremes 50 lower medium and good short feds 1150 lba up under most pressure: high good end choice beeves scarce steady heifers unchanged cows firm bulls strong to SS higher vealerl and killing calves unchanged stockers end feeders steady average medium and good fed steer 34 00- 30 00 load top good ground 1300 lbs 3035 top good 1004 lb eteera 30 TS few cotnmen and medium short feds and grass steers II 90-23 30 3 load mostly choice around OSS lb mixed yearlings MAO small lot high choice fed eteera 33 00 load lots good led heifers 3900-30 35 medium to low good short feds 35 00-21 75 common and medium beef cows lt 00-21 SO few good to 00 odd heed to HS0 bulls MM down veeler top 31 00 medium end good killing calves S3 BOSS 00 load good 434 lb Stock steers S050 few loads medium and good feeders 000 lbs up SS 00-30 80 load medium to good stock heifers 35 00 Hogs salable 1000 fairly active SS to mostly 14 lower than average good and choice 100-300 lbs moetiy it fv-fi0 latter price on choice 300-130 lb good and choice 170-190 lbq 1150-1925 sow 1TJS-95 stags 11 80 down Un Bag A SS ST A I' 11 ltk sn is to It UiA 1 4 A sit ir A Ik 141 A It) SS Al Wl IS It A a S3k A as an a It nA A to IT SS D1 US A 1 as as tool A to W-e to IS 14to TS FI A to ss as' a to 4 4Sto TS 11 1 IS IS 1S4 A to IS STto to ST4 to tto 4 Mto A DU Feat Tula Bleb seat AJr Kastm Kad Eaton Mfg -IUO Fd El Auto Lite Klee Boat Elliott Ce Pam Cg Dnar El Enter Rad AP Empire El End John Erls BA Evenberp 9 Palrb Mor Fajardo Sug Faderet Sir Firaatone Firth Cp FUnlhota yiortdn Pow Fellana Steal Pood Much rraaport Sul FruehTra Dry Goods HXW YOIUC Oct MH-Tha gettoe tak Slla market displayed a (taadlar ton today Faaala offering el print cloths warn mere difficult a tlad Only acallarad aalaa were waarted (nr prompt and ftrat quarter aMA WmmtA Oibar aactloaia el tbe anrkat weak quiet i i Tbe wool feeda market srae ataady rrea kaaarar ware daterreat ta kitaiaal the tall ittl eede at thia tune I Reran geode ware alow although gabafi dlnae were ataady hatiir Chicago Batter CHICAGO Oct Butter teceieta 41 11 wbolaaale oaWng fine hanged Xa ataady to firm recatpta IjO srhola- eel trim unchanged Live poultry fully ataady te ataady rw-tote 41 trucks lab paying yriaaa heavy bane ta sate ethers undumged WEATHER 3 TS Dl iH A to ssi IT' Misaton Dv Me Kin Ten MoKaa Tan Ft Mo Fee Ft Monaaa Chens Auto Stocks -Rise In Narrow- Trade narrow motor in demand 1 mixed rails and convertible issues higher higher trade buying and short covering Wheat mixed advanced on export prospects 4 Com weak lower cash market mixed light trading 24 to 40 cents lower Cattle steady to 25 cents higher 1M A tolMentg Ward Mto Tito to Mto Motor Fd Met Wheel Motorola Capital Airlines 4s were up Baora than a point and Pennsylvania Central Airlines advanced mors than 3 The list had A good i quota of minus signs i Peoria and Eastern issues ran contrary to the narrow trend with the Income 4s ahead as 'much as four points at one time and the 4s of 1960 up better than two points Bank eligible treasury bonds were steady to firm In over-the-counter dealings while government Issues not eligible1 remained unchanged for the moat The eligible treasuries have been star performers recently and the usually staid issues advanced aa ffitich as 332 yesterday The foreign dollar list was quiet with Chileans 1 ahead a 1 bit and Canadian bonds tending tower New financing news centered on Southern Production Co which placed privately $42000000 In secured promissory notes payable In quarterly Installments 1051-64 with Eastman Dillon and Co acting as agent Slight advances were recorded by Consolidated Edison 3s Lehigh Valley 4s and New Haven 4s On the losing side wereBouthern Pacific convertible 3s Chicago and Northwestern 4s Flarida East Coast Ss and Hudson and Manhat 11 to Gatr (Hobart) SS A to SS'S A to ito to nto a to stto to l'k to 11a i sa A A to 7 Mto A to 4 to IS 141 A to S3 SS' Mto to A to is a to SS4 ir a to SS' At ST' to SO' A ag to Stto irto ST AS) SS' Dlto 17) ITS Dl) IT St 4 IS las a ss T1 IS in st 1M SS 5 IT 144 IS NEW TOWS Oct 24 Two auto stocks shot ahead of a generally narrow market today Chrysler closed $175 higher at $8112 a 'share and General Motors 87 cents at $5250 In the balance of ihe market a mild decline waa blocked and some Issues which -were narked down llto A to Sto S3 A to KtoDH ts to 11 A SSto A to SSI A I It' A to S3 A to 1S Ta A to S3 to SOtoPtt 1 ss sn ns to SOI A to Sto A to Sto ISto to 43to lto Dto 10' SS1 A to IS1 A to Metal Market NTW YORK OcL Spot ivonferrou motel price today Copper Ml cent pound Connecticut valley Lead cent a pound New York Zinc IT) cent a pound Kaet BL Louie Tin S11S a pound New York Copper future cloeed SS to 1M klgher Dec ti es bid March 3 0 bid Domeatic sine future Yleeed te 100 higher Nov St SO bid Dec SS 7 hid Jen SS 50 March SS 00 May 5415 Lead futures cloeed 10 te IS higher Deo lTtS Jan lTtJf July 171L' Gar Wood Ind Gaylord Cent Gen Am Tran Gan Bak Gan Cable Gen dm Gen Foods Don Mills Oen Mo kora Gen Pub Ut Gen Reel A Gent hoe Gen I Gas Pf Gillette Otmbel Brea Gtlddan -Goebel Brew Goodrich Ooedyeer Grab ePlge SOS Granby Mia Get lr Ore Ot Hor Ry XI Ot Wee Sug Greyhound 10 Grunt Aire Rn SI Guantan Sug Gulf Mob IS OuU OU IS sa IS SS IS 1ST SS Ut IS 1 JO IT SO IS IS is Feaeaeat tor Tuaaoa and vicinity: Parti eloudy toatabt and Wednesday tkikU Wadaeaday afternoon Hi cheat tamp yaatarday Higbaal tamp year aco Mlab record this dale (133) tew temp yaatarday tew tamp year ego tew record this date (IMS) Mean tamp yaatarday Meaa tamp year aao Haemal tamp this data Humidity 3 to pm yesterday 30a today Moonrtse IN pm Moonaat ja unrlao IMia Sunact pn Date far heura anama at ta SB A 1S ISto li A ito A IS' A to S3to A 4 Mto A Ik Mto Ato isto to Mto AU VOVI JONES AVERAGES Closing svsrsgss fumlabed by Dew Jens A Ce thveuek Motion A Ca mam bare af tbe New Verb Stock Exchange i Ins Belle Util Stoke so te is TUZaOAY iMlSt SS48 SIM HIT (Tuasaa time) I Dividends It tan refunding 5 Tt 1 SI LOS ANGELES OcL SL Cattle salable 1000 supply largely cow trade moderately active fully steady at Monday' advene few low medium Holstein eteera SS so torn held higher medium and good heifer 35 50-33 50 medium and good beet cow M00-M60 common 30 00-31 00 calmer and cutter IT 00-10 50 medium and good eauaeg bulls 00-3 50 odd heed to 37 80 few medium end good -feeder eteera as 00-33 00 Calve aalabl 150 ataady to stronger medium to choice vealers ST 00-34 00 medium and good slaughter calve 00-50 00 common down to 10 about two load end choice nearly 300-lb feeder calve 00 Hoga aalabl S80 alow early aalaa around SO cents lower -some bids off more good and choice 190 te S39 lb SI 50-H 35 some bid II 39 and down! few medium and good 1700-19 JO nl 4k TaA An Vlacoae An Zinc Op oa Stl Amutur A Ce Aaetli Dry 4rn at Cat tine a unj Cp AroA MfC I li I Seld tone A Okie (A OA TT Bwruari OU Barrl Brea 4 Bmkibe TDM toandlkl Av 4 Bom As Baagfiat Mag Bnat A Ce tut Pda BUthlWU Bg Saa Baw Knee saaeiqcwi Beauts! Atrp Band! Stra Bemn I Sara i Warn BrtUd Bran hrtA Uff Ut Bkly 0 Oaa Saeom A sue Cm Budn Ce Burt Muia Purr Add it Suttgr Bees BuUd Cop CaUTFeek Ceiiwnen Zkte CaUsnvA Had Canada Dry Cenaaian Pee Care PAL CaadIFl) CatarAU TTS Calnnam Cakmu Can SW Car dp Paste CarHtaed CMaff A OHM Chtcnro Carp CH 1 A pm Cl! Misp BPpL OU PA Too OiM A Pad CHlld Ce Chrysler tTC Finer CAvdi ni Ctnun Me In inn Fd lUat Paab Cocal 'Cola Cotat I Palm CMUhk A Aik Colei A Jr Co Cot FUrt I Capnl' ICrad Omlp iSoly i Coanwl Edit Ceu itoppsm Can 'idle CenslN Om Coen Vulae Conatyn Fw Cantaianr Cant CaA Coat Mot Caat Oil CaptMjr Bug tt 1 Hw ew HW It SK IT HI It Ht IS Calm HT It IS 4 IS 44 ST as is is ss so i Is 44 11 1 M' 1 SF 1S to SO' to 14to A to IS A 1 Mto A IT 10to 1ST to Mto A ssto Dl llto to TS to NEW YORK Oct SU UV-Boeing Airplane Ce declared a dividend of SS a there on it common atock peyeble'Nov to clock of record Nov Thia bring dividend for the ar to SS a Share agslnst SS in IMS ButhVrland Paper Co declared an extra dividend of SS centa aha re end the regular quarterly of SO centa on the com mon atock tooth payable Dee IS to atock of record Nov SS Thia bring dividend for the year te share ths same in MM SS Foreign Exchange NTW YORK Oct SL Foreign exchange rate follow (Great Britain la dollars others In cents): 1 Canadian dollar In New York op market 4 1114 per cent discount or 9531 to 8 canto up 119 ot a cant i Europe- Great Britain (pound) $190to unchanged Great Britain SR day future 96 unchanged Greet Britain day futures ItJlto unchanged Great Britain 90 day futures MJlto unchanged Belgium (franc) 1 99)1 unchanged Francs (franc) SS't of a cent unchanged Holland (guilder) Sf38 unchanged Italy (Ural I9to of a cent unchanged Portugal (aacudo) 50 unchanged Sweden (krona) 19 ST unchanged Switzerland (franc) (free) MfT JO up changed ITtt TS Mullins Mfg Murray Cp Hath Kale Hat Auto Nat Aviat Nat Btse Nat Can Hat Cash Rag Nat City Hat Coot Nat Dairy Fd Nat Dept Tty Nat DtatlU Nat Gypsum Nat Lead Nat Steel Nat Sup Natomas Newberry (J J) New Rag XI Newmont Newpt Ship Centre ChlAStL NY NHAHart NY Sta EAO Noma Elec Norf A Wets No Am Avia No A mar Ce No Nat Gas Nor Pec Nor Sta Fw Korthw Airt Ohio Xdli Ohio OU Oliver Cp Omnibus Otis Else Oweng 111 G1 Fas OaaAXl Fes UfM I Fae Mills Pae Tin Con Packard Molar Pan Am A Ur PanhP Alt Paran Plct Park Utah Perks Day Patino Min Penney C) Penn Dlx Cam Penn Pow A Lt Pan RR Papal Cole Patrol Corp Prolifer Br Phelps Dodge Phlla Klee Phil A Rd A Fhtlco Philip Mor Phillips Pet Pit Plate Ot PltSer A1 Plttston Ce Plymouth OU Pram SU Car Froct A Gam Pub Te A Publick Ind 11 SS IS 1 sa si ts is is Slto A St to Sto A to if to SSto A to asi a to is a to ts to 41 0't it a Sto Cotton early rallied for minor gains The rally however had little depth to it aside from the motors and handful of other stocks wag no better than routine Sales dropped to a rate of around 1700000 ahayei from 1850000 Monday Anothe? hefty flow of excellent earnings reports extra and increased dividends helped to bolster prices I In addition to the motors higher prices were paid for Boeing Alr-cVaft Schenley American Telephone1' Consolidated Edison 'Ken-necott Copper Union Carbide American Can and Santa Fe Hanging most of the time Were Goodrich I Case United Aircraft Dow Chemical American Cyanamid American Woolen Southern Railway and Johne-Manvllle Halliburton Harb Walker Hayes Mfg Hilton Hot Holland Fun Homeetake Houd Harah Houash Fin Houston OU Hews Sound Hud Bey Hudson Mot Hupp Corp 111 Cent IU Fewer Indpla A la Indus Ray Inland TU Inaplr Cep Inlerlake IP 1 Int Bua Mck Int Hary Int Wick Int Paper Int Shoe lot BUvcr Int Tel A Tel Intent Str Inteetyp Jewel Tee Johns Man ST It 14 Alburnum ue FtCldy AUaata Fop Biutnaa Clear Bismarck Clear holm Cloudy 049 Cloudy Buffalo Cloudy Casper Clear Charlotte Fog Chios ee Smoke Ctaclanatl Smoke Cleveland Cloudy Heaver dear Dm Motnae Detroit Ham 1 Fern Clear Pupate ft Art FtCldy Ft WortB Clear Ored PTk A Clear tndlanapoU Fog KanaaeCHy Smoke Little Rock Fee tm Aaealm CkpidF Memphis Foe Miami Fla Fee Mdwsukee Cloudy Mlnaaapotla Clear Montreal Smoke I Haw Orlaaaa Foe Haw Verb Cloudy Okiahoen City Claar Omaha Claar Fhdanis eeweea Cloudy Ftttaburgh Smoko Portland Me Cloudy Portland Ore Fog Sana Cloudy Sait Lake CMr Fog St Louie FtOdy- Saa Aatcnla Clear Saa Dtaea Cloudy Sau Preaalam Cloudy Smttle Fog Spokane Claar Tampa TUCSON Claar WaahtngtawM HaM Wichita HlCldy Turns Art Clear Wool Prices To World Record S' MELBOURNE Australis Oct 24 OP) Wool soared to 290 H- pence a pound at Geelong auction today a new world record high 55 Buyers bid frantically for small lots of best greasy wool land old marks were broken time and again The top price of 290 pence was paid for ona bale pf super- Merino lambs wool (The Australian pound 240 pence la valued at $225) Five bales of the same clip sold at 272 pence And some ther lots brought more than 200 pence per pound The previous world record price in recent times was 216 'pence set at the Sydney auction Oct 12 Over-all wool values e( Geelong auction were 5 -per cent higher than 'at the previous Geelong sales In Sydneyrrtbe wool market continued firm i London! Stocks LONDON OcL 34 TV Pinaarial Times daily- bides of Jzwutnx stocks today was IlSJ unchanged 1 so Sa to SS) A to SO Alto Sto A to Mto llto A 1 ass a to OS SSto to SS st ssto SS SBto A to Mto -ss to to 3to to I Calm St ST SC a Calm Calm hi a aw is IS HT HT HT IS SW IS Hw sc HW HT 1 ST ST 8 HW 8 IS HT SC I SS st as ss HT as jb TT ST HT I SS AS Industry Urged To Do Advertising Selling HOUSTON Oct 24 Principal speaker here today at the convention of the American Institute of Steel Construction is Dr Arthur A Smith vice-president of the First National bank Dallas Yesterday Dr Keneth MacFar-land Topeka (Kas) public school superintendent urged American industry to use effective advertie-log and public relations methods got a big selling Job to do" he said "You must remember' the buying public in these unprecedented times will have $50000000000 less with which Molytxlum fd buy your products next year Nis Hud Pw is because1 that amount -will be panred ee 0 Mto drained off by ou tremendous Alr 1414 military program" changed Latin America: Argentina (fret) 10 of a cent Brazil (free) SO unchanged Meklce 1157 unchanged Venezuela (bolivar) 3064 un Par Zaet: Hong Kong dollar ohanged New York Curb Alum Ce Am a 0 4 to Am Cit A LB Sto Am Marae eeeB4 to Am Superpew 914 Ark Gee Ve llto Blue Ridge 4to Can Marconi 9to Cltt Serv wet Mto Claud Neon 4i XI Bond A Sh eeseoeewewee'ss Mto Cp 3iMt4449tM 1 Ford Can t9(gT49tt SI CUaa Aid Com! Humtda OU ioo Kaiaar Pros 4 Tto tern 8 ter earn Mto Midvale a J4 Tacbnlco Wright Her 11115 SS 1 MS 1 Mto Sto to to llto 4)4 04 4)4 Ito 0)4 15)4 MUD to 014 1 St) A-to IT li A i to A to Dto to Sto SSTs to is SS) A M) i SB) SB to to to M' llto SO' A to SS to 45' 1 I4i to IS SS4 1 to sa i so to IS' A to Tto M'fc Mto 4T)fc IS 8 NXW YORK Oct SL Cotton future moved -higher today on trad buying and short covering Aa early flurry of buying developed on th increase of 144 009 bale In cotton export allocetionz announced overnight by th department of agriculture Calks extended to 93 a bale but the market thereafter moved lower oa recurrent flurries of hedge selling and profit taking About 30000 boles of CCC cotton were hedged ta futtx-es up to the early afternoon Th Increase in export quota eras small end had been expected by traders Further incraea were anticipated possibly aftr the next government cotton crop forecast dealers believed Late afternoon prices were 70 cents to 9LS4 a bale higher then the previous di Dec 3 53 March Mto end May 3 53 Futures closed cents to SS sente higher than th previous close Dec March Jeeeeee Mky July OCt oR wUi eaefletltt March Middling spot 44 34N up (N-Naminal) 5to 84 Sto to Uto 4to Sto te 4)4 Mto tto Mto 15to Tto to 154 IT Mto i ri to if Ato si ssi A to S' A I A SSto AltoUw Uig ss'bD to 1004 T)4 M)4 rr 3' to 44 to a i SB to ST A to STto A to SSto to 40) 4 a FINISH LIFE TOGETHER BRIDGEWATER Mass (U Well past 00 Mrs Nora Pinckney and Mrs Clara Johnson have enjoyed living together since their died Natives of Dolliver Nova Scotia they aw twin slater 9 IS SS SS Lb RTS 11T SS Kan City Sou Kan Fow A Lt Kannecott Kara Land Kreage (S T) Kreaa(SH) Kroger Ce Mto 134 Mto sto 1)4 is 8)4 19 Uto 14)4 ss 1)4 IS I Soto A to ssi to tto 1 to soto A to Wmthar Bureau Mto A to Pullman flBWBMSQCOQ (k PERSONALS nOl'SETIOLD REPAIR DRESSMAKING BRLSoMAKInG altorattona hourn- jL SCHOOLS ciKwrTbteiiWAfeiAir6iH66r 309 Stone 4-4Z53 Jndir tnztructlon DIAL DuPals Remodel Corpantry By NUB5VRV MRS ADEN ij AUCTIONS TUCSOW AUCTION EVET bur furniture for eoeh tt 30 you Ag oonelznmant 6 JACKSON 12-4371 HELP WANTED Mat GarpenteRJ iT'SUlLLINS MECHANICS Build Your Owe House 1 furnish eeateid lot and construction monev ell for 979 da 344 monthly In MSI I li -47) SEWING FiAUUiNES HELP WANTED 9A WANTED Reliable! xDerienced restaurant couple to manage Mac-Arthur Cofe Shop Be Mr niff at Place 84 Congreee WANTED at one men or woman to sell Watkins products 8veral routes now available Apely th 9to 10 AM hour Phon 5-7fv5 ruesgy Agrmrxsar Remodeling contractor Patio 5ncing roofing cooler eeryioe city State license Guaranteed work 3-7301 mvtnt itie walla ccrogBSARTcnjm SCHOOL PH 314 OLSEN WITg-W CHARLES W-STATON for SUPERVISOR DIST No 1 An Independent Republican Tailoring specie iiz-tn alteretlone 3509 6th 5-5811 Cu5siiAlQ)(a eiteretMon ghirts and Mite belts buttons eta Vt-An Sowing grrvice 55 Jackson 9-41T1 SITUATIONS MbIb Carpentry FT finish cabinets hour rate 3-4467 FlLlPINO CLEF (with crew) 3 years experaaac Refer ace avaO-abl Phone ZtoL Bowie ar Box 1144 ROY GREEN Concrcto water stor-ar Round tanka Trouxhe A dams 1280 Apache Ph 3-21X9 CREDITS Man 39 former mgr omal loan ce 13 years expwienc Ex Tart references desire empleymenE -Writ A Hrt 344 Tlorea Tucmn Tucmn Fos sawing machine rspalr-hf call th Singer Sewing Machine Ce Free estimate Phene end our service man will eon THE ONLY ginger Sewing een tee to Tucson is located at Singer Sewing Machine 04 Congress St Phone I BABY NEEDS "fH Fix ail shop tndjm Dial MID Paeofttnc funk ro carman try JTR JKW RTO Pitt CRT watch and tazralry- repair Jeweler fcOUPLI Cook A Houekoing Suburban home 4 ta family Live on premises 80 Mr Bolot 333 4tH Ave ELECTRIC SERVICE bSNT A Tei gggVtffTUAKgr' eKoEE YELEViRlOk servicing amateur FCd license Enroll now Day and eve Cl a wie etert soon 3-3050 evening EXP DISH WASHllR it KITCHEN" -HELPER APPLY TO CHEF XV ZRETT BARFIELD BAN 3100 SPEEDWAY BETWEEN A 11 A NTS crib hiab iTrk-Hisi SBiSESt-SUL wln machine eaW end service 334 if th Dial 4-H11 HELP WANTED Femala JQ BOOL KEEPING SERVICE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS LAWN prink ling system Installed Tree eitimetee Ph 5-745 EXPERIENCED Handyman i Painter earwnterrtlmejM aauulbueinem owe r30 toM tANl5CXrTS Shamrock ptw eo Winter Lawns Tree Pruning Yard Clean-ing Phone 3-7381 NEW lawns tree trimming eh rubbery -Plowing Free set Nordstrom 3-1730 TUCSON BALES MITCHELL FURN CO i Conrraze Phon t-isq VfftlNd any kind any time any where Beel for jeer Mlkltg 9-4411 WIRING residential and commercial jyrvicfc- Oeelrlch Dial Vl8l HeflPElactric Co S3-hr radio sad appUanc repair Contracting f- Dial 5-3151 VOICE OF TRUTH FOREMOST SPIRITUALIST LIFE ADVISER Mrs Myrtle TRUX ADVICE Even deepest mystery solved Ne heart ee sad I cannot chance to happiness unequalled unfailing advice $1 SPECIAL READING $1 Daily ta trailer at Du gout corner 4th Ava and Benton Hiway kAROLO RVaN Special Agent R-reeentlng PRUDENTIAL Insurance Company of America Insure Your -Home Mortz Loarte Phon 4-0673 STORE EQUIPMENT fcUMAN rerlg new usej SHOE SALESMAN wntV experl-enced Steady work good pay 131 Congreee fclAN to work' in kitchen A carry travs 74 mo room and board Ph cotrOTWT Clerk Payroll lilt per month base time on half far overtime 48 hour work week lx-(ice machine Gvpeum Ce parlance standard office machines Reolv United State SITUATIONS Mv4 RELIABLE COUMJK mettl management and mam tan nee evflre position Star-CStiten Box 454 tXPEklENCED kjbtjPlJt would" Uke work In private home Legal refer- ence Btar-Ctt Boz 474 NURSERIES TK-MJ Shrubs LaWnL flanove For ALL DEPARTMENTS jM Tucson ptpen Inc Park Nursory Wetmore -Jroa' IfsT 1 IUU HYLO heat A pads Bee eamplee PVLOTtCtlbU with ierproot washable Free ti 3-1558 llcr Cltv Calif EXCAVATING Lkf oconemieol ire aching flqlj sod feueosUoa with machine RAVDrv 8-451 SITUATIONS Ftomal I 12 WANT2D Caahiar oIl office r- -h prf well 33 to up Let 3-759L o'-iKlh'X fir fndeuonk drvwye tmiinedlete service 5-3M1 RANUNCULAB and many othar bulb Bweet pea seed Bye grae seed Mum stock end ottier bedding plants 'fn iJMTATa jJL 4 rd 3 yds DYLry rp ph 4-l irsrv ydSTlf -(hWI pLiEJ bt'wm TILE bRAlNBOARDS bathroom doors Free eetlmatqa Phillip 8-8441 or 3-3413 lphoLktekINu BTLLBCZLa with oceretor 5-7401 EATEliMIN AXIS AS elelma of lerrae te pubUaatfcm hej be mode within 34 kaura efia fu-et tneeruoa No claim wlU be allowed tat star IBs ee tocorraot tmaer CARPENTERS for construction work oversea ta th Pacific eras Must pee physical examination and have a birth certificate or ether legal proof of citizenship I letters of reference required For detail information see Recruiter ta th office pf th 1 ARIZ STATE EMPLOYMENT BXRV 111 4th Ava Tucson Ariz Inti RIO ft til work winted In ex- man pretuP eervit Phone til ft iANki TO THE WOMAN WHO WANTS THE BEST Not too eatlsfied with what you are doing now! Get into a program where you can be -your own boat and on that really Pave Our salesladies are averaging from 1104 an hour to 3435 an hour per hour worked right her ta Arizona Applicant must be betweetr 23 and 80 well groomed have th ua of a car and be able to devote a minimum of 4 hours a dav te th lob For interview appointment cell Mrzi Harlln 3-3103 to 11 PM 6xjK 8 HELPER wfil train capable woman apply 3 Tuesday Wed Thtirfi Pipkvl 3434 Speedway RESTAURANT aake couple who can play atrlneed Instrumentt for luncheon end dinner music ph 4-0371 for Young LADY for soda fountain Must be experienced References Alrwnve Pru Store Grant 4t Maple EXPERIENCED bakerv clerk vnln and Sunday hours Call after 3 at Bon Ton Bakerv 1343 Campbell apply In person Prlve-ln 9)5 Stone MOTHER 8 HELPER Twice weekly GHdPtP'eeieeied for dresses coats and suite Spanish letter Glee Ball baringr Reasonable Phone 4-350 PAIN 11 NU a ueuokaTInu" tsaxww 8G3 PEST control Spraylne AD work gyerentrnne J-T751 LEARN TO DRIVE Aril Driving School 4-1V3 or MOM MRS LEWIS Spiritual peychle rcedar Will edvts and help you oa all problems bust-neea or peraonal Hr 10 am-4 pa yn Coumnr Chib 0-mcq iMAU TRY mv icftool ltft 9 i probiunf rind rrgerten Blf F1CLLT problem SoniidenlleUy clerk Muzt be permanent -A-9649 LADY dsir zetall apt in gust (re area exchna fnr hounevrark 3-41B3 lAVlNfl txK 4or infant or Small child Days anly Inqulr tdf Kuhn 1) 38th SL Want housework or laundry by day! Ph 3-3094 7 Colored kouwork ii 4 30I No Sunday Dul 3-6U) I HOME tronlnza hand laundiiy xpr- tencd RaannM fin work kuar- imritUGlGLlvtag new uphoietered 399 Delano Phone 3-6022 LIlSt LiTlN aOfiUphoUterln it and repairing 414 4th Dial 2-1553 VhX FInEsT trariai the ioweet W55TT ornamental fence eonttrucieJ 'Tlothaalln pole Firs cioes work Mtntaraae Charged tt eav 41 30 Word lO-word Minlnwito VMti EXCAVSTIOU Dial 5-645 1J O-'f yjputetion Tour gnerentre lilAnuN ireaet concrete aectie lank murerad eeunty-city VJLA Ml Fliitl lli by Master Craftamanl Ouarentrad workmanship Reference 310-411 per room Ph 4-9141 -3-7 tor my JEiliJLi rhont-F-rtL etilttle 435 dlecuaesd Ellahth Bullock 2-8174 lkn it ttifftLiil ILIilSJG rrRvm'nmtfAiRin price Mtcheli Furn 75 to L'onre ut? A nd At palrUik Phon 3-0013 3015 4th fXsiiiWTI5CmSE3" WANTED NEED QUlCKCASH Turn vour Dlemond Into Dollar at -to- km eiphebetteeDy arranged dire tory of bueinaea Mialuine In eery too eucb ee Mnlreator laadecepmg VMUUM (en weenerg IlgttMX aquipeaaet end beeun tr? a COMPLETE FURNXTUHJB SERVtCX MAYTAG PaTN living prices Time or tow fe IM A miui uil or 4-4n) E'TtAi6n exterkx painting A ruer ken ging Color specialiel Cell l-r-A nun dereference Fi 5- 2-14 Laundry don at xty bqma Will pick uo Pli 3-1911 WASHING Iranmg calllt dell vtrl 3 Curtains drape slip eo 2-via Curtains any style apreadz Jurtain any rath itratck xjn 320 6TH ST 4-0342 nxrmoT TOUR BFRV1CX ON ALL MAXX1 AUTHORIZED DEALER BEACH WASHERS A RPP-CO CONGREcq DIAL 3-901 300 Fezt Congreee WHISKY Bourbon Fell 4 yeers oldT 9th 4411 BROADWAY YoXagePRuO SMALL IMPERIAL VALLEY CITY NEEDS AT ONCE AN EXPERIENCED WATER SUPERINTENDENT MANAGE CITY WATER WORKS SUPPLYING ABOUT 59 METERED CUSTOMER STATE AGE EX-PERIINCE SALARY EXPECTED AND OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION WRITE TO THE WATER COMMISSIONER CITY OF WEST -QBLANP WESTMORLAND CALIF Mr Gordon 1004 Bpuhg i-eoa Open Sundays 8 to 4 CeneeUebee Deedltoe 434 FJL Weekdeye FJL Saturdey Alcoholics Anonymous Dial 9-1 )M Box 473 Billina long or short distance Rperlelty Fh I-9P4I Teylor DGiifllituNG vith 4-ton pick-up trucks Frompt eervlre HEf1NG Ttmr --era in tailed abd etoonod Free mef IuMFINO CO Ceae pools one leebtle trke voctAmt cioered Le'est p- prompt reliebleT t'l 4-Biri sspool Pumping NTRACTOrk 4-1373 eeoue tanok oumil lumber Oen Ftha 4 1031 3rd Ph BROS PUAlPmU 34-HOUR 8ZBV1CB sod eeptie teak veewne For reliable rv Dial 3-3411 1Clfl3ttRLNtAL ltn Dru 8 tor CwmpbU 5'EnERAL HOt)sEW5SKlR whli live-in 3 half days off week 350 mo 194 Helen 8-67)5 I MITC Pick -op and de an makes of washer palr your washer Toi CONGRESS Dial 3-1447 Bxl- ell! dRilIa CARL PISTOR DRRXING CONTRACTOR Cor 3' th endg 4th Av DIM OUNtl man with fountain exoeri-one Polar Bar 3440 Speedway tsrr spiritualist reader wi3 help you 113 Laguna 3-4319 RoCKteam bathe Bwedlah maeeeea Colonie irrleetion 3-970 kEDlUM READER Crystal alm- tALL Uil painter 'peintKigrmU no repair Prompt efficient ree- eonebl service 3-3113 3-0877 UiTi-KiCi eeterlor free eisUmatea Hell I lreneed res Ben Hell Ph l-4S-' iff Kted St bttrv A card reidingz hro-v A MAIDS at your SEIWICeI- For reliable domeette hda by the hour day or permanent Baf cheeked i 641 Broadway Dial 3-647 Typing dicta tzoa in ay npme t3tS Prince Pi 5-0)51 BAbY 81 IT LKK eduta hi rend la'k Parent Bitter 4-0872 Ce-e ok chiidrari fcny horn Gardener Houeman avaUbl 5-1977 Re AT colored ciri dura 4vworkl 'a COOLER MAINTtfNANCE PH -ll SKILLED RAILROAD MECHANICS- klLEN Stewart cblropodlrt $oot eor-reetios epeoieitrt 379 Church pg -4l LaL7 COOK 9 to 4 Phone Cloy 7904 Toltec Tavern Toltoc Arlrnna WAKTKt) maid for motel Linde Vnt P68 Case Grand Hiway WHITE competent maid no cooking Ph 3-mo ROYrx Lirenjed eo peinte Dial 5-P--9 ELIMINATE oeellne on brick and stucco Guaranteed Hoetettet' PATIO Vi ALLS 6 YTd CirtTIXiNSC' -je-Mabel Dial -ym A A UcSAmu drtlllng contr Rovr PhorG 1 NEEDED BOW JkkizoNk" U6VSt 1 Smith froo offtlmstoa Al6vX! rrooio brfifw otueoo CrU 1331 tor trmm otmuito Tuco WaroAouoo A Trmm for Cm uevras eez mvitov 43B 8 rgWgr WT8 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY "SERVICE fiif party MfHII calPr iTbLocSS" addrcaa envelooes in Inv Roma LOST AND FOUND 2 St EtahlUjd) FtOViN Shipping Siornge DIAL 9-rl 15 PENNTVGTON Apply in person to Office of 1 Master Mechanic Tucson or by man (stating Past expert-- enee) to General Euperintend- ent MotlveL Power 44 Market Street Baa Francisco Southern Padfic PAIO cmnt wort! Via one terraces I re esttaet Pk iV'noncreU bloik FLW 53 30 Includes all tabor and oan-WriaJ Lie Contr l-t5l PUMP repairing wi: ntlv reaorhlr Fart I -8777 DRESSMAKER better kind Beer ence Remodelln Form I Rea-aonahl 3no Cherrv 3-0194 COMPANION caa drive knowledze nurnng no ebfeetton tt leaving rnrn4-1WV1 HELP WANTED Mats bark green bill ford containing California drivers license credit cards Standard OR Mo X-30-4S4 exaa No X-3o027 other identification and currency Reward Phon Burls Carpenter 3-101 "BLOCK C5: 4 £6X12 $1575 '81neitoT Bold1 Five Million i priv D1! 61T1 a dial 4-ini toll 1)T AVY Root Estate 34)1 Loaf end Found 3 Lou to get 4 biony Loan Is Motorcycle Mie tor Bel ten tor Rent SLA Out of Tez Rant) I Out of Tow Property HA Fareonala 9 Pu-y eaa eto 4) Musical tneCr IS Real txrheng i S7 iv anted -Root Homes TTA Reeorto tt giioattoato Wtottod Mel II Mi Female 11 A Female 1 13 uhurbae Property Room Without Board Rm Beard Wanted 94A Fm A Board If Trailer Court tt (Toad I Travel Oppoe Trucks Far 81 1 3 For Rent Went to Inveat 14 to on to to Buy 9 Wo led to Baal 43 Once SALLSLaDY Spanish apeak In tup only ladies ready te wear Mays 90S Conrres W6VIAM ta hlp 'witfi housework and cooking and have good home Cell after 13 9-6375 WOMAN 2o nral houewo(k permanent lira in 6-3776 Con v5RK StaU qual-iflcatlons and phone number Car beceesary PO Box U98 (Merit too-ftdentlal Young attractive waitress expert- enee not nccczgary Cell 5-7353 ATllLAcYlVI young woman 15-li for hesteae end cashier work Apply 371 Conereae between 9 A 11 am ATTRACTIVE woman 35-40 to train aa consultant customers service dept Good pay 9 day weak Apply 407 Vh from 9 to GziNtRAL maliL full time live in 3 boys 3 3k Veers 3 mile out on erase 44 Aflerun-nb lnfumiahed Furnished It Autae Repeirtoa FainUn BA Ew 8el Sent S3A onto Rue Directory 1 Bus Opeerl to Bus Fro parly tt Rue Rentals 43 Bwtycla (Whine eg tale S3A Doe Cato Feto 34 bud Ranches II Employ Aeoney 4 farms Rancho 93 Inancle i Sara it Ouaal KanaOea for Bala ISA Quest House A Bntela TT Bel Wanled-a Mle 9 Le Female 9A T-mele 14 Onede 94 eap Racine 14 bxiM tn Cumloherl 91 nfomialued 3 Bmiaee for tele 34 Open tor gale to pM-onta Free to Let Swag 91 Livaetuefe to Mtr Tucson Pump tt Repair Ca Slid ind Swuki Prompt edicient repair and tntoan Agents for Byroa Jackson and Rada 4 Los Altoe D-al 4- 3 RE K1GE1LAIOU bERVlUE TRAVEL Opportunrtraf IS WCTrL1i--Lna-ftTC)g pr jHra your cif New Yortc Koim leKAVlN far IkVw xorlt UOST Downtown Returdey wallet with money identification ether val-uehlea Reward Telephone 3-4133 or 3-7970 "1 LYft'AYifXYT'fl Vrttt Dptnk parzwmy WATER FtASONALS 3 Share dTvtnc PffifVXS'irje lilio! October 36th take two women or couple chare 1975 F4 4h Tel 9-ian) IfAltic 315 day demon Ira tine rv commodity Easy work sosclal pro turn deal Ph 8-37-j3 for annmni WELL toUAJLlElED combmaium metal men end painter for weU eauiowed buev shop Salary or com mission CooUdke Body Shoe CooUdee Ari- zone ftttUl If AN colored preferred Inquire at Arts Piece 84 kAPLRIENCED married colored man te wash car Exceotianai opportuo- Jty 3k7 ESPcdwar ASSlhTANT manaeer -for independent variety etor xpriencd only nd CCMIJTRCIAL Refrleeratlon Service hour of the twenty-four Ceil LO VT H-CLA CMC 3-4- Furi fULlAoLX service ee il null rafricersutrs call Pnaee iiehizaf te Phon 1 MONEY LOANS 20 ARE YOU MOVING TO OR FROM ARIZONA? i 1 For all your shipping and moving needs factory or office equipment household goods All shipments receive equal care and -dispatch Low rates to -and from all estates For fast economical Shipping Call 3-2541 RTVfiriK'a Lf5L tiAl" ifLV Aknf PiomoiG 4b In 4 Cu ConUKtini rtmodPtinf rw AArtn4 frA wumitet ftansfortinw ff inrB- Wdi i A4 dbors woo torstx pp4 A-iuiGum owntnea rtmooci iJmnw4 laaursd wwii I Hymvoti If frw mm fyioNp Ln4 tm tmmncinm fet le C(vpt j- Wj Ocitj JU ok tr foi odl of buiid now bomcf Coll gont enntrf-tnv ph bow cwxtr Erpoir ronvwT I jrifTq tw efl fl ACu TiLXLif ock )Avlf4 eoatnclqf isarn" fitsTiiaaiwrjtf tr DIAMONDS OLD GOLD ANTIQUES Cash Paid at Once Grunewald Adams CONGPEkg 3tl4 8 )rh At Dial 4-d01 ROOFING Oracle Hwv tar-C1tlen Box 131 Tmm r6 ft C66IT WITH BAKING EXPERIENCE EX-CELLENT HOURS A WOPKING CON DITIONS ST ATX QUALIFICATIONS IN FIRST LETT EH TO zw-mr BOX 43 HELP WANTED QA MONEY When You Neea" It $20 to $iooa RFC make alary ear ar- for mans withoet endorser- for worthwhile purpose Our torviee ompt and friradly Ceeault ta ilow for paymenta i Loan 1 It 4 Amt bios Mo I 10 4 34 10 65 4 15 19 toil 14 34 to Sn 36 45 00 100 33-33 1 to 90 Bbone tt visa ear today Household Finance Yuceon Roofing A Supply bo rm Tth 3-I'M 4-M'l SAVE on roofne tm ineuieuon All work euarantmd Free utlaieitt It 1 Av Ph 3-4-5 'Tf VJ iA -N Root ui( A Pa 4 Ce Fa-iKL43COuiNlG EXPERIENCED ready-to-wear saleswoman 15W Park Aircraft-Instrument -MECHANICS Male end Female Min 8 yra expenenc i Aircraft Engine INSPECTORS Male license Mig jm exp I Aircraft Hydraulic MECHANICS Minimum at 3 yra exp 7 REPORT Ct PERSON Personnel Dept Grand Cental Aircraft Co Municipal Airport TRASS TTT A INTERVIEW RkaUUULD Auctions MRS 3R00KS Born psychic Can help eotra all proHem 344 h'one kJ tDto AT Vaviiuc ai ic on 1 aublegtz 2 8 4 Phone 3-3474 tiXiiis lelch gJtmd Wcrnc eoniidantiai advk Unis important ind eharfBi Fiatnnnt mryin T-ur vfet 5-7 9 IA iui MAnaA Gi'" lUanT bsttv Ames Xhmnpsoa 43 Framcat Lnsl 3-L-L FJUCX XTTIMATYq BTGalAGX FACHJTTXS HobSitoJVER extra moiwY In your apart tim Dtmonitratt tics on thm ptrtY-piM Guarmtttd br Good Hoonki PUwttcr gt 6s co*kmetic List mvomrU St rrferrncrs Box 4b furntur rvfreFnJer Phent t5 S3L HAND ASl CziiAVLL I StUOOO BFt ut Bfiwnn pco*k 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wza Phoa -ys4 CONSKjxN YOUR Cattle bore ben taeu pouf-' Bn eeeiuoMnl eeodln rtfieq tel-lukure p--11 -o to FOWLAJi CwoUtiSaON CO F-h 91 Diet Lin grarv 8t 11 noon- RsNLRAL AUCTION twiw fw for 9ms swwMMlPfl Ail $mdi furnrlws houffMki4 itma of VAiua Bale 3 Every Friday 7 pm 1113 a Ava Th 2-ZZZZl 'OLD PUEBLO VAN STORAGE CO 361 Toole Av Tucaon Ariz ALL gHTRVTNT) rtHXY TVSURXD AT bO A coxr ACROajL-a urmef or snux' th Nition CortroitoiQ movwi 9 rrmmr mtuim 0 trvict di 1 C- I pK A iuiiiikikdBd4 pxcnrre re 14S rlnnc iomotm 1 pm TiAmond kTiT oihar SITUATIONS Mat II ANNOUNCEuMENT Dwv has biM erni- wwtwn Stanicv WUumnaon Hmmimr SCbJ Orads of Oct 191 AC tLCI wan Vvi ftfuir boms i- mMr Fuiir aermbtad ttuameaa school 171 I1 ftrcj-ii1 uc r-l 4- COX DAT 4NJ IVi 3 CLA i Sot rrrm A Cu-t tnf I "tt tod So Aatowe fciie 4 44 iikiAtt tulck U7 Peoples Loans US Xtmrntt tSmtm Beta JTt Available 1 for worn recent college greduata 6a)eework eiark trarai Leiarencee kiar-CiE Luk 437 TTt V'-'CL nrrr 4 M-J Ja 3-441 i rsrrx rCZ uc-i t-v eraeuy ntt teators tm Ddirajr i.

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Article information

Author: Tish Haag

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Views: 6479

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.