Pursuing Freedom: #171 Connecting with Clients, with Brittiny Howard (2025)

Dec 24, 2021

Real estate expert Brittiny Howard shares why shefeelsconnecting with clientsis soimportant and why she is so passionate about providing an amazingcustomer experience:

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How Brittiny was inspired to start her real estate career andwhy it still makes her feel close to her late father
  • Resources that Brittiny used to find her first leads and whybeing a total beginner worked in her favor
  • What to do to find leads if your initial sphere of influence issmall or you’re in a new area
  • Why success in real estate is all about following the rightrecipe while adding a sprinkling of your personality too
  • Brittiny’s approach to nurturing client relationships, addingvalue, and staying visible and relevant
  • How Brittiny identified her ideal niche with families lookingto upgrade their homes
  • The importance of outsourcing tasks that aren’t in your zone ofgenius
  • Brittiny’s lessons learned in the real estate business and whyshe prefers a smaller, tight-knit team of agents
  • The responsibility we have as leaders for individuals in ourteam and how to ensure we look after them

Moving Your Business Forward

Becoming a successful real estate agent takes hard work andcommitment, but there is no reason why you can’t move your businessforward at a rapid pace if you are committed to putting in thework. People from all walks of life are attracted to the variousniches in real estate for many different reasons. This week, myguest on the Pursuing Freedom podcast Brittiny Howard tells herstory of why she was inspired to get into the industry.

Whether you are looking for a full-time commitment in thebusiness and see yourself making a very healthy income and scalingquickly or looking for a second income stream that you love therebecoming a real estate agent can work for you. On the show,Brittiny describes how her passion for her family constructionbusiness as a little girl reignited when a friend suggested sheshould get into the real estate business.

Brittiny shares why she is so passionate about providing anamazing customer experience which often starts with lettingfamilies know how much equity they have in their homes. She and herteam at The B Group love building a genuine rapport with theirclients and helping them find the perfect home for theirfamilies.

Finding Individuals who Align with Your Business

Brittiny discusses what made her realize that to scale herbusiness that she not only needed to outsource the admin side, butshe also needed to build her team of real estate agents. Shedescribes the process of letting go and how the lessons she learnedduring the first part of the journey enabled her to understand theimportance of surrounding herself with people who have the samegoals.

We discuss how we sometimes advance through our reverses and whyreflecting on what didn’t work out as planned helps you build apicture of how you really want your business to be. As Brittinyadvises in her coaching, when you have a picture in your mind ofwhat you want your ideal company to look like, it’s much simpler tofollow the path that leads you there. Having a big team madeBrittiny realize that what she valued above anything was leading asmall, tight-knit team of real estate agents who truly buy into themission and vision behind The B Group.

Just Follow the Recipe!

Look at building your stellar real estate business like baking acake. Stay with me here…some of us are making a chocolate cake,carrot cake, and some delicious lemon drizzle, but they all havethe same essential ingredients and follow the same method.

If real estate agents, whatever their niche, use the rightingredients and follow the recipe, then they will be successful.When you put the work in and leverage the tried and tested method;you can make your business a success. Brittiny reveals some of theresources she used to catapult her business forward, and we discussthe importance of listening to advice and emulating the steps tosuccess. When it comes down to it, f you pay attention to thelessons, put the work in, and add your unique qualities to the mix,then you can take your business to the next level.
Pursuing Freedom: #171 Connecting with Clients, with Brittiny Howard (1)

About Brittiny Howard:

I began selling homes at the ripe old age of twelve. I helped mymom sell our home to my best friend’s family.

My dad and granddad built a roofing and brick masonry businessin my hometown of Memphis. I visited sites with my dad and learnedabout construction. I remember being on job sites as a little girland watching the building of homes. I fell in love with the processof watching something go from a simple patch of land into a homefor a family.

That awe-struck little girl became a single mom in her early20s. I knew that I needed to be better, greater, faster to providea good life for my little boy. I can remember counting nickels in adrive-through and thinking, “this struggle can’t be all there is tolife.” I knew there had to be more. During this time of my life, Imet my husband. He was a single dad of two great kids and livedabout an hour away in Baton Rouge. The stars aligned. I’d had a jobinterview there and was offered an amazing job. After assuring mynow-husband that I wasn’t a stalker (insert facepalm), my son and Imoved to the Baton Rouge area.

Less than two years later, my husband proposed, and we beganwedding planning. Our planning and wedding were bittersweet due tomy dad’s failing health and being placed on hospice care. He died amonth and four days after our wedding on Christmas Eve. I miss himevery day.

I became a stay-at-home mom and added one more to our Bradybunch. As the kids grew and began activities, we decided that Ineeded to bring in an extra income. I became a real estate agent totake some of the pressure off of my husband. I always liked homesand helping people. I also wanted to take a yearly vacation with myfamily that didn’t take away from our household expenses. But itsoon became more than just a second income for me.

Being a real estate agent reminded me of the passion I once hadas a little girl. I love helping people. My goal became to help asmany people as I could enjoy the wealth, stability, and pride ofowning their own homes. One of my favorite things is telling mysellers how much equity they’ve gained in their first homes. In myfirst nine months, I sold 19 homes; the following year, I set anambitious goal of one closing a week and sold 52 homes.

What I thought would be a fun way to get back to my roots andtake a family vacation has become the career of my dreams. I’vetraveled and spoken internationally. I’ve won awards. I’ve lived mydream and my passion. Each time I enter a home, I can imagine theworkers that built the houses. It reminds me of my childhood,tagging along with my dad and visiting work sites. In an odd way,real estate has allowed me to keep my connection with my dad. He’sgone but not forgotten.

Selling a home is hard. There are so many emotions involved withit. There are so many decisions to be made. Through our B GuidedHome process, we take the fear out of your minds, relax and be atease. We have your back. During our first consultation, we willhelp you with a pros and cons list. This list will help us decideif you should buy, renovate or build. Sometimes the home you’re inis the perfect home for you.

We have an extensive list of vetted professionals that can helpturn your home into what you’ve been wanting. If your current homeis no longer a fit for your family, we will search to find you theperfect home. We will go through the process of answering yourquestions. Our neighborhood guides will assist you in narrowingdown the best area for your family.

If you’d like to learn more about Brittiny Howard, you can checkout her website atwww.findhomesinbatonrougearea.com. You can alsovisitwww.pursuingfreedom.comfor morepodcast episodes that will help you take your business, and yourlife, to new levels!

How to Connect With Brittiny Howard:

Balanced Growth Course:

Additional Resources:

Pursuing Freedom: #171 Connecting with Clients, with Brittiny Howard (2025)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.