My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires Chapter 451 to 500 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 451: Victims of their own whims.

Current location.

Vlad’s Castle, Throne Hall of the King of Vampires.

At the same time that Victor was on a long, fun night walk, something was happening in the vampire king’s castle.


The sound of the explosion of two bodies colliding with force was heard.

After a few seconds of shock as he looked at his shaking hand, Vlad commented while looking at a very annoyed Morgana:

“…You regained your power…”

“Wrong… You’ve gotten even stronger…” Vlad raised his arms to stop his subordinates from taking action against Morgana.

“No thanks to you, I suppose.” A new voice was heard near Vlad.

“….” The man looks to the side and sees Jeanne with a serious face and an unfriendly attitude.

Hearing the noise caused by Morgana and Vlad’s confrontation, Jeanne quickly used her supernatural speed and came to that location, and since she was already in the castle, it didn’t take long for her to arrive.

“What does that mean, Vlad?” Morgana spat out his name like it was something disgusting.

“I don’t understand why you’re so angry, this subject doesn’t even involve our daughter.” Vlad answered the question with another question.

The sound of teeth grinding together was heard, Morgana’s wings expanded even more, and a kind of black skin covered her voluptuous body.

“It’s not ‘our’ daughter, it’s MY daughter.”

“…..” Vlad narrowed his eyes dangerously:

“She is my daughter as much as she is yours.”

“Say that after you’re a decent f*cking father, all you gave your kids was what? Protection? Status? A huge, cold, empty castle?”

“In your entire life, have you shown any gesture of affection for your children? Have you ever spoken a single time the sentence; ‘I love you?'”

“….” Vlad was silent. Morgana’s harsh words cut his cold heart much more than he had expected. If it was before, those words wouldn’t affect him, but after his progress with Ophis, he understood how important it was for a parent to be in the early stages of their child’s development.

The former Ophis, who was apathetic and almost emotionless, upon meeting Victor and seeing him as a father, began to change, and because of this involvement, Victor helped Vlad bond with Ophis again.

Which caused another change in the little girl, and now she is much more like a normal child than she was before.

“See? You’re not a father, you’re just a f*cking sperm donor.” Morgana spoke in disdain when she saw Vlad being quiet. She knew the old man had no defense for that because, in all her life, she had never seen the man show affection to her children.

It was all about Nightingale, about being king, his rule was much more important than his family. Normally, she wouldn’t be mean to condemn Vlad for this. After all, she knows a king has his responsibilities, but…

All his life, he never showed ANYTHING to his kids, not even when he had free time.

For God’s sake, even a bloodthirsty f*cking demon like her knows the feelings of love and affection.

Vlad’s eyes glowed blood red demonstrating his anger, his children were always a sore point for him, and because of that lapse of weakness, he spoke words he would never speak with a sane mind:

“…I am a king, and not even you, my wife, can disregard my authority.”

“….” Jeanne and Morgana narrowed their eyes, and all Vlad got out of them was an irritated grunt.

“It’s because of this attitude…” Morgana’s voice came out silently like the buzz of a mosquito, her body shaking with rage.

“Don’t f*ck with me, you piece of sh*t. We’re not yours anymore!”

“I’m not your property, you piece of sh*t.”

“If you’re lonely and lusting after possession, why don’t you go back to your f*cking lover and use her as a sex doll?”

Vlad narrowed his eyes and spoke in a dangerous tone:

“That’s low… even for you demon.”

“I don’t f*cking care about your opinion, your words and opinion could burn in hell, and I wouldn’t give a damn.” She spoke in disdain.

“You are mine-.”

“We are divorced, Vlad.” Jeanne spoke with a golden glint in her eyes.

“…” Vlad felt a slight chill down his spine as he looked into Jeanne’s eyes.

‘What is it…? That same feeling I had that time with Victor…’

“Never forget that fact.”

“Because that fact will remain undeniable until the end of time, there is no longer ‘us’, there is no longer a king or queen, a husband or wife, that died a long time ago.” The authority contained in Jeanne’s words surprised even Vlad himself.

He had never seen this woman display such a face before.

Ignoring the shocked Vlad, she didn’t much care for…

“What happened?” Jeanne asked Morgana.

Jeanne knew her friend, there were few things that could make her explode with rage, and one of them being her hatred for Vlad, her daughters… and possibly, her benefactor, the man who returned her to her prime and who reminded her what she was.

“The bitch queen bitch wants Victor to pay for his ‘crimes’ of killing the witches in the Japan incident.”

“…” Jeanne narrowed her eyes, she knew that this incident would have many consequences for her benefactor. In the entire supernatural world, there was one unspoken rule… Never get involved in a witch’s affairs, and never kill a witch without a ‘clear’ enough reason.

Witches are very authoritative over their species, and they don’t like other individuals to kill their kind or judge their kind.

Because of this, even if witches committed an unforgivable crime, they would be judged by witch laws, and most of the time, those witches who committed crimes will get away with it. This caused a lot of trouble in the past and still does today.

No one has the luxury of losing the witches’ support, Jeanne hates to admit, but these women have just become too useful to be discarded, their influence too great in the supernatural world.

So if the witch queen demands something from Vlad, the vampire king will be forced to accept it.

“What do you intend to do?” she asked in a voice so cold and apathetic it shocked Vlad all over again.

“…I will deliver, Victor.”

“…” Jeanne’s eyes gleamed gold once more.

‘That smell… The smell of nature? Tree?’ Vlad narrowed his eyes, it seemed the change in his wife-… Ex-wife was much bigger than he thought.

‘Just what did Victor do?’

“Piece of-.”



“Keep calm.”

Morgana looked at her friend, and it would be an understatement to say how surprised she was. She had never seen her friend like this, those eyes that contained immense wisdom as if she was looking at an elder who was thousands of years older than her. She remembered seeing the same eyes once.

…Yes, she saw those same eyes in her former master, the mother of demons, Lilith.

Jeanne looks at Vlad:


Vlad narrowed his eyes:

“…Why should I explain to you?”

“Vlad…” Jeanne’s tone was strong and dry:

“Just because you’re one of the strongest beings out there, don’t think there’s nothing above that. Pride is good, but don’t be swallowed by it.”

“Or your death will be much kinder than just damage to your soul.”

“…” Vlad narrowed his eyes now, and his whole attitude turned serious.

‘She knows? How? I don’t remember her having an ability to see the soul or interact with it…’ Looking into his ex-wife’s golden eyes, an unsettling feeling began to course through his body.

“Is that a threat?”

“Wrong, it’s a warning. You who have experienced the ‘abyss’ know that my words are not lies.”

Vlad knew that he was strong. Yes, indeed. No one could deny that he was one of the most dangerous creatures in the world, and even kings of entire pantheons would think twice about fighting Vlad.

But… There are beings, ancient beings that not even he can afford to face without preparation.

And most of these beings have a neutral relationship with the world.

Beings like the owner of The Limbo prison.

Despite this man being his friend and allowing him to have a door to limbo in his realm, he knew that this man was definitely not an ‘ally’. He was a neutral force, something to maintain the status quo of the world.

“And it turns out that… One of these beings is something like a family to me… Something like a brother.” The gentle smile on Jeanne’s face sent shivers down Vlad and Morgana’s spines.

Vlad’s eyes widened at the implication of Jeanne’s words.

‘f*ck, and to think that she had someone that powerful… If I had known, I would have gotten closer. What a waste…’

“You’re thinking it was a waste not to invest in me now, right?” Jeanne spoke in a neutral tone.

“…” Vlad narrowed his eyes and didn’t answer that question.


Jeanne visibly sighed at the man in front of her. She was disappointed at how predictable he was, and she cursed herself for having forgotten her memories. She wanted a ‘family’, that was her oldest wish and dream.

And because of her lost memories, she began to bond with this man, a man who had qualities she swore she would never relate to.

A monarch… A true monarch.

“You are a king before anything else, Vlad… No matter how hard you try to change, this ‘instinct’ to think of benefits to you and your little ‘playground’ will never change. After all, it has become part of your being.”

“Because of that, I can predict your thoughts.”

A moment of silence fell around them as the three faced each other, each with their own thoughts in their heads.

This silence lasted until Jeanne broke it, saying:

“Do you know the difference between you and the second Progenitor?”

“Tsk…Are you going to compare me to that brat too?”

“….” Jeanne and Morgana opened their eyes slightly in shock. They never thought they would hear such emotion in Vlad’s voice.


Annoyance caused by a comparison, possibly a rivalry.

“Yes, I will.” Jeanne was merciless.

“….” Vlad’s eyes glowed red.

“You are more alike than you think, and because of that, it is inevitable to compare.”

“…Huh? What nonsense is this?”

“In a way, Jeanne is right.” It was Morgana who spoke.

Looking at his ex-wife, he saw a gentle smile on her face.

“Victor is just like you, Vlad. With one small difference.”

“He is better.” The two spoke at the same time with the same smile on their faces.

Vlad gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, anger visible throughout his body language.

And Morgana and Jeanne were delighted to see Vlad’s anger.

Few things could hit the vampire king since he literally didn’t have many ’emotional’ weaknesses to exploit.

He’s the man who killed his wives and son without remorse, for God’s sake, Jeanne and Morgana bet that all Vlad felt in that moment as he killed his own family was just a sense of waste.

As if his treasure had become tarnished or broken, and he needed to destroy it.

“Let’s go, Morgana.” Jeanne turned and left.


“He’s clearly not going to talk about what happened, and I’m not in the mood to stoop to grovel in front of this man in search of information I can obtain with a little difficulty.”

“And more importantly…Victor wouldn’t want to see us degrading into this pitiful state after what he’s done to make us ‘brighter.'”

“….” Morgana’s eyes widened when she realized that Jeanne was right. She was so mad with rage that she forgot about that fact.

“Let’s go.”

“Mm.” Morgana quickly jumped towards Jeanne and landed softly beside her.

“What do we do?”

“Let’s talk to our kids. His preparations should be ready, so we should go to Warfall. He promised to train the children, right?” She flashed a sneaky smile.

“… True.” Morgana laughed with a smile similar to Jeanne’s.

“In the meantime, I will contact an old friend.”


“The second daughter of the witch queen, if anyone should know anything, it should be her.”

“…Do you have contact with the second daughter…?”

“Apparently, yes.”


“I mean, I had forgotten about that.”

“Ugh, if I’d known that, I wouldn’t have wasted time on that piece of sh*t.”


“Control your mouth, please. We are in his castle, it wouldn’t be surprising that he attacks us because of this.”

“Meh, if he does that even after everything he’s done to us, it just proves he’s meaner than he already is, which wouldn’t be a new thing.”

“And another thing, I’m a demon.”

“That doesn’t justify anything.”

“Actually, it justifies a lot.” Morgana laughed.

“…At least don’t say that in front of our kids.”

“Bitch, please. They are over 500 years old, they have heard bad words before.”

“Yes, but I don’t want this to become a habit, just imagine your youngest daughter being a foul mouth just like you.”

Morgana became an imaginary Chibi Morgana and looked up, soon, a balloon with the image of her daughter speaking several bad words appeared.

“Mother, you bitch, you said you were taking us to the park today!”

“…Ugh, I’ll try to control myself.” She put her hand to her brow, that wasn’t a good imagination.

“Thanks.” Jeanne laughed in amusem*nt.

Watching his ex-wives leave as if he didn’t exist, the bad feeling in Vlad’s body only grew.

A gate appears next to Vlad, and Alexios appears.

“What? Are you going to say I’m guilty too?”

“Yes, I, of all people, know how you treated these women, no wonder they are so angry with you.”

“….” Vlad looked at his advisor with an unbelievable look.

“What? My job is to try to help my master as best I can.”

“Everything that’s happening now, my king… It’s all your fault.”


“Neglect, arrogance, duty, greed, disdain, apathy, etc. A set of actions you’ve planted over your long life triggered that reaction, and now you’re reaping those rewards.”

Looking into the eyes of Alexios, which looked like a galaxy, Vlad managed to calm down more. Those same eyes of the man reminded him of his first human friend, the founder of Clan Alioth.

“But as Alucard said, there’s still time.”

Vlad’s eyes narrowed again when he heard the word ‘Alucard’, that name was becoming a little cursed now in his mind.

“Ophis, and your mistress…your youngest children Adam, Lilith, and Elizabeth.”

“They can still relate to you… You just need to change like you did with Ophis.”

“… Why not Saulo and Lucas?

“You know very well that they will never forgive you for the death of their respective mothers since, traitors or not, they were still their mothers.”

“…” Vlad’s face darkened.

“Women who betrayed you because you neglected them for thousands of years, victims of the whims of the man known as the King of Vampires.”

After a long moment of silence, Vlad sighed.


“Thanks for the lecture, Alexios.” He spoke in disdain as he turned and walked towards his throne.

“You welcome, my master.” Alexios flashed a small smile.


Chapter 452: Apex predator.

A group of 9 people fully equipped in armor were running above the speed of sound. The man led the group to ‘clear’ the way, and the girls were following behind the man in a straight line to catch the wind tunnel and not get caught in the wind or get tired unnecessarily.

As the man was the one with the most stamina due to his special condition, he promptly volunteered to go ahead.

“Eleonor, a pack of the Behemoth class in front of us.”

“Yes.” Eleanor looked at the girls with her monster eyes, and the girls nodded their heads as their eyes slowly changed to become similar to Eleanor’s.

The sclera of Eleanor’s eyes were completely black, and her pupil was as thin as a reptile and green in color with golden undertones.

“Conflicting in 3… 2… 1… Now!”

Victor suddenly stopped running along with the girls, and the first thing the group saw were 20 gigantic monsters, all of them over 10 meters tall, while some even reached 20 meters in height.

Assessing the situation quickly with his eyes, Victor said:

“Three high-level Behemoths, the rest are all low-level.”

This simple information was enough for Eleanor to act.

“Dorothy!” Eleanor pulled her greatsword from her back and positioned herself with one hand.

“I’m Ready.” Dorothy took her two black swords from her waist and quickly jumped into the air.

Eleonor placed her greatsword on Dorothy’s foot, and when the girl stepped on the greatsword, Eleonor threw the girl towards the monsters over 20 meters tall.


“I’m done.” Anrietha, the woman with long brown hair, spun the priestess staff and hit the floor.

“!@#$%” Words in an unfamiliar line are spoken with gentle intonation, and soon the entire group glowed with brown power.

‘…I can’t get used to this feeling of getting stronger all of a sudden, it’s very… Weird.’ Victor thought as he opened and closed his hand.

Anrietha, who was flying in the sky, was also hit by Anrietha’s power, and her speed got faster, as the sounds of air breaking several times were heard.

‘Give me you Head, piece of sh*t!’ Dorothy thought.

The smile on her face was quite intimidating as a kind of red aura came out of her body.

She spun in the air, and with a clean cut, she cut off the monster’s head… Well, at least she tried, the only thing that was damaged was her armor.


The monsters had been alerted, and now they were heading towards the group.

Anrietha, who increased everyone’s strength, appeared in front of the group while holding a giant shield and a greatsword in her other hand. The weight of these weapons, along with her armor which was even more robust than the group, was unbelievable. Only a vampire like Anrietha could wear it and not feel any weight at all.

“@#%#” Again, she whispers an incantation under her breath, and the black shield in front of her begins to glow, the shield is enveloped in a layer of red power, and soon that power explodes.


The power seemed to draw the monsters’ attention, and soon even the monster that was focusing on Dorothy turned its attention to Anrietha.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Victor thought:

“This armor is stronger… How far are we from home?” Eleanor asked when she saw Dorothy fail her sneak attack.

“20 KM.” Judy, a woman with long blue hair, spoke in a cold tone as she took the giant rifle-like weapon from her back and pointed it at the monster.

Her eyes became sharp, and when she deemed it necessary, she pulled the trigger.


The rumbling sound of a gun was heard.

A hole was made in the head of the monster that Dorothy failed to kill.

“Tsk.” She clicked her tongue in annoyance. As they got further and further away from the city, the sneak attack she and Eleanor always made was starting to fail. She quickly used her two swords and pierced the monster’s heart, effectively killing the monster.

Soon after, Dorothy jumped on the back of one that was heading towards the group and used her two swords to attack the eyes of the monsters that didn’t have a protective shell, while she jumped from monster to monster as if she were dancing on the battlefield.

“You’re doing a lousy job, calm down a bit, this is going to happen more often than you might think.” A long-haired, blond-haired woman appeared near Dorothy.

“I know, Juliet.”


“Get back to the group, the assassination job is up to me.” She disappears into the fog, her eyes starting to scan the monsters’ bodies.

“…” Dorothy didn’t say anything as she picked up her momentum on the closest monster and moved closer to the group.

‘Let’s eliminate the most problematic first, the one that can summon a horde of monsters.’ Her eyes focused on another 30 foot tall monster.

When that monster was about to scream, she slashed its throat with her daggers.


And quickly, she drove the daggers into the monster’s brain.

The monster didn’t stand still either, it used its claws and thorns to expel Juliet, but the woman just took her daggers and disappeared into mist and appeared in the air.

She put away her daggers and took the large black bow from her back, she made a pulling motion on the string, and an arrow made of pure power was made.

“Two Down.” She released the arrow, and the arrow split into four more arrows and pierced the monster’s head and heart.

“Eleanor.” Victor spoke when he saw the creatures getting closer,

“I know.” Eleanor stomped on the floor heavily.

Quake, quake, quake.

The ground started to shake, and rapidly a wall of more than 20 meters tall was built around them.

Victor looked at the wall, and cold air started to leave his body, soon the entire wall was covered in ice.


The creatures crashed into the wall, and Victor saw a small crack in its ice that quickly regenerated.

‘My ice is not common, as it is made by my power, it is much more resistant than diamond itself, and even so, these creatures are managing to break it.’

Victor began to realize that the further he got from the city, the harder it became to kill the monsters since his powers stopped having an effect like in the beginning. The lightning and fire didn’t even seem to have an effect on the monsters, the only powers that still worked completely were the power of blood and of water.

Thanks to his training, Victor was able to manipulate an individual’s water, effectively killing them, but as they were immortal creatures, doing so was virtually useless, so he only temporarily immobilized the monsters.

The further away he got and encountered stronger Behemoth-class monsters, Victor was forced to use his powers more for support.

Of course, against minions, his elemental powers were extremely efficient, he could burn an entire horde of minions, and that would give the group 1 or 2 minutes of breathing space.

The powers that Victor was using the most when fighting these monsters were combined powers since he had realized that if he covered his Odachi with elemental power, he would still be able to kill the monster faster.

Because of that, he used the power of lightning more, this power increased his speed to absurd levels, and if combined with Odachi, the power to ‘cut’ became ridiculous, and he cut these hard monsters like butter.

“…Ahh~.” He can’t help but flash a big smile.

‘This is indeed the best playground.’ Victor looked like a kid who found his favorite amusem*nt park.

“Martha, Alexa, it’s your turn.” Eleanor ordered while not taking her eyes off the monsters.

“Yes!” X2

Martha, a woman with long brown hair and brown eyes, was the first to go. Using her Knights Halberd, she jumped towards the monster.

Her arm started to become more monstrous, and that power started to go towards the Halberd, soon, the Halberd that was completely black created green ‘veins’ all over the weapon.

Arriving in front of the first monster, with a big horizontal swing, she split the monster!

The swing was so strong that the ground was cut, and the depth could not be seen.

Next up was Alexa, who positioned herself like she was about to throw the Spear that was her main weapon.

The spear started acting weird, it started to grow and become sharper, and when it was 3 meters long, she threw it at the other 20 meter monster.

The Spear traversed the creature’s entire body, effectively killing it.

As Spear was about to hit the ground, Alexa appeared and grabbed the spear’s handle.

Again she threw the spear at the other monsters, and when the spear went through all of them, she appeared next to it and grabbed the weapon.

She spun the Spear around to get the nasty blood off and repositioned herself, then disappeared again.

“That speed… Isn’t it on par with me without using lightning power?” Victor commented.



Chapter 453: Apex Predator. 2

“That speed… Isn’t it on par with me without using lightning power?” Victor commented.

“Fufufu, Alexa, and Juliet are the fastest in our group.” Eleanor spoke proudly.

“My turn, I think.” Anrietha said as she tucked the greatsword into the space above her shield as if it were a scabbard. Then she took the priestess staff from her back and placed the shield in place of the staff on her back.

She started tapping the ground and twirling the staff as if she was performing a ceremony while the staff’s rings made a rhythmic noise, and then…

“@#%!” The same power surrounded all the girls who were fighting the monster, and Victor noticed that they all got noticeably faster.

“….” He looked at Anrietha, the kind woman assumed the role of tank and support of the group, and she could change positions whenever necessary with Eleanor, who acted as Tank and fighter.

With the addition of Victor to the group, Anrietha can focus entirely on support.

Bang, Bang.

Victor looked at Judy, who was shooting with that giant rifle, a weapon specifically made to pierce the monster’s thick carapace. The projectiles were simply enormous, but the woman changed bullets with incredible dexterity, and, in less than a few seconds, she was already ready to shoot.

“Hmm, all the shells are destroyed… It’s my turn.” She placed the Rifle behind her.

Soon her hands went to two Deagle that were on her waist.

She pointed both Deagle at a monster and, just like Alexa, her armor started to change and get more monstrous as the armor started to join with the weapon, completely changing it.


Despite making a bullet sound, what came out of the gun were two beams of green light that, part way through, joined and turned into a gigantic beam of light.


The smile on Judy’s face when she saw the monster disappearing into nothingness was quite beautiful to Victor.

“Judy, don’t evaporate the monsters! They are our lunches!” Dorothy complained.

“… Hahaha, sorry, sorry. I got excited.”

“Use the weakest power.” Juliet said as she appeared on top of a 10 meter monster and cut off its head.

Dorothy appeared on the same monster as Juliet and ripped out its heart.

“Okay.” Judy took a step forward and started to fall off the high wall. Using the ice wall for support, she picked up momentum and landed in the middle of the battlefield.

Bang, Bang.

Gunshots were heard, and soon small beams of green light were seen.

“I’ve always wondered this since I’ve seen them fight, but… Doesn’t she need to recharge?”

“Unlike the rifle that uses a real projectile, we use our ‘power’ as a catalyst. Because of that, Juliet can create arrows without needing a real arrow.” Rose explained.

“…I see…”

“And you, won’t you fight?”

Rose looked at Victor and smiled softly:

“If I’m going to fight, it wouldn’t be a fight. It would be a massacre.”

“…Oh? For that reason, you don’t fight?”

“Indeed. Although there’s another reason too…” Rose looked back at the girls.

“We should let the youngsters train, right?”

“They rarely have the opportunity to go more than 20 km from the city.”

“Hmm… I look forward to seeing you and Eleanor fighting.”

“I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.”

“We’ll see.” Victor laughed.

Victor looked back at the group of Valkyries.

‘Her teamwork is flawless, they cover each other’s faults and help each other… They really are the ‘elite’.’

‘Because they are so exceptional, I get the impression that it’s very easy, but that’s wrong… They are too exceptional.’

Looking at Eleanor and Anrietha.

‘I haven’t seen the two of them fighting seriously yet, I know Eleanor is able to control the earth, but I seriously doubt that’s all considering that she trained with Scathach and has this mutant bloodline in her body too.’

‘Anrietha, on the other hand, I don’t even want to see her doing anything other than defending herself or using the priestess staff…’

Victor looks back at the girls.

‘Actually, I didn’t see the girls using their noble vampire powers, they’re just using their mutant bloodline… Oh, Juliet used the vampire fog, but that’s just a basic power… Hmmm’

He touched his chin like he was thinking about something, but soon he felt something catching his attention.

He quickly looked up as time around his body started to slow down. His body was covered by lightning, and, acting completely on instinct, he disappeared and reappeared in the air.


“…?” Eleanor looked to the side.


The moment she spoke his name, Victor appeared again beside them, and he was holding a type of monster that had big eyes and small wings.

“What is it?”

“A scout…” Anrietha frowned at him.

“An Alpha is watching us.”

“What should I do?”

“Kill him, the less information they know the better.”

[Wrong, don’t kill it, eat it! Try reading his memories. He is a living and intelligent creature.]

“… Hmmm… Okay.” Victor squeezes the creature’s body and kills it.

“Use the-…” Eleonor was going to ask Victor to use his Odachi, but she was speechless when she saw him opening his mouth and swallowing the creature.

Chewing sounds are heard all around.


Soon he swallowed the creature, and it was at that moment that the girls woke up from their shock.


“It tastes like chicken…” Victor’s eyes gleamed dangerously.

“Victor! Spit that sh*t out fast!”

“Huh? Why?”

“Why?” She looked at him in disbelief, “Did you forget that the blood in that sh*t is toxic!? Remember the first time when you cut your arm off!”

“Ohhh… But don’t you eat them? Look.” He pointed to Dorothy, who was eating a monster’s hand.

“We’re special-!”


Victor spat a lot of black blood on the floor.

“Well, that’s bad-…” Memories began to pop into Victor’s head.

Monstrous beings that spoke a strange language while sitting in a kind of hall.

“@#$%%.” A monster with intelligent eyes spoke while pointing to a location.

The creature’s eyes looked at the location and saw Victor’s group running, and soon the group disappeared from the sight of the strange object.

Then the memory is cut off.

‘…Hmm, I couldn’t understand anything, but it doesn’t take a genius to understand what they were doing… They somehow know we’re here… The technology looked a lot like security cameras.. .’


“I’m fine… Just a stomachache.” He laughed in amusem*nt.

“…Don’t go out eating the things you see! Are you a child who eats everything he sees!?” Eleanor broke out in anger.

“Maybe.” He laughed in amusem*nt.

“That’s not funny!”

“Hahaha, I’m sorry, okay?” He got up and stroked Eleanor’s head.

“…” A warm sensation entered Eleanor’s body, but the woman woke up from her stupor and quickly pulled Victor’s hand from her head.

“Let go of me!”

“Okay, okay…”

“Vic… If you want, you can stroke my hair…” Anrietha ‘s voice sounded like a mosquito’s voice.



“In that case.” Victor approached Anrietha and stroked her head.


‘And to think that this kind woman had that side…’

“…” Eleanor gleamed dangerously as she frowned.

Rose just shook her head as she looked at her leader.

‘She really needs to be more honest.’

“I have important information, it’s about the Alpha.” Victor spoke in a casual tone as he tried to ignore the pain in his body.

“…What did you find out?” Eleanor asked with serious eyes.

Victor started to explain his memories while trying to ignore the pain in his body. He lied the other time, he wasn’t doing well, and the poison was slowly trying to kill him, but thanks to his abnormal constitution and being the poison of a lower level monster, he was fine.

[…Keep feeding on these monsters.]


[We are a progenitor, the progenitor of vampires. We are the Apex Predator of the food chain, an existence that breaks the ecosystem. We can eat anything that has blood in the body and a soul.]

[This doesn’t explain anything.]

[Yes, that explains it. The predator needs meat to feed and evolve, and we are that predator.]

[Believe me, keep eating these monsters, start with the lower level monsters, when you feel that the poison of the lower level monsters doesn’t affect you, you go to the medium level monsters, and so on.]

[… Okay, I’m also interested in this new taste anyway.]

Chapter 454: A Master!

Sounds of meat being chewed.

“…” A group of eight shocked women was staring at a man.


The man swallowed the meat and then took another low level monster leg and started eating as if it were natural.

“Hmm…?” He looks at the girls.

“What? I know I’m beautiful, but you don’t need to stare at me so much. I thought you guys were used to the way I look.”

“…..” The brows of all the girls visibly trembled at this shameless man!

They couldn’t deny that he was handsome, the most handsome man they’d ever seen, but that wasn’t the problem!

“How are you eating those monsters…?” Anrietha asked in an anxious tone.

“Don’t you feel… Hmm… I don’t know, like you’re going to die or something?” Alexa commented.

“Hmm, the first time, I felt it, but now, I feel just a little bit of poison, but my regeneration is taking care of it.”

“As I thought! This is toxic for you! Spit it out!” Eleanor snapped.

“NOO! Mine!”


“…” Ignoring the two who started bickering again, the Valkyries gathered.

“How is that possible?” Dorothy asked. She was full of doubts now about this abnormal situation, so she continued:

“To my knowledge, only our bloodline can eat these monsters without dying.”

“Due to the mutation of monsters in our bloodline, their venom is not toxic to us, but that shouldn’t be the case for normal noble vampires.” Judy explained.

“…I think that’s the answer to that question.” Rose spoke to the girls.

“What?” Judy asked.

“Vampire Noble … When you look at this man, do you see a normal vampire?”

“….” The girls were silent.

“Don’t forget, too, that he’s younger than Eleanor.”

A sense of disbelief hovered around.

“Powers of the three most famous vampire counts: water, ice, thunder, and fire…” Juliet muttered.

“Blood power…” Alexa muttered.

“And a very high level in close combat martial arts.” Dorothy commented.

“Don’t forget he’s still hiding his power, you’ve seen it, right? … That ‘thing’ he showed when he was with the vampire king’s ex-wives.” Rose continued.

“……” The girls couldn’t help but think about that scene and visibly shudder a little.

“…And I thought Eleanor was abnormal for having a vampire count title at such a young age…Originally, Rose was supposed to assume the vampire count title.” Martha commented.

“She earned it, she has the power to hold that title, the power that comes from her lineage, and with effort, she has mastered that power completely.” Rose flashed a small, proud smile.

“…just what is this man?” Judy asked the question of the year.

“….” The girls looked at the older vampire present.

Rose was silent for a few seconds and said:

“A progenitor, the same as our king, the second of our race.”


Looking at the women’s shocked expressions, Rose continued:

“He displays all the traits described in the legends, an absurd talent for learning and progression, unnatural powers, an innate ‘pride’, and that form he showed us only cemented my perspective that I am correct.”

“He is the second progenitor of vampires.”

A few minutes of pure silence, with only the sound of the fire and Victor and Eleanor arguing.

“…Does that mean he is the father of a completely different lineage from Vlad’s?” Judy broke the silence by asking.

“Yes.” Rose confirmed.

“….” She looked at the man who was arguing with Eleanor.

‘If he is a progenitor, then it makes sense that he can eat these monsters. A progenitor vampire in the past has been described as a being capable of rivaling the gods with his sheer talent and soul-related racial abilities, and more importantly, they were described as beings who could manipulate all the blood of any race.’

Remembering that blood sword Victor made during combat, Rose’s doubts vanished, and in her mind, Victor was indeed a progenitor.

‘…Now, this opens the discussion to another problem… Two Alphas, two Apex Predators, cannot coexist in the same ecosystem… Why did Vlad give this man the title of Vampire Count if he knew about it? Did he underestimate the man because he was too young?’ Rose thought this explanation made sense.

Like it or not, Victor had a 5000 year barrier he couldn’t cross, the second progenitor was just too young to threaten Vlad.

…Oh, if she only knew…

On top of a mountain, a group of nine people was looking at an endless forest.

“Judy, how many KM away from the city?”

Judy looked at her wrist and saw a type of equipment capable of measuring her current location with a predetermined location:

“30,000 KM.”

“….” Victor’s smile widened.

And the girls didn’t like it at all.

“Things are going to get serious from now on.”

“…Are we really going to continue? This limit has never been crossed before since we thought it was too dangerous…” Anrietha asked as she looked away from the cliff.

The reason they didn’t go beyond this limit was because the monsters from here became much more dangerous and coordinated. From this area, it’s quite common to find tribes where an ‘Alpha’ leads everything.

How do they know this? Although they didn’t make a full charge, they sent a group of scouts to spy, and even though they couldn’t go very far, they got this information by spending days spying in silence.

The 30,000 KM barrier means that from here, they could run into the ‘native’ people of this planet, and that was a bad, very bad thing.

After all, it was common sense for all the natives that vampires were invaders.

“Don’t worry, even if you die, I will go down to hell and bring you back.”


That wasn’t comforting!

And why did he think they were going to hell!? They weren’t bad girls!

“We will not go to hell Victor.” Eleanor spoke.

“Then I will invade heaven and bring you back.” Victor spoke matter-of-factly, and turned his head from side to side as if exercising, while popping sounds could be heard.


“Are you going to cause a holy war just to bring us back?” Julieta didn’t know how to feel.

“Wasn’t that clear?”

Once again, they all gaped at his confidence, and they couldn’t help but feel a little…happy.

Just imagining that someone would cause a war over them made the girls’ hearts beat faster.

…Yes, they were maniacs for battles and wars…

Judy looked at Rose, “If Eleanor doesn’t make a move, I’ll really take the initiative.”

“Judy!?” Rose was speechless.

“Don’t be prudish. Even you are holding back, he’s just too good to let go.”

“….” Rose couldn’t deny that.

Victor started to walk, and this caught the girls’ attention:

“As promised before, I’ll be careful, and I won’t go too far…” His black hair started to grow back to its original length, he started to walk on air, and when he was a few steps away from the mountain, he looked back.

And the girls felt their bodies shake when they saw his blood red eyes, it was so intense! His bloodlust and battle were affecting them even if they didn’t know it.

“Don’t fall behind, or you’ll miss out on the fun.” Soon Victor lets gravity take effect and falls.

“Wait!” Eleanor was the first to react, and she quickly jumped off the cliff across the 30,000 km barrier.

Not wanting to leave their leader behind, the girls quickly jumped in after her.

When they fell to the cliff floor, all they saw was Victor slowly unsheathing his long Odachi, an Odachi that had a blade so big it couldn’t even be called a normal Odachi anymore.

“5 KM ahead, a tribe of monsters and… An Alpha!” Victor’s smile grew.


A dark red sensation shot out of Victor’s body. It was the pressure of his bloodlust, his desire to fight.

“How many monsters?”

“Hundreds! Thousands! Who cares?”


“Trust me.”

“….” Eleanor was stunned by his serious voice.

“Tsk, fine, just don’t forget about us, remember you’re not fighting alone.”

“I will never forget it, I promise.”

“….” She felt more relaxed when he promised her. After all, she knew that man could be insane, but he never broke his promises.

“Now. Get ready for confrontation.” Victor removed the blade from its sheath, pointed the blade backwards, and assumed a running stance.

“!!!” All the Valkyries got ready, including Rose, who from the beginning didn’t fight, but even though she was facing a confrontation with an Alpha, she didn’t remove her sword from its sheath.

“Don’t move away from me.”


Victor took a step forward, and…


He started to run, sounds of air breaking were heard, and in less than a few seconds, they would clash with the tribe.


Monster roars were heard by the group. They had been noticed.

“Judy and Julieta, take care of hostiles in the air and support long-distance.”

“In the air…?” They looked confused at Victor, but soon they saw what he meant, several monsters approaching the group.

“Wyvern Class!”

Slowly the air around Victor began to change, and in the blink of an eye.


His entire body was covered in lightning, even his Odachi.

“I will open the way.”

Victor disappeared, leaving only a golden trail. He reappeared in front of the village in the blink of an eye and was not intimidated by the 10 ogres in front of him, while his smile only grew.

All he did was sheath his Odachi, and use the technique he was training.

Assuming the IaiJutsu position.


The lightning around him began to grow stronger, and with an impulse, he pulled the Odachi out of its sheath.

‘One Cut, one million hits.’ He mentalizes the technique that was inspired by his wife’s attack.

Cut, cut, cut!

Horizontally and vertically, several golden slashes were seen in the air. It was as if time stood still when Victor sheathed his Odachi again.

The damage was done.

Ogres, gate, earth, everything in front of him was cut into thousands of pieces.

The whole action lasted less than 1 second, but for Victor, it felt like a long time had passed. Victor had long noticed the passage of time in an abnormal way.

Victor smirked in satisfaction. Watching two vampire counts fight was very beneficial since he could take many inspirations for his techniques, most of his lightning techniques being inspired by his wife Natashia.

Bang, Bang.

Victor looked up and saw the beams of light and arrows of power piercing the flying monsters.

A few seconds later, the girls arrived to meet him.

“The village is open, the Behemoth Classes and Ogre are approaching, and we have to clean everything before the Leader arrives.”

“Where is the leader?”

“There.” He pointed towards the air.

“….” The girls look where he pointed but see nothing.

“He’s on top of a gigantic flying monster.”

“…What is this monster like?” Martha asked.

“Long wings, a big tail, two heads with sharp teeth.” He gave a basic description.

“Dragon Class!” Dorothy spoke.

“It’s a monster above the Wyvern Class, if Wyverns are minions, Dragon Class are equal to a Behemoth.” Rose explained to Victor.

“Okay… Anything else I should know?”

“Watch your breath.”

“…They’re nicknamed like that for a reason, huh.”


“In that case, Eleanor, Anrietha, and Dorothy will stay together.”

“Judy, and Juliet stay on top of the houses!”

“Yes!” The two women appear on top of the large houses near the group and continue to clear the skies.

“Don’t go near Eleanor’s group.”

“Yes, Yes, Sir.”

“Martha and Alexa are going with me.”

“Rose, you have free will, do what you think is necessary.”

“Oh…” Rose flashed a small smile when she understood why he said that.

‘As expected of someone trained by Scathach, he’s not stupid…’ She was very appreciative of the girls’ combination.

Eleanor, and Anrietha, were two heavyweight women, and they dealt with most monsters head-on. Because of this, their armor was quite robust, and although this didn’t hurt their speed, they were still slower than Dorothy, Judy, and Juliet, who were wearing less robust armor.

Because of this, he let the two women attract all the monsters while Judy, Juliet, and Dorothy helped them.

Meanwhile, Victor’s group was responsible for invading and acting alone. Martha and Alexa were perfect for this because of their specialization.

And Rose?

Well, the woman was like Scathach. She was her own army, and because of that, he gave her free will, so the woman could help all groups stay alive.

“How did you notice?” She asked curiously, “I don’t remember showing my powers on this trip.”

“…Intuition… You have that same aura and confidence that only women like Scathach have.” Victor replied in a neutral tone.

“You are a Master, right?”

“Heh~.” Rose’s smile grew, feeling quite excited now.

“sh*t… He really attracts crazy women.” Eleanor muttered when she saw Rose’s state. She had already seen a pattern here.

“You really have good instincts…” She put her hand on the hilt of her sword, and with just that act, the whole atmosphere of the woman changed.

A sharp, dangerous aura exploded around…

‘I knew it!’ Victor’s smile grew a little, his instincts weren’t wrong.

“As expected of Scathach’s favorite disciple, I think?” The moment she pulled her sword out of its sheath, she moved towards the flying monsters, and…

Everyone was cut horizontally, not just the monsters, even the clouds in the sky that were KM away.

‘… With just a swing of the sword… And she did it casually as if it didn’t take much effort!’

Victor’s smile was so big now that it sent little shivers down Rose’s spine. It was a smile she knew all too well.

‘…Hahaha~, this man, he’s seeing me as an opponent to face!’ She chuckled inwardly in amusem*nt.

Chapter 455: The Power to Shape Creation.

Rose looked at Victor, Martha, and Alexa in the distance while she was floating in the air.

‘Usually, when I come on these expeditions, my job is just to make sure the girls come back alive.’ Rose thought.

As an older Vampire, Rose treated all the girls on her squad as if they were her younger sisters or even daughters. After all, Rose was the one who recruited the girls, and she felt responsible for them.

Fighting monsters was not easy. Victor made it look easy, but this activity involved a lot of risks.

Risks that only the Adrastea bloodline could face.

But she also knew that she couldn’t spoil the girls too much. Because of that, when the girls went on expeditions, she always accompanied them and shadowed them, only intervening when one of the girls was in danger of actually dying.

‘Just this once, I will make a ‘small effort’, and listen to your orders… Second Progenitor.’

“As the expedition leader, it is your responsibility to make sure the expedition goes well.” She muttered to herself as she looked at Victor.

‘Although… He’s done a good job of ordering the girls… so far.’ Despite thinking about it earlier, she couldn’t help but reaffirm her thoughts when she saw the girls dealing with the monsters easily.

‘While spending such little time with the girls, was he able to understand them that well?’ Rose judged that Victor’s analytical ability rivaled the greatest strategists in history.

She thought this was because understanding a person could be relatively easy, but getting these people together, ordering them efficiently, and getting them to listen was another story.

Although the Valkyries had a good relationship from the start, and he didn’t have to work it out, the simple act of getting these women and even Eleanor to listen to him was something to watch out for.

‘I think that incident with Morgana and Jeanne is still fresh in their minds…’ She didn’t judge the girls, even though she hadn’t completely forgotten that incident, that fear in all her soul, that willingness to submit.

Her entire body shook for various reasons when she remembered that incident.

A little fear, anticipation, and curiosity.

Taking her eyes off Victor, she turned her gaze to Eleanor.

‘They seem more lively too, look at those smiles…’ Rose could understand this feeling of Eleanor and the girls. That man had a strange way of bringing out the ‘true’ self in girls.

Even she, as an older Vampire, was influenced a little.

‘…Now, I understand how he managed to get the attention of those older Vampires…’ Rose thought of Agnes, Natashia, and Scathach.

‘Scathach is not someone who is influenced by beauty. In the truest sense of the word, she is a battle maniac worse than all the Valkyries put together… She likes talent, potential, and she likes to battle. For her entire existence, she’d been looking for someone like her… And she found herself in him.’

Victor met all the requirements to have Scathach’s interest. He had potential, he had talent, he liked to fight, and he liked to test his limits, and most importantly, he’s caring.

She thought of the times Victor hung around WarFall with his daughter Nero. He wasn’t a heartless bastard like most Noble Vampire men.

‘He’s not stupid either… Ugh, he really hits all the female Vampires’ soft spots…’ She sighed to herself when she realized that man was such a sinner.


A monster’s roar ended the battle’s rhythm. Everyone turned their gaze to the beast and saw a flying beast over 20 meters long.

“Valkyries, did your ego grow so much that you dared to cross the 30,000 km limit?”

“…” Rose narrowed her eyes as she looked at the monster that looked like a bipedal lizard with horns, two wings, and a long tail.

That sentence alone gave Rose a lot of information, information not very welcome for Rose.

Looking into the Alpha’s reptilian eyes, Rose said:

“You seem knowledgeable about us, Monster.”

“Monster… Huh?” He tapped his chin as if thinking about something:

“From my point of view, you are the monsters.”

“…” Rose’s face gets narrower.

“You invade our home, steal our land, and periodically hunt our kind.”

“We have no choice but to retaliate, you know?”

Okay, it’s official, Rose wasn’t enjoying this at all. Those eyes shining with malicious intelligence were dangerous, and all her instincts were warning her of danger.

“These abominations are the result of not sending our kind to a battlefield with immortal monsters.” He spoke while looking at the Behemoths, Ogres, and minions.

“…A rather ironic choice of words, isn’t it?” Rose spoke in disdain when she heard the word ‘immortal monsters’.

“Which is still true… You are immortal monsters, but unlike us, you have more weaknesses like this one.”

He snapped his finger.

And in that moment, Rose’s danger instinct exploded.

‘No, I need to save the girls!’ Her perception of time slowed down, and she quickly looked towards the girls in her squad.

But the moment she looked at the girls, someone appeared in front of her and hugged her body.

“Vic-…” Soon she disappeared.

And appeared far from the tribe.



“H-Huh? What happened?” Alexa, who was close to Victor, asked in shock, she was on Victor’s side, and in the blink of an eye, she was on the other side of the tribe.

“Victor saved us…” Martha spoke as she looked ahead. In front of her was the man with his arms in front of him and several walls of ice.

“….” All the Valkyries looked at Victor in shock.

How is he so fast!? How is this possible!?

‘That level of speed rivals Natashia herself…’ Rose thought that if Victor declared himself the fastest man alive, no one could say it was a lie.

After all, the very fastest woman alive was his wife.

“What?” Victor turned to face the girls, and once again, they were shocked. His entire face was disfigured, everything was burned, and only the flesh was visible. The girls also noticed that some parts of the armor were also melted.

“I told you I was going to save you.” He spoke neutrally.

“Victor!” The girls screamed in concern.

“Are you alright, Victor?!” Eleanor practically screamed and approached him.

“This is nothing, just a small wound.”


“Sigh… I’m not as fast as my wife… She could’ve gotten you out of there without taking any damage… Shame on me, I should train harder.”

‘If I had entered the Vampire Count form of Clan Fulger, I would have gotten faster, but there is a problem, I cannot change into that form as naturally and quickly as my wives Natashia and Scathach, and at that moment, time was precious. …I need to train this transformation, huh…’

“Anrietha!” Eleanor snapped and called to her subordinate.

“Y-Y-Yes!” Anrietha woke up from her stupor and approached Victor.

“@#$%!” Speaking in a strange language, she pointed her hand at Victor, and a strange invigorating sensation began to penetrate his body.

“Thank you, Anrietha.” Victor spoke.

“Regeneration is taking time!” Anrietha spoke anxiously.

“Did that bomb have monster venom in it?” She deduced.

Victor was developing immunity from eating the monsters, but it was only the lowest level poison. The higher level poison was still lethal to him.

He took no further damage because he had a low resistance to the poison and because Anrietha quickly began to heal his body.

‘What should I do? Even if he has strong regeneration, this poison will consume him. I need to expend more energy to avoid that, and we’re in the field of-.’

Victor raised his arm and touched Anrietha’s head.

“…Huh?” She looked into Victor’s red eyes.

“Calm down.”

“Take a deep breath. I won’t die from something as simple as this… Just keep healing me.” He spoke in a gentle tone, one that caught Anrietha off guard.

“O-Okay…” She felt a little calmer and refocused on healing Victor.

“You too, Eleanor, and girls…” He turned his eyes to the girls.

Seeing his calm gaze, the girls, including Rose, started to calm down… But they were still worried.

Victor looked back at the ice wall.

“The explosion is over…Holy sh*t…” He opened his eyes in shock.

“What happened?” Eleanor asked.

“The place has evaporated.”

Victor started to undo the ice wall to eye level so they could see the sight ahead of them.

And soon, they saw that the entire place where the tribe was, had evaporated from existence, and a large crater was in place.

“Shame, I thought I was capable of killing you with this, I underestimated the new Count’s ability.”

Looking up, the girls saw the same Alpha on top of the winged monster.

And as usual, he had a calm look on his face, as if everything was in his control.

He was looking calmly at Victor as if sizing up the man.

Rose took hold of the hilt of her sword, but at this moment, Victor said:

“Stop, Rose.”


“It’s a trap.” Victor could see that the entire space around that man was surrounded by invisible monsters. These monsters, despite being small, seemed to be more dangerous than the other winged monsters.

“…” Rose stopped moving but still kept her guard up. She trusted Victor enough to follow his orders without question now.

He’d proven himself throughout the trip that he was capable of seeing something no one else could, and now was not the time to doubt her teammate.


“How did you notice?” the creature asked with genuine curiosity.

“I have good instincts.” Victor lied easily,

“…You’re more exceptional than I thought, Alucard… It seems it’s not just your name that’s similar to that man, huh.”

A high-pitched sound is heard.

Victor ignored the pain in his body and pulled Anrietha into his embrace.


Everyone saw the ground around them sinking.

At this moment, Victor approached the monster, and with his bare hands, he ripped the monster to pieces.

Seeing the creature that Victor had torn apart, Rose spoke:

“A predator…” She opened her eyes wide, and that was when she made a decision.

“How barbaric.” The Alpha commented.


Victor spat black blood on the ground, and his blood began to sink into the earth as the blood had become quite acidic.

“Victor!” Anrietha quickly approached the man and went back to healing him again.

“Eleanor, we need to get out of here, fast!” Rose spoke up.

“Leave it to me!” Eleanor dropped her greatsword on the floor and started gesturing as if she was controlling something.

The surrounding land began to act strange, as if it was being controlled by a supernatural force. The ground became prickly and flew towards the Alpha.

The Alpha remained in place, and the earth spikes were swallowed by something unseen, proving that there were more monsters around him.

“Tsk, the damn Adrastea bloodline, if it weren’t for you… We would have already invaded your city.”

“Even if my bloodline wasn’t there, you wouldn’t be able to break in, Kreacher.” Eleanor hit the floor with both hands.

And the earth rose like giant hands of stones.

“I doubt it.” The monster swung its hand, and the stone hands were cut vertically.

“I have no choice.” Eleanor took a deep breath, and as her eyes glowed blood red, she clenched her fist and hit the floor.

Quake, quake, quake.

The ground began to shake as if an earthquake was on its way, and then…

Gigantic hands in the thousands began to be formed, and these hands ascended to the heavens.

“The Adrastea bloodline is truly invincible on solid ground.” How can one fight an enemy that can change the entire landscape casually?

In a way, the Alpha had hatred and respect for Eleanor’s Clan.

Eleanor clapped her hands together, and a bronze-colored power exploded from her body. Her eyes glowed blood red, and she whispered to herself.

“A Thousand Hands Of Creation.”

It is said that the creator created the world in 7 days and 7 nights, and they also said that when he shaped the world, he used thousands of hands to make the world to his liking.

This technique represented that myth, an arrogant technique that had the ability to shape the world in its preferred image.

“sh*t.” The Alpha flew into the sky while dodging the hands with his mount.

But how could such a large mount escape from thousands of hands?

The monster was soon captured. It breathed fire into the stone’s hands, but nothing happened, the stone was visibly stronger than the previous ones, and soon, it didn’t have a chance. It was immobilized and shattered into several pieces.

“NOO!” The Alpha roared in rage when he saw his mate’s death. Unlike those abominations, his mate was not immortal.

“Cursed be the Adrastea bloodline!” The monster’s body began to be covered by a dark power, and when that power exploded around it, a sword appeared in its hand, and it attacked around, splitting all the stone hands in half.

He looked towards where Eleanor was and saw that she and the group were gone.

Veins started popping in the Alpha’s head, and soon an angry roar was heard all around.



Chapter 456: A Mass Destruction Team.

25,597KM from the city of Warfall.

A few hours later, a group of Valkyries, and a man sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, were seen. They were in a cave created by Eleanor.

“…it was a trap,” Eleanor commented with a sour tone after a long time of silence.

“Indeed, that Alpha planned it all. He even sacrificed his kind…” Rose narrowed her eyes as she placed her hand on her chin; she recalled the Alpha’s words.

“These abominations are the result of not sending our kind to a battlefield with immortal monsters.”

‘Does that Alpha not consider himself the same species as those monsters? Because of that, can he sacrifice them so easily?’ Rose was doubtful. Even though the trap was dangerous, and they only survived because Victor acted quickly, the encounter had many questions left out.

To be honest, Rose didn’t understand much about Alphas. Who were they, what was their command structure, do they eat? Do they have sex?

They had been fighting for a long time, but there was only very little information about these Alphas.

WarFall specialized in technology derived from monsters and in the biology of monsters, but if they were going to talk about Alphas, they knew next to nothing.

“We only survived because Victor acted quickly…” Dorothy muttered.

“…” The girls gave a small nod.

“We were close to him, yet we didn’t feel a thing…” Martha commented as Alexa nodded.

“…As far as I know, the Noble of Clan Fulger, who have such a mastery over lightning, perceive the world differently from us…” Rose said.

“What do you mean?” Judy asked

“If they wish, they can see everything as slowly as if it were standing still. Considering the level at which Victor’s mastery has reached, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was capable of that too.” She finished her explanation.

“… I see; if that’s why I’m not surprised he noticed everything…” Alexa said.

While the girls were talking about what had happened,

Victor opened his eyes and saw a woman with long brown hair, black eyes, and a gentle expression on her face.

“The poison in your body must have been completely eliminated by now…” Anrietha explained with a tired sigh. She had been using her power for hours to stop the poison in Victor’s body from progressing any further.

Of course, Victor’s superior body also helped a lot. A few hours later, Victor’s own blood was healing him, but it was a fact that Anrietha greatly accelerated this process.

“Thank you, Anrietha.” He smiled kindly.

“…Thank you, you saved me not only once but twice…” Her face darkened as she remembered the ‘Predator’s attack.’

They are a stealthy class of monsters, completely silent, they can camouflage themselves and kill their prey so fast you wouldn’t even know how they were killed.

‘Good thing they were just winged predators. If it were those terrestrial abominations, the battle would have been much more difficult.’ Anrietha.

“… Are you okay?”

“Just tired… My technique uses more energy than my own powers.”

“I see…” Victor removed his black gauntlet and said:

“Come here.”

“…?” Looking at Victor’s smooth arm, she commented,

“Are you sure…?”

“Yes. You took care of me the whole time; the least I can do is help you regain your strength. I can’t drink your blood because it’s toxic to me, but you can drink mine.”

“….” Anrietha turned slightly red when she heard what Victor said.

‘He wanted to drink my blood… L-Lewd.’

In Vampire culture, letting another Vampire drink your blood is a very intimate thing. Anrietha felt complicated because he didn’t offer his neck, not that she would accept it or anything, but… Ugh.

‘Stop thinking nonsense! That’s just the suspension bridge effect! You are a warrior, don’t fall for these tricks!’ She shook her head several times to clear her mind of inappropriate thoughts.

“Mm…” She nodded and gently took Victor’s arm.

“A little warning, don’t drink too much blood, just drink enough to recover fully.”

“Okay…” Bringing her mouth closer to Victor’s arm, she bit.

“!!!” Anrietha’s eyes opened wide, and her eyes turned blood red.

‘It’s so tasty!!’

Gulp, Gulp.

“…..” The girls turned to face Anrietha and Victor and saw this scene.

“Ahhh! Anrietha, you sneaky, how can you!?” Dorothy and Martha screamed at the same time.

“Sneaky girl…” Juliet muttered.

Eleanor’s eyes were trembling badly now.

“Are you alright, Victor?” Rose ignored the noise of the girls and the state of their leader and asked:

“Yes… I’m completely fine… Yes… Completely…” Victor’s eyes briefly flashed blood red, and at that moment, all the girls felt a bloodlust that paralyzed them momentarily.

“…Are you angry?” Eleanor asked.

“Yes, I’m irritated.”

“You shouldn’t, monsters are like that-.” Eleanor was going to explain that Victor shouldn’t be angry because monsters will always do that.

“I’m not angry with the monster. He’s our enemy. What he did was something I would do… I’m angry with myself.” Victor interrupted Eleanor.

‘From now on, I won’t make the same mistake again; I’ll always keep my f*cking skill active.’ Victor thought to himself.

If he had constantly been using his ability to check the environment, he would have noticed the traps, and because of his carelessness, everyone almost died.

“….” A silence fell around them, and at that moment, Anrietha stopped drinking Victor’s blood.

All the girls took a deep breath for a few seconds when they smelled Victor’s blood, but they controlled themselves when they heard Anrietha’s voice:

“Thanks, I’m fully recovered now.”

He smiled a little as he stroked Anrietha’s head:

“…You’re welcome.”

“What do we do now?”

“We should back off-.” Rose was going to suggest backing off, but she was interrupted by Victor’s words.

“Of course we advance.” Victor placed the gauntlet back on his hand.


“Go back because we almost died? Non-sense.” Victor got up from the ground and turned towards the cave exit:

“The danger of death was something we all knew when we went on this expedition.”

“This time…” Slowly Victor’s face began to change and become formless. Victor’s demonic, age-old voice echoed through the cave:

“That bastard will taste despair.”

35,541 KM away from WarFall.

“They are back.” The Alpha commented when he saw the image of a group advancing through the forest:

“And they came back more determined.” He analyzed when he saw them killing the monsters without stopping running.

“Even that woman who never fought is helping this time…” He commented as he looked at Rose.

“Does that change anything?” He heard the voice of another being close to him.

He turned his face, and saw someone very much like him, with just different colors of scales.

“That doesn’t change anything, My Son.”

“They are invaders, and invaders will die.” The Alpha’s reptilian eyes gleamed dangerously.

“…All for our god.”

“Sending out the level 0-3 monster hordes, we will eliminate the Adrastea bloodline today.” The Alpha spoke as he left the room.

“Yes, Father.” The son walked over to a medieval yet strangely advanced device. He clicked a few buttons, and the image soon changed to the monsters coming out of their cages.

“Hordes of Minions, Ogres, and 10 Behemoths are approaching.” Victor spoke.

“Judy, Juliet, keep your eyes on the skies, if you see any dragon class monsters let me know immediately.”


“Dorothy, give me your weapons.”

“Yes!” Dorothy took out her two swords and gave them to Victor.

“Junketsu, be kind.” He handed his Odachi to Dorothy.

Dorothy picked up the Odachi carefully, and sighed in relief when she felt that nothing had happened. She really felt apprehensive about this Odachi.

“Clashing out in 3… 2… 1…” The group stopped running and saw a horde of monsters.

“Eleanor, it’s your turn.” Victor and the group of Valkyries ascend to the sky and begin to float.

“Leave it to me.” She jumped in front of Victor, her eyes glowed blood red, and a bronze colored aura left her body, and soon she punched the ground.


Quake, quake, quake.

At the same instant the earth began to shake, an earthquake was happening!

The monsters began to lose their balance, and fell due to the earth shaking.

And 5 seconds later, a large rift appeared and engulfed more than a third of the horde.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble.

The skies began to fill with clouds, a great storm was coming.



A burst of power soared into the heavens, and seconds later, Victor appeared in a completely changed form, the initial form of the Vampire Count of Clan Fulger.

“Horde of predators coming from the sky, I will take care of them.” Victor squeezed Dorothy’s daggers a little tighter, and soon the daggers were covered by lightning, forming two Lightning swords.

“Anrietha, Rose, I’ll leave it to you.” In the next moment, he disappeared leaving streaks of lightning.

Victor passed through the sky and attacked the ‘air’, and then moved on, but a few seconds later when Victor was gone, they all saw a monster appear as it fell towards the ground with its body cut in half.

Looking for a few seconds at the lightning dancing in the air as monsters fell to the ground dead, Rose ordered:

“Anrietha, it’s your turn.”

“Yes!” Anrietha took hold of her priestess staff and spun around, saying:


A white power covered every girl’s body, and that power seemed to form a second skin.

Anrietha spun the staff twice more.

And soon a red and green power covered the girls.

“Defense, attack and speed amplified, I need time to cast the next spell.” Anrietha spoke as she replaced her staff with the shield on her back.

She removed her sword from the shield sheath, and held the greatsword in one hand.

“This is enough.” Rose nodded her head satisfied.


“Yes!” Eleanor clapped her hands together.


Quake, Quake, Quake.

Another earthquake started to happen in a different region, and soon pillars of more than 20 meters were created in a straight line at a distance of more than 1 KM.

Finished with her technique, Elenor grabbed the Greatsword from her back, and jumped towards the group in the air.

“Judy, Juliet, support me with your weapons, Martha, Alexa, Dorothy and Anrietha, let’s kill these monsters.” When Eleanor was about to leave, she stopped when she heard Dorothy.

“Wait, Wait, I have no weapon!”

Eleanor looked at Dorothy, and replied:

“Are you sure? Look once more at the weapons you’re holding.”

“…?” Dorothy looked at the Odachi -… Two swords!?

“When did he switch weapons!?” She looked up to the sky where Victor was and saw that he had already killed all the predators.

“He’s in Clan Fulger’s Vampire Count form, don’t be surprised.” Eleanor laughed, and then her expression turned serious.

“Let’s kill these monsters.”


Anrietha, surprisingly, was the first to move. She threw her Greatsword on the ground, and this created a large crater, the next moment, she disappeared and appears in the crater, taking hold of her greatsword, and sheathed it in her shield. She clicked a button on her shield, and soon sharp blades appeared all over its surface and edges.

She leapt into the air, and with one thrust, she threw the shield at the monsters.

“I won’t stand on the side this time, creatures!” Anrietha’s eyes glowed blood red. She was very angry. It hurt in her warrior pride to be saved from danger several times like a tragic heroine.


The monsters’ screams of pain were heard as the shield literally tore apart everything around it as it spun.

Anrietha took the priestess staff, chanted some strange words, and pointed to her shield, and soon, the group could see a small ‘line’ holding the shield.

Anrietha said another strange word, and soon the shield multiplied in two.

At this same instant, Anrietha dodged the acid attack that was thrown from an Ogre’s mouth. She looked at the ogre with her monster eyes glowing dangerously.

Unconsciously, the Ogre took a step back, but he was just too slow.

Anrietha appeared in front of him and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying away.

“Disgusting creature, go spit on your f*cking mother.”

Anrietha kept her staff behind her, and, using both of her hands, she began to control the two weapons as if they were puppets.

A dark aura began to form around her:

“Do… you… think… I’m… weak!?” With every word she spoke, a 50-foot behemoth was split in half like butter, followed by ogres and minions who were caught in the effects of the attack.

The shields with blades were tearing apart everything in its path, blood was flying around and painting the ‘gentle womans’ body completely.


“Remind me again not to piss off Anrietha…” Dorothy commented.

“Yes…” The girls spoke in unison.

“It’s like they say, the quietest and gentlest are the cruelest when provoked.” Rose laughed.

Eleanor awoke from her stupor, and says:

“Let’s continue!”


Eleonor, Martha, Dorothy and Alexa jumped in the middle of the enemies and started killing them.

Judy and Julieta stay behind.

Judy picked up her two deagles and pointed to a Behemoth Horde of varying sizes that was approaching the group.

‘I’ll take care of them before they call more minions.’

Her two hands began to change, the two Deagles began to merge with her hand, and completely changed to become two Deagles with spikes, and with green power emanating from the entire body of the weapon.

Judy’s monster eyes began to glow slightly, and a dark aura left her body, then she whispered.

“Predatory Extinction.”


A gigantic beam of red light shot through the air, hitting the first 20 meter Behemoth.


The Behemoth roared, it used its head shell as a form of defense, and continued forward.

Judy’s eyes glowed even brighter, and she increased the power output, and the effect was instantaneous.

The beam passed through the monster, and all monsters behind it, forming a straight line of destruction.

“Thanks for the food…” Judy burped a little.


Chapter 457: The sword of Clan Adrasteia.

“That’s bad, my father has hurt their egos, and now they are attacking with more intensity. If it continues like this, they could reach our village…” The Alpha’s son muttered as he looked at the images of the fight.

“…I have no choice, I will release types 4, 5, and 6.” He clicked a few times on the strangely futuristic yet medieval console, and soon the image of various sleeping monsters was seen.

The first type of monster was a bipedal monster covered in dark green scales, it had large wings, and its sharp claws had a ‘liquid’ dripping from them. On top of the cage was written in the native language.


The second monster looked like a centipede, they were massively large, totaling 30 meters long.

On top of his cage was written the name:

[HUNTER] Type 5

In the last cage was a four-armed gorilla. He was 10 meters tall, horns were protruding from his head, and four golden green eyes could be seen.

On top of his cage was written the name:


“Luckily, my rank is high enough, or I’d have one of the Gods tracking me right now…”

Looking at Type 7’s cage, the Alpha’s son bit his lip.

“It’s a pity I didn’t post it high enough to release this little beauty…” He sighed a little, then turned to look elsewhere and saw his father flying on top of one of those abominations.

“I hope you stay alive, Father.”

Soon the Alpha’s son clicked the button to release the cage.

And the moment the cage opened, the deafening roar of the monsters was heard.

“Thanks for the food…” Judy burped a little.

“That attack remains ridiculous as ever.” Juliet muttered as she unleashed arrows of power at the monsters.

“Yeah, but it’s a shame I can’t use it often.” She spoke as her transformation wore off, while her deagles returned to normal, and everyone could see small flaws in the weapon, the weapon itself was hyperventilating a little.

Proof that the weapon couldn’t handle Judy’s power output.

“The blacksmith will be angry when he sees this.” Judy muttered.


“How many times can you use that until the weapon breaks?” Rose asked.

“I can only use it twice more.” Judy replied.

“Save it in case another Behemoth horde appears or some superior monster appears.”

“Commander Rose, think they will send higher level monsters?”

“It’s likely… As long as a Titan Class doesn’t show up, we’ll be fine, I guess…”

“Do you think so? It’s rare to see you in doubt.”

“I don’t have a choice, okay? With that man in the group, our range of actions has been amplified by a very large margin, and it is even unfair to the range of this man’s powers.” Rose commented while frowning and looked towards the clouds.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble!

Judy looked at the sky in the distance that was more active than usual, suddenly she heard Victor’s voice:



A thunderous roar was heard by everyone, and when they looked up to the sky, they saw the large head of a lightning demon beast descending to the ground in the midst of the monsters.

“What the f*ck…”

“This man is ridiculous…” Julieta spoke her honest thoughts.

“Well, all Vampire Counts have attacks that can destroy a small country. They wouldn’t be called walking atomic bombs if they didn’t have that kind of power.”

“Wrong, wrong, I can cause that kind of destruction too-…” Judy was going to say that she didn’t fall behind in terms of destruction, but Rose interrupted by saying:

“The terror of Vampire Counts is that these powers of mass destruction don’t make them very tired.”



When the attack hits the ground, more than 80% of the Minions are eliminated.

“See?” Rose laughed when she saw Judy and Juliet’s shocked eyes.

‘This power is not part of the Fulger Clan’s techniques, that is… He created this technique himself.’ Rose couldn’t help but be surprised as she looked at Victor.

‘So much potential… So much power… So strong…’ She felt her insides contract a little.

‘Maybe it’s time for me to have a child?’ She thought with a little blush, but soon her face darkened as she unconsciously heard a mad laugh: ‘… No, that’s a bad idea. Scathach will kill me if I have a child with him before her… Maybe after her?’

Rose visibly shook her head.

‘Stop thinking with your lower body! It leads nowhere!’ She was a little embarrassed with herself now. She wasn’t like that, okay? It’s just that she had a high standard, just like all strong older female Vampires, and that man served her every interest.

Not to mention he wasn’t arrogant like most male Vampires.

“Ugh.” She grumbled to herself and forced herself to withdraw those thoughts.

“Tsk, annoying pest.” Victor muttered when he saw that the monsters were regenerating, but that was what he wanted. He wanted to disable them all, so the rest was easier.

Disappearing from the clouds, he appeared on the battlefield, and with the Odachi in his hands, he assumed an IaiJutsu stance.

And at inhuman speed, it sliced around him.

A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

Three seconds passed.

Soon time returned to normal, and all the monsters that were hit by his old attack were cut in half. Then, in the next second, cuts appeared all over the monsters’ bodies.

“…” Now it was Rose’s turn to be shocked. She didn’t see anything. Just how fast did he move now?

‘Actually, he didn’t even move? How does this attack work?’

Victor suddenly turned his face to the side, and he saw another horde approaching, Minions, Ogres, Behemoths, and aerial monsters.

“Just how many monsters do they have? This is getting ridiculous.” Victor was seriously cutting off the possibility of these monsters being produced by normal means. There’s no way that’s natural.

“Hmm?” Victor looked even further and saw another horde of monsters.

“What the f*ck is that?”

“A gorilla? A centipede? And a horde of invisible bipedal monsters.”

The warnings in Victor’s head went wild as he looked at the gorilla and the centipede, his instinct screaming danger with those two monsters.

“Girls, two hordes are coming!”

“A horde of minions, ogres, and Behemoths, and the second Horde is Predators, and a gorilla monster, and a bipedal monster-.” Victor suddenly stopped talking when the Gorilla suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Wha-” He quickly tried to run away. With his reaction and speed, it should have been easy, but he found he couldn’t move.



“I’m fine, worry about the Alpha, he’s here!” Victor spoke as he looked at the Alpha, who was behind the centipede, ignoring the injuries on his body that had already started to heal, as his attention returned to the gorilla.


“What monster is this!?” Ju

The four-armed gorilla roared towards Victor.

Having a 10 meter monster suddenly disappear left all the girls shocked.

“Girls regroup now, two new types of monsters have appeared, and a predator horde is on the way!” Rose ordered as she looked into the distance. She didn’t have Victor’s ability to see longer distances, mostly because of the trees blocking her view, but she could see the giant centipede, and Victor’s warning was very clear.

“Yes.” Eleanor’s group quickly ascended to the skies and drove away from the horde.

The gorilla hit his chest twice, suddenly disappeared from where he was, and appeared next to Victor.

“What the f*ck-” Victor again found himself unable to move, which was ridiculous since he could move many times the speed of sound in this form.

Yet he can’t move.


Another fist hit Victor’s body, and he sank into the earth.


‘What’s up? He’s not moving, and the feeling is the same when Natalia uses her powers. He’s jumping in space… Teleportation? And when he gets close to me, I can’t move. It’s like time has stopped…’ Victor’s eyes widened.


Forcing his body, he disappeared from the ground and appeared on the surface again.

Deciding to test his thoughts, he points his palm at the gorilla.


Lightning shot out of Victor’s hand and flew towards the gorilla, and the next moment something strange happened, the lightning stopped in midair.

Victor observed this strangeness.

‘The lightning has not stopped, it is moving, but only very slowly…’

Again the gorilla disappeared, but Victor would not fall for the same trick again.


He disappeared, leaving streaks of lightning behind.

‘Let’s learn about you, monster.’ Victor’s smile was huge. How could he not be happy? A worthy opponent was in front of him.

Victor appeared behind the gorilla, and when he was going to attack, the gorilla suddenly disappeared and appeared with his body facing Victor.

Victor quickly disappeared again.

‘His reaction time is very good, and even in this incredibly slow world, I feel like he can watch me…’

While Victor was fighting a troublesome opponent.

The girls weren’t idle.

“Eleonor, make the terrain difficult. We can’t deal with them in the open.” Rose spoke as she watched Victor and the gorilla fight.

‘A monster capable of dealing with the Fulger Clan bloodline… And to think that these monsters could evolve so ridiculously.’ In Rose’s vision, the only thing that appeared was a streak of lightning and the gorilla teleporting around, trying to hit that streak.

A high-speed fight and space manipulation were taking place there.


Eleanor put her greatsword on her back and clapped her palms together.



An earthquake, even more ridiculous than the previous one, began to hit these lands.

“It’s coming, it’s coming! The city is coming!” Dorothy was quite excited.

“Shut up, Dorothy, let Eleonor concentrate.” Alexa spoke

Using the previous pillars as supports, a structure began to be created underground.

Stone pillars were coming out of the ground, trees were destroyed, stones, minerals, everything was being changed, and the land was being molded to Eleanor’s will!

Eleanor opened her blood red eyes:

“Order: The city of Babylon.”


An entire structure came out of the ground towards the surface, a castle designed for defense, wrong. An entire city designed for defense.

“Hahhhh…” Eleanor took a long breath as she collapsed towards the ground, but Rose quickly grabbed her arm.

“Valkyries, spread out, take up your posts. It’s time for a defensive war.”

“Yes!” x5

The Valkyries disappeared at close range and spread across the city while they assumed their stance as if they were used to the sight.

“…Ugh, this technique is still very taxing…” Eleanor looked paler than usual, completely worn out.

“Rest a little.”Eleanor dropped and sat on the floor.

“I’ll take care of her, Rose, deal with them.” Anrietha, who was the only Valkyrie left, spoke as she pointed at the approaching horde of Minions, Ogres, and Behemoths.

“No, I need to deal with predators. If they invade the city, the situation will be confusing.” Rose spoke as she slowly withdrew her sword from her waist sheath.

“… That’s true.” Anrietha spoke after some thought, then she crouched close to Eleanor and began to heal her fatigue.

When Rose withdrew the sword from its scabbard, her whole atmosphere changed, as a thin, sharp aura began to emanate from her body.

With her long burgundy hair floating in the wind, Rose looked at the group of Predators, and even though they were invisible, she knew they were there since she could hear their footsteps.

Rose was now a sword… A sword with a single purpose. To slash her enemy.

Identifying her enemy, her burgundy eyes were slowly turning a dangerous red.

She took a step, and disappeared.

She appeared on the city wall.

The second step, she appeared on a Behemoth’s head.

On the third step, she appeared behind the first horde.

And, on the fourth step, she appeared in the path of the Predators and the giant centipede.

“Rose Adrasteia… Will you fight alone? Aren’t you being arrogant?” The Alpha asked in disdain. Had she forgotten what happened earlier?

“Three moves…”


“Three moves is all it takes to wipe your existence from the face of this planet…”

Veins bulged in the Alpha’s head, and soon a high-pitched noise was heard.

The order was clear.

Kill that bitch!

“First move…”

Rose’s face was serene, so she spoke while casually swaying vertically:





“… Was something supposed to happen-”


As if the law of physics was overdue to record what happened, the air, the land, the clouds, and everything in the area Rose used her technique was cut horizontally.

Everything, nothing was spared.

More than half of all predators were gone!

‘…This is bullsh*t…Isn’t this on the level of our gods?’ He spoke while looking at the monsters that were cut. The cut was clean, not even the blood was coming out, as if the body had not registered that it was separated. It was only a few seconds after the body fell to the ground that the blood started to flow out.

‘Only that group can do techniques of this level, and to make matters worse, she doesn’t even look tired!’

Rose took a step back, and something hit the air in front of her.

She took a step to the right, and the air seemed to be ‘cut’.

She took a step to the right, and the situation repeated itself.

‘She’s dodging the attack as if anticipating them! This is ridiculous!’

“Second move…” She whispered as she dodged several acidic needles coming from the centipede.

She stepped back and appeared a little ways away from the Horde.

She swings her sword horizontally.

“… Hesperus.”

Just like before, the world seemed to have a delay in registering what happened, but unlike the previous time, Rose didn’t wait and simply appeared in front of the Alpha.

“Third move…”

‘There’s still more!?” The Alpha’s skin started to heat up and attacked Rose’s face.

Rose turns her face to the right a little and dodges the attack.

At that same moment, Rose’s previous attack was registered by the world, and an air pressure exploded, killing predators, centipedes, trees, and earth.

Everything was cut horizontally, even a mountain several kilometers away had been cut in half.

Feeling a bad feeling, he quickly tried to do something, or he would die.


This time, the Alpha couldn’t even see Rose’s sword swing, he couldn’t register anything.

The only thing he thought before his existence, and the existence of all predators and centipedes literally disappeared, is that these invaders were just too ridiculous.

Chapter 458: My mother-in-law can’t hold back anymore.

“Father!!! NOOO!”

“Damit!” He hit the equipment angrily.

“Cursed invaders!”

“Cursed Adrasteia Bloodline!”

The Son of the Alpha angrily glared at the screen as if etching the image of Rose and the group in his mind, then he looked at the Type 7.

A monster of the highest level, created to kill invaders they call ‘Elder Vampires.’

A monster stronger than the Type 6 that was giving the new Count of Vampires trouble.

A monster that needed a Commander rank to unlock.

The Alpha’s son was about to click the button that released the monster, and in doing so, he was going to break the rules.

But a voice stopped him.

“Brother, what’s going on?”

“…” He stopped his hands, looked towards the entrance, and saw his younger brother.

His gaze softened a little.


“What’s the matter, brother Ken?”


“… It’s nothing-.” Ken stopped talking and looked intently at his younger brother.

‘He is already 418 years old… He is already an adult… He must know about this.’

Making his decision, he said:

“Father is dead.”


“Our father died, he died fighting the invaders…” He spoke as he gritted his teeth. The anger he was feeling now was simply… Numbing.

But he needed to calm down, nothing was born of anger, and he would have his revenge.

‘Clan Adrasteia…’ His hands shook furiously, and his eyes gleamed as he looked at a being completely covered in gold:


He took a deep breath and tried to calm down:

“As our father died, according to the law of our customs, when a leader dies, his eldest son must assume the old position…”

“So now, I will be the new leader of the village, and I will be preparing you to be my successor in case I die.”

“B-Brother, I don’t understand-.”

“But you will, and soon, you will learn about the real capabilities of our enemies…” He spoke in a stern tone.


‘I need to find wives and concubines to continue our lineage, and… I need to notify the commander about this event.’


Victor flew towards a building. His condition was simply horrible, and he was disfigured all over, his leg was missing, and a part of his stomach was open.

Yes, he was taking a beating from the monkey.

“Troublesome enemy.” He muttered as he gritted his teeth, he was irritated now. This gorilla was just too annoying. Its ability to pause time around him and teleport was a deadly combination for any enemy, but he was especially effective for opponents of velocity.

“Annoying… Annoying…”

Victor was very angry now, and the simple reason for his irritation was that he couldn’t hit his opponent.

Despite losing the fight, it’s not like Victor hadn’t learned about his enemy.

‘There is always a delay when time starts to slow down, and the prerequisite for this skill to be active is that the gorilla must be looking at me.’

He also understood how space worked, and it was different from how Clan Alioth used their powers.

Clan Alioth created a passage through space that connected from point A to point B.

It’s like a wormhole but more instantly.

On the other hand, this damn gorilla bends space around it and ‘repositioned’ space somewhere else. It was a pretty interesting concept if Victor must say.

How did Victor find this out?

Victor was one of the only people who knew Natalia’s entire skill set since he made sure to learn that because the woman simply became an irreplaceable person both personally and in her usefulness.

She was just too precious, and Victor could understand why Vlad would leave the Alioth Clan at his command alone since that kind of power was just too broken if used correctly.

And Vlad had someone stronger by his side, which was Alexios, the man who held the ‘special eyes’ of his Clan, proof that he was the leader of that Clan.

This ability was highly coveted by gods, and other beings, so the decision to keep Clan Alioth proved correct. Victor could easily imagine entire Pantheons of Gods hunting Clan Alioth for their abilities.


A roar, followed by the sounds of a gorilla beating its chest, was heard by everyone around.

Soon this gorilla looked at Victor and displayed a sneer.

A vein bulged in Victor’s head as his eyes glowed a brighter blood red.

“That’s it, you’ve pissed me off, you piece of sh*t.” Victor rose from the rubble where he was trapped, leaned on his Odachi, and slowly his transformation from Vampire Count of Clan Fulger began to unravel.

“…I still haven’t trained this like the others, but f*ck it, I’ll wipe that smile off your face.” He began to slowly float up to the sky.

“Girls, get off the floor.” He gave some advice and smiled with satisfaction as the girls began to float in the air, proof that they were trusting him.

His long black hair began to float upwards, and a red magic circle symbol appeared in his hand.

“Level 2.”


There was no explosion of power, just a qualitative shift in the air around Victor.

“…This feeling…” Anrietha murmured as she healed Eleanor.

“Is he going to use that form…?” Eleanor commented while still breathing deeply. Despite being tired, she wasn’t completely exhausted and could move now.

The technique she used was simply too much of a burden for a ‘baby’ vampire.

‘Tsk, my mother could create several literal mountains and not get tired, but I’m so weak?’ She pushed herself a lot, even though she knew she was much stronger than her mother when she was younger. Even though she knew her mother could only create literal mountains when she reached the eldest vampire state, she still wanted more.

She wanted to be like him…

Eleanor’s eyes gleamed slightly.

“Let’s cool things down a bit, shall we?


The gorilla roared and teleported in front of Victor, it didn’t know what was happening, but it wouldn’t sit around while letting its enemy grow stronger, it was no fool!

Using its giant fists, it attacked Victor’s body.


A crash was heard, but the result it had hoped for did not happen.

All it felt was cold… Its hand froze!

It quickly pulled its hand back and saw that its opponent had turned even paler, cold air was coming out of his body, and his long black hair had turned snow white.

“How did you do it!?”

“…Oh? You can talk…” Despite the initial surprise, Victor quickly recovered. He also had a gorilla who could talk, you know!?

“Answer me! How did you freeze space!?”

“It’s no big deal, I just concentrated all my power in front of me. I don’t have the delicate control of my master who is able to freeze space as if she were a literal Goddess… But I do have power to spend.”

His red eyes began to glow, and his smile grew distorted.

“So much power.”


A pale blue pillar rose towards the heavens.

“Hmm?” Rose, who had just defeated the Alpha, looked towards the pillar of power, and soon her eyes widened.

“Clan Scarlett too…?”

‘If we follow the same logic, then he can access the Vampire count form of Clan Fulger, the son of a bitch has the power of three bloodlines within him, and not to mention he’s a damn Progenitor.’ Unconsciously, she started cursing Victor.

After all, his existence was simply against the rules, he took the common sense concept and called it his bitch, and now he could do whatever he wanted.

“How can the world allow such an irregular being to be born…?” Rose stopped thinking bullsh*t and disappeared from where she was, heading back to town.

“Come on, you pigs, my disciple could take much more than that, and he didn’t cry! He always had a smile on his face!” Scathach yelled as she looked at the group of royal guards who were undergoing literal torture in the form of training.

“He’s a damn monster…”

“He’s a masoch*st…”

“Why are we going through this…”

“I want my mother.”

“Idiot, you ate her this morning, are you missing it already?”

“Yes, she was looking forward to having another child-…Wait, how do you know that!?”

“Because I was watching.” He commented with a red flushed face, “I was on the roof next door.”

“… That’s it, I’m increasing surveillance of my house.”

“Idiots, stop talking, and train harder!” Scathach stomped to the ground as her eyes gleamed menacingly.


When Scathach nodded in satisfaction, she suddenly felt a sense of ‘familiarity’ over a very great distance.

“Hmm?” Looking in that direction, even though she couldn’t see anything, she could feel something there.

It was the same feeling she got when Ruby used her Vampire Count power.

And as far as she knew, there were only two people besides her daughter who had the Scarlett Clan bloodline.

Siena, who was a more diluted bloodline that she’d gained due to certain events, and…


Focusing her attention even more on that place, she felt as if her attention was being sucked in that direction.

Her body shuddered a little, and she took a few deep breaths, inhaling the air around her, she felt her leg twitch, and the desire to fly in that direction took over her body.

Even though her body was acting like it was in heat, her mind was pretty clear, something she’d learned from years of suffering from bloodlust.

‘This feeling, he awakened his Vampire Count form, and, because of that, my body is acting like this…’

Unlike Clan Fulger and Snow.

Scathach Scarlett reached the full potential of her bloodline. Even though that potential had been increasing and growing by leaps and bounds thanks to her son-in-law’s blood, it was still a fact that she had reached her full potential.

And when a Noble Vampire reaches the full potential of her bloodline, ‘unconsciously’ she looks for beings like her… and because of that, her body was like this.



Yes, that explanation was bullsh*t. She was just excited and wanted to visit a certain man, but she was too proud to admit it.

But it was still a fact that she felt the ‘familiarity’ with Victor, and this is due to the fact that Victor had her bloodline in his body.

Scathach’s eyes gleamed fiercely, and the phrase Natashia spoke was repeating like a broken record in her head.

Scathach tried… She really tried…


She couldn’t hold back anymore…

Her instinct wanted it, she wanted it, her insides wanted it, her emotions wanted this.

An Elder Vampire felt things even more strongly than a baby Vampire or an adult Vampire, and she held back for too long, her self-control was surreal…

But… Upon feeling that ‘feeling’, she couldn’t hold back anymore. Now her own blood wanted it too, her whole existence wanted it.

And she wouldn’t hold back anymore.

“…Keep training on what I taught you. You will be free in a week, if I hear that any of you have gone soft…” She looked at the group, and due to her excitement, her eyes were shining even more fiercely.

Something that, from the perspective of the Vampires around her, meant just a pure threat. After all, they treated Scathach’s existence as another being and not a woman. She was just too scary.

“Yes! We will not falter in training!” They all spoke in unison.

“Good.” She smiled coldly and kicked off the ground into the sky.


“f*ck you, Vlad.” She created a small ice shelf, and using that as a boost, she flew in the direction of where she felt that sensation.


A sonic boom was heard, and soon the woman disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“…I was just going to ask how the training was going. Why is she so pissed off?” Vlad felt wronged now.


Chapter 459: A worthy opponent.

When the light blue pillar fell apart, Victor’s appearance was revealed.

His armor, at some point, exploded because it couldn’t handle Victor’s power.

His entire body was pale white, ice claws could be seen on his hands and feet, his ears became sharper, and long bat wings were spread out behind him.

A kind of white scales were spread all over his body, protecting the important parts and creating something like an ice armor.

“…That’s how it feels, huh… And to think that this is just the initial transformation…”

Victor could feel it in his gut, the output of the power he could now use was incredibly high. There was the familiar euphoric feeling that all transformations had, but this one seemed to be more special.

After all, Victor, from the start, was more proficient in the power of ice.

Because it was the first power he had fully trained under a master like Scathach.

The rest of his powers he’d learned by watching, and didn’t have a teacher to teach him.

Raising a hand to the side.


The odachi that had fallen from Victor’s hands returned to his hand, and the moment he picked up the Odachi, the entire Odachi began to change, just like it did when he transformed into the Vampire Count form of the Fulger Clan.

The Odachi was covered by the matched element, this case being ice.

He raised his sword to the side.

“Girls, predators are coming from the opposite side.”

Eleanor and Anrietha were the first to react, they disappeared from where they were and appeared on top of the stone castle, and they saw invisible ‘footsteps’ on the ground.

“Tsk, sneaky, they split his forces, huh…” Anrietha narrowed her eyes. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that those predators Rose was fighting weren’t the entire pack.

“Anrietha.” Eleanor raised the Greatsword and prepared.

“Leave it to me.” Anrietha whispered some incomprehensible words and increased all of Eleonor’s abilities.

“We can’t let them leave this place, the fight will become problematic if they join the others.”


As Eleanor said this, she heard a gorilla roar.

She looked up and saw the gorilla teleporting behind Victor.

“Freeze.” Cold air shot out of Victor’s back and exploded on the Gorilla’s body.


“I have some things to take care of… I’ll deal with you later.” Victor spoke in his usual cold voice, and soon he turned his face to the girls who were fighting the monster horde.

Specifically, he looked underground. He saw something while he was fighting the gorilla before, and he needed to confirm it before something went wrong like this again.


‘sh*t.’ Victor disappeared, and moved in front of Alexa, grabbed the woman unannounced like a sack of potatoes, and quickly jumped towards the sky.


A monster popped out of the ground just as Victor grabbed Alexa.

‘Acid…’ Victor thought when he saw the color of the hole. Now he understood how the centipedes moved underground.

“Girls, there are some sort of centipede monsters in the ground.” Victor’s voice resounded on the spot as he casually swung the Odachi, and the Centipede’s body was split in half, then rapidly frozen.

“… I know what it is.” Rose appeared on a building next to Victor.

“It must be the children of that centipede monster. No wonder that monster was so weak, it was just a monster capable of spawning other monsters…”

“I see…” Victor put Alexa down:

“A Spear user should always pay attention to her surroundings, like a sphere around herself.” Victor’s cold voice took Alexa by surprise.

But understanding that he was giving advice, she nodded.

“When I get back, I will ask my master to train you. She is an expert in the Spear after all..”

“…Eh?” Why are you throwing me under the bus!? What have I done to you!?

“I know, it’s an honor, etc.” Victor misunderstood Alexa’s shock.

“….” The woman’s lips twitched.

“Vic-” Before she could argue, he vanished and appeared in front of Dorothy.

And again, the scene was repeated as he lifted the woman onto his shoulders.

He disappeared from the place after killing the monsters with a casual swing from Odachi.

And appeared next to Alexa.

“…Eh?” It was so fast that Dorothy didn’t notice a thing.

“These sneaky tactics are getting old.”

“This is how monsters fight, we just have to adapt.”

“Wrong, we must force them on our ground, just as Eleanor did.” The cool air around Victor started to cool even more.

“C-Cold.” Dorothy quickly walked away from Victor.

“Valkyries gather behind me. You too, Eleanor and Anrietha!”

“….” Anrietha and Eleanor, who were about to clash with the predators, stopped in their tracks and quickly used their speed to get back to Victor’s side.

When all the girls were behind Victor, Rose included.

Victor lifted the Odachi to the sky.

“A world of weapons… A world of ice…”

“Ice World…”


“That’s definitely not the power of a young Vampire.” Rose commented aloud when she saw the scenery that was changing.

All the buildings, trees, monsters, mountains, everything turned to pure ice, and, soon after, various types of weapons began to emerge from the ground.

The other girls behind Victor could only look at the man’s back with shocked faces.

Eleanor, however, was curious about something.

‘This power is similar to mine, with one difference, it’s creating ice, I’m manipulating the earth. I can also create earth, but it’s more efficient to manipulate what you already have, you spend less energy…’

‘Speaking of energy … Just how much energy does he have to cover the entire city with pure ice?’

They knew they were just fine because the environment around Victor wasn’t affected as much as the rest of the city. Victor’s bat wings were protecting them.

Victor approached an ordinary sword, grabbed the sword, and threw it at the monster that was coming out of the ice cocoon, and soon the monster’s entire body was frozen again.

“…This is how these weapons work, prey on the monster in the ice, and eliminate them-.”


“….” Victor looked up and saw the gorilla on top of a building beating its chest, a clear display of defiance.

His intent was so clear that even a stone could understand.

“Okay…” Victor’s smile grew:

“Let’s Dance.” Victor vanished and appeared in front of the monster, and soon the claws and Odachi clashed.



Chapter 460: A worthy opponent. 2

“Let’s Dance.” Victor vanished and appeared in front of the monster, and soon the claws and Odachi clashed.


An explosion of air was heard all around.

At the same moment, giant mirrors appeared around the gorilla.

“….” The gorilla opened his eyes in shock.

‘Again, space was frozen… But.’

Victor’s body started to slow down.

And the gorilla punched Victor in the face.


Victor flew to the ground and shattered like an ice statue.

The gorilla looked at this sight with strange eyes, he didn’t feel the same feeling as before.

“So predictable.” A voice was heard behind him.



Four cuts were seen on the Gorilla’s back.

“Damn, what did you do!?”

Victor didn’t respond and just commented:

“… Impressive, I was intending to rip you to pieces.”

The gorilla turned to face him, and Victor felt the time around him slow down again, but, as he did before, he let his mirror reflection appear, and he felt the influence of time returning to normal. In the same second, he used his speed and disappeared, leaving behind an ice clone of himself.

Something he can only do only in this form. After all, the Vampire Count form was where a Vampire became one with their own power.

As the gorilla needed to ‘see’ Victor for the power to work, by fighting in this way, he could slightly decrease the power of the time effect and act.

‘But it’s just a thoughtless measure, this strategy can easily be destroyed.’


The gorilla broke the ice mirrors and threw them at Victor.

Victor waved his hand, and the pieces turned into thorns and returned to the Gorilla.

‘I can’t get him back to the ground either, he’s being cautious…’

With the Vampire Count transformation, he’d managed to lessen the influence of space on the gorilla’s power. He didn’t know exactly how it worked, it was just something he imitated after all.

He used all of his abundant energy to ‘freeze’ the air around him.

Which somehow prevented the gorilla from teleporting too close to him.

‘I’m glad I saw that fight with Inari and my master…’ Victor was a quick learner. He wasn’t a genius who mastered everything when he saw the technique only once, but he managed and had enough wisdom to get out of a bad situation and make situations advantageous.

“Valkyries, let’s clean up these monsters. Use the weapons on the ground.” Rose gave the command.


Alexa was the first to move as she grabbed an ice spear.

She threw it so hard that all the monsters in front of her were pierced.

‘…This Spear is so durable!’ She was shocked by the strength of this ice.

Wasting no time, she used her speed and easily killed the trapped behemoth.

The girls around were doing similar things Alexa did.

They knew that these weapons couldn’t kill the monsters permanently, but they didn’t need to. They just wanted them to stand still and become lambs to the slaughter.

“…” Slowly a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the faces of all the Valkyries present.

They were loving it. It was so easy, like gutting a helpless chicken.

And it can be said that the woman who was most happy with this development was Eleanor.

She jumped through the hordes of monsters, picked up any random ice weapons from the ground, and threw them at the monsters, momentarily paralyzing them, then used her Greatsword and split the monsters in half.

“Hahahahaha~” Disgusting blood fell on her face, but she didn’t care. She was loving it.

‘As expected, it was the right choice to bring him to this place!’

Alpha’s appearance? Wasn’t completely unexpected. That gorilla and the other monsters she’d never seen in the entire history of Clan Adrastea? A little impressive.

But nothing was more important than to kill these creatures.

And for the first time ever, she and the Valkyries crossed the 30,000 km limit!

She was so happy that her body was occasionally shaking.

‘He won’t stop here, right? Right!? He has to go on, wrong… We have to go on.’ She was so wrapped up in her murderous thoughts that she didn’t realize the implications of her words.

Another girl who was utterly enjoying this situation was Anrietha.

As she wielded her strange greatsword that used her shield as a scabbard, she reveled in slaying the monsters.

With Victor in the group, she didn’t have to focus entirely on support, and only she knew how happy she was about that.

While the Valkyries were ecstatic for the pleasure of slaying monsters,

Rose was looking at the fight between Victor and the gorilla.

‘His Odachi skills are decent, but… He lacks intention, if it were me, that gorilla would have disappeared from the face of these lands…’ Rose thought.

‘…As expected, he has a lot of potential and a lot of destructive power, but most of his techniques are green, require refinement, are young, and are not completely mastered. He has so much power that he must spend most of his time trying to control that power and improve it…’ By calmly analyzing Victor’s fight with the Gorilla, she could tell what the boy lacked and everything he needed in time.

‘It’s amazing that he reached such a level at such a young age… Who am I kidding? This is monstrous, this much talent is ridiculous.’ She looked around and saw a whole white landscape.

‘It’s like I’m watching the power of Scathach.’ Turning her attention to Victor.

“…This monster should definitely be cataloged. The power of teleportation and stopping time around its body and field of vision is too dangerous to ignore.”

Rose was pretty sure that if it wasn’t for Victor fighting, the girls wouldn’t have an easy time since he’d taken the most troublesome opponent for himself.

She believed that only she or Eleanor could handle this monster, her because of her sword skills that have reached absurd levels, and Eleanor because of the very nature of her powers.

Of all the houses of Vampire Counts, Eleanor’s power was the most dangerous if stretched to the limit.

It could literally destroy an entire continent by moving the planet’s tectonic plates causing seismic tremors that would extend across an entire continent.


“Damn creature, stop dodging like an annoying insect!”

“…” Victor flashed a cold smile when he saw the gorilla’s state. He had cuts all over his body, and even though these cuts were slowly healing, it was still very slow compared to the normal regeneration of higher level monsters.

“How about no?” He laughed as he pointed his finger at the gorilla, and suddenly, thousands of ice spikes appeared around him.

“How about some harmless rain?”

“…Harmless…” The gorilla felt like choking when he heard Victor’s words, a demonstration that Victor was capable of making even a stone spit blood due to how shameless he was.

“Go.” With a little order from Victor, all those ice spikes flew towards the Gorilla.

“Humpf, don’t underestimate me.” The gorilla raised all four of his hands behind him and clapped all four hands together.



With the pressure caused by the monster’s palms, all the ice spikes were evaporated from existence.

“…Oh?” Victor’s smile grew.

“In that case, what are you going to do about this?”

Victor snapped his finger, and thousands of thorns appeared again.

Now, this time it was a little different.

The entire space around the gorilla, be it front, back, bottom, top, right, or left, was completely filled with sharp spikes.

“… This is ridiculous.”

“Get used to it.”

“f*ck you!!!”

“A very foreign word to hear coming from a monster.” Victor laughed, and with a wave of his hand, all the spikes flew towards the Gorilla.

“It seems that the act of swearing is something universal.”


Chapter 461: A worthy opponent. 3

“A very foreign word to hear coming from a monster.” Victor laughed, and with a wave of his hand, all the spikes flew towards the Gorilla.

“It seems that the act of swearing is something universal.”

The gorilla assumed a defensive stance and defended itself from the spikes coming towards it.

‘He’s aiming for my eyes, fool. Do you think I don’t know my weakness?’

Despite hurting his entire body, these wounds didn’t cause mortal damage because they didn’t have the anti-monster properties that those weapons had, so his body was regenerating from that damage easily,

A few seconds passed, with the gorilla just being defensive until he got angry.



He roared as he slammed his chest, and, with the thumps in his chest, the crash destroyed all the ice spikes.

The reaction was instantaneous, as the entire battlefield became ‘bright’ with tiny thin ice crystals falling around like snow.

“Finally an opening, motherf*cker.” Victor appeared in front of the Gorilla.

“…Eh-.” And Victor’s bloodthirsty grin was the last thing the monster saw before it got its eyes slashed.



‘Looks like he just wasn’t wasting energy, that whole show was for this moment, huh… Good.’ Rose smiled in amusem*nt.

“HAHAHAHAHA~, Now, things are going to get a little fairer.” Victor kicked the monster in the head. He wasn’t going to miss this chance, he was going to kill him!

The gorilla flew to the ground, and when he hit the ground, a gigantic crater was opened.

“Bloody bug!” The gorilla got up off the ground and tried to feel around, and soon he heard a voice behind him.

“How rude, if you’re going to compare me to an animal, how about a leech?”

He roared angrily and tried to turn around to attack Victor.

Correct, he tried…

“Although, my master says that names of techniques help in the quick imagination of our abilities.”

Victor disappeared and moved in front of the monster’s giant head:

“I never gave a name to this technique whose creation was inspired by an attack by my beloved wife…”

The monster turned around and attacked Victor.

“Although it is a technique that reaches its full potential when I use my lightning, I can still use it in this form… Out of respect for a strong opponent that caused me a lot of difficulties, I will use my strongest Odachi technique to kill you.”

He sheathed the Odachi and assumed an IaiJutsu pose.

He took a deep breath, and everything around him started to slow down. Even the fist coming towards him from the right seemed to take forever to arrive.

The moment Victor let out his breath, he unsheathed the Odachi at a speed invisible to the naked eye and slashed in front of him, and in the very next instant, he slowly sheathed his sword.

Time seemed to stop around the monster, as several white cuts appeared around and all over the monster’s body.

The moment Victor sheathed the Odachi completely, everything returned to normal.

“Wha-…” The gorilla’s body started to crack, not even feeling what had happened.

“You were a worthy opponent. You helped me realize my own weakness and powerlessness in this fight, you helped me get stronger, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that.”

“Sleep tight, Old Friend.” Victor turned around, and his transformation unraveled.

At that moment, the monster’s entire body began to fall to the ground in pieces.

“…Scathach really made him a warrior of honor…” Rose flashed a small satisfied smile. Victor was a rare creature these days.

An honorable warrior, something seen only in the great heroes of the past.

‘You really were born at the wrong time, Second Progenitor…’

Landing softly beside Rose, Victor placed the Odachi on his back and asked.


“The fight is almost over, the horde is not a problem for the girls, but these predators are annoying.”


“What are you going to do now?”

“Rest, regain our strength, and continue.”

“… Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Victor said:

“But before continuing, we must make a temporary checkpoint.”

“…Are you going to use this city?”


“In this fight, we learned a lot, and I agree with you. We cannot proceed recklessly.” Rose learned from the near-deaths of the girls and from Victor himself.

And it looked like the man did too.

“Have you learned your shortcomings?”

“Yes, I have to learn a way to deal with space and time, I’ll put that on my list of future worries…”

‘Time, space, and Aphrodite’s charm, things I can’t get over without due time…’ Victor felt like sighing now.

“… Just for your knowledge, even most Gods would have a problem with that monster. You did very well.”

“My master would have frozen him along with space and time and killed him easily. That’s still not enough.”

“…She’s not-…” Rose fell silent, rethought about Scathach’s prowess, and spoke, “Actually, I think she would be able to do that.”

“I should be able to do something similar to avoid this kind of technique in the future.”

“… You charge yourself a lot, Victor. You have only been alive a few years.”

Victor gestured as if he had no choice, “I have to do this, or I won’t be able to defeat my master and have her as my wife.”

“….” Rose choked on her own saliva, shocked by what she heard.

Looking at Judy and Julieta, who were having little problems with invisible enemies, Victor spoke:

“I’m going to give them a hand.” He knew they weren’t in danger. If given time, they could eliminate everything, but he didn’t want to do nothing.

Looking at Victor’s back as he jumped towards the girls, Rose didn’t know what to think.

‘Having a man become strong just to defeat you, and have your hand in marriage… Scathach, you bitch, you’re so lucky!’ Rose felt jealous now.

It might not seem like it, but that was a popular thing back then. It was like every strong woman’s wet dream.

They all wanted to have a handsome, strong, and talented man chasing them.

The stronger a Supernatural woman grew, the higher her standards became, and this was the case for Rose as well.

So it was no exaggeration to say that she had this dream too…

“Judy, give me your gun.” Victor said as he approached the girls.

“…Do you know how to use this?”

“Of course.” He watched the woman using her weapon for a long time, and, despite not being able to use the weapon’s special power, since it can only be used by the Adrastea bloodline, he could still use it normally.

“Okay.” She tossed the two Deagle towards Victor and removed her daggers from her thighs.

“Sweet.” Victor turned the weapons in his hand a few times, threw both weapons into the sky, grabbed the weapons again, then pointed the weapons at the monsters and focused his energy on the two Deagle.

“…” Judy pursed her lips when she saw the way Victor handled the Deagles, he was very casual.

Victor’s violet eyes began to glow, and he located the monsters and their visible weaknesses. He smiled a little and spoke while pulling the trigger:



Honestly, Victor expected a small beam of light like Judy, he didn’t expect that.

A giant beam of red light passed through all the monsters in a straight line.

It wasn’t as destructive as Judy’s special attack, but it was still ridiculous.

“…I swear on all that is most sacred that I just put in a little energy.” Victor quickly spoke to Judy, who was looking at Victor with a strange glint in her eyes.

“…So… This was just a casual shot…?”

“Yes… I mean, I just put in a ‘little’ energy, I know I shouldn’t overdo it, or your Deagles will break.”

“… Just how much energy do you have? Are you a f*cking drummer?”

“I honestly wanted to know, then it would be a lot easier to train.” Victor spoke with a sigh.

He had to base everything on ‘feeling’ and success and failure. It was stressful at times.

“Hmm?” Looking at the Deagles, he saw that both guns had overheated…

“…at least they’re not broken.” He whispered as he released some of the ice’s power to cool the weapons.


Chapter 462: The Hidden Boss.

“So this is the gate of Tartarus…”

“Hmm…? Have you not seen this place before?” Morgana asked with an amused look.

“I have not had the opportunity to visit Clan Adrastea territory.” Elizabeth replied.

“Oh… Come to think of it, you’re still a baby, huh.”

“…I am an adult in the human world.” Elizabeth grumbled.

“Still a baby for us.” She chuckled in amusem*nt.

“Humpf, can you say that to that man’s face?” Elizabeth didn’t need to specify who she was talking about. Everyone in this carriage knew who she was talking about.

“It is clear. He’s a baby… an incredibly mature baby.” She laughed seductively as her succubus tail danced around.

“I don’t know how to feel knowing that my mother is lusting after my father’s enemy…”

“Humpf, Victor is a man Vlad will never be in his entire life.”

“…And enemy? How so?”

“….” Elizabeth glared at her mother, specifically at a part of the woman’s body that swayed with any sudden movement.

‘I’m 100% sure I’m adopted…’ She thought with a dead look.

‘Why didn’t I inherit any of my mother’s traits!? She’s a succubus, shouldn’t I have a body like hers!?’ Looking casually at her sister, she felt sour.

The reason? Lilith was very similar to her mother, at least in body. However, her face she’d inherited from her father.

Now, she didn’t know which one. After all, her father was famous for having several ‘faces’, she didn’t even know which part of Lilith’s face was her father’s, but she was sure her sister didn’t look like her mother…

… At least that’s what she thought.

“Father clearly doesn’t like Victor, so doesn’t that mean he is his enemy? Not to mention Victor killed my father’s grandchildren.” She had no attachment to those creatures, she didn’t even consider them her family, and the way those men looked at her was disgusting.

She just didn’t kill them because they were her older brothers’ children.

“… You know relationships don’t work like that, the world isn’t black or white.”

“I know, but…” Lilith sighed at the end.

“To be honest, I don’t know anything anymore.”


“Lucas and Saul are… depressed.” That was the best word she could find to describe her brothers’ feelings.

“Well, they lost their older brother and their mothers… It’s understandable.” For all Morgana’s lack of delicacy, she wouldn’t dare make fun of a subject like that, especially since the subject in question affected her daughters as well.

“How are they dealing with this?” she asked gently.

“Lucas disappeared somewhere, he said he was going to train. I think that’s his way of dealing with things. In less than a couple years, he lost his son, his mother, and his brother… that isn’t the best thing for anyone’s mental state.”

“Saul is more complicated… He is completely depressed.”

“Adam was bad too, but he got a lot better thanks to Jeanne’s appearance.”

“What about you?” Morgana spoke up.

“…To be honest, I wasn’t really close to my brothers, so their death didn’t affect me that much… And I have you here now…”

If Lilith were to describe her feelings, it would be shock and disbelief.

She never thought her father would kill his own children and wives, but it just proved one thing:

‘Even if he is lenient with his family, he is still a King at the end of the day… He needs to do whatever it takes to protect his Kingdom… Even if it means killing his family.’

Lilith understood that what Theo, Lucas, and Saul’s mothers did was unforgivable, but this action originated due to her father’s neglect.

The problem originated with him.

She thought he would be lenient and just arrest the traitors, but… Her father just killed them all.


She sighed again.

She knew what he did wasn’t wrong, but knowing the context of it all, she couldn’t help but feel bitter.

All because of a big ‘what if’.

What if Vlad paid attention to his wives.

What if Vlad prepared Theo better to be his successor or let him rule elsewhere.

For God’s sake, the man was 3000 years old, but Vlad treated him like a child.

It’s ok for the old monster to do that, considering that he is a monster with more than 5000 years of life, but even so, he should think more!

A father was supposed to be the glue that holds your entire complicated family together, but he failed to be that glue.

Sighing again, Lilith decided to stop thinking about it. These thoughts were getting her nowhere.

“….” Morgana displayed a sad smile when she saw the state of her eldest daughter. She could clearly understand her thoughts since it was quite obvious after all.

‘It’s because of that I brought you away from the castle. You need to see new horizons, my daughter.’ In the real sense of the word, Lilith is a young adult.

Despite being a 1500 year old Vampire, which can be considered an Elder Vampire, she didn’t have the experience necessary to be called that.

She’d lived her whole life being protected by the old man. Of course, that was not a bad thing.

But she never had a chance to spread her wings and develop.

For God’s sake, even Ophis was better than her in this regard. The 5 year old had already had a near-death experience, and, while this was not something that a small child should experience, it was quite important for the development of the personality of a Supernatural Being.

After all, the supernatural world is cruel, much more cruel than the human world.

Chomp, chomp.

“….” Looking to the side, they all looked at Ophis eating a bucket of blood red cookies with a neutral look on her face.

“What?” she asked, confused.

“Why did you come-… Actually, why didn’t you teleport to this place?” Elizabeth rephrased her question because she realized it was stupid. Ophis clearly came because she wanted to see her father and because she wanted to pass! She was a free child!

“…Father forbid…” She muttered and then went back to eating her things.

“Which one?”

“The good one.”


“Mm.” She nodded her head in agreement.

“…why are you listening to him?” Lilith felt disbelief, was this stubborn little girl really her sister?

“He is my father…?”

“Why don’t you listen to Vlad then?”

“….” Ophis made a difficult face, as she seemed to be thinking deeply, something like a difficult math question.

Everyone was silent as they waited for Ophis to respond.

“If I listen to my Good Father, he will reward me.”

“Whether or not I listen to my other Father, he will reward me anyway.”

She nodded, satisfied. It seemed her reasoning was correct, then she went back to eating.

“….” A silence fell around them.

“…Vlad spoils you that much?”

“Yes…” Elizabeth and Lilith spoke at the same time.

“And for Ophis, it’s even worse. I wouldn’t doubt that if Ophis said she wanted Planet Earth, Vlad would go to war just for her.” Lilith spoke.

“Not just him, I think Victor would too.” Elizabeth spoke.

“…….” Morgana looked at Ophis with horror in her eyes.

‘With a casual request from this little girl, she can order around two Progenitors. Isn’t she the real secret boss here?’


Chapter 463: A Casual Act That Changed Fate.

In another carriage.

“Adam, my son…”

“Hmm?” The blond-haired man looked at his mother.

“When you look at this mountain, what do you see?”

Question marks appeared around Adam, as he didn’t understand the reason for his mother’s question.

He looked at the mountain that seemed to form a wall that divided Nightingale’s territory.

“…a pile of rocks?”

“Look closely.” Jeanne demanded.

“Hmm…” Adam looked seriously at the mountain, but no matter how much or how thoroughly he looked at it, he only saw rocks.

“…I only see more stones, mother.”

“I see…” Jeanne’s expression and tone didn’t change.

But even so, this weird question piqued Adam’s curiosity.

“Why did you ask that?”

“I just wanted to know your opinion.” Jeanne spoke the truth.

“Hmm…” Adam looked at his mother strangely but let it go.

Jeanne looked back at the mountain.

‘Should I be happy that my son didn’t inherit my powers or disappointed that he doesn’t have these powers?’ Jeanne asked herself as her eyes glowed slightly gold.

And soon, she could see thousands of beings scattered across the mountains.

Monsters, Vampires, natives of this world, and various souls were trapped in these mountains and were feeding them to serve as a defense…

‘Or a weapon…’ Unlike Morgana, Jeanne was the one who knew most about Clan Adrastea’s capabilities.

When remembering her past, she remembered her existence, a being that is older than the First Gods, or as they are called today, the Primordials of The Pantheons.

This was Jeanne.

Looking back at her son, she couldn’t help but think, ‘Unlike me, his Soul core is still that of a vampire, so I don’t think he will ever awaken that ability.’

Adam was born at a time when Jeanne didn’t remember her origins, and even though she wasn’t completely a vampire, but something else at the same time, she was mostly a Vampire.

Only when she awakened her memories and visited her older brother could she regain her true form, and her soul was whole again.

Is she a Vampire? Yes, she is.

But upon contacting her older brother and remembering her past…

She’d changed… She’d become something better than a regular Noble Vampire.

99% of her Soul Core was now made up of her former form, and only 1% was vampire.

Victor unknowingly helped Jeanne to be reborn.

Again, she felt this complicated feeling. She wanted her son to inherit her ability, but personally, she didn’t want that either.

After all, this skill was just a burden.


She sighed internally.

‘Even now, I can easily eliminate that 1% that makes up the Noble Vampire Bloodline, but… If I do that, I feel like I’ll lose a reason to visit Victor…’ His face turned slightly red.

‘Umu, even though I hate Vlad’s bloodline being in my Soul Core, I’ll keep it for now… After I move forward in the relationship with him, I’ll delete it and replace it with Victor’s… With that, I’ll be closer to him… Then as a family… children… I want 2 more… Wrong 20 more…’ She started to get lost in her world.

“Mother? Are you okay? Because you’re breathing rather heavily…”


“Are you okay?”

“Y-Yes, I’m fine, don’t worry, I was just thinking about something.” She quickly composed herself.

“Hmm…” Adam narrowed his eyes, but soon his eyes returned to normal when he saw his mother’s flat face.

‘Idiot, you’ve completely lost your mind!’ She mentally slapped herself.

‘Remember what he said? He wanted to see me shining, that is, I must do my best for him to accept me completely. With that, I will have a big family as I always wanted! Umu!’

…He didn’t say that…

Victor had no idea how his simple gesture of seeing a woman ‘shine’ completely shook the world of the being currently known as Jeanne.

She had been lost for so long, and the simple act of making her remember shook her completely.

Of course, that wasn’t all. She had already been feeling something since she found him and watched him. He was very unique.

The way he looked at his loved ones was a way Jeanne had never seen or experienced before in her life.

She wasn’t hungry for affection…far from it.

She was merely curious about this man’s existence and wanted to learn more about him.

She was grateful that he reminded her of her past and, more importantly, her older brother.

And she was worried…

Worried because this man always seemed to get into trouble that seemed to want to kill him. An example of this was the very event that made her meet her brother.

‘If my brother hadn’t recovered his soul, he would be extremely weak now… Progenitor or not, having his soul damaged was a very dire thing. After all, the soul is the record of an individual’s entire existence. It’s something very important and very fragile…’

Family wishes aside, she, from the bottom of her heart, wanted to be close to him to help him in case he got into trouble.

Like it or not, at the end of the day, she was a Saint.

She had a good heart.

… But only for those who deserved that heart of hers.

Looking at the guard approaching the carriage, she thought:

‘I won’t make the same mistake of giving my heart away easily… Even if that person is my benefactor.’


“Jeanne te-…just Jeanne.” She cursed herself because of her custom:

“I was here for a few days, have you forgotten me already?”

“Of course not, I’m just following protocol.”

The guard looked at the man.


“Adam Tepes.”

“…Oh, fourth prince.” The guard’s voice was quite monotonous.

“….” Adam’s brow twitched a little, he knew the Clan Adrastea guards weren’t impressed by Royalty.

‘It seems that the pride of a Prince is still present in him… Troublesome, should I teach him humility?’ Jeanne thought.

“!!?” Adam unconsciously felt a shiver down his spine.

While this was happening, the situation was different in the other carriage.



“Oh, Welcome back.” He definitely didn’t say that to get in her pants, definitely not.

“Thanks.” Despite sensing the man’s intentions, she still thanked him.

Looking at the girls now with a bored look, he said:


“Elizabeth Tepes.”

“Lilith Tepes.”


“O-Ophis!?” The guard casually ignored the two women and looked at the little girl.

“What? Is Ophis here?”

Another guard approached the carriage and saw Ophis inside.

“Idiot, how did you not recognize Ophis!?”

“I was bored.”

“That’s no f*cking excuse! Go tell Mr. Walter!”

“Y-Yes!” The man quickly ran towards the castle where Walter was.

“…What is this reaction? Why is her treatment different?” Lilith was genuinely curious.

“Lady Ophis, your father, that monster-… Cough, your father said that as soon as you arrived, we should accompany you to his mansion. He said that his other daughter, Nero, is waiting for you.”

“Nero…” Ophis’ eyes gleamed slightly as she vanished and appeared outside the carriage.


“Follow me.”


“Hey, Ophis, you mustn’t follow strangers!” Lilith screamed.

“Idiot, no one in their right mind is going to harm Ophis in this town! Just stay in the carriage waiting for your token!” The guard roared, his eyes glowing blood red through his helmet.


“Come on, Lady Ophis.”

“Mm.” The guard pointed to a spot and followed behind the girl like she was a leader or something.

When Ophis arrived in front of the gate, another change took place, and soon she was joined by a legion of armed soldiers.

“Get out of the way, commoners! Lady Ophis is passing!”

“Shoo, Shoo, she will get sick if she breathes your air.”

“…They have completely abandoned their duties!” Elizabeth roared.

“Why are they acting like thugs!?” Lilith roared along.

“Just what’s going on!?” The two asked at the same time.

“You still don’t understand?” Morgana smiled amusedly.


“Victor did it.”

“He’s made Nero and Ophis’ presence known in this town. Everyone knows they’re his daughters, and everyone knows you shouldn’t hurt Ophis, or you’d have a very angry Alucard on your ass.”

“Why do they fear Victor so much?” Lilith spoke.

“It’s not fear… It’s respect.”


“He hunted a lot of monsters when he was here, and everyone saw Victor training with the Valkyries. He’s pretty close to Eleanor too, and she’s very respected in this town.”

“Of course, being the youngest Count in history, and the tales of his feats of tearing Clan Fulger’s mansion to shreds, further helped his reputation.”

“…What is this about the Fulger Clan mansion?” Elizabeth asked curiously.

“Well, he f*cked Natashia’s brains out, and the Fulger Clan mansion is in pieces now because of his act.” She commented in disdain with a slight hint of envy.


“… Upon learning of this fact, all men came to respect him even more.”

“Of course, the cuteness of Ophis and Nero helped too.” She added.

“What the f*ck?” Lilith couldn’t help but comment, “What’s wrong with this town?”

“Wait, he had sex with his mother-in-law?!?!” Elizabeth yelled

“Meh, you guys know his capabilities. It’s no exaggeration to say that all his mothers-in-law want a piece of him for themselves.”

‘Including myself…’ She commented internally.

Unlike Jeanne, Morgana was more honest with her desires, she was a Demon after all.

“…” The two were so shocked that they were silent for a long time.


Chapter 464: Scathach has arrived.

The moment Morgana, Jeanne, and their children were in front of the guard, they heard something.


Something fell around them, and a small crater was formed.

“What is this mess?”

“SSSSS-…” The guard passed out.

“Now that’s an overreaction.” Lilith laughed amusedly.

“Why does it look like he saw a ghost?” Elizabeth spoke up.

“Well, for some people, Countess Scathach might be considered a ghost.” Adam continued.

“Scathach, what are you doing here?” Jeanne asked.

“I came to visit.”

“…” Morgana narrowed her eyes:

“By any chance, does this visit involve a certain tall man with black hair and violet eyes?”

“Heh~, how did you know?” She spoke in a sarcastic tone.

A tone that Morgana ignored and explained her thoughts:

“Few things make you move in this life, and apparently, that man is one of those things.”

“You talk like I’m lazy.” Scathach rolled her eyes.

“Besides training and causing chaos, what else do you do in your life?”

“Training talented people?”

“I bet you hadn’t been doing much till you found Victor.”

“…Hmm, you’re right.” Even Vlad’s castle royal guards were being trained without any real motivation, and she was only doing it because it was her duty.

Of course, Scathach wouldn’t move completely out of ‘duty’, she was not that generous.

She had her own reasons for accepting Vlad’s order, one of those reasons being that this plan was primarily made up of her disciple’s idea in cooperation with the two bitches. [Natashia and Agnes.]

After the recent events of Natashia ‘marrying’ her disciple, Scathach was feeling quite sour about this development.

The other reason was that Scathach wanted to see what kind of change this plan would give Nightingale. How would the immutable city change now with this plan?

She wanted to know, she was curious.

“Anyway, what is this mess, why does this place have so few guards?” She looked around with narrowed eyes. She didn’t remember this place having so few guards before.

If there was one thing that Scathach had made sure to beat into the forces of Clan Adrastea, it was to never fall to complacency. After all, they fought monsters, and those kinds of creatures were usually very unpredictable.

A good example of this was the Predators, creatures capable of becoming invisible.

Even though the city’s stronghold weapons could sense these monsters, they shouldn’t let their guard down like now.

“Ohhh, it’s all because of Ophis.”

“Ophis?” Scathach raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Morgana repeated her explanation to Scathach about Ophis and Nero and about Victor’s reputation in the city.

“Fufu~, he’s still very overprotective as usual.”

‘Good, good.’ She nodded several times in satisfaction.

‘But… to think that they did it until they destroyed the mansion…’ Scathach’s eyes glowed slightly blood red for a few seconds.

Unbeknownst to Victor, he’d ended up awakening Scathach’s competitive side.

Another guard appeared and looked at Scathach with his mouth open in shock but quickly took on a professional expression. He grabbed his fellow guard, dragged him to the next quarters, and then came running back.

“Countess Scathach Scarlett, your daughters are at Lady Eleonor’s mansion.”

“Oh…” Scathach snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the guard’s voice.

‘Come to think of it, my daughters were here, huh?’ The moment that thought crossed her mind, she was shocked at herself.

‘Have I really changed that much? If it were the old me, I would be going crazy right now that my daughters were not in my sight… Or is it because I trust my foolish disciple too much?’

After some thought, she imagined a hypothetical situation. She pictured leaving her daughters in Eleanor’s care, and she couldn’t help but disapprove of that decision.

But when she imagined leaving her daughters with Victor, she didn’t feel anything and felt secure in her decision.

The reason for this was that Scathach knew her foolish disciple. He would rather sacrifice himself than allow danger to fall upon even a single strand of her daughters’ hair.

He was a lot like her in that sense after all.

“I will visit them, thank you.” She spoke with a small smile on her face, something she’d unconsciously let occupy her expression. She was clearly still lost in her imaginary thoughts.

“…Y-You’re welcome.”

As Scathach entered the territory, the guard looked at the group in shock:

“She just thanked me… Huh? Am I dreaming?”

“…Can you hurry up, please?” Jeanne was too tired to explain anything and just wanted to get this over with.


Walking through the city, Scathach was wondering what to do.

‘My disciple is not in town, nor am I feeling the presence of Rose, Eleanor, and the Valkyries.’ Looking around and seeing men and women in armor, Scathach couldn’t help but flash a tiny, imperceptible smile.

She might be a little biased, but she liked the atmosphere of the city of WarFall. This city reminded her a little of the place she’d grown up in.

A place where warriors gathered.

‘Although, this town has a better atmosphere than my village… This is all Eleanor’s achievement, huh…’

Eleanor Adrastea was considered by Scathach to be a rare, unpolished gem, a genius. It was no wonder she’d achieved the title of Vampire Count at such a young age.

Although no one made a fuss about it, after all, she came from a ‘Noble’ lineage. So while it was surprising what she had accomplished in so little time, it was practically expected by everyone that she would have achieved it.

She wasn’t applauded or given a shocked reaction like when Victor became a Vampire Count.

The thing is, Victor was an unknown man. He had no Noble Clan, he was a ‘commoner’ who was a disciple of Scathach and somehow had connections with the three Vampire Count clans. He was a Vampire who the King himself recognized and made him the fifth Count of Vampires, thus starting a new Vampire Clan and a new bloodline.

Because of this, the shock was greater. Upon becoming a Vampire Count, Victor became a turning point in Nightingale’s history, writing a new chapter of a story that would be told in the books of the future.

‘Being born into a well-established old family has its drawbacks too… She didn’t get attention because she was ‘expected’ to do that and become a Vampire Count.’

Was Eleanor sad to see the lackluster response of the Kingdom’s people?

Definitely not. Contrary to what was usually to be expected of a Noble Vampire, Eleanor was not vain. She sought personal conquests, and in her opinion…

Only the recognition of your Clan, and your master, was what mattered.

She didn’t care what the people of Nightingale thought about her.

For starters, she was from an isolated town and barely interacted with Nightingale’s Noble Vampires.

And for her, that was perfect.

She was given the ‘privilege’ of staying away from Nightingale’s disgusting politics and could completely focus on her town.

‘…I have to admit that that day, I was surprised.’ Scathach thought in amusem*nt as she arrived at Eleanor’s house.

‘I had underestimated Eleanor a little at the time.’

Passing through the gate as if she were the owner of the house, she felt a presence appear near her. She looked towards a tree and said:

“Walter, how long has it been? I see you’ve gotten stronger.”

“…I cannot compare myself to you yet, Countess Scathach.” An Elder Vampire came out from behind the tree and bowed in awe.

“Hahaha~ don’t be modest. Just like the late Prince Theo, you are a Vampire over 3000 years old. I’m sure you are stronger than me.” Scathach flashed a bloodthirsty smile.

‘It’s been a while since I fought this old man, I wonder how he is now…’

Walter narrowed his eyes when he saw Scathach casually drop such important information, but he was used to the woman’s eccentric personality.

‘I’ll investigate this later.’

“…Far from it. Countess Scathach definitely outsmarts me.” He spoke in a humble tone.

He definitely didn’t want to set alight the powder keg known as the Scathach. As an experienced old man, he knew well the ways to avoid trouble.

After all, that same old man had fallen for her tricks in the past, and for an entire month, he’d had to deal with a battle-hungry Scathach. He didn’t want to repeat that same misfortune.

He didn’t want to have his old bones intimidated by this monstrous woman.

‘Tsk, you’re going to play like this, huh.’ Scathach clicked her tongue. Why did everyone avoid fighting her? She’s harmless!

She just wanted to stretch her body a little and have a fun fight.

‘As expected, Victor is the best. He always fights me… I really want him to get stronger so I can loosen up more.’

Scathach knew a lot about Clan Adrastea. She knew that within that Clan, there were two Vampires of ‘Master’ level, the same level as her.

Vampires who were the sword and shield of Clan Adrastea.

And the first of them was the commander of the Valkyries.

Rose Adrasteia, a woman who reached the peak in the art of swordsmanship. Scathach had never seen anything this woman could not cut with her sword.

Rose had reached an unprecedented realm in her sword technique, a realm that not even Scathach had yet managed to reach.

And that was something Scathach was not ashamed to say.

After all, unlike her, Rose focused all her training on her sword.

In the truest sense of the word, she lived to become one with her sword.

She was a true swordsman. A true Master.

Scathach, on the other hand, was a Master of many things, and she had spent a lot of time training her ice power as well.

The reason Scathach didn’t entirely focus on her Spear was because of her simple belief.

‘A warrior must have several cards to use on a battlefield.’

A lesson that was taught by her mother.

She should never limit herself to just having one option. Instead, she should have several options and use the best one possible in different situations.

Because of that, she trained with various weapons. Because of that, she trained her powers. Because of that, she learned various techniques and created her own fighting style.

She didn’t want to be limited.

And if there was one thing that Scathach had the most in her life, it was time… and she planned to use all her time to improve.

The other Master was Walter Adrastea.

The man in front of her.

And in a simple way to understand… Walter was a Master of Close Combat.

A man that even Scathach had a hard time fighting against if he fought seriously.

His fists were deadly. Not only that, his physique was leagues above a normal Noble Vampire. Even Alpha werewolves, who are beings with ridiculous physiques, would have a hard time dealing with Walter.

He was also a master of various domestic matters.

Etiquette, leadership, politics, those were just some of the topics that Walter had mastered, and there were thousands more to the list.

Walter was the epitome of the perfect butler. He was always around to advise, teach, and help the leader of Clan Adrasteia.

If Rose was the sword of Clan Adrastea and focused on military matters…

Walter was the shield, and his expertise was in domestic matters.

Of course, as Elder Vampires, they had a certain grasp of each other’s areas of expertise. Their duty, above all, was to help the leader of Clan Adrastea.

And they needed various knowledge for that purpose.

This was also one of the reasons why Scathach ended Eleanor’s training earlier than usual.

Eleanor already had her base, she already had her support, and two teachers Scathach thought were competent enough.

Scathach couldn’t stunt the girl’s growth with her teachings. Because of that, she only taught her the ‘base’. After all, her belief in a strong foundation has never changed, and that was a teaching she carried with her through life.

Scathach prepared Eleanor and gave her the foundations to train properly. Walter and Rose polished the girl and turned her into a warrior and, more importantly, a leader of the clan.

Of all the Vampire Count Clan heiresses, Eleanor had the most exceptional teachers and the best base to grow. After all, she lived in a perfect place to train and improve.

“Far from it, Countess Scathach is, in fact, stronger than I am.”

“Stop with the flattery, it won’t work for me.” Scathach snorted and started walking.

“….” He flashed a small smile and followed behind the woman while keeping a neutral gaze on his face.

“Where are my daughters?”

“Currently, Lady Pepper and Lady Lacus are training with Mizuki.”

“…Mizuki?” She remembered hearing that name somewhere.

“Yes, she is a human, an Onmyo Mage.”

“…Oh…” The feeling that she knew that name started to grow, but she still couldn’t remember.

“Where are Victor and Eleanor?”

“On an expedition, Count Alucard is supporting my master. They are aiming to pass the 30,000 KM barrier.”

“….” Scathach stopped walking and looked at Walter with her eyebrows raised a little.

“Are you sure about this? Won’t your Clan leader be in danger?”

“They are adults, and as adults, they must make their own choices. Rose and I will always support our Master’s decision.”

“…I’m not talking about that.” Scathach put her hand on her brow and said:

“I’m talking about the natives of this world and their ‘Gods’. They won’t stand by and watch their territory being invaded.”

“Alphas are not a problem.”

“I’m more concerned about the Gods.”

“…That’s a valid concern.” Walter couldn’t deny that concern because, honestly, it was a concern he had too.

‘I’m glad I asked Rose to take our Clan’s treasure in case a problem occurred.’ Precautions were never unnecessary, especially when your leader was more than 30,000 km away from your safety.

“As long as an Elder God doesn’t show up, Rose will deal with the enemies.”

“…That’s true…” Scathach replied after thinking about Rose’s abilities from the past, and as it was an old memory. The woman should definitely be stronger now.


Chapter 465: A squadmate.

After the fight that took place, the group was relaxing in a hot spring.

Created by Victor and Eleanor.

Eleanor made the ‘bath’ with her earth element. She’d made it quite deep since all the people in the group were over 190 CM.

Victor supplied the water with his water element, and heated it with his fire. He’d conjured a small mini-sun under the hot spring that served to heat water.

Of course, without the insulated protection of Eleanor’s very resistant earth element, the earth would have burned, and he would not have been able to continuously heat the water without being personally present on the spot.

“To think that we are using the most respected powers of the Clan of Vampire Counts in this way…” Eleanor commented with a tired sigh, as her long white hair fell into the water.

She was lying lazily against the edge of the hot spring with her eyes closed, her armor and weapons nearby in case she needed to get dressed quickly.

“Elder Vampires who cherish the customs would be pissed off right now~.” Rose added while laughing lightly.

“Fufu, who cares about those old men-…” Anrietha stopped talking when she felt Rose’s gaze on her body.

“… I’m sorry.” She quickly spoke up.

“…I don’t care, it’s not like you were talking about me or anything.” Rose huffed and then leaned back against the edge.

‘Lies!’ Anrietha wanted to scream, but she consciously closed her mouth and was silent. Nothing good would come of teasing this woman.

And she wasn’t in a fighting mood right now. She just wanted to rest. Despite being fine physically, her mind was quite exhausted. Out of everyone in the group, Anrietha, Eleanor and Victor were the ones who used their powers the most.

Eleanor and Victor mainly.

One opinion all Valkyries had in common was that they loved to fight, but rest was also important.

Currently, Eleanor and the group of Valkyries were all the way they came into the world relaxing in the hot spring. The environment was quite silent, they all didn’t want to talk, they just wanted to rest their minds.

“… Come to think of it, where is Victor?” Alexa asked.

“Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen him since he made the hot spring.” Dorothy commented.

“…He’s patrolling~…” Judy spoke in a tired tone:

“I was going to do that, but he offered, I didn’t argue because I know his senses are more efficient than mine~”


“Does that man have infinite energy? How is he not tired?” Martha commented.

“…well he f*cked an Elder Vampire and kept up with her; he definitely has a lot of energy.” Julieta commented in a neutral tone.

“….” Some girls, that included Eleanor, were a little red in the face when they heard Juliet’s words.

“I’m not talking about that!” Martha snorted.

“Why are you acting embarrassed? I’d understand if you were Eleanor, but you’re not that young of a…”

“Keep going, and I promise that tomorrow you’ll wake up in an ogre’s belly.”

“…” Julieta closed her mouth and was silent.

All Valkyries knew not to tease Anrietha and Martha. The two women are the kindest and quietest of the bunch, but there was that saying about the ‘quite ones’ for a reason.

The quiet ones are the most dangerous.

“What should we do now? Back to town? Victor’s armor has been blown up into thousands. He’s walking around in just his pants.”

“Judy’s gun is a little damaged too.”

“Ugh, if this kind of expedition is going to be frequent in the future, we need to recruit a blacksmith for our group, at least she can do basic repairs.” Eleanor muttered.

“I agree.” Rose decision support.

To this day, no one had attempted such a long expedition before. They’d never dared to go beyond the 30,000 km limit, but Eleanor had a feeling that this sort of thing would be normal now in the future.

Mainly because Victor was moving closer to her territory and building his own.

‘Speaking of which, he will be my neighbor… We should ally with him as companions who fight monsters. But what kind of thing can we offer as an alliance?’ Eleanor had thought about it in the past, and the only conclusion she had come to was to use her Clan techniques as a bargaining chip. She would offer these services for a small fee, after all, they would be close allies.

Was Eleanor worried about Victor stealing her Clan’s forging techniques?

Not at all, she completely trusted Victor. She knew he was not that kind of stingy man, and even if he wanted to, Victor wouldn’t be able to steal it. After all, monster materials could only be handled by someone from Clan Adrasteia.

He must have the monster’s bloodline, or he could die from the monster’s venom. Not to mention the material wouldn’t’shape’ without the Adrastea Clan bloodline.

“Haaah, those monsters are quite sneaky, huh.” Hearing a sudden voice, the girls looked to the side and saw Victor completely the way he came into the world walking towards them.


Unconsciously, they all gulped.

“Tsk, Tsk. And to think that they’d use these kind of methods to observe, they are quite resourceful, huh.” Victor openly complained as he approached the hot spring and casually walked in while ignoring the girls’ shocked/lewd looks.

“… Take it.” He threw something in Rose’s direction and stretched out on the edge of the hot spring.

“…Eh…?” Instinctively, Rose raised her hand and took it, when she looked at the contents she’d caught and she saw a small brown insect, it looked like a grasshopper.

“One of the methods they used to spy on us to find out who invaded the forest~.” Victor replied in a satisfied voice, as the temperature increased a little around him.

“…One of the methods?” Eleanor narrowed her eyes when she saw the insect in Rose’s hand.

“Yes, I’ve seen other small animals with the same level of intelligence, and acting strange.”

“What do you mean acting weird?” Judy raised an eyebrow.

“I have very good eyesight. While patrolling, I kept my sights on this little bug, and every time I went somewhere, it would follow me and just stand there watching me.

I found this very strange, until I noticed several similar behaviors from other insects, and smaller monsters.

“I was even ambushed by a horde of predators.”


“Why didn’t you call us!?” Eleanor spoke.

“Mah, Mah, you deserve to rest, and they’re easy to deal with if you can see them.”

“…..” The girls didn’t know how to feel about it. It was a strange feeling to have someone protecting you. Victor, from the beginning, fulfilled his promise not to let any real harm come to the Valkyries.

And he’d saved the girls several times, even putting himself in danger the last time.

It was a strange feeling… But it wasn’t bad, they liked it.

But that didn’t mean they were okay with it, they were warriors! They could protect themselves.

But if there was one thing they all understood, it was that Victor only saved them when death was an imminent danger. He respected women, and didn’t treat them like delicate flowers.

In a way, they knew that Victor treated them like squadmates, and a squadmate’s duty was to protect their members, and fight together.

The girls were just impressed because they’d never had the experience of a man doing that for them.

After all, even the male Vampires of their Clan weren’t on the same level as the Valkyries. Yes, they were strong, unlike Nightingale’s untrained trash, they were all quite trained.

But they were not ‘elites’ like the Valkyries.

After a moment of silence Alexa spoke:

“…Wait, can you see them!?”


“I had my doubts about your abnormal detection ability, but this answers a few questions, it’s a visual power, right?” Rose spoke up.

“Yes.” Victor didn’t deny it, but he didn’t explain much either. It’s not that he didn’t trust the girls, but he couldn’t casually talk about the exact capabilities of his visual power without being 100% sure the enemy wasn’t watching.

They had already proven more than once that they had quite an ingenious ability to spy on people.

And not to mention that his power of observation helped him several times, it was his hidden card that wasn’t so hidden.

“…Changing the subject, are you guys really going to ignore the fact that he got NAKED in the hot spring!?” Dorothy commented.

“…Oh.” They all spoke at the same time, they got caught up in Victor’s rhythm that they totally forgot about that fact!

“Not wanting to defend him, but… It’s not like it’s the first time.” Rose commented in a lazy tone.

“And he also sat quite far away from us.” Eleanor surprisingly spoke up.

“He’s also a squadmate.” Anrietha commented.

Of course, Anrietha wouldn’t allow another man to see them. The Valkyries were warriors, but that didn’t mean they weren’t women.

If it had been any other man, he would have already been beaten, and in the worst case he would have been castrated. The girls were proud women and they wouldn’t allow that humiliation.

She didn’t talk about Victor because…

Well… He was Victor.

The fact that he’d saved them, was handsome, acted like a knight, and didn’t lust after them like a degenerate and just enjoyed their figure added more positives to his dictionary.

“…He’s also eye candy~.” Julieta commented with a slightly heavy breath.

“…” The girls looked at the woman with long blonde hair.

“What? I just spoke the truth, I know you all think the same as me.”

The girls rolled their eyes but didn’t affirm or deny anything, but their own silence acted as a response to Juliet’s statement.

“Girls, Girls, look.” Judy spoke as she pointed at Victor.

The girls looked at the man and saw him lying with his head on the floor with his eyes closed as he breathed in a steady rhythm.

The girls’ eyes visibly softened, and they couldn’t help but show a small smile.

“f*ck, I should have brought my cell phone, I need to save this image!” Dorothy complained.

“I brought mine.” Anrietha got up from the hot spring, approached her armor, and took out a cell phone that was in a compartment in the gigantic shield.

Eleanor was speechless when she saw the small compartment in Anrietha’s shield.

“Just how many things do you keep in that shield?”

“Few essentials, as it is made of a very robust material, improved with my charms, the shield will hardly break. Because of that, this is the best place to put my stuff.”

When Anrietha was going to take Victor’s picture, she heard from Rose:

“Stop, don’t do it.”


“Would you like Victor to take a picture of you while you were sleeping and without clothes?”

“…” Anrietha and the girls fell silent.

“Just as he respects us as warriors, squadmates, and women.”

“We must do the same, and respect his privacy.” Rose closed her eyes, and went back to rest.

“Just let him rest.”

Anrietha nodded and tucked her cell phone back into the shield, she realized her commander was right.

“…” Eleanor looked at Victor out of the corner of her eye, she looked like she wanted to do something, but she didn’t want to do it in front of the Valkyries, so she just stayed silent next to Rose.

Rose showed a small smile. She more or less understood what Eleanor wanted to do, and if it was any other time, she would have come out of the hot spring and ordered the girls out too to make room for their leader to take the initiative.

But currently, she wasn’t in the mood to do that. The girls needed rest, Eleanor included.

And Victor earned her respect by saving all her ‘daughters’ from that bomb. Consequently, he’d entered her ‘protection’ area.

Victor, who had entered the realm of unconsciousness, had no idea of the small commotion he’d caused just with his sleeping appearance.

Looking at the castle with an expressionless expression.

“f*ck, I slept.” Victor facepalmed. It might not look like it, but he was very tired mentally, and when he felt the hot water on his body, unconsciously, he started to fall asleep.

He didn’t really want to sleep; he knew that every time he slept, he would wake up in this place, and he really didn’t like it here;

“Now, where is that bitch?” Victor looked around with strange eyes.

Normally, the Goddess would be sitting on her throne with that arrogant smile on her face.

“I’m here~.” Feeling a pair of hands trying to embrace him, he disappeared, and appeared a little distance away.

“Tsk, petty.”

“What are you doing, Persephone?”

“I’m doing what I want.”

“Hugging me?”

“You let Aphrodite do this!” Her eyes gleamed dangerously, and an overwhelming sensation left her body.

“….” Victor remained with the same Poker Face, but inside he was saying some bad words to Aphrodite.

But if you asked Victor if he expected that from Aphrodite, he’d say, yes. He expected it. He knew how vain women were, especially the Goddess of Beauty.

Aphrodite wasn’t going to miss a chance to rub it in Persephone’s face.

“That bitch used it to tease me for a week! One week!”

“Because of that, I’ll do whatever I want-.”

“Are you thinking I’m Adonis?” Victor’s eyes glowed blood red, and the scent of blood began to leak from his body.

The image of the castle began to warp between thousands of bodies, and the castle itself.

“…” Persephone narrowed her eyes when she felt something.

‘He got stronger… His soul is stronger, what happened?’

As a Goddess, she knew how difficult it was to strengthen your soul, this was a process that took years, but in less than a few months, had he managed to do it? Impossible.

“Tsk.” Persephone clicked her tongue, and disappeared. Soon she returned to her throne.

“Let’s talk, about anything, I don’t mind.”

“Just stop acting like an indulgent, spoiled brat.”

“….” Victor narrowed his eyes when he heard Persephone’s tone.

‘Is she angry? But it looks like it’s not because of anything related to Aphrodite… Should I dig it up?’

It only took a few seconds for him to make his decision.

‘I’ll try to find out what it is. If I’m lucky, it will be something related to the invasion of demons.’ As the Queen of one of the 7 Hells, Persephone must have some kind of information about what’s going on.

At least that was what Victor had hoped for.


Chapter 466: Self-respect.

After a long silence between the two, Victor spoke:

“… How was your day?”


Victor was a little shocked, he hadn’t expected such a…honest answer.

“What happened?”

“The underworld is in chaos. For the first time in thousands of years, I’ve really needed to exercise my authority as Queen…” She sighed.

“The war, huh.”

“….” Persephone opened her eyes a little, and looked at Victor.

“You know it?”

“Aren’t you underestimating me a little?”

“Who am I Persephone?”

“…The fifth Count of Vampires…”

“That kid wouldn’t miss out on such information, huh.” She spoke after realizing what Victor had hinted at.

It was not strange for Vlad to know this information whether he wanted to or not. He was still friends with Shiva, and Shiva was a very influential God in the international community.

Vlad himself, despite not being as popular as the God of Destruction, was quite influential as well.


“What happened in the underworld?”

“…Sigh.” She visibly sighed and continued.

“Everything is in chaos, souls are not going through the correct cycle of reincarnation. Because of that, problems are occurring all over the Seven Hells of Mythology.”

“….” Victor narrowed his eyes at this information. Not even in Adonis’ memories had he seen Persephone with such a… helpless expression.

“Chaos in Hell wouldn’t make you worry so much, Persephone.”

Now it was Persephone’s turn to be shocked:

“…You talk as if I-…Oh.” She remembered the words Victor had spoken when he first met her.

‘He consumed Adonis, so he is expected to have his memories too.’

“What happened?”

“….” Persephone bit her lip. She knew she was making a mistake; she was telling important information to a personal enemy.

As a Goddess of the Underworld who had lived for thousands of years, there was something that Persephone was quite an expert in.

She could sense the ‘intentions’ of the soul.

A strange skill, something she’d acquired after so many years of watching souls come and go from the Underworld.

An ability that should only belong to the God who ruled the Underworld.

Because of this ability, she could feel it… She could feel the hatred of this man in front of her.

He could mask it all he wanted, he could have the best expression control she’d ever seen in her life.

But his soul couldn’t hide it.

And this was something she didn’t understand at first, why did he hate her?

She didn’t understand until the moment he said he’d inherited everything from Adonis.

That is to say, that hatred was from Adonis. The man for whom she’d cursed to death in anger because he’d run away from her ‘hands’.

The man she fell in love with and was angered when he disappeared from her grasp.

Unlike Aphordite who just forgot about Adonis and got bored, Persephone truly loved Adonis, she wanted him for herself.

But it all went downhill from there when that red-haired Vampire appeared.

Looking at the man in front of her, she saw his expression, that neutral expression that didn’t let any feelings or thoughts convey, his relaxed body that let nothing convey.

But to Persephone his intention was clear as water.

‘…why am I doing this again? Why am I humiliating myself for this mortal? So what if he’s handsome? As he himself stated, he is not Adonis, he is just a substitute.’

‘Anyway, no matter what effort I make, Aphrodite will always win in the end, why should I waste my time at this critical moment?’

‘My husband has disappeared somewhere, and the leadership of the underworld of Olympus is in my hands, why am I wasting my time with him?’

‘I don’t even know him, all I wanted was Adonis, and he was killed by him…’

‘Oh… He was killed by him, his soul was absorbed.’

‘That is, for me to have Adonis, I need to rip him out of his soul, huh…’

“… But is it worth it?”


‘Is it worth going through so much trouble for a man who has always rejected me?’

Persephone had plenty of time to think before the sh*t hit the fan.

She had a lot of time to think before the events that were happening now in the underworld took place.

She reflected and thought about her actions, and that was after Aphrodite’s visit.

Remembering the woman’s visit.

“Bitch, you once again stole him from me!”

“…Sigh, you really don’t understand, huh?”


“Men like him cannot be imprisoned, they are too ‘free’ for that.”

“The more you push, the more he will hate you.”


A silence fell around.

“Why don’t you just forget about it?”

“Forget Adonis like you!?”


“You-.” Persephone was about to say something, but Aphrodite interrupted.

“I won’t lie, I once ‘loved’ Adonis, but…”

“It’s tiring, you know?”


“I am the Goddess of Love, Persephone.”

“I can see the Love in people.”

“Adonis didn’t love me…”

“Lies, he always loved you, he always loved me.” Persephone rejected Aphrodite’s thought, she knows what she felt in the past was no lie.

“Yes, in the beginning.”

“…But what happened was…”

“We pushed the human a lot… In the past, I couldn’t understand. How could he not love the Goddess of Beauty and Love? It was impossible, everyone loved me, everyone sought my attention, it was common sense.”

“But after some events in the present, I came to understand a little bit.”

“Their ‘male’ pride had been destroyed.” She spoke with disdain, and with a little sadness.

Disdain because the same thing happened with Agnes, but the man came to sincerely love the woman.

‘Stockholm syndrome maybe?’ She laughed to herself.

And sadness because it took her a long time to understand the effects her actions had on the person she ‘loved’.

“And it went on to make him hate us… I couldn’t take it…” She bit her lip.

“As the Goddess of Love, I couldn’t bear to imagine hurting my ‘love’. Because of that, I blessed him with beauty. I poured all my Divine Power into this blessing, and he became the only bearer of my blessing. I sincerely wished for him to be happy… And I left.”

“…What’s the point of telling me this now, Aphrodite?” she asked in a slightly shaken voice.

“I’m telling you to be a f*cking respectable woman.”


“Have respect for yourself, don’t be chasing a crush that hates you, aren’t you ashamed?”

“Aren’t you a f*cking Queen?”

“Be more aware of yourself.”

“…Are you really saying that to me? You the Goddess slu*t-.”

Aphrodite’s eyes glowed pink, but other than sweet, hot pink, it was a cold, dangerous pink.

“I’ve never slept with a man for fun.”

“I’ve never pursued a woman for fun.”

“From the beginning of time, from the moment I came into being, my sister Rhea taught me the proper respect for a woman.”

“All the male and female lovers I’ve had have been people I’ve had a certain kind of interest in, whether it was emotional or personal.”

“I didn’t become a f*cking cum toilet like that bitch Gaia who lay with her children in Tartarus to raise thousands of monster children to destroy us, children who are patiently waiting to come out of Tartarus to kill us!”

“…..” Persephone swallowed hard when she saw Aphrodite’s cold outburst.

She’d forgotten for a moment that she was dealing with a Titan, and she wasn’t just any Titan, she was one of the strongest.

“This ‘slu*t’ you talk so much about is just a ‘title’ that you jealous Goddesses labled me with. You envy my beauty, envy that no one can ignore me if I’m present, you envy my existence as the Goddess of Beauty.”

Persephone narrowed her eyes, and a vein popped in her head.

“We are Greeks, before the word modesty or morals even existed, we already practiced orgies.”

“Orgies in which you, your mother, and my nieces participated in.”

“Humpf, as if you didn’t participate.”

“There’s a difference.”

“Huh, what was it!? I clearly remember you practicing this in the past.”

“The orgies I did, I organized with the men and women I was interested in. I organized everything, I would never let a God with the attitudes of Zeus or his two brothers touch me. I repudiate these men.”

“I never let them touch me either, just Hades, and he’s different from his brothers.”

“I wasn’t accusing you. You can give your puss* to all the Gods and I wouldn’t bat an eye.” Aphrodite rolled her eyes.

‘This bitch, don’t those words contradict what she said before!? She really knows how to piss someone off.’

Soon Aphrodite continued:

“And just like everything else in my life, after 5000 thousand years had passed, I had already given up all my ‘interests’ and moved on, I got bored… None of them made me activate my ‘divinity of love’, none of them made me really feel something.”

“….” Persephone didn’t say anything, but she could relate to Aphrodite’s emotions. She was a Goddess, and Gods live a long time.

Over the millennia, things started to get uninteresting. Sex might’ve be interesting at first, but in the end it was just that, sex. After 20,000 years, it becomes boring. Because of this, most Gods didn’t consider ‘sex’ important but the ’emotions’ behind the act.

That’s one of the reasons why Persephone was so obsessed with Adonis. Because, for a God, that real ‘feeling’ is enough for them to act.

“I took an interest in the child of Zeus and Hera. Ares was a strong man…but boring with his tiny thinking.”

“Adonis was next, and he actually activated my Love Divinity, I had fallen in love with him. But… I realized it wasn’t reciprocated, and for a Love Goddess, that’s a worse feeling than betrayal.”

“After Adonis, I just wandered the world looking for anything interesting to do. I hid my Divinity, and my real appearance. I visited different Pantheons, and I made true God friends, friends who just weren’t trying to get into my skirt.”

“After my trip, when I came back to Mount Olympus, I had noticed that the environment of Olympus was very toxic, something I hadn’t noticed before. Soon after I decided to move to the human world…”

‘And this proved to be the best decision of my life, I finally… I finally found a true friend, and a friend much closer than the God friends I made in the other Pantheons.’

A moment of silence fell around them.

During this silence, Persephone was waiting for Aphrodite to continue, but seeing that she wouldn’t, she spoke up:

“And then? What are you doing now different from running after Adonis? Aren’t you chasing this man now that he’s absorbed Adonis? Is it not the same thing?”


Aphrodite visibly sighed.

“… Wrong, it’s different.”

“Oh, how is it wrong?”

Ignoring Persephone’s sarcastic tone, she spoke:

“I’m not chasing a dead man, and I’m not putting myself down as a woman either.”

“Victor is…interesting.” She flashed a small smile.

“At first, I was interested in him as I had been interested in Ares. He was handsome, he was brave, he was a warrior, a perfect match for my tastes.”

‘He was also my friend’s son, which increased his attractiveness even more…’ She thought, but didn’t speak aloud.

“I helped him. But, that same day that I helped him, I made a mistake because of my arrogance, and our relationship soured… I was honestly interested in him and I didn’t want to give up, but everything changed when someone got in trouble. ..”

“Even if Víctor was a man I liked, I wouldn’t risk that person’s friendship for his sake.”

“…Would you rather give up on someone completely than lose a friendship…?” Persephone spoke in shock, the very thought of this happening not even conceivable in her head.

“Yes.” She spoke in an honest tone, and with a conviction that shocked the Goddess even more.

“…You’ve changed, Aphrodite…” Persephone couldn’t help but recognize that, she would usually never sacrifice anything for someone else… This wasn’t the Aphrodite that Persephone knew.

“….” Aphrodite was silent.

‘Anna is just very important to me. Her friendship is something I value very much. If I had to give up on Victor to keep Anna’s friendship, I would do it without a second thought.’ She clenched her fists tightly, then relaxed when she felt Persephone’s gaze.

“The interest I have in Victor has evolved into something else when we interact. I honestly enjoy interacting with him, he makes me laugh, he amuses me, he doesn’t look at me like I’m a piece of meat walking around.”

“His heart is very kind, his care for the people close to him is a stark contrast to his attitude towards his enemies… And as I spent months talking to him, and getting closer, I really started to genuinely like him.”

‘I really enjoy his company, I don’t mind we don’t do anything intimate… Just talking to him, and talking about various things makes me happy, and that’s a feeling I haven’t had in a long time… I don’t want to spoil it.’

“…That’s the difference between us.”

Persephone narrowed her eyes. “…I don’t understand how this is different from me.”

Aphrodite snapped angrily.

“I’m not looking at a f*cking dead man’s corpse, I’m looking at him, only at him, I’m not using him as a replacement like you!”

“…” Persephone opened her eyes wide.

“You’re just replacing him and chasing the past, because of that, I told you to have self-respect for yourself.”

“Tsk, I’m done. I don’t know why I wasted my time with you.” Aphrodite turned around and started to walk furiously outside, but before she left completely, she stopped walking and looked back with a sly smile:

“He is very hot under that outfit, too bad it’s something you’ll never see.” Soon she disappeared.

Veins popped in Persephone’s head, as expected this bitch just wanted to tease her!



Chapter 467: Self respect. 2

Remembering the conversation she had with Aphrodite, she continued to look at Victor with neutral eyes.

‘After months of thinking about that slu*t’s words, I… I couldn’t help but think she’s right’ Those thoughts were reaffirmed as she looked at Victor.

And for a moment, she began to see Adonis in the man in front of her.

‘Tsk… Pathetic.’ Persephone’s heart went cold.

Aphrodite underestimated the effect of her words on Persephone. The Goddess of Love had a lot of influence on her ‘rival’.

‘Self respect, huh…’ She thought of the current state of the Underworld.


“…What?” Victor narrowed his eyes when he felt Persephone’s gaze. He didn’t know what happened, but her entire presence changed.

“I’m done.”


“You chase after me, and visit me in the Underworld to claim my head…”

“I won’t stop you. I probably did a lot of damage to Adonis, and because of that, his family must hate me.” She spoke as if that wasn’t important, and it really wasn’t.

How much harm did the Greek Gods intentionally or unintentionally do to humans?

The bill passed thousands easily.

And did they care?

Of course not. They were Gods. Human morals meant nothing to them, their hatred didn’t matter either.

“…” Victor’s eyes were serious.

Persephone snapped her fingers.

And a black ball came out of Victor’s chest and flew to her hand.

“… That is…”

“The curse I put on Adonis.”

Victor’s whole head was processing what was happening in front of him now. He couldn’t understand anything, he was just curious.

“…I don’t understand, what caused this sudden change of thought?”

“It wasn’t sudden.” Persephone spoke in a neutral tone.

“Time in the Underworld passes differently than Earth.”

“For you it might have been weeks, but for me it was months or even years, not that I care about the exact date.”

Persephone clenched her fist, and soon the curse was broken.

And slowly the castle began to crumble.

“Next time we meet… We’ll probably be enemies.”

“…” Victor continued with the same neutral expression on his face.

“How did you know about my feelings?”

“…This is information that not even Adonis knows. In fact, except for a few individuals, even the Gods don’t know… The Gods of Hell can read the intent of someone’s soul.”

“Although you keep your poker face at all times, and control your feelings, your soul cannot lie… Not if you want to, of course.”

“…I see…” Victor blinked at the end when he realized that Persephone’s last sentence was a hint.

“…What caused your change of feelings?” Victor asked with a relaxed look.

“A rival’s words can be more effective than you think.”

“Aphrodite…” Victor closed his eyes, his head still spinning rapidly.

“…she has changed.”

“….” He looked at Persephone.

“I didn’t realize it until a few months ago, but… The Goddess of Beauty changed when she left Olympus…”

“Maybe that was for the better… Gods hardly change, we live for a long time after all.”

“… Then why are you still talking to me, aren’t you my enemy?”

“The line between enemy and ally is as fine as the line between love and hate.”

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned from living for a long time, it’s that nothing is as simple as black and white.”

“Today, you may be my enemy, but maybe in the future, you will be my enemy who will help me defeat another enemy, or maybe you will be my ally, who knows? The future is uncertain.” She spoke in an oddly knowing voice.

Victor didn’t ignore Persephone’s advice. He knew dealing with the Gods was never simple. If there was one thing mythology can say, it’s that it is not uninteresting.

Mythology is strange, confusing, and sometimes revolting, but it’s certainly not uninteresting.

The relationships of the Gods came and went depending on the surrounding situation.

“…you’re strangely not acting like a spoiled brat.”

“Oh, come on. You and I both knew it was an act. We joked around a few times trying to read each other’s intentions, right?” She laughed in amusem*nt.

“….” Victor nodded.

“…Oh, but I’m still spoiled. I am a Queen after all.” She snorted.

“Your subordinates must be crying with a Queen like you.”

“Believe it or not, I’m pretty popular.”



“…the Underworld is f*cked up.”


The two laughed a little, but then Persephone’s expression changed.

“Before you go… Let me give you a heads up.”

Slowly Persephone’s hair began to grow, and reaching the floor, a dark aura began to leave her body, her dress began to change to black with lilac edges.

Her eyes were pure darkness, and a long scythe made of power appeared in her hand.


Victor’s eyes widened widely. This was a pressure many times stronger than he’d felt from Inari, and it made his face unconsciously smile.

Fear? What is it?

Victor was a true maniac, fear only propelled his guts to fight the strong opponent.

He was not afraid of fear, he was afraid of not being able to move and fight someone strong.

“If you invade the underworld with the intention of harming me, prepare to leave your soul in my realm.”

“Because this time… I won’t be forgiving anymore.”

“…PFFT…” Victor slowly got up from his throne: “HAHAHAHAHA” A gigantic smile appeared on his face.

“Forgiving? Bitch, please.”


The pressure from Victor’s body exploded, pushing Persephone’s pressure away.

Corpses started coming out of the ground around him, and getting up, monsters, humans, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, corpses of various beings were rising up around him like an army, his hair grew to normal size, his eyes glowed blood red.

A red sun appeared in the sky, and Victor’s entire face began to disappear, and only something distorted was present, something that had sharp teeth, and blood red eyes.

“I wouldn’t expect less from you.”

“You can throw everything at me while I go after your head.”

“Do you want my head so bad? Does Adonis’ death bother you so much?” She couldn’t understand his determination.

“…I’ll go after your head, but it’s not for Adonis.”


“You’ve harmed my wife’s family for years…”


His roar did damage all around.

“My wife’s tears will never be in vain… No matter who the enemy is, those who make them cry, only one fate awaits them.”



‘He really is adorable… Aphrodite was right.’ She couldn’t help but be a little jealous of the women who received this crazy, obsessive, destructive love, but at the same time affectionate, gentle, and enviable.

“I see…” Persephone closed her eyes.

“From the beginning this wasn’t about Adonis personally.”

“They were about the people close to him…” Understanding what was happening, she opened her eyes with a glint of determination.

“…I’ll be waiting for you in the underworld, Alucard.”


The world shattered like glass.

Persephone awoke on her throne in the Underworld.

“Thanks for the help, Thanatos.” She spoke to the man in front of her who was covered in a black cloak.

“… My Queen, why didn’t you kill him? He is clearly a threat.” The Entity of Death asked:

“I am Death. With my power, even in that ‘dream’, you could have killed him the moment you summoned the scythe.”

“Hmm… I honestly wonder why… I don’t have a big reason you know? I don’t hate him either. If I’m being honest with myself, I kind of like him a little…”

“….” Thanatos narrowed her eyes from under the black cloth.

“And if I killed him there, Aphrodite wouldn’t rest until my dying body was in front of her.”

“Are you afraid?”

“Nah, even if she’s a Titan, she can’t fight the whole Underworld… Actually, I think she can with that annoying power of charm, and knowing the woman, she wouldn’t attack alone, she has a lot of influence after all.”

‘I would have to ally myself with various other Pantheons depending on the conditions of Aphrodite’s threat, and the fight itself would escalate into a war over one man…’ Persephone had examples of what had happened in the past.

But the event itself was caused by a Princess who was kidnapped by the enemy country, the country from which the woman was kidnapped was so furious that it sent all its people to war over a woman.

She was just so loved that way.

“But that’s not the point, I just don’t have time for it, other than that, man wouldn’t go down without a fight.”

“You saw it, right? How strong his soul was.”

“…Yes, a being that contains millions of other souls within its own soul… A Progenitor of Vampires…”

Persephone nodded. She felt a little sour. She didn’t know if she’d made the right decision, but it was better to make that decision than to humiliate herself in front of that man.

‘Self-respect, huh?’ Persephone couldn’t help but think that was the best advice Aphrodite had given her in years.

Quake, Quake, Quake.

“It’s starting again…” Thanatos muttered as he felt the flow of souls enter the Underworld.

“Tsk, Diablos is f*cking up the whole natural order of things with the gate open.”

“How many souls have we received this month?”

“69 million soul.”

“…so many!?”

“With the Gate of Biblical Hell open, that sector cannot operate properly. Consequently, the souls that are being judged in that Hell, and the souls that died and were judged by the three Judges of The Abyss are being distributed to all 6 remaining Hells.”

“And that’s causing trouble for all Hells because we’re getting individuals who didn’t believe in our existence, consequently, the reincarnation cycle is being jeopardized.”

“Ugh…the Underworld isn’t big enough to hold so many souls at once, and dealing with souls of other religions is problematic…”

“What are the 7 Heavenly Realms doing?”

“They are quiet, even Mount Olympus knows nothing.”

‘Impossible, how did they not notice such a big problem in the Cycle of Souls?’

“How about using Tartarus?”

“That is silly, I don’t know where my idiot husband has gone, but I won’t make the mistake of opening Tartarus.”

“So we’re going to send them to the other mythologies?”

“Yes, send the souls to the Hells of Shinto mythology, Norse or Yama, that old man will love so much work.”

“Hmm, that might work, after the Biblical Hell, the Hell that Yama commands is the one that has the most capacity to receive so many souls.”

“Queen Persephone, we have a problem!” A man opened the castle and entered.

“Hypnos, what is this disrespect?” Thanatos asked in a neutral tone that sent a chill through the God’s body.

“I’m sorry Lord Thanatos, Queen Persephone, but this is an urgent matter!”

“… What happened?”

“Cerberus is gone!”

What does it mean if the guard of Hades’ realm disappears? The being that guarded the Gates of the Underworld? This means that the door to the underworld didn’t have a guard, and if it didn’t have a guard, souls could leave, and other beings could enter.

“…” After a long silence, Persephone spoke:


“We must inform Zeus of this. If the souls start to come out of the Underworld, the Underworld might stop working and in the worst case scenario break… and if the Underworld breaks… ‘death’ won’t make sense anymore, people of greece will die and their souls will be wandering aimlessly, and that will generate even more chaos..” Thanatos spoke.

“I know.”

“Thanatos, you will be temporarily placed as the new Guard of The Underworld. Hypnos, go to Olympus and report to Zeus.”

“Yes, my Queen.” The two spoke at the same time.


Three women appeared in front of Persephone.

“I have a job for the three of you.”

“At your service, My Queen.” + 3


Chapter 468: An Unexpected Meeting.

Waking up from his sleep, Victor, contrary to what he expected, wore a confused expression.

‘What happened?’ He had a strange expression on his face.

Ignoring the fact that he was sleeping in a bed covered in female bodies, it was not like it was the first time, right?

He started to fall into his thoughts.

‘Persephone’s change was abrupt, after a long time or not, a Goddess like her doesn’t change very easily.’

Yes, Persephone was spoiled, and thought that everything in the world should be at her disposal.

A common thought for any arrogant God, and she wasn’t just any Goddess, she was a Queen.

Well… At least from one group.

Her arrogance was understood.


‘This change was not.’

Thinking back to the encounter and trying to understand what happened with Adonis’ memories, Victor still couldn’t understand anything.

The only thing he could think about was that Aphrodite had said something to Persephone and by some Divine Miracle, Persephone had decided to listen to her.

Which was something that usually didn’t happen. Adonis’ memories were very clear. The Goddesses always teased each other, and had a hate/rival relationship.

‘Something has changed…’ And Victor didn’t like that at all.

Thinking back to what had happened, he thought about the important parts while ignoring Persephone’s changes for now.

‘Something happened in the Greek underworld…’ She was very clear on that, she had to take on the ‘responsibilities’ after a long time.

Which implied that the King of the Underworld was not present, and if Hades was not present in the Underworld, that means something very wrong is happening behind the scenes.

‘… I do not like this.’ Victor felt an irritation in his neck, it was an irritating sensation when he felt that something was not in control.

Even with his and Ruby’s activities, they couldn’t delve deeply into the ‘darkness’.

And there was the case that happened to his family too, someone was targeting Victor.

And Victor didn’t know who they were, after all, many people could act against him, but the only people who had enough resources to work that way in the dark were…

Niklaus Horseman, and General James.

The former was missing after the events of his wife Natashia and the man himself.

The other was busy with the demon invasion.

But it could also be someone else, for God’s sake even the Witch Queen was a suspect, after all, he’d killed many Witches involved in the Ophis incident.

It wouldn’t be strange for him to have a lot of enemies now.

You don’t kill 50% of a Supernatural population in a country, and come out without making a few enemies.

‘Something stinks, and it’s not the ass in front of me.’ Victor turned his head down and saw a pair of black panties, looking at the dark green hair spilling down his arm, the only person he could think of was Alexa. [A/N: Alexa’s hair is dark green, at some point if I said black, I apologize.]

The Spear user of the Valkyries group.

Ignoring the ass in front of him, he returned to his thoughts:

‘I need to increase the individuals who know about my and Ruby’s plan. I should include more participation and resources from Violet, Sasha, Natashia, Scathach and possibly even Aphrodite.’ Victor couldn’t deny it, Aphrodite was just too helpful.

Aphrodite was an Ancient Goddess, and she had many contacts. She’s been alive so long that she understands most plots, and plans with just a glance, she’s a very welcome help.

‘No wonder Ruby was so adamant about putting her in the plan.’

Victor understood that part, but if there was one thing that could be considered a weakness depending on your point of view, it was that he was very overprotective.

Because of this, the opinion of someone like Ruby was always needed, she was cold most of the time.

And Victor knew that Ruby also trusted him to act this way. She had complete confidence that if anything went wrong, Victor and Scathach would be her ultimate defenders.

They were very similar for a reason.

Stopping his thoughts when he felt someone moving, he looked to the side and saw Eleanor’s face using his arm as a pillow.

He looked away and saw Anrietha’s face.

‘Where did they get these sleepwears…? I didn’t see any suitcase that could hold clothes. Did they get the dimensional bag that Alexios made?’ Victor stopped thinking, and very carefully, with a mastery that even the famous contortionists would envy, he began to leave the group of Valkyries.

Long ago, Victor got used to stepping out of the bodies of women he slept with without waking them all up.

After all, if it wasn’t his wives or the mother of his wives, it was his Maids who were always around, he always slept with someone.

“Did you sleep well?” Rose spoke without turning around.

“Yes.” Victor spoke while looking at the woman with long burgundy hair. He walked beside her, and asked:


“Yes.” A brief reply followed by an explanation:

“Girls need to rest, and so do you. As I was the one who didn’t make much effort, I kept watch.”

“I see…” Victor sat next to her.

“….” Rose raised her eyebrow as she looked at Victor and saw what he was doing.

Victor unfolded the bag he took from the pocket of his leg armor before climbing onto the roof, soon the bag took on the appearance of a normal brown leather bag.

He put his whole hand in the bag, and acted like he was looking for something.

“Found it.” Victor took his hand away and a change of clothes appeared in his hand.

He was still only in his underwear, and he didn’t want to wear broken armor. He had spare set of armor, but it was not made to measure like the one Eleanor gave him before it broke with his transformation power.

Putting on the black pants, and wearing a white shirt with black details with a small print on the chest with the name of a famous sportswear brand.

Reaching into the bag again, he pulled out a pair of plain sneakers.

He folded the bag carefully again, and put it in the pocket of his black pants. After that, he started putting on his outfit.

“…should I ask about what I just saw?”

“Hmm?” Victor looked at Rose as he pulled on his shirt, with that simple comment, he realized that girls didn’t have the dimensional bag yet.

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just something new that Clan Alioth is working on, I call it a dimensional bag.”

“Dimensional bag…?” Rose blinked when she heard the strange name.

“Mm.” Victor nodded as he started to put on his shoes.

‘Although I’m calling it dimensional bag, that’s not the official name, I just call it for convenience… Hmm, it’s at those times that I miss Kaguya, she can change clothes quite quickly.’

“….” Understanding that he didn’t want to reveal too much due to their current situation, Rose said:

“I assume this will be distributed to Vampire Count families?”

“Yes… It will probably come with a price too.” Victor spoke.

‘The amount I spent to buy 4 suitcases for my Clan, and my wives’ Clans, adding the other small bags that were delivered to my Maids, and the new bags that I ordered, the price was something absurd. Despite not having hurt so much in my pocket because I barely use my money… it was still a pretty penny…’

Even though his source of income dried up due to the information he sold to Selene no longer being useful, he still had a lot of money he got from that deal.

‘Soon everyone in my family will have this item, but… I should talk to Alexios about countermeasures in case the bag is stolen by a third party.’

“I don’t care, this item is very important for expeditions.” Rose could immediately see the item’s advantages.

“…Mmm.” Victor agreed too.

Finishing dressing, he got up on the roof, and raised his hand to the side, soon the sound of wind cutting was heard and an Odachi fell into his hand.

Victor caressed his Odachi a little, and no matter how many times he saw this blade, he couldn’t help but think that this blade was too big for a normal human to use.

The Odachi looked like a Katana, but with a very large blade.

He held the Odachi by the hilt, and raised his blade to stand behind him.

“A very…strange weapon indeed.”


Chapter 469: An unexpected meeting. 2

“A very…weird weapon indeed.”


“Hmm, how can I put it, I feel like she’s alive.” Rose spoke in an odd tone.

Victor laughed lightly, and said:

“You are not wrong.”

The blade was made from his blood with Onmyo magic. The blade was made from the same material that Hunters’ weapons were made from. Junketsu was a weapon created by a hunter to kill monsters.

The funny thing about all this was that the owner of this weapon was a ‘monster’.

A hush fell around them, and they basked in the silence as the cold night wind blew through their bodies.

“…how did it feel to sleep under a pile of women?”


“Oh? You talk like you’re used to it.”

“I am, I often slept with my mothers-in-law, and my wives, sometimes with my maids as well.”

“…A real playboy, aren’t you?”

“Nah, knowing my wives, if I touched my Maids, some of them might actually die, fufu.”

‘Although I wouldn’t let that happen.’

“Complicated relationship, huh.”

“You get used to it, and I always keep them happy so this kind of problem doesn’t happen.”

“Yes, yes, I can only imagine how you make them happy~” Rose said in a sarcastic tone as she rolled her eyes, she still clearly remembered the incident at Clan Fulger’s mansion.

“Hey, that’s not the only way to keep them happy, you know? They wouldn’t be satisfied with just that, after all, my wives are a little…spicy.”

“From a certain point of view, they are normal.”

“If you say that women who are overly jealous, possessive, and capable of committing the greatest atrocities just to be around you are normal, the world is lost.”

“Haven’t you ever heard the saying don’t put your dick in crazy?”

“Fufufu, aren’t they cute?” Victor ignored what she said for a moment, and then responded:

“… Sanity is overated, madness is subjective. In the end, what matters is the individual’s desires. I’m not very normal either. If I dated a normal human woman, most likely, the relationship wouldn’t go very far.”

“Only madness can get along with madness.”

“….” Rose just realized that this man was the flour of the same sack.

“And, don’t exclude yourself from the crazy club, Rose.”


“You’re crazy too.”


“You don’t live as long as you have without losing a few screws, believe me, I know…” He spoke with a dry smile as his eyes darkened a little.

Looking into those eyes, Rose felt that Victor was really someone who understood her. He had a look that only Elder Vampires who lived a long time had.

‘But how is that possible? Isn’t he a younger Vampire?’ Rose shook her head a little, and decided to stop thinking about the mystery that was the man in front of her.

She decided to think of something else:

‘You can’t deal with so many troubled women without having experience in it, it’s okay because experience is gained with time, but he seems to know very well how to deal with a woman.’ Rose could see this in the way her Valkyries acted around Victor.

Before she even knew it, the women were already very close to him, some even dealt with him like a trusted friend.

Granted, the suspension bridge effect helped, but that feeling was there even before they came on this expedition.

‘Just who taught him? Who was your master?’

“Hey Rose?”


“Can we have a little Spar?”

“Oh?” Seeing the small excited smile on Victor’s face, she was able to understand a little more why Scathach was attracted to him.


“Hikinnss.” Anna sneezed, while scratching her nose a little, she looked around saying:

“Is anyone talking about me?”

“It’s probably some woman you’ve emotionally harassed.”

“Hey, the only woman I ever did that to was you.”

“…Did you forget about your neighbor?”

“She doesn’t count. That bitch has a dick stuck so far up her ass, I wouldn’t be surpised if she were considered the most annoying f*cking woman in existance.”

“…She’s an old woman.”

“So what? So are you, that’s no reason to be a bitch to everyone.”

“….” Veins bulged in Aphrodite’s head, this woman had an unending ability to drive the Goddess of Beauty mad.

When Aphrodite was about to say something, she heard a doorbell ring.

“Hmm? Were you expecting someone?”

“…Are you really asking me that question?”

“I’m sorry, I forgot you were antisocial.”

An arrow struck Anna’s heart:

“I’m not antisocial, it’s just that people just can’t stand the truth.”

“Sure, Sure.” Aphrodite rolled her eyes as she slowly changed into her Renata appearance.

Soon a woman with long blonde hair, wearing a professional suit, much less ‘pretty’ than Aphrodite was present. Despite being less ‘pretty’, that was just by Aphrodite’s standards, she was still very beautiful by human standards.

Aphrodite’s area of pride, which were her breasts, were not altered by the Goddess herself.

“…I envy that skill… Can you teach me?”

“Fufufu, worship me mortal~ for I am the Goddess of Beauty.” She patted her voluptuous breasts.

Seeing those mountains shaking with a slight tremor, a vein popped in Anna’s head.

“Geh, never! Hell needs to freeze over first.”

“That’s not hard to make happen.”

“….” Somehow Anna started to sweat when she saw her friend’s smug face.

‘She wouldn’t be able to freeze Hell right…?’

“To answer your question… No, I can’t teach you. You need to be a Goddess to learn this skill, or a being who has shapeshifting abilities, like Vampires, and certain types of mythological monsters.”

“You-.” When Anna was about to say something, she heard the doorbell ring again.

“We’ll talk later, go answer the door, you’re in for a little surprise.” Aphrodite in appearance spoke with a mysterious smile.

“Ugh, as if I’ll enjoy a visit at this time of the morning.” Anna complained as she headed for the door.

“It’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon.”

“It’s still morning for me.” Anna spoke aloud.

Arriving at the door, she looked through the peephole, and saw the appearance of someone she hadn’t seen in a long time, it was a tall man with white hair and an incredible mustache.


Opening the door, the vision of Adam and his family appeared which consisted of his son Edward, and his daughter Leona.

Not only that, she saw her son’s childhood friends Fred and Andrew, and a green-eyed, blond-haired, middle-aged woman, who was Andrew’s mother. Even though she was in her late 50s, she still looked like a young woman around 30 years old, although small wrinkles could still be seen on her face.

“Hey Anna, it’s been a while, we’ve come here to talk to your son.” Adam spoke in a polite tone.

“It’s been a while, Anna.” Andrew’s mother spoke in a gentle tone.

“Liene, Adam… and your children… This is really a visit I didn’t expect.” Anna was honest.

“What can we say? Your son has become quite popular in our circle, and, due to recent events… We need his opinion.” Liene laughed.

“….” Anna opened her eyes wide.


“An Ex-Hunter, yes.”

“So imagine my reaction when I found out that my friend here is a Werewolf, and my son’s friend became a Vampire.”


“Hey, I’m an Onmyo-mage.”

“An apprentice Onmyo mage.” Leona corrected the man.

“Humpf, I can still give Altair the pride of the Assassin order.”

“That is a game.” Edward spoke.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m still attending the Comic event in Japan.”

“You’re working on the Yaoi session, and how the hell did you end up in Japan?” Edward commented.

“That’s a long story, but just know that I was recruited by the order of Assassins, and now I work to eliminate evil from society.”

“Remember our motto.” Coughing lightly, he begins to speak in a flat, neutral tone:

“Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember nothing is true. Where other men are bound by morality-.”

“Stop, idiot! Do you want Bugsoft on our tail?” Edward hit Fred on the head.

“Ugh, at least it’s not the bad mouse, they’re worse with this copyright business.”

“Don’t forget the owner of the blue hedgehog.” Edward added.

“Indeed… I remember trying to put a video on WeTube about characters from this company, and I almost got sued.”

“Can you shut up?” Adam spoke with a neutral look on his face.

“….” The three nodded their heads.

“Anna, can we come in?” Liene asked again.

“…Holy f*ck…” Anna couldn’t believe that the other childhood friend had a former Hunter for a mother, and that she had helped this woman in the past!

“No, she’s asking if she can come into the house.” Fred replied, but soon a slap from Leona made him shut up.


Chapter 470: Bonds Forged in the Past.

In the underground room, a woman with long red hair, wearing casual clothes, was sitting with her legs crossed.

She had a curvy body, large breasts that could be seen even by the sweatshirt-type clothes she was wearing, thick legs that could be seen by the jeans she was wearing.

She had her hair tied back in a ponytail, she had white sweatpants on her side of the couch. Evidently, she was in her lab when she received the message that the guests were waiting for her.

Knowing who it was, the woman promptly invited everyone to enter the basem*nt.

She just felt comfortable having that kind of conversation in this controlled environment, she knows that nothing would escape these walls after the massive Upgrade that Victor did when a certain goddess entered this place without permission.

As paranoid about security as Victor was, he spared no effort to make this place even more like an impenetrable fortress.

Behind the woman was an oriental-looking Maid, she had black hair that was reaching her shoulders, a thin body, with breasts that seemed to fit easily in a person’s hand.

Evidently, Maid has changed a lot both in body and height, since she started drinking her master’s blood, she has become ‘better’ than she was before.

She had a neutral look on her face as she looked at the guests.

Beside the woman was a woman who seemed to be the perfect description of an older seductive woman, long black hair that reached the floor, violet eyes, curvy body, she had a smiling expression as she looked at the guests.

Her older woman charm was completely catching Andrew and Fred’s attention.

And seeing that look, Roberta’s gentle smile had turned a little colder, she could feel her counterpart’s whispers demanding blood.

Talking about the guests.

They were made up of the Lykos family.

Adam William Lykos was the father, an Alpha werewolf who was also a former general in the army of the king of werewolves.

At his right side was his son, Edward Jonathan Lykos, and like his father, he was an Alpha werewolf, and childhood friend of Victor.

He was Victor’s personal trainer, as in the past Victor suffered from an illness, he needed a professional follow-up to keep his physique healthy.

Alongside Edward was his younger sister Leona Elizabeth Lykos, as well as her father and brother, she was also an Alpha as well.

She is Victor’s childhood friend, a woman who was closely related to the night Victor became a vampire.

They were a family of powerful Alphas, and coincidentally, Victor’s childhood friends.

On the other couch was Andrew Walter, another childhood friend of Victor’s who seemed to have a normal life, but recently, he found out that his mother was a former hunter.

It wasn’t hard to discover this secret when Andrew unintentionally blurted out about his friend Victor becoming a vampire.

Now, if it was any normal person, they would have ignored this problem, but Andrew’s mother was not willing to leave her son in danger.

Liene Walter didn’t want a half-assed explanation, after forcing her son’s explanation, she found out what happened to Victor, even saying that she had no dangers regarding Victor.

Liene didn’t buy it, but she trusted her son, she trusted that Victor wasn’t bad, she also knew the boy, but she needed to see it with her own eyes, fearing for her son’s safety in case something went wrong, she made some plans. in case things got out of control, soon she went to visit Anna and ended up running into Adam along the way.

Despite acting surprised when she found out that Adam was a werewolf, internally she already knew this, she had investigated Adam before, and since he was a peaceful werewolf who just wanted peace, she didn’t forbid her son to interact with them.

The fact that werewolves are not beings that are considered ‘predators’ of humans also mitigated this fact.

Unlike vampires, werewolves could eat normal food, and didn’t need to drink blood.

At Liene’s side was Frederick Winter, an Onmyo mage who didn’t finish his training due to a certain woman defecting from the hunters.

For those close to you, you can call him Fred.

Fred was a Weeb, a higher level otaku, and a cultured individual, but above all, he was very smart, strangely intelligent, kind, and had potential that was recognized by Abe-No-Seimei himself.

On another couch were Anna and Aphrodite in the form of Renata.

No one questioned why Renata was here, everyone thought she already knew the secret and kept quiet about it.

Renata on the other hand was looking at everything with an interest in her eyes.

“I will apologize on behalf of my husband. He is currently doing something very important and is quite busy… But I already sent someone for him, he should be here at some point.

‘…And to think that even this woman had a past like that…’ Anna was too shocked to say anything right now, but she was handling it better, after all, nothing beats the shock of her closest friend being a literal goddess. .

‘How will my husband react to this?’ She asked herself in amusem*nt, she wanted to see her husband’s reaction who was at the gym now.

Since the events that he learned of the possible invasion of the demons, he decided to exercise and try to lose his beer belly.

Something Anna was very appreciative of.

“Before we begin, I suggest you hold your gaze, Andrew, Fred.”

“…H-Huh?” The two were surprised that their names were suddenly called.

“All the female vampires here belong to my husband, and he can be…quite jealous. As his childhood friends, you must know what he is like, right?” Ruby’s neutral smile made Andrew and Fred’s spine shiver a little.

Ruby didn’t specify the girls’ relationship with Victor, but it wasn’t a genius to know that she was talking about them having a lover relationship, it wasn’t uncommon in the supernatural world for a noble vampire to have multiple lovers, especially if he was a Count Vampire.

Ruby didn’t particularly want to explain her relationships to beings who are essentially strangers to her, just understand that the female vampires scattered around the house belong to her husband, period.

And it’s also not like she was lying either, Ruby knew what kind of feelings Maids had for her husband, and her husband was quite possessive of Maids too, it was only a matter of time before Maids became something more than ordinary Maid. .

Because of her husband’s personality that Ruby had a lot of talk about with Victor going around making new ones, she knew he wouldn’t abandon girls, but it was also a problem if he had an army of Maids in his blood, and all of them. being your lovers.

He is not Solomon!

Because of that Victor said that he would limit the ‘leader’ Maids to only 8 members who represent the deadly sins, and these members would be leaders of a future squad of Maids that Victor was planning, of course this squad would not be a direct blood child. ‘ of Victor, and more like his descendant, after all, the main Maids he bit that would create those descendants.

Yes… He didn’t give up on having an army of Maids under his command.

When Ruby asked Victor about his obsession, he said:

“… What? Bite me, it’s every man’s dream to have an army of Maids mighty

She swears she held back the urge to roll her eyes but couldn’t, and in the end, she actually did, she bit him as she sat on his lap.

Victor flashed a small, confused smile, but didn’t deny Ruby’s advance.

‘It was a metaphor, did you know? You didn’t have to bite me, not that I was complaining.’ Victor thought of fun.

“Victor there is no 8 deadly sins.” She spoke as she enjoyed the sensation of Victor’s caresses, and licked her neck, she was treating Victor’s neck like yummy ice cream.

“Have you forgotten about the melancholy? Even though that pope of old took that sin off the church record, it still exists.” Victor spoke as he thought about the past.

“….” Ruby had really forgotten about this forgotten cardinal sin.

Stopping thinking about the past, Ruby turns her attention to the present.

‘Victor chose six Maids who were given the titles according to their first date, Eve was Wrath because when he found the girl her situation was just very furious, to this day Eve is furious about that incident, 18 years of abuse and exploitation it cannot be changed so quickly.’

Roberta was Envy, because the situation that Victor found her in, and the ‘jealousy’ that Roberta felt upon seeing her relationship with her wives was quite visible, she envied that relationship, and she wanted that relationship for herself…’ Ruby thought in each of the Maids who had a peculiar situation that made Victor assign titles to them.

‘I wonder who will be greed and melancholy.’ Although it didn’t seem like it, these thoughts only appeared for two seconds in Ruby’s head.

“Yes, he has serious issues with being a Yandere.” Edward spoke.

“… Indeed…” Leona commented dryly.

‘I had already given up on that when he became a vampire, I knew I couldn’t be with him anymore, and that certainty was cemented when he introduced his wives, but why do I feel so angry?’

‘Oya?’ Renata displayed a small smile when she saw Leona’s bad mood, she felt her Love deity at work, and she could clearly ‘see’ Leona’s love.

Naive love, a childish love, a love that has been nurtured since childhood.

But a love that never went forward because of the promise of ‘siblings’, and because the target of her love became something else, something she couldn’t be with or even have a family with without serious consequences.


Andrew and Fred gulped, how could they not know Victor? They knew their friend very well, even if they didn’t kill him, he would definitely make him suffer.

Tearing up a certain ‘collection’ of Fred.

And telling several Milf Andrew has slept with in the past his whereabouts, it is worth saying that the thirsty women would destroy the boy in various ways, most of them being in bed, he would literally be milked like a cow by the thirsty women.

His friend was definitely capable of these atrocities.

“Fufufu, my master doesn’t need to do anything, I would have dealt with those who look at me with those disgusting eyes myself.” For a few seconds Roberta’s hair seemed to float around, but she quickly behaved herself when she felt Kaguya’s cold gaze.

“Don’t overdo it, they might look like that, but that’s very normal being young adults, and that look is very different from perverted ones.”

“Fufufu, I know, but I don’t like it, you know~? The only one who can look at me like that is my master~”

“Behave yourself.” Kaguya narrowed her eyes this time more serious, for some her eyes were completely black and devoid of life.

“Yes, Yes~.” Roberta rolled her eyes, but she didn’t say anything else, she knew when to back off, especially when the Chief Maid gave her that creepy look.

She doesn’t know when, but she thinks that since Kaguya started receiving Victor’s affections and sleeping with him, she started to change and become something scary.

Something very similar to Victor’s wives.


Ruby coughed a little to get the group’s attention:

“Forgive the Maids, they are very…dedicated to their work.”

“….” The people around them rolled their eyes except for Adam and Liena the oldest in the room who were looking at everything with a neutral and appraising gaze.

“… I know you from somewhere…?” Lina asked cautiously, looking at Ruby, she was having little flashbacks to the past.

“Ara? No wonder you’re recognizing me from somewhere, you’re probably confusing me with my mother, after all, people say I’m a carbon copy of her.” Ruby spoke with a kind smile.

“…I’m sorry, but… What’s your name?”

“Ruby Scarlett, heir to Clan Scarlett, and daughter of the strongest female vampire, Scathach Scarlett.”

“….” Liena looked at Ruby with a look of shock and she swears she can hear Scathach’s high-pitched laugh.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA~, What!? My little Hunter, you can still fight, right? RIGHT!? Now, take your weapon, and fight! Fight! Let’s have fun!”

Her gaze became lifeless for a few seconds as she remembered that traumatic experience, she just wanted to run away from that woman and ended up showing her trump card, but who would have thought that the woman would become more obsessed with her after learning of her trump card?

“…….” Liena quickly shakes her head several times to get that memory out of her head.

“I assume you came here to discuss the demon invasion relationship, right?”

“Correct.” Adam was the one who took the initiative this time.

“Eh…?” Liena looked at her son Andrew.

“Hahahaha~, I forgot about that.” He put his hand on his head as he scratched, no one can blame him, after all, he was quite shocked when he learned that his mother was a former hunter.

‘How can you forget something like that, you stupid son!?’

“I want to know Victor’s plans regarding this issue.”

“Oh…? Why do you want to know?” Ruby asked, always keeping her tone neutral.

“To make a decision.” Adam lied, he had already made the decision to return to the werewolf realm, it was the safest place for his children… If you ignore the dispute that is taking place in the shadows over the succession to the werewolf king’s throne.

A dispute that was taking the lives of its own people.

He came here to satisfy his children, and out of curiosity too.

“We don’t want to stay in this place when the sh*t hits the fan.” Edward continued.

“We think Victor might have a plan on this.”

“Oh? You seem to have a lot of trust in my husband.”

“I know how he thinks, I know he won’t stand by when something that could possibly threaten his family is on his doorstep.”

“….” Anna, Leona, Renata, the Maids and Ruby herself smiled at this.

“…You’re not wrong.”

The moment she said that, time around Ruby seemed to slow down a lot.

That was just Ruby’s perspective, something similar to Victor, something Ruby can achieve because of the speed of processing her thoughts.

‘Now, what i do?’


Chapter 471: Bonds Forged in the Past. 2

“…You are not wrong.”

The moment she said that, time around Ruby seemed to slow down a lot.

However, that was just from Ruby’s perspective, something similar to Victor’s ability, something Ruby could achieve because of the speed at which she processed her thoughts.

‘Now, what do I do?’ She started to gather her thoughts.

‘We have 5 plans surrounding this incident. The first plan is the plan that Victor and I agreed that these people should know. The second plan is about Nightingale’s plan. Acting in conjunction with Violet, and Sasha, we were planning to take over the operation and gain the maximum amount of benefits we can from this city. It will be a good learning experience to build our own city in the future… But these people are not close enough to know about this background.’

When did Ruby contact Sasha and Violet? Of course, through the wives’ group chat!

The admin was Ruby, Sasha and Violet, and recently, they had a new addition, Natashia Fulger!

Sasha’s own mother.

It would be an understatement to say that Sasha didn’t have complicated feelings about it, after all, this was her mother and she was married to her husband!

But a long time ago these feelings were clarified, and she was not as bothered as the first time. There are several reasons for this clarification, but the main one was her mother’s happiness, and her own happiness.

Natashia had said several times that if she didn’t allow it, she wouldn’t go after Victor.

But, to see her mother so diligent in trying to change and become a good woman, a good Clan leader, a good mother, anything to be close to her husband,

She couldn’t say no, she was too kind for that, and she also knew her mother was hurting, but she just wouldn’t say it.

She even defended her mother when Natashia went to talk to Violet and Ruby about going after Victor.

And in the end, this proved to be the right decision. When Victor accepted Natashia as his wife, Sasha once again saw her mother’s face of extreme happiness. She was stunning, the world looked rosy when she and Victor were in the same room.

She’d seen that face before, her mother had made the same face when Sasha accepted her as a real mother.

At the end of the day, Sasha was just too kind for her own good, because of that, Victor, Natashia, Ruby, and Violet always worried about the woman.

And they made sure no one would take advantage of her kindness.

‘The third plan is something that only me, Violet, Sasha, and Victor know about. It’s something even more personal and that should give a big advantage when our city is built.’

‘The fourth plan is about increasing influence to try to understand this ‘game’ that is going on in the shadows, and to know who is targeting in the lives of my husband’s family.’

‘The fifth plan… It’s even more complex, and requires that any of the previous plans succeed… we’ll leave that for the future.’

Ruby decided it would be wiser to just tell their foreground, which was a set of actions that Victor and his group would perform on Earth.

The rest should be kept secret, except for the background that will eventually be revealed. Victor was definitely not going to leave his family on Earth once the invasion began.

‘Hmm, I can say that we have a shelter in Nightingale, there’s no need to tell more than necessary.’

Glancing lightly at Aphrodite, Ruby thought:

‘I need the help of this Goddess for the fourth plan, but I can’t make this decision without my husband… To prevent loose ends, I need this Goddess to become something inseparable for my husband.’ Ruby felt a slight distaste for that thought, and her feelings of jealousy and possession flashed through her cold mind.

She didn’t like it, she didn’t like the thought of using her husband as a bargaining chip. Even if the man himself agreed, she still felt repulsed by it.

Victor was hers! He was her husband!

But she knew the moment her head cooled down, she would feel that itch in her head again, an itch called paranoia.

She knew how dangerous the world was. Even if her group was strong, all it took was a few high-level beings to join, and they would be done for.

And that thought tormented her, planning was never enough to avoid that possible future.

She couldn’t rest until everything was under her control, and only with that control would she feel safe.

She has a plan… She wanted to give this world to her husband, and she will do that. Only when her husband and her family are at the top, only when they are something unreachable for all these beings will she be at ease.

Her cold, analytical thinking and logic wanted her to go along with that thought, but…

Her feelings, love, and obsession, repudiated that decision.

And in the end, she couldn’t make a decision, Victor would always be a sore point for her because her logic and emotion always conflicted when he was involved.

‘…I should leave this to my husband.’ That’s when she left the problem to her husband and stopped thinking about it.

The reason for this?

She had complete trust in Victor, and she knew that somehow, whether it was his charm, his wordplay, or his private plans.

He was going to get a situation that gave everyone the upper hand.

Victor was just special like that. The reason for this belief was how he got the support of the Vampire Count Clans even though he had no intention of getting that support.

That ‘special’ something was something that could be considered a skill.

An ability that people like her mother, Vlad, and Victor all had.


Even without him wanting to, people would join him.

Even if he became crazy, an emo, genocidal, or like a certain nervous boy with special eyes from a certain anime, unlike the boy, people would join him, and Victor would not deny that kindness unlike the emo.

That was Ruby’s trust in Victor, a trust that built on the hypothetical situation of Victor being thrown onto an entirely new planet with human-like inhabitants.

In less than 2 years, he would be surrounded by a powerful group.

Letting out a long internal sigh, Ruby felt a weight lift off her body, and she stopped thinking bullsh*t. Despite not being present now, she could feel Victor’s warm ‘hug’ on her body, something that always helped keep her sane, and her paranoia in control.

She didn’t know when it happened, but Victor at some point became her safe haven, and just by being by his side, she could allow herself to not let paranoia consume her mind, and relax more. Just in his arms, she could be herself and sleep comfortably.

… Just thinking about it, she got homesick again.

It’s only been a few days but she couldn’t live without her Victor, she needed to replenish her vitamin V!

… But for now, she needed to settle this matter.

The world has started to return to normal, and only three or four seconds had passed in reality, then she returned to the group with her usual neutral face:

“My husband is building a shelter in Nightingale to house his family and acquaintances.”

“…” The group paid full attention to what Ruby was saying.

“The shelter is made to completely mimic a small human village. He will evacuate his friends and family to that place once the invasion breaks out.”

Before Ruby could continue, she heard her mother-in-law.

“…I want to ask you something.” Anna raised her hand.

“I probably have no choice in this matter, right?”

“Fufu, knowing that man, he will drag you against your will, and you can only pout about it.” Renata answered for Ruby.

“…Ugh.” She thought it was quite possible. Not that she wasn’t going to have a bowel movement or anything, she just felt awkward about having no say in the matter. Before she knew it, Victor, her son, had become so responsible that she had no choice but to accept what he said.

Yes, she felt weird having such a competent son, after all, she’d always taken care of the family, and now it looked like that postition went to Victor before she knew it.

Ruby flashed a small smile when she saw her mother-in-law’s condition, and soon she looked back at the older man, and the older woman in the room:

“Except for your family, the rest have a choice if they want to join or not.” When she finished talking, two Maid entered the room.

The first Maid had long blonde hair that reached her ass, and a neutral expression, she was a nice beauty. The Maid had a tray in her hand that contained only a cup of tea. She walked over to Ruby and set it on the table in front of her.

“Thank you, Maria.” Ruby spoke as she took the tea and sipped it at short intervals.

Maria nodded, and stood next to Kaguya and Roberta.

The other Maid had long black hair the same length as the blond-haired Maid, but unlike the blond-haired Maid, she had a sinful body similar to Roberta.

The maid had two trays in her hands. The trays contained drinks and assorted refreshments, which she gently put on the table, and served everyone.

“That is all…?” Adam asked.

“…Hmm?” Ruby stopped drinking her red tea, and looked at Adam.

Adam ignored the Maid serving everyone, and said,

“Is that kid just planning this? Run away and wait?” Adam commented.

“….” Ruby didn’t say anything, and just flashed a cold smile.

“I find it very unlikely.” Edward spoke as he grabbed a glass that held soda.

“Victor always had a kind of obsession with fighting, even when he was human. I don’t think he’s going to ignore this situation and just run away from it all.”

“Oh? Why do you think that?” Ruby asked curiously.

“Your recent deeds prove it.”

“… It seems you keep up to date.”

“When the news is too big, it gets to you whether you like it or not.” Leona was the one who continued.

“What news are you talking about?” Leina asked.

“Victor-.” When Edward would explain.

Ruby took over the conversation.

“Someone Victor considers a daughter had suffered an incident where Supernatural Beings from Japan were involved.”

The group turned their attention to Ruby.

“And when Victor arrived in Japan and saw the little girl’s plight,”

“He hunted down everyone involved in the incident. In the end, 50% of Japan’s Supernatural Community died that day, be they Humans, Werewolves, Vampires or Youkai.”


Chapter 472: Bonds Forged in the Past. 3

“He hunted down everyone involved in the incident. Ultimately, 50% of Japan’s Supernatural Community died that day, be they Humans, Werewolves, Vampires or Youkai.”

She had previously left out most of this information when she had explained this to Anna.

To speak and leave it to interpretation had different effects. But now, it was out in the open.

A sense of shock washed over anyone who didn’t know that fact, Anna included.

At that time, Bruna stopped serving everyone and stayed with the Maids.

“…” Anna was in disbelief, and she wasn’t alone. Andrew, Fred, Adam, and Liena were the same.

“Why didn’t I know about this?” Adam looked at his children.

“What did you say to us, Father?” Edward asked.

Adam narrowed his eyes, “I’m retired… I don’t want to be interrupted by news from this world…”

“Thanks for reminding us.” Leona spoke up.

“…that’s…that’s…” Fred didn’t know what to say, Andrew included.

‘Even if it was revenge, isn’t causing mass genocide a little too much?’ Andrew thought.

Anna’s head was a mess, but before she could go any deeper into this pit called crazy thoughts.

Renata touched Anna’s hand.

“….” Anna looked at her friend.

“You, of all people, know your son the most… Don’t judge him before you talk to him.” That was all Renata could say.

Privately, she didn’t care about it. Gods and Heroes of old did worse in the past.

What do you think happens when a country loses a war?

Yes… It is at these times that beings show their true selves to the weak and defeated beings. All kinds of crimes and cruelty happen in this kind of place.

‘From what I know of Victor, he would just hunt, torture, and kill everyone involved. He wouldn’t stoop to the level to force himself upon some woman, he’s not that kind of trash…’ To be honest, Renata thought that Victor handled the situation well.

As far as she knew, he didn’t kill innocents, and that was a big A+ for her role because she’s pretty sure if it was Vlad…

That country would no longer exist.

He was the Lesser Evil.

“… It’s precisely because I know him that it scares me.” Anna muttered. She knew her son very well and knew how attached he was to someone he called family. Because of that, she was afraid of his reaction when someone touched this ‘reverse scale’.

“But… You’re right.” Anna sighed and decided to talk to Victor later.

Renata just showed a small smile and sighed inwardly with relief.

“….” On the other hand, Liena was narrowing her eyes. She wasn’t one to judge someone just because she didn’t know him personally, and she knew the boy, and she also trusted her son.

But… It was impossible not to judge a man when he did what he did.

Her personality did not immediately judge anyone born after she learned the secret of The Inquisition.

Yes, she was one of the few people who knew what kind of atrocity The Inquisition did. That was one of the reasons why she stopped being a Hunter.

Ruby looked at the blood in her teacup, and seeing her reflection in the red blood, she continued:

“There’s a saying that everyone knows…” She looked up at the group, and her eyes were colder than usual.

Again everyone’s attention went to Ruby.

“Don’t provoke a sleeping Dragon because the retaliation would be unimaginable.”

“Victor? A dragon? Please tell a better story.” Adam snorted, not that he didn’t think the boy was strong, but he’d been a Vampire for how many years? One or two years? He was still a baby by Vampire standards.

Perhaps, he used the strength of the Vampire Counts who supported him?

‘It’s very likely… But that doesn’t match his personality.’

The Maids’ eyes glowed blood red when they heard what Adam said.

And Adam couldn’t help but raise his guard a little when he saw the look of the Maids, especially the Asian-looking Maid and the Maid with long hair. The feeling they gave was… terrible.

“He fought a Vampire Countess, Annasthashia Fulger, and won.”

‘Although Natashia was not in her best shape, she was still a Vampire Count, even if she was very weak.’

“…” Adam, Edward, Leona, and Liena opened their eyes wide.

“He is the youngest Vampire ever to become a Vampire Count, and he was recognized by the King of Vampires himself, Vlad Dracul Tepes, the strongest Vampire, a monster over 5000 years old.”

“He fought The Inquisition and destroyed several bases, and he’s still walking around like nothing happened.”

“….” Liena narrowed her eyes when she heard what Ruby said.

‘If he’s attacked the bases… Then he knows their secret too, I need to talk to him about it.’ Liena thought.

“He is an individual who has been labeled as highly dangerous to the Hunters of The Inquisition, whose order for all Hunters who see him is to run…Run for your lives.” Thanks to her two spies at The Inquisition, Ruby had an idea of how The Inquisition viewed Victor.

“He is my mother’s favorite disciple.”

‘And above all else, he is a Progenitor and an anomaly that holds the powers of the 3 bloodlines of Vampire Counts.’ She thought to herself but didn’t speak aloud.

“And most of all… He’s an Alucard.”

“A name that if you take it and reverse it will mean a dragon, a name that is a direct affront to the King of Vampires. Victor declared to everyone that he was the opposite of Vlad.”

“….” The Maids’ faces became less intense, and a small, proud smile appeared on their faces, acting as if the achievement was theirs.

‘Master is amazing!’ Bruna waved happily.

“Yes, my words are not groundless. He is a sleeping dragon.”

“And everyone knows what happens when you provoke a sleeping dragon.”

Adam was speechless. It would be an understatement to say how shocked he was. He didn’t know about all of Victor’s achievements.

He couldn’t help but re-evaluate Victor’s position in his mind because he knew the chances of him defeating the Countess of Clan Fulger were very low unless he had a way to deal with her speed.

And that man defeated her with only two decades of life?

What was he doing when he was 20? Sucking his thumb?

Thinking back, he remembered that he was training with his mother and parents to become stronger.

Yes, that was an incredible achievement. Now, he understood a little how he could cause so much slaughter in a country.

‘It turns out that his power is on the same level as an Elder Vampire or close to them.’

Letting the silence take over the room, Ruby flashed a gentle little smile and said:

“Let’s put this matter aside for a bit. Why don’t you eat, drink something, and wait?”

“My husband should be back in a few hours, and when he arrives, we can continue our conversation.”

“…As expected, he has plans for this invasion, huh.” Leona spoke.


“He wouldn’t be ‘MY’ husband if he didn’t.” She commented with the same smile.

“…” Leona frowned a little when she heard the words ‘My husband’.

“Tsk.” Leona clicked her tongue and turned her face away with a slightly annoyed expression.

‘Fufufufu, this is fun. Should I press some buttons to cause more reactions to her?’ Renata thought as she looked at Leona.

“I don’t understand something.”

“Hmm?” Ruby looked at Liena.

“Why don’t you tell us your plan now?”

“But didn’t I tell you?” She turned her head, not understanding.

“I’m not talking about the shelter, I’m talking about your plans for this supposed break-in that I wasn’t aware of.”

“Oh.” Ruby flashed a neutral smile and said:

“Because that doesn’t interest you.”

“….” Liena and Adam narrowed their eyes.

“Don’t misunderstand the situation. You are acquaintances and childhood friends of my husband, but that means nothing to me.”

“You are here right now at my husband’s request, he values his friendship with you and wants your safety, but in the end, it’s just that.”

“We are under no obligation to reveal our plans to strangers.”

“Until you have a clear position on which side you are on, you are ‘the other side’, right? I bet Mr. Adam will agree with my words.”

“….” It would be an understatement to say how shocked the group was by Ruby’s cold words, but as slightly annoyed as they were, they couldn’t help but nod inwardly, agreeing with her.

Though that was a shared thought of Liena and Adam.

Especially Adam, who, from the beginning, only came here to satisfy his children’s desires and out of curiosity.

“Indeed.” Adam didn’t deny Ruby’s words.

Edward, Leona, Fred, and Andrew were annoyed, but that was only because they were childhood friends with Victor.

“Whatever happens, I’m with Victor.” Fred spoke in a tone of annoyance but one that contained great conviction.

“Oh?” Ruby raised an eyebrow at Fred.

“Immortal Vampire or not, Edgelord or not, I know that, during these times, the only one I can count on for my safety and my parents’ safety would be Victor.”

“…” Edward and Leona narrowed their eyes at that comment.

“You talk like we’re not going to get you to safety.” Leona spoke.

“I’m not talking about that.” Fred commented dryly.

“I’m talking about position and social status.” He looked at his friends and was serious.

“Tell me for yourself, which is safer, a Vampire Count who is second in all of the Vampire’s hierarchy or a retired ex-Werewolf General who only god knows whether he has allies or not?”

“…How do you know about this?”

“Please. Master Mizuki didn’t teach me to be an Onmyo Mage for nothing. Even if I’m not at her level, I can still break into The Inquisition’s base and get confidential information.”

“…” The group looked at Fred in shock, Ruby and the Maids included.

“You did what!?”

“Ugh.” Fred put his hands to his ears.

“You Banshee, can you lower your voice? I’m right next to you.”

“What did you say!?” Leona yelled even louder in annoyance.

As mini chaos broke out in the room, Ruby couldn’t help but remember Victor’s words about Fred. Out of curiosity, she’d asked about his Otaku friend. After all, he was apparently a fellow man of culture.

“…Fred, huh?”

“How can I say, that man, despite being a weeb, a lover of manga and anime, and often living in a dream world… He is strangely talented.”

“Strangely talented?”

“Yes, he does things that people think are impossible like it’s nothing, and he just jokes about it afterwards, and I bet he doesn’t even know the things he does are amazing.”

“… Just like you?”

“Something like that.” Victor laughed.

“Ugh, stop rocking me. I just didn’t do much! And I was curious about the Supernatural World!” Fred yelled.

“You did something quite reckless, idiot.” Andrew couldn’t help but speak out. Even though he didn’t understand much about the Supernatural World, he knew that breaking into a base full of soldiers was considered foolish.

“Indeed.” Edward agreed.

“Mr. Fred.” Ruby spoke.


“Know that stealthily breaking into a base of The Inquisition and stealing data are feats few people can do. In this room, only one person can do it, and she is a Vampire Assassin hailing from a renowned Clan.”

“That’s something to commend, right, Kaguya?”

“Yes… Although he has a silly attitude, succeeding in that, despite his foolish attitude, is something to be commended for.” Kaguya commented in a neutral tone.


“Yes.” Ruby nodded her head.

“If I may ask, how did you do that?” Kaguya spoke.

“I mean, I just cast a concealment spell, disguised myself as a priest, acted like a hooligan, and they let me through.”


“Only that?”


“Unbelievable.” Liena spoke, and Maria agreed with her, “They didn’t verify your identity. Didn’t they verify that you have a personal code?”

This was standard procedure Liena remembered when working with the hunters.

“They didn’t check because when I disguised myself, I was already inside the base.”

“….” He passed through the base’s heavy security as a normal human!? Maria and Liena thought at the same time.

‘This is indeed another level of bullsh*t. Just what kind of luck/talent is that? I bet Gintoki would be a good friend of his.’ Ruby thought.

“Back to the subject, you are correct.”


“It’s better to trust a Vampire Count than an ex-Werewolf General who doesn’t even know what’s going on in the world.”

Adam narrowed his eyes at that invisible Jab.


“Not to mention that in terms of security, I trust Victor more.”

“…Oh? Why?”

“He’s paranoid about pretty much most things. You can trust someone like that.”

‘You have no idea.’ Ruby and Anna thought internally.


Chapter 473: A mother who will never be forgotten.

Clan Fulger

“Mother, what are you doing?” Sasha asked as she entered Natashia’s personal room and saw the woman looking at the painting on the wall with a contemplative gaze.

“Hmm? Oh, you’re finally here, My Daughter~.” Natashia flashed a happy smile when she saw her daughter entering the room and walking beside her.

Sasha looked around curiously. This was the first time she had entered her mother’s personal room… And she was mildly shocked.

The entire room had pictures of Victor, herself, and her Aunt Victoria scattered all over the place.

She even saw some hand-painted pictures of her aunt and mother together; it was adorable.

She also saw a picture of a woman dressed in armor in a knightly pose, immediately recognizing that woman as her grandmother.

‘Wait… Where is Tatsuya?’ She looked around and saw that there was not one picture of Tatsuya.

‘It seems she doesn’t have many feelings for her nephew.’

“Is that… my grandmother and her daughters?” Sasha contemplated the picture for a bit; the image of a stern-looking woman with a body that could easily compete with Scathach was standing proudly before her. She was standing in the middle as she held her hands on the shoulders of two girls who looked much like each other.

“Mmm.” She nodded:

“I remember we had to stand still for hours to finish this painting. I got bored easily, but my sister and mother could handle this grueling job for as many days as they wanted.”

“They were just that kind of people.”

“Solemn women?” Sasha spoke up.

“Yeah.” Natashia laughed a little: “In terms of seriousness, Victoria has always looked like my mother.”

“It must have been a pain to stand in the same position for several hours,” Sasha spoke with a strange face; she just couldn’t imagine a time when cell phones didn’t exist.

It was simply impossible these days to live without a cell phone.

“Hahaha, indeed, it was very annoying… But….” She looked nostalgic as she looked at the rest of her mother.

“My sister and I didn’t mind spending that time with our mom.”


“… I wish I could have met my grandmother…”

“She would have loved to meet you too; you two have more in common than you realize.”


“Yeah.” Natasha laughed a little when she saw her daughter’s skeptical expression.

‘…I just can’t see how this woman would have much in common with me…’ Looking at the picture more closely, she said,

‘It’s the breasts and the thighs, right? I’m sure this is it. It can only be this.’ Sasha never once believed her mother’s words.

“Wait… I don’t think it would be a good idea.”

Sasha looked at her mother’s frowning face curiously, “Why not?”

“She would most likely fall in love with our husband too; he is the kind of man she liked.”

“…” Sasha looked at her mother with her mouth open like a little fish. Her brain had registered her mother’s words, but she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“And if that happened, Victor would have the trio of grandmother, mother, and daughter… He would have all the ladies of Clan Fulger except for my sister and my grandmother.” She laughed lightly as if she found something amusing.

“Fufufu, come to think of it now… That might be a good idea; after all, we would have the most numbers, and thus, we would have the most influence. What is the authority of the first wife before the trinity of grandmother, mother, and daughter?” Natashia’s face turned slightly red as she imagined she, her mother, and her daughter in the same bed as her husband.

‘Even if this dream can’t come true, I can fulfill it with my daughter’s future daughter and my own future daughter~’ She started to laugh to herself with a distorted smile; it was obvious that she was planning something.

“….” Anything said would be an understatement to describe how shocked Sasha was.

She always knew her mother was a degenerate… But she completely underestimated the level of her degeneracy.

‘My husband needs to put her fire down fast! She’s very excited, and that’s never a good thing!!’

“A-Anyway, why did you call me here?” Sasha attempted to change the subject; she didn’t want to talk about this!

An attempt that Natashia readily accepted, Natashia’s face started to become more melancholic.

“I’ve always wanted to somehow repay the woman who took care of my daughter…” She raised her hand towards the painting, golden lightning flashing from her fingertips and hitting its surface.

“!!!” Sasha’s body trembled slightly when Natashia brought up that subject. It didn’t take a genius to know who she was talking about… Her mother, Julia.

“But due to my job and various things I had to do to rebuild the Fulger Clan, I ran out of time… So, when I married Victor and found my happiness,” A portal opened in front of Natashia, and she entered.

Sasha struggled a bit with what to do, but she didn’t overthink and walked in. Instead, she was curious about what her mother was doing.

The moment Sasha entered the portal, the painting soon returned to its normal appearance.

Sasha’s vision changed, and she found herself in a forest and a place that looked like an open monument.

She looked where her mother was looking and opened her eyes wide.

In front of her was the statue of her grandmother and… Julia.

“I realized I couldn’t move forward without paying my due respects.”

“This is where my mother is resting.”

“The memorial of the former Countess, Carmila Fulger.”

“A resting place for members of the main house of Clan Fulger.”

“Not even the other members who hold remnants of our bloodline can enter here.”

“And in this place… I decided to pay the necessary respects to the woman who took care of my daughter at the time when I was… Weakened.” She couldn’t find better words.

Sasha swallowed hard; her chest tightened heavily in pain. Several feelings were battling in her mind, and she didn’t know how to react. So, finally, she just walked solemnly towards the statue of Julia and stared at the statue for a few seconds.

‘Sasha, come, I’ll read you a history of the human world.’ Memories of Julia began to unearth from the confines of her heart.

Slowly, she lowered her head and looked at the stone slab.

“Julia Fulger, a perfect example of a Maid. Her legacy will last generations and defines the caliber and excellency in their duty that exemplary Maids should achieve… And above all else, she will forever set the precedent of how to be a proper mother. May her kindness serve as a lesson for all current and future women of Clan Fulger. Always respect and teach your children…” Sasha read the quote in a broken tone and almost burst into tears.

“… The last sentence is a warning… A warning to myself and my future heirs, a warning not to forget how to treat your daughter, a warning to someone not to repeat my mistake, sick or not.”

‘A lesson I will always teach my future daughters, a lesson I learned from Victor… Family always comes first.’

A moment of silence fell around. Sasha lightly caressed the stone slab as if she was touching something very important.

Her eyes were dripping silent tears.

Natashia respected her moment; she didn’t say anything. Instead, she just watched everything with solemn eyes.

“…I-Isn’t t-that against the rules…? As you said, this place is only for the main bloodline of Clan Fulger.”

“f*ck the rules; I’m the current leader; therefore, I am the rules.”

“And I will do whatever I want.”

“….” Sasha couldn’t help but flash a small smile when she heard those familiar words, words her husband always said.

“…And.” Natashia approached Sasha and stood beside her; she looked at the statue of Julia with a grateful look:

“She took care of my little treasure, my daughter… And that is enough to give her the highest honor that our Clan and I can bestow.”

Natashia opened her hand as if opening a book, lightning started forming in her hand, and soon a book appeared.

“… What is that…?”

“The family tree of Clan Fulger here is written in here. The beginning of our family is recorded in this text, a book of power made by my grandmother that can also be considered an artifact of the same level as the daggers I use.”

“…How did I not know about this…?”

“You’re not the Clan leader yet.” Natashia flashed a small smile.

“In Vulgar Latin, Fulger means lightning, and this is not a coincidence. My grandmother, she was a lightning spirit of the highest order.”

“She is ‘Fulger’ herself; with her, we carry her heritage.” Then, the book that had nothing written on it began to glow, and soon, names started to appear.

Soon Sasha saw at the top of the book the name Fulger which seemed to be her ancestor’s name, and soon after came her grandmother’s name, Carmila Fulger.

Below Carmilla Fulger was her mother’s name and her aunt, Victoria Fulger.

Underneath her mother’s name was her own name Sasha Fulger. Below Victoria’s name was Tatsuya’s name.

“Julia Fulger shall be remembered as a member of the Main Family and will be within the Clan’s registry as of today.” Natashia’s eyes flashed gold, and the lightning around her started to grow furious.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble.

Soon her entire body became pure lightning, and two bat wings appeared from her back, an interesting thing that differed from the first stage of the Vampire Count’s transformation.

Natashia’s transformation only added bat wings, sharpened her ears, accentuated her already piercing red eyes, sharpened teeth, and added slightly to her height.

And her power, in this state, had shifted her entire being into a ‘living element’. So in that form, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that she was a Spirit with Vampire characteristics; she had complete control of her power.

Proving that this transformation’s control level had increased even further since the last time she used it in her fight with Niklaus Horseman,

She had wholly mastered the Vampire Count transformation, and because of that, the ‘monster-like’ features had diminished, and her ‘beauty’ had increased.

The current Natashia was like a living Goddess; she was stunning! And more importantly… She was mortal… A dazzlingly mortal.

‘So much power!’ Sasha couldn’t believe what she was looking at.

Her mother was powerful!

“Obey me.” She growled lightly.

Soon, a small lightning bolt fell from the sky and hit the book, and in the next second, a name was written next to Natashia and Victoria’s names.

Julia Fulger was recorded in Clan Fulger’s Primary Family Bloodline records, an honor of the highest order for a Vampire who was a mere ‘maid.’

“Good.” Natashia nodded in satisfaction, and soon her transformation came undone.

“It’s done… My Daughter.” Natashia handed the book to her daughter.

“….” Sasha took hold of the book and couldn’t help but feel emotional about what her mother had just done.

That day, the Maid who had taken care of Sasha and who was like a mother to Sasha throughout her childhood,

Received the highest honor a Maid could have.

She was placed in the books of Clan Fulger’s Main Bloodline.

Sasha was in shock; her feelings were a mess, but… Most of all, she was so grateful for her mother’s gesture.

If there were a day that Sasha could say that her mother had earned her maximum respect, this day would always come back in her memory.

This was the most respectful gesture Natashia could give to the Maid who took care of her daughter, she wanted to provide the woman with more, but she didn’t know how to do that.

But she made a point of making it clear to everyone in the Clan that her daughter had two mothers.

Julia Fulger also had her life biography written by Sasha herself.

A biography that Kaguya helped Sasha create, after all, Kaguya was one of Julia’s disciples, and it was because of Julia that Kaguya had an obsession with becoming a Perfect Maid.

In the future, Julia’s teachings would be taught when a Maid of Clan Fulger receives her training.

These main points were Clan loyalty, hard work, insight, intelligence in understanding how to help your master, and above all, a kind heart.

Natashia couldn’t do much for Julia when she was alive, but in her death, she would make sure everyone would remember Julia as long as the Fulger Clan and the Maids continued to exist.

Philosophers used to say that people were only truly dead when they were forgotten, and they were right.

Because of that, Natashia made sure to immortalize the woman in the history of Vampire Nobles.

No one would ever forget the woman who took care of her little treasure, her beloved daughter, no one.

She would make sure of it.

Chapter 474: Scathach meets Mizuki.

Clan Adastreia.

Arriving at the training area where her daughters were, she saw a woman who seemed awfully familiar.

Noticing her presence, the woman stopped training with her two daughters and looked at her as if she had seen some scary monster.

“S-S-Scathach.” The woman stuttered as she took two steps back.

“Mother!” Lacus and Pepper spoke at the same time as they ran to her and hugged her.

Scathach raised a curious eyebrow when seeing the same move she taught Lacus was used by Pepper. Then, a satisfied and gentle smile appeared on her face as she understood what had happened:

“Hey, Girls. How are you?”

“We are well!” Pepper spoke for Lacus.

Lacus just hugged Scathach’s body but didn’t take as long as Pepper did.

After all, she was an ‘adult’; she didn’t want to act like a child.

“Good, good. It looks like Victor took good care of you guys.”

“!!!” Both girls’ bodies visibly shuddered, and flashbacks of their training/torture began to appear in the girls’ minds.

“Fufufu, it looks like he really took care of you.” Scathach smiled in satisfaction when she saw the state of the two girls.

She was glad Victor didn’t go easy on her daughters because they were…well, her daughters.

‘Although I should have expected that, we both have more in common than it seems…’ A small smile couldn’t help but appear on Scathach’s face, a loving smile that only lasted a few seconds, and then she turned her attention to the woman trying to sneak out of the training ground.

‘I don’t exist… I don’t exist… I’m invisible… Please ignore me…’

Suddenly Mizuki’s entire body shivered, and she quickly turned her face toward the ‘intent’ that had locked onto her and saw Scathach’s blood-red eyes.

“Hmm…” Scathach stared at Mizuki, who was sweating like a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere…?” She touched her chin, trying to remember where she had seen Mizuki before.

“N-No, this is our first time meeting!” She spoke with absolute confidence while no trace of a lie could be felt in her voice or seen from her face as if she had never really encountered Scathach before in her life!

Hearing Mizuki’s ‘N-No’, she remembered a visit she had paid to the Vatican a year ago.

“Oh, I remember you now… I removed your arm in the past.”


Mizuki swallowed hard.

“You were the General of the Hunters who had injured my daughter…”

Scathach’s eyes gleamed dangerously for a few seconds.

“E-Ex General… I am no longer related to them.”


“Mother, don’t bully Mizuki!” Pepper defended Mizuki.

“…Hmm?” Scathach looked at her daughter.

“She’s Victor’s guest, you know? She is helping him with her hunting experience and teaching him how to hunt Vampires, Werewolves, and all other beings of the night. She sleeps in his house; she also trains him in the ways of the Odachi and the way Hunters act.”

“In a way, she is Victor’s master too,” Pepper spoke with a smug smile.

“….” Mizuki was sweating up a storm now.

‘Shut up, girl! I admire your attempt to help me, but this attitude is just throwing me under the bus! Can’t you see Scathach’s gaze intensifying!?’

“Master, huh?… Master…”

“???” Question marks began to appear around Pepper as she saw her mother’s unusual state.

“Pepper… You… Your Innocence scares me sometimes.” Lacus commented with a slight tremor in her body.

“Fwueh?” Pepper looked at her sister in a manner much like a confused chick.

“Hmm? Mother has arrived.” A light, tomboyish voice was heard around.

Everyone looked towards the voice and saw Ophis and Nero together.

“…What did you call me, Kid?” Scathach looked at Nero with a neutral gaze.

“…Mother?” Nero replied innocently.


“I mean, why not? Are you not my mother?” She questioned; Nero could smell her father’s scent all over Scathach’s body, and knowing her father, she knew what that meant.

Scathach was a ‘mother’ too, as were the Maids, Ruby, Violet, Sasha, and Natashia.

After all, only these women had her father’s scent all over their bodies.

“H-Huh? I mean, you’re not wrong, but you’re not right either… Ugh, it’s complicated, okay?” For the first time in a long time, Scathach was without a word to return and a little confused.

Actually… She was embarrassed to admit it. After all, Victor hadn’t beaten her, and she hadn’t fought him either, meaning nothing had happened.

…But it was not like she didn’t like Victor; she loved her foolish disciple but… He hadn’t defeated her, but also, she was horny and came here for a reason.

So Nero wasn’t wrong; she was a ‘Mother’ too…

In the end, it was just complicated…

“???” Question marks appeared around Nero and Ophis.

“Are you my mother or not?”

“Yes… But-.”

“See, she’s a Mother, yay,” Nero spoke as she threw a victory punch as if she had solved a great riddle.

For Nero, everyone with her father’s scent all over their body was a ‘Mother’, but she also knew not everything was so simple. They wouldn’t become a ‘mother’ until these women confirmed it themselves.

“…..” Scathach was speechless.

“…mine too?” Ophis asked as she pointed at herself.

“Maybe…? This is actually quite complicated… If she is my mother, Ruby, who is her daughter, is also my mother?”


“Ugh, that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“???” Question marks appeared around Ophis.

“W-Wait, Wait-Wait!” Pepper stuttered a lot.

“Hold on a second!” Lacus was faster; she appeared in front of Nero.

“Why are you calling our mother, Mother!?”

“Eh…?” Nero looked at Lacus, confused.

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s because she f-… Hmm, bonded with my father?” She corrected her words at the end.

“….” The two sisters looked at their mother with a neutral gaze.

Scathach didn’t know how to react to her daughters’ gazes. She didn’t want to say anything or do anything, so she simply remained silent.

The two looked back at Nero:

“I mean, Nero isn’t wrong, but… Right?”

“…Yes…” Pepper confirmed.

‘Right, what?’ Nero thought.

A strange atmosphere descended on the group of girls.

‘Eh…? They won’t explain what this ‘Right’ is? Is this code or something?’

“Hmm… She’s our mother too, but she’s also your mother, and my sister is your mother too; what are we to you?” Pepper spoke as if trying to solve a puzzle.

Another awkward silence fell around the girls who were thrown into this situation because of their supposed ‘guardians’ relationship.

“…Ugh, this is getting more confusing the longer it goes on…” Lacus complained.

“Agreed.” Pepper and Nero spoke at the same time.

Pepper started to think more deeply.

If their mother is ‘something’ to Victor, then what was she to Victor…?

‘Daughter?’ But Ruby, her sister, is Victor’s wife.

I mean, wasn’t she his sister-in-law too?

But here comes another problem, what about Nero? Ophis? The Maids?

‘It’s better not to think too deeply about it; my head is hurting.’ Pepper felt her world spin a little.

“Hey, don’t run away.” Hearing their mother’s voice, all the girls looked at Scathach.

‘Tsk.’ Mizuki clicked on her tongue; she thought Scathach had forgotten about her!

She didn’t like Scathach’s look at all, that look of danger. To make matters worse, her Master was gone! He didn’t want to accept her call. So, obviously, she was abandoned by him!

Damned traitor!

[I’m sorry, my disciple, but… She’s Scathach; my gray hairs aren’t ready for this shock of life; I’ll hide until she’s gone, Seeya.]

‘Master!? Master, you coward, come back here!’ She internally roared, but not even a white hair was seen from the old man.

“So, you were the one who taught him how to handle that Odachi…”

“Yes!?” Mizuki jumped like a cat caught off guard when she heard Scathach’s voice beside her.

Looking at the woman who was sizing her up,

She started to feel weird again. But, this time, she didn’t have a bad feeling or fear that something was going to happen; it was something more…

Hmm… Like a child being watched by their Master?

… At least that’s what she felt.

Scathach surrounded the woman like a wolf that stalked its prey. She looked all over the woman’s body, her gaze containing no threat or intent to harm anyone.

Lacus and Pepper understood what that look was; it was the look their mother gave them when she was ‘assessing’ them.

‘I don’t know if it’s because of what Nero said, but she’s not acting with hostility towards me anymore.’ Mizuki didn’t know how to interact with Scathach; the woman acted like a bipolar lion. One moment she was neutral, and another moment she wanted to eat her head.

“Hmm… Not bad; you have your base, it’s not at the level I like, but it’s still there.”

“Girl, let’s fight a little.”

“…Eh?” Mizuki suddenly felt as if she had gone deaf and couldn’t believe what she had heard.

Scathach created an Ice Odachi with her power and threw it at Mizuki.

“W-Wait.” Acting on instinct, Mizuki picked up Odachi and realized how heavy the Odachi was, but it was not too heavy. It was just the way she liked it.

‘W-what? How does she know about my ideal balance?’

“Don’t be too surprised; I’m a Master of various weapons, and knowing little things like that is easy.”

“…How do you know what I thought?”

‘She can read minds!? Now, that’s another level of Bullsh*t!’

“Fufufu, your face gave away everything I needed to know, Girl.”

Mizuki was speechless. When had she gotten so expressive to the point that her enemies knew what she was thinking? She wasn’t like that!

[Your time with Victor made you soften, which I don’t think is bad. You needed some rest, and this trip was a good vacation for you.] She heard her Master’s voice.

‘Haven’t you left?’

[My daughter is going to be trained by the most terrifying Oni, I can’t miss that.] Abe-No-Seimei grabbed a handful of popcorn and sat on a comfortable sofa while watching the show on an 80-inch television with 8K resolution.

Veins started popping in Mizuki’s head; her Master was rooting for her misfortune! Damn you!

…Wait, train?

“Now, on guard.”

“E-Eh?” Mizuki unconsciously placed the Odachi in front of her and fended off Scathach’s attack.

“Don’t get lost in idle thoughts in a fight; focus on your enemy. Again.” Scathach disappeared and appeared beside her.

She purposely attacked at a slower pace so Mizuki could react.

Mizuki jumped back and dodged Scathach’s attack.

“Use your enchantments.” Scathach created a small ice thorn and launched it in Mizuki’s direction.

Mizuki dodged again and took out a talisman from her thigh holster.

“Susanoo-.” Before she could begin the incantation, Scathach appeared in front of her and attacked her face.


“Too slow.”

‘Ugh.’ Mizuki felt her cheek burn a little, and then she jumped back to escape Scathach.

“An experienced enemy will not wait for you to cast your enchantment.”

Hearing Scathach’s words, she couldn’t help but remember when she was training with Victor.

“An experienced enemy will not wait for you to cast your enchantment; this is not a Shounen anime; you should think of creative ways to use your enchantments. Since the chant is mandatory for it to work, why not try to create a distraction?”

“And don’t go around screaming your f*cking enchantment!”

‘It’s the same…’ She couldn’t help but think, ‘Although Victor taught more.’

Mizuki’s eyes became more serious as she held her Odachi and placed the talisman around Odachi’s hilt.

She held the Odachi by the handle and threw it towards Scathach; at the exact moment, she murmured:

“Yami Arts…”

“… What a fool, throwing away your weapon,” Scathach commented but didn’t stop looking at Mizuki. Then, utilizing her footwork, she vanished and reappeared behind her.


Scathach kicked Mizuki in the back, but Mizuki’s image disappeared as if she didn’t exist.


Chapter 475: Scathach, A Natural Teacher.

“… What a fool, throwing away your weapon,” Scathach commented but didn’t stop looking at Mizuki. Then, utilizing her footwork, she vanished and reappeared behind her.


Scathach kicked Mizuki in the back, but Mizuki’s image disappeared as if she didn’t exist.


‘Teleportation?’ She looked around and denied the thought: ‘Invisibility?’

An aura of cold left Scathach’s body and spread around, and while she could ‘feel’ that Mizuki was in one place, her eyes couldn’t see her. But that didn’t matter as she could feel it with her power.

‘Illusion, huh… It’s not like that boy from Clan Fulger who makes illusions with his brain; it’s more like an illusion in the environment…’

Seeing that Scathach was going to make a move, Mizuki muttered:

“Order: Tanuki.” Soon ten raccoons appeared beside Mizuki, and in the next moment, those ten raccoons became Mizuki herself.

Scathach rotated her hand, creating strong winds with just that simple gesture.

Soon, the illusions were ‘swept away’, and 10 Mizuki’s were standing in front of it.

“Spread out.” The nine other Mizuki’s nodded and made a circle with Scathach in the middle.

“Kyaaa! It’s like Naruto-Dattebayo!” Pepper was having fan org*sms.

“…Onmyoji Mages are quite versatile…” Lacus couldn’t help but comment.

“She didn’t do that before when we were training!”

“She was holding on to her power, right? After all, it was just training.” Lacus answered her sister.


“….” Nero and Ophis had no comment; they just watched with sparkling eyes.

The 10 Mizuki lifted talismans and took a stand.

Scathach displays an amused smile; she had always enjoyed seeing new techniques and fighting styles; it was one of her few pleasures in her long life.

One of the Mizuki quickly whispered:

“Order: Kamainu.”

“Let’s cool things down a little…” Scathach tapped her foot to the ground lightly, but nothing happened.

“…Oya?” She looked around and saw that one of the Mizuki had their talisman glowing a light blue; she narrowed her eyes a little and noticed a dog-like animal looking at her as if watching her, preventing her from committing violence.

‘She stopped me from using my birth power…?’ Scathach narrowed her eyes and forced her power out, and soon a sword of ice manifested.

Scathach took hold of the sword, and when she went to throw it at Mizuki, the Dog’s eyes shone, and the sword disappeared. Seeing that, Scathach’s experience and her brain already gave her the answer she needed.

‘Interesting… I can’t use my power to ‘harm’ someone… It’s still there, but I can’t use it to attack… It’s like that weird Witch’s ‘Peace’ barrier.’ Scathach thought of an incident in the past where a certain Witch, who had a pacifistic heart, made various spells that prevented beings from using their powers to ‘harm’ a person.

“Yami Arts…” They all mumble at the same time.

A ten-pointed dekagram appeared under Scathach.

“…A 10-point magic circle… You really are something else, huh…” Scathach tried to move but found that she couldn’t.

‘Oh?… She’s preventing me from moving too.’ She looked around and saw another Mizuki with the talisman glowing green, and floating beside her was some sort of female-headed monster.

‘A medusa-like monster, but instead of petrifying me, it’s paralyzing me…’

Scathach’s smile widened, and memories began to pop into her head of a man who used Onmyo magic differently.

Instead of using the Japanese Gods, most of whom were Yang natured, as a ‘catalyst’ to use their enchantments, the man used the Youkai Monsters as a catalyst.

Monsters represented Yin and all that was negative, and because of that, he was persecuted, and his arts were labeled as Dark Arts, forbidden.

He was also hated by the Youkai and treated like a bogeyman in their group because when that man killed a Youkai, that Youkai wouldn’t actually die, they would become part of his strength for his Dark Arts.

“Oni, let me use your power; I want revenge.” Scathach couldn’t help but chuckle at the words of the man who thought she was a Youkai. He was a straight man and didn’t even mind her menacing presence.

“What’s your name, boy?” Scathach asked after she stopped laughing.

The man was silent for a few seconds until he spoke:

“Ashiya Doman… Those are your techniques, huh.” The voice of man and Scathach overlapped between past and present.

“….” To Mizuki’s credit, she didn’t express anything, but the very act of not saying anything delivered everything Scathach needed to know.

“I see; it’s not just ‘Light’. You’ve also mastered the ‘Dark’ side of your techniques.”

Mizuki’s eyes began to change from an onyx black to a blood red, and a 10-pointed magic circle appeared in her eyes, very different from the pentagram that appeared in her eyes when using the arts taught by her Master.

“If you knew that man, you must know how dangerous his techniques are.”

“Indeed, unlike those hypocrites, the Youkai’s power mixed with the Human’s power was much more dangerous if used correctly; after all, unlike the Gods, Youkai ran in packs… At least most of them.”

Looking at the circle on the floor, she said:

“This technique represents the Hyakki Yagyō, right?”


“Using multiple Youkai to Immobilize, trap, and eliminate an enemy, a terrifying technique if one is caught off guard by this technique and doesn’t know how it works. Only death awaits this being.”

‘To be honest, it was a pretty ingenious technique. Unlike his rival, who limited his talents because of morals, Ashiya Doman didn’t have that problem. He wanted power, and with enough will, he became strong enough to face an Elder Vampire.’

Scathach knew that most Vampires never trained as she and her disciples did; even fewer spent several years of sleep time perfecting their techniques like her favorite disciple.

Because of this, she judged that Ashiya Doman, along with the many strange abilities that his ‘captured’ Youkai had, with enough training, could take on an Elder Vampire, even relatively trained ones.

‘And it’s not like he stopped using the powers of the Gods either; after all, he was still a talented Onmyo Mage, but his talent in that area was quite inferior to his rival; he had more affinity with the Dark part of Onmyo techniques.’

“…” It would be an understatement to say how surprised Mizuki was that Scathach knew about this.

“Don’t look at me like that; if I’ve met that man, it stands to reason that he tried to use this technique on me…”

“Your technique lacks originality, but it’s understandable; you didn’t create it, just learned it…”

“…You’re just ridiculous…” Mizuki commented. It wasn’t just her power that made Scathach fearsome; it was her experience. She was one of the few beings who could genuinely say they’d visited every place in the Mortal World, with secret places like the realm of the Witch Queen being an exception.

After all, Scathach was not a fool to enter ‘enemy’ territory. She never trusted Witches, especially their Queen.


[Give up thinking about making sense of this situation, disciple. This woman is as old as Jesus; there are few things in the world that she has not seen and experienced, and she is also responsible for the Crimson Nightmare; of course, she knows a lot about the Onmyo Mages.]

Despite saying this, Abe-No-Seimei was also surprised; he had not imagined that Scathach had met his rival.

Scathach nodded in satisfaction and with a big smile on her face.

“The current you can corner any arrogant Elder Vampire, or untrained Vampires, an incredible feat for a human who isn’t using the power of the ‘faith’ of The Inquisition Hunters… But me? You will need a little more than that.”

A red aura began to emit from Scathach’s body, and with just that aura alone, cracks started to form in the magic circle, and the dog-like Youkai broke out in a cold sweat with an expression of fear.

[There it is… The true power of this Oni…] Abe-No-Seimei commented heavily.

“But… I have to acknowledge something…”

“For not getting stuck in stupid old traditions that only limit your development, for seeking power to improve yourself, even if you have to deal with the risk of being corrupted. To overcome all that and still learn and master a technique that contradicts your ways… That’s…”

Scathach’s smile grew, along with her aura:



Red pressure exploded outwards from Scathach and impacted Mizuki’s body, throwing all 10 of Mizuki’s into the air, thus stopping whatever she was about to do.

The clones and the magic circle disappeared from existence as if they hadn’t even been there in the first place.

“Ugh…” She touched her head as if she had a nasty headache while ignoring her bleeding nose: “Did she do that with just her aura? Ridiculous…”

“You really are a gem, Mizuki.”

“…” Mizuki opened her eyes a little and looked at Scathach in disbelief:

“…Did you remember my name?”

Scathach flashed a small smile:

“Just now.”

There was only one thing in the world that Scathach liked, one thing that had always piqued her interest, and it was that very thing that made Scathach watch Victor.

Potential and Talent.

Scathach took personal pleasure in polishing gemstones to reach their most robust state.

In a way, she had an innate aptitude for being a teacher… the strongest teacher.

“Come, I will train you properly.”


“Although your base is very good, it is still not at the satisfactory level for me, and I know with your talent, you will learn easily.”

“…Huh?” Everything was happening so fast that Mizuki’s brain was having trouble processing it.

“I can’t give tips to improve your enchantment; that’s not my area of expertise; you should ask the spirit in your body for that.”

“!!!” Mizuki and Abe-No-Seimei shivered when they saw Scathach’s gaze.

‘[She knows!? How!?]’ Mizuki and her Master thought at the same time.

“Fufufu, as expected, you have one, huh.”

Mizuki opened her eyes wide as she realized what had just happened.

“I just figured it out. You’re very talented for someone your age, and that’s not a problem; the problem starts when you learn a technique that should be lost.”

Mizuki swallowed hard.

“Ashiya Doman’s Yami Arts is a technique unique to that man, and I highly doubt he took a disciple in his life to teach his techniques; he was so obsessed with his goal.”

“And, there’s a saying I created myself; a rival is something much closer than a lover.”

“Only your rival knows you on a level that not even a lover could.”


“While this may not apply in some cases, in most cases that I have encountered in the past, these words perfectly described their situation.”

“Only one person knew Ashiya Doman well enough to know all of his techniques; after all, he had personally experienced all these techniques over and over again.”

“And considering how ‘excellent’ that man was for his time, it wouldn’t be surprising that he became a heroic spirit; I’ve seen several cases of that happening in the past.”

“Abe-No-Seimei. He is your Master.”

It would be an understatement to say how much Mizuki was in a cold sweat right now; the look Scathach gave her was as if the woman knew everything about her. In front of this woman, she appeared to be completely naked and unprotected.

Victor didn’t tell Scathach about Mizuki; why?

He didn’t need to because when Scathach looked at Mizuki, she could understand most things; he had complete confidence in the woman’s ability.

The experience of training several eccentric and talented disciples, the knowledge gained by living for over 2000 years and getting involved in most of the wars that had occurred in the past, and the experience of teaching and dealing with Kings and Queens of the past.

None of that could be taken from Scathach.

She was a politician, a General, a warrior, a counselor. She had countless professions in the past, and she came in contact with many people, and through that contact, she learned from these people.

This was her most potent weapon, a weapon that not even Adonis’s memories could fight.

One of the main reasons everyone feared her on the same level as Vlad, the King of Vampires.

Was her experience.

She had personally experienced 2000 years of constant learning and improvement. Despite having forgotten most of the little things she had done in the past, she could handle it quite naturally when faced with most situations.

After all, she had experienced most things at some point in her life.

Experience of more than 2000 years of constant training and self-improvement, training that had yet to end, even to this day.

It could even be said that she was much more excited to train in the present, all thanks to her ‘disciple’ who had made it possible for her to improve even more. Not to mention all the ‘gifted’ people her disciple seemed to find as easy as buying cake in a convenience store.

These experiences were something that not even Vlad, in the early years of his immortal life, accomplished. Humanity was undeveloped in his time, and when it started to develop, he already had a role to play and couldn’t stay away from his Kingdom for a long time.

That was the kind of monster Scathach was.

A monster that learned from humanity.


Chapter 476: The one who fought the monsters, and became a monster.

“Let’s go back to the expedition, we’ve had enough rest.” Rose spoke with a big smile on her face.

She seemed to be glowing, and she was much more excited than usual.

“Yes!” The girls except for Victor, Eleanor and Anrietha spoke.

Eleanor and Anrietha looked at a glowing Rose and an excited Victor with narrowed eyes.

She had her suspicions that Victor had done something of a perverted nature to Rose, they had never seen the woman so ‘radiant’ before.

But after some thought, the two of them dismissed that thought, what happens is…

Victor can be everything, handsome, monster, a talented man.

But without a shadow of a doubt he is not an unfaithful man.

From what the two girls understand about him, it’s usually not Victor who makes the first step in a relationship, it’s the girls.

In other words… They were suspicious of Rose.

But just like Victor, the two women couldn’t think of a scenario that Rose does something perverted with Victor.

She was too serious for that.

“Rose, when we get back, I’m going to ask you to help me again.”

“Fufufu, sure~” Her smile grew, and then she added:

“I’ll be happy to help~”

“….” Victor couldn’t help but flash a small smile.



Okay, now even the other girls noticed the strange atmosphere.

What happened, and why do they seem so close!?

Don’t tell me… They did!?

The Valkyries looked at each other with that look only they know and nodded.

They became chibis and looked up, and soon a balloon appeared, and an ‘image’ of Victor and Rose naked appeared.

“I won’t let you sleep tonight, Rose.”

“Destroy me, Vic!”

“!!!” The girls blushed a little when they thought of this scenario, somehow it was very exciting!

‘As expected, Victor is after the older ones… Does he have a fetish for antiques?’ Eleanor thought.

‘As expected… He satisfies even Rose, but we’re talking about a man who married an older vampire, and made that incident… He’s capable.’ Anrietha thought with a dangerous glare.

Rose seeing this, narrowed her eyes dangerously, how could she not understand what they were implying? She practically created them all here.

“…Girls, stop that indecent thought, are you so frustrated?”

“….” The girls blushed a little when they heard what Rose said.

Quite brazenly, Julieta asked:

“And so what happened, why are you so radiant?”

“I was just training him, and I was surprised how fast he learns.”

‘Quick, is an understatement, he looks like a sponge that absorbs everything I teach… Now, I can understand what it’s like to have a very talented disciple.’

“…Oh…” Eleanor’s answer somehow disappointed them all.

“Heh~. I wondered what kind of image you were thinking of.” Victor smiled as he looked at Juliet.

“N-Nothing.” Julieta turned her face away, her heart couldn’t take that sneak attack, he’s a damn murderer! Playboy! Scoundrel!

‘Funny girl, she is quite brazen, but weak against provocation.’ Victor looked sideways at Eleanor.

Eleanor noticed Victor’s gaze and looked at him, the moment she saw his subjective face, she huffed and turned her face away, she wasn’t going to fall into his honey trap! Even if that trap was very attractive.

She is a warrior! She has an extremely strong will!

Victor couldn’t help but display a helpless smile as he scratched his neck, he once again as his charm was dangerous, after all…

…Victor literally did nothing…


Women have fallen into their own world of debauchery with their own imagination.

‘But that aside, training with Rose was quite enlightening, this woman…’ Victor looked at Rose out of the corner of his eye.

‘She’s very powerful, her swordplay is on a completely different level than he’s seen before.’ Victor thinks that not even Scathach has reached this level of swordsmanship before, though he can’t say correctly, after all, he’s never seen Scathach fight seriously.

‘With just one Spar… I was able to clear my doubts about various aspects of melee arts, she sure is a great opponent.’ Victor couldn’t wait to fight her again.

“Anyway, stop thinking nonsense, and let’s get on with it.” Rose ordered.


“Eleonor, you go ahead this time… I assume you want to vent a little.”

“….” All Rose got in response was a big bloodthirsty smile from Eleanor.

And when Victor saw that smile, he could barely contain his own smile from growing.

‘Was here! That’s why I came here! Now show me! Show me that you are like me!’ Without realizing it had attracted Victor’s full attention.

Eleanor takes the Greatsword from her back, and looks in one direction.

“Don’t hold back.” Rose ordered.

“Of course not.”

Eleanor kicks the ground and starts to run.

Soon the group starts running after her.

As the group ran after a very excited Eleanor, Victor said:

“An Ogre settlement 40 km away.”

Eleanor’s smile grew even wider, and a bloodthirsty aura exploded from her body .

Doing his best to hide his feelings, Victor continued:

“Conflicting in… 3… 2… 1!”

The group stopped running, and soon they were looking at an Ogre settlement, unlike before, there were Ogres variant

Monsters of the same type but with a different specialty, some red-skinned Ogres appeared to be much larger than normal beige-skinned Ogres.


Sensing Eleanor’s sense of danger, the monsters were alerted, and they began to come towards the group.

“Numbers?” Rose asked.

Before Victor could answer Rose, Eleanor spoke:

“Does not matter.” Eleanor twitched her leg, and with an impulse she advanced alone into the settlement.

“…She’s very excited, I think she was very stressed…” Judy commented.

“Hasn’t she killed a lot of monsters before?” Alexa asked.

“It still wasn’t enough for her.” Martha replied.

“Make sense.” Alexa nodded.

Rose shakes her head as if she has no choice, and says:

“Judy and Julieta don’t forget to learn and categorize the terrain.”

“Yes!” The two responded at the same time.

“Oh? Do you have any minor goals on this expedition?”

“Yes. As this is an opportunity to learn more about the monsters, the surrounding terrain, and possible variants, and new monsters, this information is very important for the future.”

“I see…” Victor stopped talking when he saw Rose clash with the Ogre.

With an upward swing, the ogre’s entire body disappeared.

A fist came towards her, Eleanor looked at the fist coming towards her eyes, and with refined movements, she dodged with only inches of the fist hitting her face.

Using her incredible strength, she kicked the Ogre’s knee, and the sounds of something breaking were heard.

The ogre staggered a little, and Eleanor did not miss this chance.

With a gesture of the hand, a stake is created from the earth is created and pierces the ogre.


A red variant ogre came towards Eleanor while her entire body was covered in fire.

“This is new…” Rose commented.

“Have you never seen them before?” Victor asked while not taking his eye off the fight.

“We’ve seen the toxic type before, but the fire type never.”

“Do you think they were created for the weakness of vampires?”

“… It’s possible.” Despite that being said, Rose was pretty sure they were created to target the vampire’s weaknesses.

The fight with the Alpha and the dialogue with that monster doesn’t get out of her head, she knows that the Alphas are something like the natives of this world, she was one of the few vampires who knew about the Elder Gods and what kind of existence they are.

And she also knows that the Elder Gods have fought their king in the past, and after thousands of years of fighting monsters, the theory that monsters were artificially created began to circulate in Rose and Walter’s minds.

But that theory was never proven, and they never had a chance to prove it either.

Even if they captured an Alpha for information, the monster would just mysteriously die, it was as if someone had purposely killed them to prevent information from leaking out, a very common tactic in war.

Because of this reason that the Valkyries don’t try to capture the Alphas, it was a futile effort after all.

“I’m will kill the Monsters…” Eleanor changed from blood red to monster eyes.

“Even if I turn into a monster in the process…”

“Whistle.” Victor hissed in amusem*nt when he saw Eleanor’s arm changing into extremely sharp black claws.

Eleanor swings her sword, and cuts off the ogre’s head that was trapped in the stone stake, when the Ogre’s head fell to the ground, Eleanor withdrew the stone stake and used her vague hand as if controlling something in the air.

And soon the group saw the ogre’s body float.

“Oh? Telekinesis?”

“Something similar.”

“That’s not the power of the Vampires of Clan Adrastea, right?”

“Well, you are right and wrong at the same time, after all, the monster bloodlines themselves are also part of the Adrastea Clan… But yes, you are right, that is one of the powers of your monster bloodline.”


Eleanor ignores the approaching Fire Ogre and throws the corpse into the Ogre .

The red ogre just roared and a flame came out of its mouth and hit the monster’s body turning the monster’s corpse to ash.

By the time the corpse disappeared, Eleanor was nowhere to be found.

“…?” The ogre looked at this confused situation, and soon he heard a loud noise.

He looks towards the noise, and sees a bloodbath taking place.

Eleanor had ignored the monster, and jumped right into the ogre horde, she was taking advantage of Chaos.

“ROAAAAAR!” The variant ogre roared in rage, and ran back toward Eleanor.

Eleanor was there, surrounded by monsters, her body was covered in toxic blood, but her smile never left her face.

Positioning her Greatsword, she spun around, effectively cutting several monsters in half.

She jumped on another Ogre’s head and with the momentum, she flew towards another monster slicing it in half.

She swung that massive extremely sharp sword fluidly, and as if the sword didn’t weigh, because it was a very large sword, she often used the sword as a shield as well.

Spinning around, cutting in half, using monster parts to blind other monsters.

Eleanor was brutal.

Extremely brutal.

She was struggling to inflict as much pain on the monsters as possible, she felt sad*stic pleasure in doing so.

Slowly, the Horde of over 1000 ogres was dwindling, and bodies were being piled all around.

The longer the fight went on, Eleanor became more brutal, on one occasion, she again ignored the variant ogre, and threw the greatsword at a normal ogre.

She disappeared from the scene demonstrating footwork , and appeared in front of the Ogre who had his stomach pierced by the giant sword.

Using her sword hilt as a support, she got to her feet, while looking at the Ogre’s face:

“Become my food.”

The Ogre’s face visibly darkened in fear.

‘s face Eleanor began to change, scales began to appear, and her face became more monstrous, her normal mouth completely disappeared, and only a mouthful of sharp teeth was seen, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed the entire head of the animal. Ogre.

Meat crunching sounds were heard.


She swallows the meat, and soon her entire body started to change and become more monstrous, it wasn’t just her arms and faces anymore, it was everything.

A large tail appeared behind her, her tail was covered in sharp spikes, her armor began to grow dark green scales, four horns grew on her head, two large and two small.

Two wings grew behind Rose, they weren’t bat wings like the vampire count transformation, it looked like a reptile wing, the only description Victor could think of was dragon wings.

Its entire body had dark green scales covering it like extra armor.

Eleanor spread her wings fully, and looked at the monsters.

And his sad*stic smile completely distorted when he saw the monsters step back in fear.

They instinctively knew, they were no longer the predator, they were the prey.

A dark green aura with shades of black began to leave its body, and towards the Greatsword, soon the greatsword underwent a visible change and became more monstrous, spikes grew all over the Greatsword, and a dark green fire covered the blade. of the weapon.

Seeing this sight, all the Valkyries acted as if it was normal, this was a side that they all didn’t want to show people, the monster bloodline they had… It was, after all, a monster bloodline.

And unlike the other members of Clan Adrastea, the Valkyries had pretty dangerous monster bloodlines, they were the highest level monsters Clan Adrastea has fought in the past, and what Eleanor had was the most dangerous of them all.

On this expedition they completely avoided ‘transforming’ like Eleanor was doing, they just used the partial transformation which consisted of just their arms and weapons.

After all, it wasn’t a pretty sight to behold, and this ‘transformation’ was also a secret of Clan Adrastea.

‘If Eleanor showed this side to Victor, it means that she trusts him enough for that.’ Rose and the girls had the same thought.

That kind of trust wasn’t easily given to outsiders, only one person knew about this vision Victor was seeing.

And that person was Scathach.

Not even the king himself knew this.

Rose and the girls looked curiously at Victor, they wanted to see his reaction.

Honestly, they were a little anxious, the man grew in their hearts as a teammate, they completely accepted the man as if he were their Clan, it would be quite painful if he rejected them.

… But not even in their wildest dreams, they would have imagined the sight in front of them.

Victor was standing there, his smile so gigantic it could no longer be hidden.

A gigantic smile that completely distorted her human features, it was a smile that could rival Eleanor’s monstrous smile.

And it was at that moment that they remembered who Victor was.

Memories of Victor confronting Jeanne and Morgana flashed through their minds.

Victor was the monster here, not them.

They only wore a tired smile when they realized that Victor had long ago confided in them his most important secret.

‘I was worried for nothing…’ All the girls had thoughts similar to Dorothy’s.


Sensing danger coming her way, she raises the Greatsword in front of her.

Pure fire struck the greatsword, but Eleanor didn’t move or be shaken.

“I haven’t forgotten about you.” His voice came out more monstrous and heavy, it was like a monster trying to speak a human language.

She looked at the five variants running towards her while ignoring the other monsters.

“Victor.” Eleanor looked at Victor from a distance, her reptilian slitted eyes staring into Victor’s violet eyes.


“I’ll show you…” She shakes her head a little and tosses her long white hair back.

“I’ll show you why I deserved the title of Vampire Count at such a young age…” She tried to turn away, but couldn’t because she saw the visible change in Victor’s expression.

Victor’s eyes widened a little, and slowly his smile became even more monstrous, his face distorted completely, and his sharp teeth were clearly seen.

Only something dark that contained large sharp teeth was standing there, Victor’s face disappeared.

Two monsters looked at each other… Two monsters looked at each other and desired each other, Eleanor’s heart was beating a thousand an hour when she saw his obvious desire.

To further enhance Eleanor’s amusem*nt, she heard:

“Show me… I want to see… I want to see the real you.”

“I want to see the true nature of the woman named Eleanor Adrastea!”

“Show me!!”

As if Victor’s words were a strange trigger.

Eleanor’s smile grew unnaturally, and a dark green power with black hues exploded in Eleanor’s body and soared towards the heavens, completely changing the atmosphere of the place.



Chapter 477: Eleanor Adastreia’s True Form.

Martha frowned as she felt Eleanor’s growing power; the power was changing the atmosphere itself; it even felt like the gravity around her had increased a few times:

“… She’s exaggerating.”

“Victor pressed some weird button on her…not that I could blame her,” Dorothy spoke with a slight hint of envy in her voice.

“….” Rose, with her arms crossed, only showed a small smile.

‘Looks like I don’t have to do anything. They have a lot of chemistry with each other…’ Rose wasn’t stupid and could see what kind of women Victor liked, and if she were to put into words what kind of women he liked…

The answer would be the craziest ones like the Snow Clan heiress and those battle maniacs like Scathach.

And battle maniacs were something all the Valkyries were, and even then, these women couldn’t obtain Victor’s full attention.

Yes, he appreciated their figure, but that was him being a man and being respectful in his own way since there was no lust in Victor’s eyes.

But the eyes he was giving Eleanor now were something he’d never shown to any of the Valkyries.

‘And that’s a good thing… We’ll be neighbors, so we need to be as close as possible… As a family.’

“She’s horny.” Juliet nodded in satisfaction.

“….” The girls just looked at Juliet with wordless expressions.

“What? It is the truth. Victor clearly accepted the ‘monstrous’ side of our leader. I swear that I saw him devouring the woman with his eyes for a moment. I wouldn’t be surprised if they skipped several important steps and went straight to sex.”

Another silence fell around them. Even if they wanted to refute it, they couldn’t. They could clearly feel the tension in the air between Eleanor and Victor.

Soon the surge of power began to dissipate, and there was Eleanor in all her monstrous glory.

Her black armor, at some point, had completely changed and merged entirely with Eleanor’s body, revealing dark green scales covering her entire body.

Her long white hair was loose in the sky, the horns on her head became more prominent and sharp, wings more enormous than the previous ones were behind her, and a long pointed tail that seemed to have the power to pierce anything.

Her monstrous face took on facial features from when she was a Vampire, the only difference being her dark green skin and black scales with green undertones that appeared to be ear protection for her.

The atmosphere emanating from her body was suffocating as if they were in the presence of a superior monster.

Victor felt his blood boil, his smile grew, and a sense of amusem*nt washed over him.

“Pfft… this is… This is…” He couldn’t help himself, as his body started shaking, and then:

“HAHAHAHAHA~” That crazy laugh was heard around, drawing everyone’s attention.

He was chuckling with his hand on his chest as if he’d seen something really entertaining.

The feeling of blood around him, the sense of his killing intent, was just too suffocating.

“…Yes, he’s an even bigger monster,” Dorothy muttered, and the girls couldn’t help but agree with her.

“Amazing! Splendid! I knew coming to this place was the best decision I ever made in my life!” He looked at Eleanor with an intense gaze.

A look that made Eleanor’s fanged smile grow.

“Victor.” Eleanor’s voice was a mixture of monstrous and hollow.

“Oh?” Victor’s eyes gleamed as Eleanor lifted her Greatsword.

The Greatsword was covered in a dark green fire in the blink of an eye.

“Don’t blink your eyes.” She slowly began to raise her Greatsword towards the sky.

“Do not divert your attention.” A strange effect started happening all around.

All the Ogres began to slowly levitate towards the sky.

It was as if an invisible force was lifting them all up, and it wasn’t just the monsters. The earth around them, the dust, the rocks, everything levitated towards the sky.

When all the monsters were in the sky, Eleanor was heard again.

“Watch Me…”

“And understand why I deserve the title of Vampire Count.”

And that’s what he did; Victor watched.

Eleanor had his undivided attention, his eyes were glued to her, she had all of him… And that included his growing obsession.

Eleanor looked at the sky and spoke in a neutral and straightforward voice:


Suddenly, the world lost its color, everything went black and white, and the only thing visible was the green flame on Eleanor’s Greatsword.

Flames began to rise towards the heavens at a rapid pace, and slowly, a small green ball resembling a mini sun began to be created in the sky.

The green fire stopped coming out of Eleanor’s Greatsword, and in the next moment, the green fireball began to spin horizontally.

It was a rotation not too slow and not too fast.

In the next second, something started to happen.

The world returned to normal, and the monsters in the air began to be ‘sucked’ towards the flame.

When the first monster was engulfed by the flame, the flame grew…

And this process repeated itself when the monsters came into contact with the green flame. The fireball seemed to be feeding on the monsters.

When deemed necessary, Eleanor pointed the palm of her hand towards the sky and made a gesture of clenching her fist:


The effect was immediate, the fireball started to expand, and it swallowed all the monsters, rocks, and dirt; it devoured everything, and everything happened in less than seconds.

When everything was eliminated, Eleanor spoke:


The fireball started to shrink in size. Before it was like a giant fireball, now, it was the size of a basketball, and a second later, the star was gone.

Eleanor wiped out an entire horde with one technique as simple as it was.

A technique that could only be used in this form.

“….” The silence that fell around was pleasant enough for Eleanor, and Victor’s look of shock pleased her even more, while she couldn’t help showing a smug little smile.

Victor found her smile quite adorable, especially in that form.

Victor now understood why Eleanor gained the title of Vampire Count. She was just like everyone who had that title, a walking nuclear bomb.

Wrong, in a way, she was worse than a nuclear bomb that destroys everything because, if Victor was correct in his assumption, that power she displayed was far more dangerous than shown.

‘The technique isn’t called ‘Singularity’ for nothing,’ He thought as he looked at the damaged earth around him.

But what intrigued Victor the most was that even if she didn’t have this technique, she would already be very dangerous.

If the Adastrea Clan’s power to control Earth was equal to what he expected, Eleanor could destroy an entire country by causing a massive earthquake.

And everyone knew the consequences an earthquake could have.

‘But leaving that aside… What is this transformation?’ Victor thought curiously as he devoured Eleanor with his gaze.

“Vampire Count Transformation…” Rose started to speak when she saw Victor’s gaze.

“Well, calling it a Vampire Count’s transformation seems wrong… After all, she’s not accessing the Vampire’s Ancestral Form and getting stronger.”

Victor looked at Rose with a curious look.

“You could say she’s using her monstrous bloodline’s ‘Awakened’ form,” Rose explained as she saw Eleanor slowly approaching the group.

“I think the name; ‘Awakened form’ is more appropriate,” Eleanor joked. Even though that wasn’t the official name or how her transformation worked, she could still joke about it.

“Awakened, huh…” He turned to face Eleanor.

Seeing her monstrous features, Victor slowly brought his hand closer to her face.

“….” Eleanor looked at Victor’s hand with a curious look and let him do what he wanted.

When he touched Eleanor’s face, he could feel the cold sensation of her skin; he could also feel a hispid quality and stiffness, proving that her skin was tougher than it looked.

He touched the cheek area and felt the scales protecting her ear.

Eleanor’s body trembled slightly, and she blushed a little; after all, her ears in this form were a bit sensitive. Luckily, due to her dark green skin, she thought Victor wouldn’t notice it.

“…Can you two get a room?”


The girls and Victor looked at Julieta.

“What?” She spoke when she saw Victor’s amused look.

‘Where is that stoic and cold girl?’ Victor thought and then continued; ‘It seems that she has become more comfortable with me and is acting more naturally.’

Ignoring Julieta’s ordeal as if it were nothing, he asked:

“Don’t you get tired in that form?”

“Not particularly.”


“I only get tired when using my bloodline powers in this form, but when taking this form, I don’t get tired. After all, if we’re speaking from a technical perspective, this is my true form.”

The girls shivered slightly, something Victor didn’t notice because he was so focused on Eleanor.

‘Is she going that far to tell a Clan secret?’ Rose thought.

“Isn’t your true form that of the Vampire…?” Victor asked.

“The Vampire form you’re familiar with is something I take on after sealing the monster’s bloodline.”

“….” From that point on, the girls stopped caring. They understood that their leader seemed to reveal their Clan’s best-kept secret to Victor like it was nothing.

‘How much does this woman like him?’ Dorothy couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“Did you seal your true form?”

“Yes. This sealing happens when a member of our Clan is born so that in the future, he or she can train. After all, it is still a monster bloodline. Instincts, the tendency for destruction, and habits are much worse than the Vampire’s if not controlled.”

Victor nodded, he could relate to this situation because if he was going, to be honest, his True Form was the Progenitor’s form, but since he couldn’t control that form completely, he needed to seal it.

“…Wait, that means…”

“Yes, the girls are like that too.”

Victor looked around and saw the smile on the girls’ faces, including Rose’s.

Victor laughed a little and looked back at Eleanor. He looked at her body and realized that even though she was in that form that seemed to protect her entire body with scales, her curvy body was still quite visible, and her breasts were being protected by a more extensive layer of scaly armor.

‘… She is beautiful….’

Seeing Victor’s gaze on her scales, she explained,

“Our armor was designed so that when we unsealed our bloodline, the armor would merge with our bloodline to grant extra protection.”

“Does that mean you’ll be naked if you go back to your Vampire Form, take off your armor, and go back to your True Form?”

“…Yes…” Eleanor replied with narrowed eyes, finding this question strange.

“I mean, not practically naked because I’ll have scales protecting my privates, I can control them at will to-…Wait, why am I explaining this to you!?” She spoke with a face with different shades of color.

“Fufufu, I didn’t expect he would brazenly ask about that.” Anrietha smiled smugly.

“And I thought he didn’t think about it.”

“To be honest, I think he only asked that because it’s Eleanor.”

“Get your mind out of the gutters, girls, for God’s sake.” Victor rolled his eyes, and the girls just laughed at him.


“Yes?” He looked at Rose.

“When a member of our Clan practices copulation, we must do so in our true form so that the monster’s bloodline is passed on more strongly to the next generation.”


The girls were pleased to see Victor a little embarrassed, which was quite rare, considering that he was very confident, and to be honest, this sight did critical damage to their hearts. That beauty of his was unfair.

“Oya, Oya? He definitely thought of it!” Dorothy spoke.

“He thought to do this and that with Eleanor in this form!” Julieta screamed.

“Julieta! Dorothy!” Eleanor screamed as her wings spread ominously.


The two gulped when they saw Eleanor’s angry/embarrassed face.

“Behave yourselves, girls.” Alexa appeared behind them and hit them both on the head as a way to save them from Eleanor’s wrath.

Slap, Slap.

“Ugh.” The two grumbled.


“You know we Vampires have a good trait where everything that gets passed on to the next generation is stronger, right?” Rose caught the group’s attention again.


“When a Vampire has a child, the child Vampire receives the talent, and potential, of the parents,” Victor spoke what he remembered.

“Yes, although they will receive the potential and talent, it is up to the child to train and perfect that power.”

Victor nodded, understanding what she was talking about. An example of this was his wife, Ruby.

She is the daughter of Scathach, and Scathach’s talent and potential were given to her daughter, but it was up to Ruby to train that potential.

Because of this, Ruby was said to have the potential to surpass her mother. But for that to happen, she needed to train tirelessly like Scathach and Victor.

Vampires were broken beings, but because they were born strong and had long lives, they were primarily lazy.

“Wait… Vlad’s children didn’t inherit his blood?” Victor thought he could only feel a connection to Ophis, clearly remembering that.

“Oh, that’s not unusual.”


“Progenitors are at the end of the day… Progenitors. They are unique. They cannot be raised through another Progenitor. Because of this, Vlad’s children don’t have the same power as their father. Usually, they inherit more powers from their mother.”

‘Wait… And Ophis? She has 50% blood from a Progenitor, it’s not complete, but it’s definitely there.’ Victor narrowed his eyes.

“…But they are still children of a progenitor, so they have great talent and potential.”

“….” Victor didn’t know what to make of this information. From what he remembered, Vlad was disappointed in his children because they hadn’t inherited his blood.

‘…Oh, Ophis is not qualified to be called Progenitor, but if she inherited 50% of her father’s blood, does that mean her talent is more significant than her brothers, and Vlad wanted that blood in his male children?’

That was the only thing Victor could think of.

“Is it possible for any of the Progenitor’s children to receive their blood?” Victor asked. He needed to clear that doubt.

After a moment of silence, Rose spoke:

“It’s possible.”

“It’s a rare thing to happen, the chances are very slim, but one of a Progenitor’s children can inherit 50% of their blood. They won’t be full-fledged Progenitors, but they will have high potential and talent.”

‘As expected… I was correct…’

“Because, as I said, Progenitors cannot be created. They are born naturally through coincidence or because it was meant to be.”

“Progenitors are the father of an entire race, and through them, new bloodlines can be created, and civilization can arise. Their very existence is something unique.”

“And that cannot be replicated by anyone.”


Chapter 478: The End of the Expedition.

42,000 km away from WarFall,

30 minutes after the events of Eleanor showing her power.

Currently, the group was on top of a mountain, making a camp. They tried to pass this mountain but soon came across the vision of 20 beings over 50 meters high in the distance.

They were so big they didn’t even need supernatural vision to see them.

They were Titans, beings of a class above Behemoth.

The very idea of fighting them was considered foolish by the group.

They may be slow, but they were big, strong, and highly formidable, not to mention their ability to attract the attention of various Monsters was very problematic to deal with.

Fighting two or three of them was no problem for the group, but fighting 20? All while trying not to get tired? It was irrational; they needed a bigger group and an outpost for that to happen.

Victor was reckless; that was nothing new, but he was no fool. He knew when to back off.

“Aren’t you going to revert to your ‘sealed’ form?”

“Not yet~.” Eleanor stretched.

“It’s been a while since I last spread my wings; I want to enjoy it while I can.”

“Hmm…” Victor looked at Eleanor with curious eyes.

He was blatantly enjoying her form.

Eleanor, of course, didn’t mind that. If there was one feeling she had about it, it was that she liked it.

… She liked it a lot!

Sometimes she blatantly displayed her ‘charms’ for the man to observe further.

“Whoaa, what a display.” Dorothy couldn’t believe what she was seeing, was her leader like this before?

“Well, when we’re in that form, our instincts make us more ‘honest’.” Alexa commented.

“That’s bullsh*t, you know, right?” Dorothy narrowed her eyes.

“…Yeah…” Alexa muttered.

Being overpowered by instinct only happens to the youngest members of Clan Adrastea. Despite being young, Eleanor had the skill and control of an adult Vampire; she wouldn’t be overpowered by her instincts if the situation wasn’t too stressful.

Which meant…

She was doing it because she wanted to! She was being narcissistic!

“I can’t blame her.” Anrietha, who was standing next to Martha, spoke up.

“Hmm?” Alexa and Dorothy looked at the two women.

“Our Monster genes make our Clan… well, monstrous. And few outsiders can accept that, especially Elder Vampires stuck in ancient traditions.” Anrietha explained.

“I have no doubt that if the Elder Nightingale Vampires knew of this transformation, they would be marching towards us seeking to eliminate us for ‘tainting’ the honor of Noble Vampires,” Martha spoke in disdain.

“I invite them to do this… Do these weak Vampires think they can fight us?” Julieta approached, speaking while her eyes became more monstrous.

“Warfall’s defense is impenetrable. No one will pass through those walls, not even those Elder Vampires.” Judy was more reasonable, but it was clear she had disdain for Nightingale’s Vampires.

Only a few Vampires could earn the respect of Clan Adrastea, and the number of Clans that had that respect can be counted on one hand.

Not even the Vampire King’s family was respected here. Of course, they wouldn’t mistreat them, but they also wouldn’t lick their feet like the other Clans, either.

“Fufufu, if it was difficult for them to do something before, now it has become an impossible task,” Anrietha spoke.

“Oh? Why do you say that?” Dorothy asked.

“Our’ neighbor’ will definitely help us if something happens.” Anrietha continued.

“….” The girls exhibited a small smile and nodded their heads slightly. That was just the level of how much they trusted the man. Knowing his personality, he would definitely intervene if something threatened the Adrastea Clan.

“Hey, Eleanor.”


“How did the Vampires of your Clan gain this bloodline?”

“….” Eleanor and the girls narrowed their eyes a little.

“…What do you mean by gain?” She played innocent.

“Hmm… You know what I am, right?” Victor flashed a small smile.

“A Progenitor…”


“And we Progenitors are quite intuitive about Souls.”


“The Soul is the record of a being, the body is its receptacle, and blood is the bargaining chip that Progenitor Vampires use to alter the body and Soul.”

“Your current state is much more like a hybrid than a Vampire with traits of another race like my daughter, Nero.”

Victor touched his chin and made contemplated his following words, and then elaborated:

“Your Monster gene is stronger than your Vampire gene; I think it’s 60% Monster and 40% Vampire?”

“Perhaps the bloodline is balanced at 50% each… Or the Vampire bloodline mutated and deviated from its normal course, for example, the Vampire bloodline ‘devoured’ the Monster bloodline, and assumed its characteristics.”

“But through the conversation I’ve had with you and the girls, I’ve discarded the last theory.”

“You and your Clan are the most perfect answer I can find for a ‘natural’ Hybrid.”

“Why the quotes for ‘natural’?” Eleanor laughed.

“Because I don’t think anyone from your Clan would sleep with a Monster.”

“…” Eleanor was silent.

“I can’t see a scenario where a proud Noble Vampire went to bed with Monsters to gain power.”

“If it wasn’t through the means of breeding that you acquired those genes, there’s only one option left.”

“Vampires took this bloodline by force and merged it into their bodies/souls through some ritual, strange gene technology, or magic.”

“…” A hush fell over the place, and the girls stared at Victor with slightly shocked faces.

“You’re too smart for your own good, huh.” Eleanor couldn’t help but speak out.

“…He just discovered the Clan’s deepest secret that way?” Alexa couldn’t help but mutter.

And when Victor heard that, he couldn’t help but smile as he looked at Alexa.


“Alexa!” Dorothy screamed.

“I’m sorry, okay!? I was shocked.” Alexa rolled her eyes.

“I don’t consider myself smart… I’m just a good observer.” Victor laughed lightly, and then he added in a serious tone:

“Don’t worry, Eleanor.”

“… worry about what?”

“I won’t go around spreading other people’s secrets; I’d rather die than do that.”

“Do not exaggerate.” Rose patted his arm lightly.

“You don’t have to die. Just don’t tell anyone.”

“It’s hard to kill me, you know?”

“Just don’t try to kill yourself.” She commented seriously.

“…Only if you don’t talk about my secret.”

“If you want to hide that you are a Progenitor, don’t use that form so casually; Elder beings will easily recognize your ‘presence’.

“I will try, but I promise nothing.”

“You can’t be trusted, huh.”

“….” He gestured as if he had no choice:

“That’s just who I am.”

“Stupidly stubborn?”

“…I would say an honest man.”

“Sure~.” She rolled her eyes.

The two chuckled lightly, and soon a silence fell around them; a calm atmosphere fell around them.

Victor was silent as he watched Eleanor, who had her white hair fluttering in the wind.

“…You are correct, Vic.”

“Our Clan’s first generation Vampires acquired the powers of Monsters through an Ancient Rebirth Ritual.”

Victor’s heart skipped a beat, and a feeling of anxiety crept through his body, but he tried his best to stay calm.

“A ritual that makes us Hybrids of Monsters and Vampires.”

‘Unlike Werewolves and Vampires, Monsters have high adaptability ingrained into their genes, and because of this adaptability that was far superior to that of Humans, their blood easily joined the blood of Vampires.’

“An Ancient Ritual that is still used to this day to make members of our clan.”

“…A deadly ritual with a survival rate of less than 5%.”

“And that’s counting that we are Vampires, beings with great regeneration.”

Victor narrowed his eyes.

“How do you make new members of Clan Adrasteia then?”

“We diluted the effects.”


“Only the main family members, in my case, my Valkyries, my butler, have their True Form as Monsters.”

“The others only have features, like eyes, and the ability to change body components, etc.”

“I see…” Victor thought about something; his head was spinning at full speed; then he said:

“Can I go through the ritual…?” he asked cautiously.

Eleanor and the girls opened their eyes wide. Did this man still want more power?

“You cannot.” It was not Eleanor who answered but Rose.

Victor looked at Rose.

“You know me, I can survive this ritual; if there’s one thing I have confidence in, it’s my regeneration and Willpower.”

“… I know.”

“…?” So what’s the problem? That’s what Victor’s look asked.

“As a Progenitor, you would easily go through the ritual; would it hurt like a bitch? Yes, but your chance of survival is more than 70%, counting only on your blood. With your strong will, your regeneration, that number goes up to 90% easily.”

“So high?” Dorothy looked in disbelief.

“Don’t underestimate a Progenitor; they are the Forefather of an entire race for a reason; their adaptability is amazing,” Rose spoke up.

‘Although in the case of a Progenitor, his blood would devour the Monster’s bloodline, a Progenitor’s blood is so arrogant that it will not allow himself to change to suit others. So others would change to suit him.’ Rose thought.

“Amazing…” Dorothy once again understood how ridiculous a Progenitor was.

“You cannot participate in the ritual because only members of Clan Adrasteia can perform the ritual.”

“…Which means…”

“Yeah, you need to leave your Clan…or marry Eleanor.”


“….” Rose just looked at Eleanor seriously, and the woman was silent. Eleanor realized that Rose was not saying this to provoke her.

Rose continued watching Victor; his facial expression didn’t change much; she only saw a visible sigh.


“Looks like I’ll be back to simply training then.” He shrugged as if he had no choice.

“Did you give up so easily? Don’t you want to get stronger? If it were someone else, they would immediately ask to marry Eleanor.”

Eleanor’s body trembled slightly when she heard what Rose said; she realized she was correct and felt complicated now.

‘Why didn’t he say anything? Does he not want me?’ If she were to tell the truth, Eleanor would admit that she had feelings for Victor. She didn’t know if it was love or not, but those feelings had been growing since she met him for the second time.

And these feelings grew even more on this expedition. She didn’t want to be separated from him.

Suddenly something occurred that shocked all the Valkyries. Victor looked at Rose with anger, genuine anger.

“Do you think so little of me?” He spoke in disdain.

“Hmm?” A bloodthirsty aura left his body.

“Do you think that, in my quest for power, I would step on Eleanor’s feelings?”

‘Vic…’ Eleanor opened her eyes slightly wider.

Crack, Crack.

A web-shaped crater formed beneath him, and the bloodthirsty sensation grew even more potent.

Unfazed by this, Rose asked:

“You know Eleanor likes you, and your feelings for her are the same. If you ask her to marry you, she will surely accept. You get a beautiful wife and a new lineage to get stronger. Isn’t that amazing?”

Victor’s gaze changed from anger to disgust.

“And to think you would say that even if it were a test.”


“….” Rose felt her heart ache a little. She saw that those were Victor’s real feelings and opinion on the matter.

“Do you think me like a fool, Rose?”

“You think I don’t know what you wanted with these questions?”

“And to think you wouldn’t understand me even after being around me all this time.”

Victor’s look of disappointment really hurt more than a knife in her heart, she knew the boy had always been kind to them and always valued them, but as Eleanor’s guardian, she needed to be sure of Victor’s feelings.

“To answer the question of this useless test.”

“Yes, I like Eleanor.”

“!!!” Eleanor opened her eyes wide.

“But I will not ask her to marry me because of something like gaining ‘additional’ power. I will not step on her feelings for something so petty. I will never marry for mutual benefit or because I want something from a person.”

“If I’m going to marry someone, it’s because I like them, and I expect the same level of feelings from that person.”

Victor’s bloodthirsty feeling died away, and a neutral expression appeared on his face.



“Good.” Victor soon turned around.

“Let’s go back. The expedition is over. We won’t get past those Titans without getting hurt or losing a Squad Mate, something I want to avoid.”

Looking at Victor’s back as he walked away, Eleanor spoke:

“You know you could’ve just asked, and he would’ve answered, right?” Eleanor spoke with a visible look of anger, a look she had never given Rose before, and it hurt the older woman’s heart even more.

Eleanor soon turned and flew towards Victor.

“…Victor is sincere. He will never lie to people close to him.” Martha spoke.

“He always treated us as companions from the beginning of the trip, and without wanting anything in return, he used his body to protect us and saved us…” Julieta spoke.

“His intentions were pure from the start.” Alexa and Judy spoke.

“I know, but…”

“You needed to be sure,” Anrietha spoke.

“….” Rose nodded.

“I won’t say you’re too paranoid. After all, you were just taking precautions…”


“But, you’re too paranoid.”

“….” Rose looked wordlessly at Anrietha.

“He’s not like the other Noble Vampires who’ve come after Eleanor before. You’ve had enough time to observe him.”

“You know it.”

“….” Rose nodded.

“Even knowing this, why did you carry out this useless test?” Anrietha asked.

“…Feelings of worry often outweigh something you already ‘know’… I can’t lose Eleanor like her mother.” She looked at Eleanor’s back with a sad look.


Anrietha and Martha sighed at the same time.

“Just apologize to him later. He already knows why you did it, and he will understand; he will not blame you.”

“…Yes, he will.”

“Although you lost some respect points with him.” Julieta laughed.

“…” The girls looked at Julieta.

“What? It is the truth. Because of her severe paranoia, she misjudged the situation and lost some of that man’s respect.”

“For God’s sake, he’s someone that even I’m okay with playing around and acting normal with, and that says a lot.”


“Now that she’s said that…” Judy said.

“She’s right, right?” Alexa laughed.

Julieta had always been very suspicious of outsiders, and if she acted normally around Victor, it was because she trusted him enough.

The girls watched Rose, who was depressed.

At that moment, Julieta showed a sly smile and said:

“If you want to regain his respect, why don’t you…” She approached Rose and spoke in her ear.

Rose’s face turned red, and she tapped the ground with her foot:

“Never! I will not do something so indecent, and Eleanor will not forgive me!”

“Tsk, Puritan.”

“Mah, Mah, just apologize and train Victor; that will be enough. The man is easy to deal with. He’s like a lion. Just a little training, some lionesses, a field of prey to sharpen his claws, and he will be happy; you just overcomplicated things.” Alexa spoke.

“Ugh, okay, I’ll do it.”

“Sex?” Juliet asked.


“Apologize!” Rose turned and walked away from the group.

The girls looked at each other and smiled, then grabbed their things and followed after Rose.


Chapter 479: Is it time for Nuke?

On the walk back to Warfall, Eleanor explained more to Victor how the ritual worked.

She explained it in detail for over 15 minutes, and to Victor’s delight, the ritual was quite easy to do but difficult to perform and had a set of rules:

First, the ritual can only be performed once in a being’s lifetime. As you are changing/adding new genetic code in your body/soul, it is very dangerous to add more bloodlines.

Second, for the ritual to be performed, the tradition must be that the subject who is going to experience the ritual must hunt down a ‘monster’ and use that monster as his bloodline change fuel.

Third, the ritual must only be performed by members of Clan Adrastea, and the existence of this ritual must remain extremely secret. Drastic measures such as a soul pact are necessary for this condition to be complete.

The soul pact is something similar to the witches’ contract, but it is made exclusively through a technique that the Clan Adrasteia has. In that pact, you swear to keep silent on the matter, and only the ‘head’ of the Clan Adrasteia has permission to disclose this information.

Fourth, if the ritual is performed by a member outside the Clan Adrasteia, that member must immediately unite in some way with Clan Adrasteia, either through marriage or becoming a member of Clan Adrasteia.

The ritual has several levels of effect, and only the ‘full’ effect should be used if the vampire is competent enough to survive.

If not, the vampire will receive a diluted version of the ritual.

Forgetting the fairly easy-to-understand parts of the ruleset, the method of doing the ritual is simple.

Hunt a monster, and use it to change your lineage.

Victor being Victor, of course, wouldn’t choose just any monster. He wanted the best of them, and knowing that, he understood that he wouldn’t be able to go through this ritual now. After all, he didn’t have the necessary ingredients.

“By the way, what is your monster’s lineage?”

Eleanor, who was already back to her vampire form, spoke with an ironic smile:

“… It’s a dragon-like monster. Its powers are related to gravity, fire, and poison.”

“….” Victor could only display a wry smile, no wonder she looked like a dragon.

“So you’re immune to fire?” he asked curiously.

“I have great resistance to fire thanks to my bloodline, but I’m not completely immune like you or the Snow Clan.”

“But isn’t the Snow Clan immune to fire?”


“I mean, fire can’t kill someone from the Snow Clan, but we’re not completely immune to fire of any kind.”

“… What do you mean?”

“For example, if a god with the greater divinity of fire attacks us, we will take damage, it will not kill us like a normal vampire, but we will still receive damage.”

“Oh… So it’s not complete immunity, huh.”


‘At least this is true in the base form. In the vampire Count form that Agnes uses, she becomes completely immune to fire since, just like my wife Natashia, she has completely mastered the vampire Count form, thus being able to reach level 3 of the transformation.’ Victor thought as he remembered the memories of Agnes leveling an entire mountain range with her vampire Count power.

“…Oh, keep it a secret.”


“It’s a Snow Clan secret.”

“….” Eleanor just laughed and rolled her eyes.

Despite Eleanor’s reaction, Victor knew she would keep it a secret.

“Oh yes. Even if you allowed me to go through the ritual, I would not marry you because of it.”

Eleanor’s cheeks turned slightly red.

“I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you or anything.”

“…But you’re still going to go through the ritual, right?” Eleanor asked.

“Obviously.” Victor wouldn’t deny a way to get stronger.

“Jerk. Shameless.” Eleanor snorted.

“Hahaha~, just leave that matter aside. After all, I still don’t have the monster stuff.”

“Let’s get to know each other better.” Victor laughed in a jovial tone.


“Oh?” Victor raised an eyebrow.

“What? Did you think I was going to let myself be teased the whole time?” Eleanor rolled her eyes. She was a warrior, she had thick skin and toned abs. She wasn’t going to remain passive all the time!

“….” The Valkyries that were watching this interaction from a distance just felt like they were eating dog food.

“Now, I hate you, Rose.” Anrietha can’t help but speak as the Valkyries nod in agreement.


“Because of you, they are acting in their own world. This is just revolting.” Anrietha grunted in annoyance.

“Isn’t that a good thing!?” Rose was speechless.

“Yes. But it’s disgusting when they do that in front of us. Don’t they have any consideration for single women?” Martha explained.

“….” Now that she thought about it, Rose understood why they were frustrated.

“Oh? Did you give up on that Solomon plan?” Juliet spoke.

“…you weren’t kidding!?”

“Of course not.”

“It is common sense. We are Valkyries, and we must stand with our Valkyrie Queen. Which means, if she marries, we will join them too.”

“A light, buy 1 and get 7 in the pack, combo, isn’t that just wonderful?” Julieta displayed a smile that seemed to glow.

“…” An uncomfortable silence fell between the Valkyries.

“Okay, it’s official. She is brain-f*cked.” Alexa spoke.

“Wait, Wait, why am I being included!?” Rose asked wordlessly.

“Antiques deserve to be loved too, and you always trained and didn’t even have time to leave an offspring in the world. That’s a disgrace to any living thing.” Juliet was looking like a saint speaking the words of the bible now.

Veins popped in Rose’s head when she heard the word antique.

“If Rose participates, I will too.” Judy spoke.

“Eh?” Rose was speechless.

“Me too.” Alexa spoke.

“Count on me.” Martha laughed.

Soon all the Valkyries spoke the same words.

“It’s decided. Our futures depend on you, Commander Rose, go to his bed and make a child soon!”


Rose tapped Juliet on the head:

“Stop playing around, your games are over the line.”

“Ugh…” Juliet held her head.

“But it’s no joke…-” She was silent when she saw Rose’s gaze glowing slightly blood red.

“Fufufu, you deserved it, Juliet.” Martha laughed.

“Gah! You talk as if you weren’t in the game too!”

“What are you talking about?” Martha asked, genuinely confused, “I didn’t do anything.” She looked very innocent.

For a moment, even Juliet seemed to believe her.

“Ugh, Shameless people.”

“That’s the secret of living a long life, you must be shameless.” Anrietha laughed.

The girls began to laugh at Juliet’s misfortune.

“Hmm?” Victor suddenly stopped talking to Eleanor and looked straight ahead with a serious expression.

“….” Seeing Victor’s reaction, the girls looked at him. They had been with the man long enough to know that when he reacted like that, it was because he saw something.

From Victor’s point of view, his vision began to amplify, and soon he saw something, the city that Eleanor built with her power was taken over by various hordes of monsters ranging from behemoths and minions to ogres and predators.

“The city you built has been taken over by monsters.” Victor warned the girls.

“What do we do?”

“….” The girls looked at Eleanor.


“Our priority is to get home now.”

Everyone nodded, indicating that they understood Eleanor’s words, but everyone had a thought in their heads.

“…I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Rose spoke up.

“Leaving a city this size in the hands of monsters is not a good idea. At least we should destroy the city’s structure.”

“I agree.” Victor spoke.

Realizing that he had the attention of all the girls, he said,

“Although you can easily build a city with your power, we must not let an Alpha take control of this city. We must destroy it.”

“…I understand your point, but we don’t have an easy way to kill everyone.” Eleanor spoke.

“Who said killing the monsters?”


“I talked about ‘destroying’ the city, that is, just the structures you created.”

“Oh…” Eleanor understood now, then thinking about several things, she made a decision:

“Let me do this.”

“It’s not a good idea.” Rose and Victor spoke at the same time.

“….” The girls were speechless, including Rose and Eleanor herself.

Victor, who was used to talking together because of Scathach, just continued talking:

“Eleonor is our main means of security, and in an emergency, her power to make a city and spread the monsters is very useful.”

“We can’t afford to make her tired when we’re only halfway through.”

“….” Ignoring her shock session, Rose nodded in agreement with Victor’s words. That was what was on her mind as well.

“The best person for the job is me… I can’t kill them with my power for the sake of immortality, but… Destroy a city?”

“That’s easy.” Victor’s smile grew predatory.

The girls close to him couldn’t help but display a similar smile. He really was their ‘mate’ even the attitude was the same.

Arriving near the city, Victor said:

“Contacting us in 3… 2…1… Now!”

Victor stopped running, and the girls found themselves in front of the city.

“Victor, please.” Rose spoke up.

“I know.” Victor threw his Odachi and a bag to Rose.

Rose took the Odachi and looked curiously at the gun and bag that Victor threw at her. Shortly after, she turned her attention back to Victor.

“What will you do?”

“Turn everything to ashes…” Slowly, fire began to cover Victor’s body, and in the next moment, two long wings of fire appeared behind him.

His ears became pointed, his teeth sharper, his hands changed to sharp claws, and his feet changed to monster paws while his clothing had long since evaporated.

‘Tsk, I was supposed to bring some suits that Scathach made for me.’ As it was a suit made especially for Victor, he had great strength in his body attributes, and when transformed into the vampire Count transformation, the outfit would not be damaged.

It’s very similar to the material Scathach made with her armor.

The entire transformation was smooth and quick, proving that Victor was quite proficient in the first form of the Snow Clan’s vampire Count transformation.

The Snow Clan Vampire Count form was the first form he awakened, so it was understandable that he had more control over it.

“Anrietha, Honey.”

Anrietha’s body shuddered a little at Victor’s melodious, commanding tone.

“Protect the girls if necessary, okay?”

“… Okay.” She accepted the orders with a slightly red tone on her face as she took the priestess staff from her back, and spoke some words of incantation, then her body glowed slightly, and she put away the staff and took the shield.

“Good.” Victor waved lightly, vanished, and then reappeared over the city.

“Oya, Oya?”

“Not now, Juliet.” Anrietha spoke in a definitive tone that allowed no refusal.


“Okay…” Julieta knew when to back off, and teasing Anrietha right now wasn’t a good idea.

“Now that I’ve stopped to think about it… Shall we try a new technique?”

Victor created a fireball and looked at it.

He knew that the powers he used had an incredible range of possibilities to evolve. One example of this is his lightning.

The electricity, if condensed and thrown out, can turn into plasma, which depending on how much power he puts into it, that plasma can be many times hotter than his firepower.

Another thing he thought of doing was using electromagnetic telekinesis. He deduced that he could do it if he had great control over his lightning.

Fire cannot be left out either since he knew that the flame he had was not by far the strongest flame. In the natural aspect of things, the white flame is the strongest and hottest flame.

He had some clues as to how to increase the heat of his flame, but he couldn’t think of how to increase that heat to white fire.

Other alternatives are to mix the elements to become a completely new element or one that has the effects of both elements, and that’s a level he hasn’t acquired yet.

But… He learned something from this trial and error and the experiment he did with wood using water.

The fireball grew to absurd sizes.


“Is he trying to wipe out the planet?” Dorothy asked with sweat on her face.

“Don’t let the size of the fireball fool you. That ball will not destroy the planet, not even it has that power.” Rose spoke up.

“Compress…” Verbalizing what he was thinking as a means of control, the fireball that covered his entire body began to compress.

And while it was compressing, Victor was putting on more and more power.

“… Okay, this is dangerous… Let’s go a few more KMs away.” Eleanor spoke.

“Don’t you trust your husband?” Julieta spoke in disdain.

“He’s not my husband yet!”

“Yet, huh.” Dorothy and Julieta made a sh*tty smile.

Eleanor snorted and turned away.


The monsters noticed Victor’s presence, but it was too late. Victor was already holding a small ball of blue fire in his hand.

Giving a long weary sigh, he finally lets go of his concentration, “Looks like this is my limit…”

Looking at the blue fireball in his hand that was the size of a basketball, he couldn’t help but flash a small smile.

‘As expected, the secret is to compress fire, but that requires ridiculous concentration, and in a battle, the enemy won’t wait that long.’ Victor was in vampire Count form, and even in that form, it took him all this time to make his fire hotter.

He couldn’t even imagine if he could pull off this feat in his normal form.

“That man, he really did it.” Rose couldn’t help but comment when she saw the blue fireball.

“What did he do?” Judy asked.

“You will see.”

“Well, become my experiments.” Victor laughed and threw the fireball at the monsters.

The fireball slowly flew towards the monsters, looking very harmless.

And the key thing here was, ‘looked like.’

The moment the fireball touched a monster, a blue flash spread all around.


“…Victor, you’re taking the phrase ‘the vampire Counts are walking nukes’ too seriously…” Eleanor couldn’t help but comment.

“Hey, this is nothing. You know that with your power, you can destroy an entire continent with an earthquake, right?” Victor commented as he returned to his normal form, grabbed the bag Rose was holding, and put on his boxers, shorts, and a simple shirt.

The entire time he got dressed, the girls were blatantly staring at him, and even Rose wasn’t insensitive to his charm.

“I mean… It’s possible. I need to train to achieve the feat of controlling the tectonic plates, but…” Eleanor was simply speechless.

The whole city just disappeared. Nothing was left, just a relatively long hole, while the entire area was incinerated.

“They are coming back.” Alexa muttered.

“This regeneration of coming back even if your entire body is wiped out is something to be envied.” Victor couldn’t help but comment, he knew that not even he could return if his entire body was destroyed.

“Anyway, let’s continue. I want to be back home in less than 2 hours.” Victor spoke.



Chapter 480: Was Scathach Just Saved by Natalia?

Victor and the group managed to get home in less than 1 hour by just ignoring everything they’d encountered and focusing on going back.

With Victor leading the way, the journey back was quite relaxing.

And as he got closer to WarFall, Victor saw something with his eyes.

‘Ophis, Scathach…’ He couldn’t help but smile gently, and soon he saw, ‘Natalia too?’ He narrowed his eyes. ‘If Natalia was here, it was because something had happened in the human world. But if something happened in the human world… Why didn’t they call him?

Didn’t his cell phone have magic bullsh*t that could connect anywhere?

“I have visitors, I’m going ahead.”

“W-Wait.” Before Rose or even Eleanor could say anything, Victor disappeared, leaving behind streaks of lightning.

“…He’s really fast.” The girls said at the same time.

“Hmm?” Scathach stopped training Mizuki and looked to the side, showing a small expectant smile, and that ‘itch’ between her legs began to get stronger.

Controlling her expression so her disciple wouldn’t notice her happiness, she returned to her neutral face.

As soon as Scathach noticed Victor, Ophis and Nero followed. Nero could smell her father and could also sense him through her ‘master’ connection, even though he was not her master and treated her like his daughter.

Victor was the one who ‘bit’ Nero and turned her into a full Vampire.

In the case of Ophis, it was because of the mark she gave to Victor. Of course, her daughter senses weren’t left behind either.

Rumble, Rumble.

Appearing in the training area, the first thing Victor saw was Mizuki on the floor, breathing heavily while her body was covered in sweat, and she looked quite dejected.

On the other side were Lacus and Pepper, who were looking at Mizuki with sympathetic eyes. They were ‘companionship’ eyes, so it seemed as though Mizuki had experienced the hell that was Scathach’s training.

Soon, he saw Ophis, who quickly teleported to grab him.

A black miasma appeared next to Victor, and Ophis grabbed Victor’s neck.


“Hahaha~, how are you, Ophis?”

She nodded, “Mm, all good.”

“Umu, I’m glad nothing’s happened. Did the people treat you well when you arrived…?”

Pepper and Lacus cringed slightly when they saw the glint in Victor’s eyes.

“Weird people, but good, Mm.” She nodded.

“I see, that’s good then.” Victor chuckled as he started stroking Ophis’s head.


“Ahh, Ophis, that’s not fair!”

“Nero, a lot of time with father… It’s my turn.”

“Ugh.” Nero cringed when she heard Ophis’ words. It’s not like the little girl was wrong since she had indeed spent a lot of time with her father.

“Hahaha~, don’t make that pouting expression. Come here.” Victor placed Ophis on his shoulders.

While Victor was putting Ophis on his shoulders, Lacus and Pepper approached Victor.

“I have the high ground.” Ophis patted her chest proudly as she looked at Pepper.

“…” Pepper somehow felt her ‘culturedness’ was being challenged, and she couldn’t help but blurt out:

“You underestimate my power.”

Ophis and Pepper’s eyes appeared to be releasing sparks that collided in midair, the image of a nine-tailed fox appeared behind Ophis, and the image of a rabbit with horns and red eyes appeared behind Pepper.

It was a legendary showdown!

In the meantime…

Victor picked up Nero and held her in his arms.

“….” Even with a bit of embarrassment that evidently appeared on her cheeks, Nero hugged Victor!

“I missed you…” She muttered in a very low tone.

Victor displayed a gentle smile on his face and stroked Nero’s head:

“It’s only been a few days, my daughter.”

“Doesn’t matter…”

“Fufufu, my daughter is so cute.” Victor hugged her tighter.


“I’m sensing a disturbance in the force.” Ophis muttered, and when she looked down and saw Nero in her father’s arms, she spoke:


“!!!” Nero was startled by Ophis’ tone, but did she let him go?

Of course not, she hugged him even tighter.

Before Ophis could pout, Pepper asked,

“Hey, hey, Ophis. Did you watch Star Wars?” Pepper asked curiously.

“Umu?” Ophis looked at Pepper and replied:

“Mmm, I watch with my Dad.”


Ophis shook her head in denial.

“The King, huh.”

“Mm,” She nodded.

‘And to think that the King was also a fellow person of culture…’ Pepper’s eyes gleamed slightly.

“Vic, Vic.”

“Hmm?” Victor looked at Lacus.

“Tell me how the expedition went!” Lacus’ eyes were glowing slightly in curiosity, she always tried to go on these expeditions, but the people of Clan Adrasteia wouldn’t let her. They said it was too dangerous.

She wanted to know the dangers that caused even elites like Clan Adrastea to take precautions.

“Sure, I’ll tell you later. But first, I have to talk to my Master; I can’t make her angry, right~?.” Victor chuckled lightly and set Nero down, followed by Ophis.

“….” Scathach’s ears seemed to get even bigger, obviously with her full attention focused on the conversation, despite looking at Mizuki with a dead look.

A look that scared the woman more than the training she was going through.

At this point, she was almost begging Victor to save her.

[As expected of the strongest Oni, this kind of training is not something an ordinary human can endure.] Abe-No-Seimei was impressed.

‘Master, stop being impressed and help me!’ Mizuki practically screamed.

[If I help you, it wouldn’t be training… But, you’re my cute disciple, so…]

Abe-No-Seimei had thought of something, and soon a lightbulb appeared in his head.

His outfit changed to a cheerleader’s while a whistle appeared in his mouth:

“You can do it, you can do it, Mizuki! Don’t give up, don’t give up, Mizuki!” A flag appeared in his hand, and he began to wave it with spirit!

Veins started bulging in Mizuki’s head. Her master had just become 100x more annoying now.

‘Ugh… My muscles HURT! How the f*ck is this just training the basics!?’

…If they only knew that Scathach overreacted because she was looking forward to seeing Victor…

Coming close to Scathach, Victor spoke:


Scathach splendidly hid her rapidly beating heart with an assassination technique she had learned in the past and turned to face Victor.

When Victor’s face and smile appeared in her field of vision, she forgot to breathe for a moment, as time around her seemed to slow down a lot, and in that moment.

She captured the entirety of Victor’s appearance with her retinas while her heart threatened to jump out of her chest, and her throat seemed to get much drier. Her instincts screamed to jump on him, right here and now!

‘Am I that thirsty?’

She seemed to have not realized that when she decided not to hold back anymore, most of her limitations that had been trained for several years when dealing with her bloodlust and fortified with her self-control had loosened as if trying to set the beast free of its restraints.

“Oh, Victor, you’re back. I hadn’t even noticed.” She felt a little ashamed of herself now since she never thought she would lie so blatantly for something so unimportant.


You may not believe it, but Victor was quite narcissistic, considering he’d inherited some of Adonis’ habits.

He wasn’t a deviant who believed he was the best and the rest were rubbish.

But he was narcissistic enough that when Scathach said she hadn’t noticed, he felt a slight twinge in his pride.

He wouldn’t mind if it were someone else. After all, other people and strangers didn’t matter in his reality, but Scathach?


His beautiful teacher? His beautiful mother-in-law? The woman who was one of his biggest motivations for getting stronger?

That was a big ‘NO’ for him.

Soon Victor made a decision, a decision he had never made before with Scathach, and acted like someone who’d found a ‘little pig’ to extract enough money.

Who was Victor? He was the man who’d received Adonis’ memories, the ‘REAL’ Adonis, and he was the man with beauty that even the Goddess of Beauty said was enough to rival her own.

Act seductive to charm a woman? That was something simple to do.

Victor’s expression slowly started to change, becoming more ‘loving’, an expression he only used for those he loved, and in Scathach’s case, this came naturally.

His steps became softer, his whole body language became more seductive, and he displayed a small smile on his face. For just a few imperceptible seconds, his violet eyes glowed a neon pink hue, but quickly his eyes changed to their usual violet color.

It wasn’t a narcissistic or monstrous smile like he always did.

It was a gentle smile, a smile that conveyed tranquility and peace.

“To think that my beloved Scathach wouldn’t notice me~, it breaks my heart~.”

Victor’s melodious tone sent shivers through Scathach’s body, and she wasn’t the only one who felt it.

Even people who weren’t targets of his act, like Mizuki, Lacus, Pepper, Nero, and Ophis, who were far away, felt it.

Like a snake silently invading the home of its prey, Victor invaded Scathach’s personal space, and with extreme skill and naturalness, he took Scathach’s hand.

“I missed you, Scathach~.”

‘Me too…’ She replied internally.

He gently squeezed her hand, and with that simple touch, Scathach’s entire body trembled again.

Now, if this was a normal moment, Scathach wouldn’t fall for this seduction since she had plenty of self-control, and an instinct for self-preservation. She was the strongest female vampire for a reason.

But… This was not a normal moment. From the beginning, Scathach was not normal. She came here because of Victor, she wanted his attention, and because of these feelings, Victor’s attack was very effective!

That was one of the reasons why the charm of the goddess Aphrodite was so powerful. Everyone loves, and everyone has lustful desires. It could be said that this was a basic instinct that all living beings have.

Unless you’re a machine or a powerful being like Shiva who can ‘destroy’ Aphrodite’s charm, it’s impossible not to be enchanted if the goddess of beauty really wanted to.

The proof of that was Scathach now. Even a powerful woman like her isn’t completely oblivious to feelings of love and lust.

Even though Victor wasn’t using his charm powers like Aphrodite [Not that he needed to when his target was Scathach, his beloved master], his attack was very critical! He looked like a dragon hunter who attacked the dragon’s weakness, and even with the dragon asking for mercy, he blatantly kept attacking.

It would be an understatement to say how much of a mess Scathach’s feelings were now. Her heart was pounding like crazy, and not even an age-old technique of murder could hide her pounding heart right now.

Her face was a healthy shade of red, she was breathing heavily, and her eyes that had already changed to red were looking at Victor as if she wanted to devour him completely.

Her inhibitions were completely thrown out the window, the only thing holding her back now was the self-respect she had as a mother, a respect that made her act as a role model for her daughters.

Victor intertwined his hand with Scathach and gently pulled it to his body.

“!!!” Scathach didn’t even notice anything, before her mind could register, she was hugging Victor.

She takes a big breath, and fully smells Victor’s body, she blatantly ignores the scent of other women on his body, and focuses only on his special scent.

‘This is bad… This is extremely bad… If this continues… I-…’ She didn’t have time to finish thinking because Victor touched her chin, and stood up.

“…” Looking into Victor’s violet eyes, she was entranced.

Victor’s gentle smile grows, and slowly, he turns his face and shows his neck.

Scathach’s attention was now fully focused on his neck, she could see the veins throbbing in his neck as if he were inviting her.

But even though she was dying to bite that sweet, juicy neck, she didn’t.

She can’t… She wouldn’t do that!

…Because she knows that if she tasted blood now, there wouldn’t be any trace of pride in her body, and she would actually attack him now without worrying about his image!

“Oh~? Won’t you eat?” He spoke softly into her ear.

Scathach’s ears turned slightly red, and she felt that pleasant feeling in her spine quiver at his touch.

God! His touch, his scent, his words, his presence, it was all driving her crazy!

He is very dangerous!

And you know what’s worse? She from the bottom of her heart couldn’t resist him, she didn’t want to either! She wanted him here now.

But… She couldn’t, not in front of her daughters .

At that moment a portal appears next to Victor:

“Master, your friends are at your house now, and Lady Ruby asked me to call you, I was unable to reach you by phone due to interference from the wildlands-… Ara…”

Natalia visibly broke out in a sweat as Victor turned to her, and for a moment, she swore she saw his eyes turning neon pink.

Scathach gives a big internal sigh, and thanks Natalia in his heart, Maid just saved her! She saved her reputation as a model mother, and the strongest female vampire! She swears she will treat the woman as if she were one of her daughters now!

…Although she couldn’t help but be disappointed, she wanted Victor now!

‘Ugh’ Scathach felt complicated now, she wanted him, but at the same time she didn’t.

Anyway, the only thing she knew was that she was both grateful and annoyed with Natalia at the same time.

“…Hmm, should I come back later?”

“….” All she got from Victor was a neutral look.


Chapter 481: A very big family.

“…Okay, I’ll go to the human world now.”

When Victor spoke, everyone present in this place remembered to breathe.

Everyone had unconsciously stopped breathing when they saw Victor acting like that.

“He is dangerous, extremely dangerous…” Lacus whispered; she knew that Victor was dangerous; after all, he was a talented monster who was sometimes the target of her envy, but instead of wasting time brooding over these feelings, she preferred to work hard.

After all, her mother always beat into all of her disciples that envy was the key to ruin for any being.

But… That level of danger was entirely on another level.

‘Can’t he settle a war without lifting a finger like that?’ Lacus thought he could just go into enemy territory and win over the leaders’ wives, right? That way, he could end a war before it even started!

Pepper and Nero couldn’t help but agree with Lacus.

What Victor had done now was something extremely dangerous for a woman. That attitude, coupled with his handsome appearance and melodious tone, would make any woman beg him to f*ck her.

Unconsciously, newfound respect grew in the girls’ hearts towards Scathach, a woman who could take it and not give in. She honestly deserved the title of strongest woman!

…If they only knew that Scathach was barely holding back…

Even though Ophis didn’t understand what happened, she still felt that her father’s attitude had changed.

And to be honest, she didn’t like that change at all; it was like her father was someone else simultaneously.

‘I like my father, but wasn’t he my father?’ Ophis was extremely confused now.

“Mizuki, when I get back, I want an answer.”

“…Eh?” Mizuki woke up from her stupor.

Victor narrowed his eyes and spoke in a stern tone:

“Fighting a war without necessary motivation is the key to dying like a fool.”

“And that’s something I won’t let happen to you, even if I have to hold you captive in a basem*nt with a rope until you come to your senses.”

Mizuki swallowed hard when she heard Victor’s serious tone.

‘…He wouldn’t do that, right…?’ But, seeing the serious look on his face, she quickly dismissed those naive thoughts; he was definitely going to do that.

She didn’t know whether to be thrilled that Victor was worried about her or annoyed that he was so authoritative.

One thing she knew; was that she had complex feelings about this matter.

Scathach raised her eyebrows when she heard what Victor said, and from the few words she’d heard and with the information she had previously, she was able to deduce the problem.

Mizuki wanted to meddle in the war but was going to do so without any real motivation.

She couldn’t help but narrow her eyes when she realized this. She’d seen it happen many times in the past, young people with a great sense of ‘justice’ fighting for something, not even sure if that’s what they wanted or not.

And the result of that act?

All of them died prematurely.

And those who survived were just the most talented, but those people’s journey wouldn’t go that far with that kind of mindset.

Looking at Victor, who was looking at Mizuki, Scathach thought:

‘Should I leave this to my disciple?’ She asked herself. To be honest, she wasn’t in the mood to help Mizuki, and she was her former enemy. Despite having great talent and having talked about training her only in the basics, this was more of a whim of Scathach’s because she was waiting for Victor to return.

She wouldn’t go out of her way to help someone even if they were very talented; after all, if it was a matter of talent, she was already very satisfied with the current batch of her disciple Victor, his Maids, and her daughters.

In the end, she left everything to her disciple; he already seemed to be in the process of helping her in any way he could.

Seeing Mizuki silent, Victor turned his attention to Scathach. If she didn’t want to say anything, okay. It was her decision, but he definitely wasn’t going to let it go.

“Scathach, will you go with me?”

“…Sure…I need to talk to my daughter too.” Scathach spoke in a neutral tone. She didn’t even seem anxious; she managed to perfectly mask her emotions.

She was fully aware that the rooms in Victor’s house were soundproof and resistant, which meant she could…

A small smile appeared on her face.

To everyone on the outside, it looked like she was happy to be reunited with her daughter.

…If they only knew her thoughts…

“Nero, Ophis, do you want to come too?”

“Mm/Yes.” Nero and Ophis spoke with different responses.

“Pepper, Lacus?”

“Hmm… As our training is practically over, we should just train what we already know… I want to go… I also want to watch my anime…” Pepper replied for Lacus and herself.

“… Why didn’t you ask for my opinion?” Lacus raised an eyebrow at her sister.

“Come on, I know you will.” Pepper rolled her eyes.

“You’re correct, but… Ugh, whatever, I’ll come too.”

“Good, let’s go, I have a lot of things to do.” Victor took hold of his Odachi with a hand gesture while Natalia opened a portal again.



“Morgana and Jeanne are here. This is a good time if you want to train with them.”

“…are they competent?”

“A Former General of Lilith’s Army, and a literal Saint… If they’re not competent, I don’t know what they are.” Victor laughed in amusem*nt.

“You can go to Eleanor too. She knows my basic training; she will help you while I’m gone.” Scathach spoke.

“When I get back, I’ll check your progress.”

“… Thanks.” That was all she could say as she watched the group pass through the portal.

At that moment, a spirit left Mizuki’s body and spoke:

“I may not like the man very much, but he’s right, you know? Fighting a war without motivation is sheer foolishness.”

“….” Mizuki looked at the old traitor that ran away the first moment he saw Scathach.

Ignoring the accusatory look on Mizuki’s face, he spoke:

“Whether you like it or not, you’ve found a troublesome companion. He already considers you a friend, and he won’t let you go to your death if he can help it, even if, in the process, it means you’ll hate him. He’s really nosy.” He laughed in a jovial tone.

‘…Oni or not, he’s a really good friend.’ Abe-No-Seimei could tell that Victor had no lustful desires for Mizuki’s body. On the contrary, he was doing it willingly. It was simply that Victor couldn’t help but care for her after everything the two of them had been through.

“Tsk, you and that man are treating me like a child; that’s annoying.” She turned away, but only she knew of the slight warmth she felt in her heart. She was grateful for Victor’s concern, even if it didn’t show it.

“Physical age aside, every time I see that man talking, I feel like his mental age is much older than you think.” The spirit continued.

“Well, he must be pretty precocious then.” Mizuki rolled her eyes as she walked towards Victor’s quarters which was also her room.

‘… You don’t understand, silly disciple… What I mean is that he acts much older than he really is. He has that look that only people who have lived a long time should have.’ The spirit commented to itself but did not voice its thoughts.

When the portal appeared in the room where the group was having a meeting, Ruby got up from the couch and spoke:

“They arrived.”

The first person to go through the portal was Victor:

“Sup, boys and girls….” He smiled a little, and his smile grew a little when he looked at Adam:

“And old bag.”

A vein bulged on Adam’s head; he’d really forgotten how annoying this brat could be.

“Vic, you’re late for the party,” Ruby commented with a small smile and tone that could only be described as melodious.

“Hey? Is it a costume party? Damn, I forgot my straw hat and my caveman clothes.” Victor wrapped his arms around Ruby’s waist and kissed her mouth lightly.

“….” Edward and Fred raised their eyebrows when they heard Victor make a straw hat joke.

They looked at each other:

“Don’t tell me…” They spoke simultaneously with a look that could have a thousand meanings.

On the other hand, Adam had several veins bulging in his head. Somehow he thought Victor was teasing him again with the fantasy story. After all, Victor always called him ‘old’.

“…..” Leona’s eyes gleamed faintly a light blue, and a slight growl came out of her mouth, a reaction her father and brother noticed.

‘…As expected, she still hasn’t forgotten him, huh…’ Edward thought.

‘If it wasn’t for the promise of brothers, would Victor go after my sister?’ The moment Edward thought that he understood that he wouldn’t.

Victor was many things, but he wasn’t a liar or broke his promises, at least not to people he considered friends.

And that thought also disappeared from his mind when his protective feeling toward his sister was activated; Victor would never have his little sister! Never!

On the other hand, Adam’s thoughts were beyond annoyance; it was pure disapproval:

‘Absolutely not, especially now that he’s a Vampire’ He was determined.

In some ways, Leona was quite unlucky and lucky to be born into an overprotective family like hers.

“Mother…” Nero lightly touched Ruby’s shirt.

Ruby, at that moment, separated from Victor and looked at Nero; her eyes became more tender, and she smiled gently:

“I missed you, Nero.” Then, she crouched down and hugged Nero.

Of all the people close to Victor, she was definitely closest to Ruby, and of all the women, she liked Ruby the most too.

… Although nothing beat her father.

“Heh~, my daughter was a mother, and I didn’t even know.”

“Mother! Pepper and Lacus, too; what are you doing here?” Ruby was surprised; she hadn’t expected her mother and sisters to come here. Shouldn’t her mother be training the royal guards?

“We needed a little modernity.” Lacus spoke for her and her mother.

“Indeed, indeed.” Pepper waved several times:

“I need to catch up with my anime!” Pepper pulled Lacus and led the girl out into the hallway.

“Oh?” Fred looked curiously at the red-haired girl. He felt like talking to her. However, the moment he was going to follow the girl, he was stopped with just a look from Liena.

“She is the daughter of Scathach, do not approach her, or you will die.” It was no lie; Scathach would actually do this for her daughters who hadn’t reached adulthood.

Victor really was a special case.

“….” He swallowed, but he still wanted to talk to a fellow cultured person.

Liena nodded in satisfaction and looked back at Victor.

“Fufu, many things have happened.” Scathach laughed gently and hugged her daughter.

“I missed you.”

“Me too.”

Victor kindly laughed at this scene and took Ophis in his lap. Then, he took her towards Anna and Aphrodite:

“Mother, this is Ophis Tepes, my other daughter.”

“….” Anna pursed her lips.

“Isn’t she too big to be your daughter?”

“Who said family should only be defined by those related by blood?” Victor smiled even wider.

“…Sharp tongue, I wonder who taught you.”

“Wasn’t it you?” Victor rolled his eyes.

“I didn’t teach you to be shameless!” She huffed and puffed like an angry child.

“So I inherited it from you.”

“…” A vein bulged on Anna’s head:

“I am not shameless!”

“Cough.” At that moment, Renata coughed; it was as if she had heard the biggest bullsh*t in the world.


“It’s nothing, I just thought I would die now from your lack of shame.” Renata rolled her eyes.


“…Mother?” At that moment, Ophis, who was watching everything, spoke.

“Wrong, she is not my wife. She is my mother, that is, she is your grandmother.”


“…Grandmother…” To Ophis, it was a completely new word.

Turning her attention to Ophis, Anna felt an arrow go through her chest; she was so cute!

“Give her to me; I want to talk to my granddaughter!” Her maternal instincts were acting crazy; she’d always wanted a daughter!

“Sure, sure~” Victor chuckled and handed Ophis over.

Victor looked at the blonde woman beside Anna and approached her.

The woman flashed a small smile; she got up from the couch and hugged Victor.

Victor didn’t ignore the voluptuous woman, the disguised Goddess of Beauty, and returned her hug.

A kind of bubble invisible to everyone covered the two of them, Victor noticed this bubble with his eyes, but it didn’t feel awkward. On the contrary, he’d seen her use it before when talking to her about important information.

“I felt you using my blessing, even though it was only for a few seconds.”

“Oh? I must have done it unconsciously…”

“What happened?”

“Many things.”

“Humpf, keep your secret then.”


They separate, and Renata looked at Victor, her eyes glowing a neon pink, and she said:

“Loki and Freya are in town.” Then, slowly, she began to control herself, and her neon pink eyes reverted to their standard disguised color.

“… We’ll talk later,” Victor spoke in a serious tone.

“Mm.” She felt like hugging him again and suffocating him with her scent, but she held on and pulled away. She must act normally.

Separating from Renata, Victor realized that the bubble around him had disappeared. He looked at his lovely Maids, the ones present at least, and gave a small smile.

The Maids’ moods visibly brightened, but they still remained in place. They were visibly holding back, not approaching Victor.

“I see that introductions must be made.”


Chapter 482: The very big family. 2

“I see that introductions must be made.”

The group’s attention turned to Victor.

“Starting with the two girls who’d just left, they are Pepper, and Lacus Scarlett, members of Clan Scarlett, and they are Ruby’s older sisters. It may not seem like it, but they are already over 100 years old, Lacus being a Vampire of over 500 years old.”

The visiting group nodded; only Fred and Andrew were shocked. They were surprised that those two girls were so much older than them.

“This white-haired young lady is my adopted daughter, Nero Alucard/Walker.”

The visiting group looked at Nero, who was standing next to Victor.

“Yo,” She raised her hand in greeting.

The people who reacted the most were Victor’s childhood friends; before they knew it, the man already had a daughter!

“The little black-haired girl with my mother is Ophis Tepes, she is the daughter of the Vampire King and is also my lovely daughter.”

Almost all the visitors were shocked this time, except for Adam and Liena, who already knew the girl’s identity when Victor introduced her to his mother.

But one question was still on Adam and Liena’s minds.

‘How the f*ck is the Vampire King’s daughter your daughter too? Huh? What kind of joke is this?’ They had a lot of questions on this subject, but they decided to keep quiet. This was not the right time or place for that.

“The blonde-haired woman is Natalia Alioth, my wife Violet’s personal Maid.”

“…” Natalia just nodded at the group.

The visitors nodded in response to Natalia but didn’t react much. Adam was the only person who opened his eyes wide when he heard the name Alioth. As a former General, he knew of the Alioth family.

‘And to think that one of their members would be acting as a Maid…’ He had doubts when he saw the portal, but now his doubts were cleared.

With the same neutral smile on his face, Victor continued, saying:

“The woman wearing combat armor is my teacher, Master, and mother-in-law. The head of Clan Scarlett, mother of Ruby, Pepper, and Lacus.”

“Scathach Scarlett.”

“…” A silence fell around them for a moment. There was a silence of shock coming from the younger visiting members and members like Andrew and Fred, who knew of Scathach’s deeds.

Adam and Liena already knew who Scathach was; they couldn’t forget the woman even if they wanted to.

“The rest of you may already know who the rest are, so I don’t need to introduce them. Everyone here is part of my big family; it’s a little complicated.”

All of Victor’s family members rolled their eyes; a little complicated was too simple a word to define this dysfunctional family.

This family had mothers-in-law who were in a husband and wife relationship with their son-in-law along with their respective daughters. Victor’s daughters were another factor as one was adopted, and the other had two fathers, one of them being the damn King of Vampires, while both were one of the most dangerous creatures in existence.

Not to mention the Maids, each of which having a complicated relationship with Victor. By God, one of the Maids was even married to Victor!

“Fufufu, and to think I would find you here, Liena.”

“Oh?” Victor looked at Scathach with an expression of interest; after all, there were few people that woman remembered, and her recognition of someone said a lot coming from someone like her. Although, from observing the woman, he thought the woman was somehow familiar. Looking at his friend beside the woman, he noticed their similarities.

‘Oh, it’s Andrew’s mother! Damn, I almost forgot about her.’ But, of course, nobody could blame Victor; after all, he rarely saw Liena. He’d only seen the woman when he went to Andrew’s house, and the woman always had a low presence; she was very forgettable.

Very different from her current presence.

Liena’s body visibly trembled, and her serious facade nearly broke when she heard Scathach’s voice.

“I thought you’d have forgotten about me…”

‘And I honestly hoped you’d forgotten about me.’ She thought to herself inwardly.

“Fufu, how can I forget about you?” She laughed even harder, and her laugh, despite being simple, sent little shivers down the backs of all the visitors present.

“Your technique was fascinating; one of the few humans who managed to hurt me, hahaha~. I will never forget you~” Scathach was crazy, her sharp teeth could be seen, and her eyes glowed blood red. She looked at Liena as if she were a tasty piece of meat.

“….” Liena wanted to curse her younger self for provoking this monster.

Everyone knew that nothing good came of gaining Scathach Scarlett’s interest.

Fred, Andrew, Leona, and Edward could clearly perceive Scathach’s personality with just this dialogue.

She was crazy, completely crazy, and addicted to battle.

… Possibly a yandere; after all, Victor had that charm and liked those kinds of women too.

“Damn, Victor really has this aura, huh. Why is every woman around him dangerous?” Andrew muttered.

Victor, who heard this, couldn’t help but laugh and smile with a smile similar to Scathach’s:

“Hahahaha~, isn’t it more fun like this?”

“….” Everyone realized now that they were all flour from the same sack!

They were crazy!

“Anyway, introductions were given; let’s get started… But first.” Victor turned his face to Kaguya.

“Kaguya, work your magic.” Victor raised both arms and threw the Odachi in the air, which began to float.

“….” Adam, Liena, and Aphrodite looked at the Odachi curiously.

‘A blood weapon, huh… And to think someone would be able to make one these days.’ Aphrodite thought. With just one look, she could identify the weapon. She wasn’t an experienced blacksmith like Hephaestus or an expert on the subject, but she could identify a weapon type she’d previously seen.

On the other hand, Adam and Liena knew nothing.

The big, predatory smile that Kaguya displayed for a few seconds was enough for everyone to understand how much she liked that order.

The woman disappeared into the shadows and covered Victor’s entire body in darkness. In the blink of an eye, Victor was wearing his usual black suit and white gloves.

“Done,” Kaguya spoke with Victor’s clothes neatly folded in her hands.

“Good…God, how I’d missed that.” Victor laughed.

And Kaguya felt even happier when she heard Victor’s words. She’d never experienced a situation where it would be so challenging to keep her poker face as it was now.

“Show off,” Ruby spoke, and Leona and Victor’s friends internally agreed with her.

“Hey, that’s part of my charm, right?” Victor smiled with a smile that wreaked havoc all around.

Fred and Andrew slapped their faces to wake up from their stupor.

‘I don’t swing that way!’ The two spoke at the same time.

Andrew started thinking about the older women he’d dated several times in the past.

And Fred started thinking about the 3TB of hentai he had on his computer.

Even Adam and his family weren’t entirely immune to Victor’s unconscious charm.

Liena, Adam, and Edward quickly awoke from their stupor and narrowed their eyes.

‘That beauty is not normal; this is far beyond the beauty of the Vampire’.

Vampires were considered one of the most beautiful races because, without exception, everyone was beautiful. It was part of their biology; they needed to be that way, to ‘trick’ their prey and sink their teeth in their neck.

They were natural predators that preyed on humanoid beings.

But… Victor’s beauty was not natural; it had already reached the Divine level.

Aphrodite couldn’t help but flash a small, satisfied smile.

‘As expected of him! Fufufufu, and to think that he was so compatible with my blessing! Even Adonis doesn’t compare with the current Victor, which is something natural, I think. After all, he also has the beauty of Adonis.’ Aphrodite was brimming with pride.

She was like a mother who watched her child grow up to be splendid, despite having secret desires that no mother should have for her child.

Ruby didn’t say anything, she just flashed a small, cold smile toward Victor.

Her look said, ‘Can’t you just start this? I have things to do.’ She didn’t want to be annoyed with Victor, but the girls’ reactions, especially Leona’s, made her slightly jealous. She just wanted to end it all.

Fully understanding the subliminal message, Victor gave a helpless little smile and looked at his favorite Maid.

“Kaguya, do you want to go back?”

People were confused by Victor’s strange question, go back where?

Kaguya just nodded her head blankly; for her, this wasn’t even a question but a statement. She missed being in Victor’s shadow!

“Maids, come with me.”


“Wait, Kaguya-”

Kaguya ignored the maids’ protests and sucked them all into her shadow, including the other maids who weren’t present, and soon she went into Victor’s shadow.

“Home sweet home…” She muttered when she saw the usual dark world and the giant screen that showed Victor’s POV.

Kaguya had no words to describe how comfortable she felt returning to this place.

“Ugh, you should have warned me, Kaguya….” Roxanne grumbled as she lay on the floor.

Kaguya ignored Roxanne’s protests and looked at the screen in midair.

‘… Hmm? Has my husband’s soul changed?’ Roxanne thought as she looked around. Finally, she frowned and focused her attention on herself.

Victor’s Inner World.

“You finally came.”

For a moment, Roxanne didn’t answer. Instead, she looked around at the world and realized that the world was no longer flooding with blood like before. Instead, the world had a proper floor with blood-red grass, and her main body was entirely rooted in the depths of Victor’s soul.

Roxanne looked at the tree that had grown a few feet in height and smiled in satisfaction. She could feel her power growing stronger.

‘If it continues like this, maybe I will bear fruit in less than 500 years? But, of course, it all depends on how much my husband kills.’

Roxanne looked at the shadow that represented her Master’s powers and spoke:

“I just realized now that my husband has changed; what happened?”

“Many things, but the main one being an encounter with a giant tree.”

Roxanne narrowed her eyes and said:

“Tell me more about it.”


While this conversation was going on, the meeting progressed.

“I see…” Victor spoke after Ruby explained what she had told the group.

He was sitting on the couch, with Ruby at his side, Scathach on his other side, Natalia behind him, and Nero, who was next to Ophis and Anna.

“I don’t understand; why are you confused?” Victor asked honestly.

“You do not understand?” Adam was the one who took the lead in the conversation; he narrowed his eyes and continued:

“How can you not understand?”

“Yes, I don’t understand. It’s not like we’re allies in the grand scheme of things, right? So why should I tell something private like my plans to an ‘enemy’?” he asked in a neutral tone.

Ruby nodded in agreement with Victor’s words; that was one of the reasons why she didn’t tell the guests anything.

“….” Adam agreed internally. Although Edward and especially Leona didn’t like Victor’s tone, as if it was nothing significant to him, they understood what he was getting at.

“We don’t have conflict with each other for the simple reason that we met before I became a Vampire, and we don’t particularly care about that side or the ‘other’ side.”

“But this matter only involves us on a personal scale. In the grand schemes of things, we are enemies, and it wouldn’t go over well if your children took refuge in a Vampire shelter, politically speaking, of course.”

“And Old man, you are an ex-Werewolf General; I’d bet my kidneys that if the King ordered you to return to serve him, you would return faster than a wife calling her man to practice child-bearing.”

Veins bulged in Adam’s head when he saw Victor’s sh*t-eating smile and heard his analogy.

But… Again, he wasn’t wrong; that was his position towards everyone.

‘And to think he knew me so well.’ Adam couldn’t help but say internally.

“Knowing you, Old man, you’re only here to please your two kids, but you’ve already decided what to do in the end, right?”

“….” This time, Adam felt a chill down his spine. Victor’s smile hinted that he knew more about him than he did himself.

In a way, it was uncomfortable; it was revolting. This man who hadn’t even been a Vampire for a decade could make him feel that way.

‘Now, I understand what kind of monster I’m facing…’

“Is that true, Father?” Edward asked in a neutral tone.

“Yes.” Adam didn’t deny it because, once again, Victor was correct.


Chapter 483: Victor will always be Victor, no matter how much time passes.

“I see… So my master found him, huh…” Roxanne spoke while touching her chin while she was thinking about something:

‘Jeanne… Is that woman somehow related to my father? Maybe she is a guardian? According to this being’s words, my father called her his sister… That’s the only alternative I can think of.’

“You seem to know who it was.”

“I don’t know him, I just know what he is.” Roxanne corrected with a neutral look on her face.

“Oh? Can you elaborate more?”

“Yes.” Roxanne didn’t deny it. Despite being currently ‘separated’ from her Master because of the seal, this being in front of her is, in fact, a part of her master. He is her power reincarnated, a power that cannot come back because it is simply too strong.

Which means that whatever knowledge this being has, its master will have too.

‘Although I should talk to master again when he finishes this meeting, that way maybe he’ll give me a headpat…’ Roxanne laughed inwardly lightly and seconds later assumed a neutral expression.

“This is something all my kind would instinctively know if they listened to your explanation.”

“Just as vampires have a progenitor, my kind also has a progenitor, and you could say that being is our progenitor, our father.”

“… The progenitor of the world trees.” He couldn’t help but speak in an impressed tone.

World trees are, in a way, divine beings of the highest level. After all, their power covers an entire planet, and without a world tree, the planet cannot have life.

The being within Victor cannot help but try to imagine the amount of ‘authority’ that the progenitor of these beings has in the entire universe.

“It’s ridiculous to call him a progenitor. He’s not exactly a ‘progenitor’ as you define it in the word, he’s more like the… Hmm… Something like an essential part of the universe?”

“What do you mean…?”

“Just like a planet needs a world tree. The universe needs ‘something’ too, this being is that ‘something’.”


Ignoring the being’s shocked look, she continues:

“He’s also essential for connecting all the world trees on the planets… In a way, he really is our father.” Roxanne touched her chin. That was a knowledge she’d had since birth, something like a common sense of her specialness.

She knows that in terms of hierarchy, she was the lowest and that being was the top of the hierarchy.

The world trees that already have a planet and civilization were ‘ranks’ above Roxanne.

‘Although I don’t mind that, unlike my sisters, I chose to inhabit my master, not a planet.’ In their culture, this was practically a marriage.

An unbreakable vow, even if her master died, in her next reincarnation, she will still be with him, and this demonstrates how significant the attitude Roxanne has taken in the past was.

Of course, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t inhabit a planet, but unlike her sisters, whose core would be on the planet and unprotected.

Roxanne’s core is always in Victor’s soul, a very safe place.

And she could always ‘abandon’ the planet to its death without worrying about the repercussions of that act because her main body was not on the planet but in her master’s soul.

Roxanne smiled slightly, showing her sharp teeth, her predatory blood red eyes looking down at her main body with a hint of amusem*nt.

‘I don’t know what my father did, but… I must thank him if I see him one day. My master’s soul became quite robust after this event, and that is an unbelievable reward. It seems that that woman is very much loved by my father.’

“Is that true, Father?” Edward asked in a neutral tone.

“Yes.” Adam didn’t deny it because, once again, Victor was correct.

The siblings narrowed their eyes in disgust. Why didn’t he say anything to them?

“Mah, Mah, no need to make that expression Leona, and Ed. Friend or not, acquaintance or not, a long relationship or not. Adam is a man who has already pledged his loyalty to someone. And someone like him, who remains faithful to his master even in the face of difficult situations, is something to look up to.” Victor spoke honestly.

That kind of loyalty from servants he’d only seen in Alexios and his Maids.

The two nodded when they understood that Victor was correct. Their father was always like that, and it was nothing new. He always made hidden plans, he said he was retired, but at the first opportunity to act, he would act.

The old man didn’t know the word rest.

Again, Adam felt that shiver down his spine when Victor, without even trying or intending to, influenced his children’s thoughts with his words.

‘Is it your charm? Is it because they’ve known them for a long time? Or is it because they are childhood friends? Perhaps the combination of all these factors?’ Adam bet it was the last option, he really was dangerous, and he wasn’t talking about his powers.

“…But you don’t care about any of that, right?” Leona spoke with a small smile, a smile that Victor couldn’t help but return to her.

“You know me well.” He closed his eyes with the same smile on his face, and the moment he opened his eyes again, his expression was serious.

“To be honest, I don’t give a sh*t what the king, or those guys from the werewolf kingdom, will think. I don’t give a f*ck.”

“If you asked for shelter here and now, I would do it, and I wouldn’t care about the consequences.”

“f*ck the king, f*ck the politics. I do what I want when I want.”

“And no one, not even the werewolf king, is going to stop me from that. Not even Vlad can do that anymore now.”

Scathach, Ruby, and Natalia had the personal pleasure of seeing the shocked faces of the visitors.

Aphrodite was holding back from laughing in amusem*nt now: ‘That was it… This attitude! Exactly the way I like it!’ She was really holding back now from jumping up and hugging Victor.

For Aphrodite, it was always a sight to behold when one was bold enough to poke their middle finger into millions of years of lore and customs.

Victor had these balls. If given enough reason, he would spit in the face of the werewolf king and give him the middle finger. He didn’t give a damn.

Anna couldn’t help but roll her eyes when she heard her son’s words:

‘He’s become very domineering… I bet that attitude that makes vampire women around him fall like that.’ She thought as she stroked Ophis’s head.

‘… This girl has such cute hair, my god!’

Nero just chuckled proudly at his father’s attitude.

And Ophis was lost in her world, completely at the mercy of Anna’s caresses.

“….” Leona, Andrew, Fred, and Edward couldn’t help but chuckle lightly and shrug their shoulders as if they had no choice. They somehow expected this answer, but to hear him speak so naturally and confidently was something worth seeing.

“You know it doesn’t work that way.” Adam spoke, trying as much as possible to ignore the disrespect to his king.

“I know… Because of that, I understand your side if you don’t want shelter.”

“… But.” Victor’s eyes glowed blood red, and he spoke as if it were the absolute truth:

“If Leona or Edward wants to come with me, even you can’t stop that from happening.”

“… Are you threatening me?”

“Wrong, not a threat. It’s a promise.”

“And everyone in this room knows that I’ve always kept my promises.” The predatory little smile Victor gave at the end was clear enough to know that if Edward and Leona wanted to go with Victor, he would do anything to make that reality happen, even if it meant fighting his father.

Something he was going to do with a big smile on his face while laughing, apparently, he had become that kind of maniac.

‘…Actually, he was always like that, but as he didn’t have the strength to act with his actions, he always took the actions in an indirect and cowardly way.’ Leona thought.

In terms of watching Victor, Leona didn’t lose to Violet, and, in a way, the wolf also knew a lot about Victor. After all, they lived most of their childhood together, and unlike Violet, who remained watching from afar, she was close to him and talking.

That’s one of the reasons why Violet, Ruby, and Sasha were so wary of Leona. They watched enough anime/movies to know how powerful their childhood friend was in this kind of situation.

Even though those feelings subsided when Victor’s relationship with them became irreplaceable, they were calmer now but still on guard.

‘Good thing Edward, Andrew, Fred, and Victor made a ‘brothers’ promise to never go after a loved one of each other… The famous Bro code.’ Ruby thought with fun. She knows her husband will never break a promise, especially a promise he has with his childhood friends.

‘In a way, it was Edward’s fault that Leona stayed in the Friendzone for a long time, considering that with my husband’s personality, I would doubt if this woman could escape his clutches.’ Ruby couldn’t help but chuckle in amusem*nt inwardly. It was really something funny from her perspective.

‘The overprotective brother ended all chances of his sister winning his crush, and she won NTR… Pfft… That would make a great hentaI title. Pfft.”

Believe it or not, Ruby wasn’t someone who liked to feel the amusem*nt of others’ suffering… Okay, maybe she did a little, but she only gets that feeling when the target is her ‘enemies’.

And while Leona is not an enemy, she is a rival, a rival of sorts. After all, she is a werewolf and a rival in love.

‘Although in the last matter, she doesn’t stand a chance, fufufufu.’ A long time ago, Leona lost her chance to become a rival in love.

After all, her husband is just hers now, and in her crazy relationship,s there is no room for animal type girls.

“!!!” Ruby felt a shiver down her spine and looked around, confused.

‘What was that?’ She tried to think about it, but nothing came to her mind as she narrowed her eyes and made full use of her senses.

… As a certain doctor who had four tentacles says:

‘Be careful what you wish for.’

Ruby could feel that annoying itch on the back of her neck, something that always happened when someone took aim at her husband. Her instincts told her that a bitch was nearby, and it wasn’t the wet dog, the horny goddess, or the overly infatuated Maids.

Ruby unconsciously looks at Ophis, and her instincts get stronger.

‘Ophis…?’ As she looked at Ophis, the image of a woman with long black hair, nine tails, and fox ears appeared in her mind.

‘f*ck it! I forgot about her!’ Ruby takes her phone and sends the message to; “Wives Chat Group [OFFICIAL].”

Instead of feeling threatened by Victor, Adam felt sweet inside. Despite being annoyed, he understands that the man in front of him highly valued the friendship he had with his children.

And that was something every parent wanted for their kids, a true friend.

But this and that are different things. He’s still an Alpha Wolf, an Ex-General, and his pride won’t let his head down, especially for someone who isn’t a werewolf.

When Adam’s eyes slowly began to increase in intensity, Edward decided to intervene since he didn’t want to see his closest friend and his father fighting, especially with them being the reasons.

Something that was shared by her sister as well.

“We understand your point, Vic. And again, I appreciate the friendship I have with you.”

Victor turns his gaze to Edward and displays a small, gentle smile, “You, Andrew, Fred, and Leona were the best things I had in my childhood, my time in high school, and college. I’m not a hypocrite to forget what people in the past did for me just because I became a vampire.”

For a moment, Victor’s countenance changed to his old scrawny and weak form of 175 CM tall. He’s still there, but with the most intense looks and a maturity far beyond normal.

Andrew, Fred, Leona, and Edward just flashed a small smile and didn’t say anything since they didn’t need to. They’d known each other long enough to know it wasn’t necessary.

No matter how much Victor changes, he will still be the Victor they knew in the past, this is something all childhood friends understand again today.

Adam lowered his gaze and closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth lifting a little.

‘This kid really never changes. He acts more like a werewolf than a leech… Seriously, I really wanted him to be my son. I’m sure he would be a worthy heir.’ Just for a moment, he was disappointed that his daughter had not been successful in turning Victor into a werewolf.

“I will give you time to make a decision.” Victor spoke.

“It is not necessary.” Adam spoke suddenly.


“I will leave my children with you.” He spoke in a definitive tone.

“Father!?” Edward and Leona spoke at the same time.

“I’m heading back to Samar, the land of werewolves, with my eldest son Johnny.”

“We have an older brother!?” This was too shocking news for them to ignore.

“Yes, although you don’t remember, he visited you when he was a child.”

“With the future war going on, I will train this disappointment to become someone capable of inheriting my legacy.” Despite being strong, Johnny’s attitude was a problem.

“In the meantime, I will leave you in Victor’s care.”

“…Hmm, can I train them?” Victor wasted no time and spoke.

“…” Looking at Victor and seeing a smile similar to his when he started training, Adam smiled internally again and said:


“…Good…Very Good…” Those single words were enough to send shivers down Edward and Leona’s spines, and Victor’s smile didn’t help either.

“W-Wait, Father. Can we go with you?” Leona has just realized that she’s dug her own grave.

Edward nodded furiously in agreement with his sister.

“Let me think…”

“…How about… No.”


He gave an amused smile and said, “I have to go now, see you later.”

“Edward, protect your sister.” He spoke with serious eyes as he held both of his son’s shoulders, while his eyes held a million meanings that only the two of them knew.


“Good.” He quickly left but stopped midway as if remembering something:

“Oh, don’t forget to get the books and the training manuals. Despite training with a vampire, our techniques are quite different after all.”

Adam ran and quickly left the house, looking like a father who went to buy milk… and never came back.


Chapter 484: My mother-in-law can’t hold back anymore.

“Now… now it’s you three.” Victor looked at Liena, Andrew, and Fred.

“Don’t look at me, I’ve already made my decision. As long as you can protect my family and me, I’ll go with you.” Fred answered.

“Fufufu, for a moment, I thought you were going to say; ‘Leave it to me! I will protect my family!’ Just like a protagonist in a movie or anime.”

“Nah, I’m not stupid enough to believe that I can protect myself and my family from a possible invasion of blood-thirsty Demons that are coming to eat my body… Literally speaking.” He added at the end when he saw Andrew, Edward, and Victor’s amused smiles.

“Unlike a certain overpowered Vampire, I’m just an ordinary human with a few magic tricks.”

“You flatter me.” Victor gave a tight smile and then added with a slightly amused expression: “I’m weak as hell, I still can’t come close to defeating my dear mother-in-law ~.”

“….” If you are weak, what about us? Chips? Cannon fodder?

Everyone in the room who knew of Victor’s power, or what he’d accomplished, commented internally.

On the other hand, Liena, Edward, Leona, and Fred were thinking:

‘Challenge Scathach? Bitch, please, only you can say that with a smile on your face.’

Liena couldn’t help but feel awkward.

Here was Liena trying her best to make her existence smaller so that Scathach wouldn’t pay attention to her.

Meanwhile, this man was actively trying to gain the interest of the most dangerous woman [something he’d already achieved for a long time, from what she could tell].

‘By the eyes of that woman who obsessively focuses on that man, even if he now wanted her to leave him alone, she wouldn’t do it in this life.’ Liena couldn’t help but be impressed by this boy she once knew.

“Heh~, don’t you know, stupid disciple? Isn’t the very act of trying to challenge me while technically being a ‘Vampire not even out of the development phase’ considered absurd?” Scathach commented with an amused, slightly seductive smile.

A smile that made Andrew, Edward, and Fred squirm at her mature charm.

But the moment undue thoughts popped into their minds, they quickly slammed them out of their heads internally.

There was a saying that all men should follow, don’t stick your dick in crazy.

And that woman was the Queen of Madness.

…If they only knew that she was considered ‘normal’ in the girl group…

I mean, with girls like Natashia, and Roberta, who had multiple personalities inside their bodies, girls like Violet, Sasha, and Ruby, who had a gigantic obsession for Victor and could plan a world destruction event if it was for Victor’s sake.

Don’t forget about Aphrodite, a literal Goddess who, with her Godly power, could make all beings in the world her slaves, a Goddess who, because she was the Deity of Love, she could become a crazier existence than all the girls put together.

Scathach was just a mad maniac who could destroy a country if provoked, just a woman who could kill a God and get away with it because the Gods themselves were afraid of her.

…See? She was the most normal…

Although she was now falling into the other category due to recent events…

“It’s still not enough.” Victor’s eyes glowed slightly blood red.

Victor’s eyes conveyed everything Scathach needed to know, and only she knew how much that look made her internally shudder. She was really holding back now not to pick him up and throw him in a random place to make him fight her… In many ways.

“Cough.” Ruby faked a cough to get Victor’s attention.


“Darling, carry on.” She smiled with her cold face, a cold face that said:

‘Stop flirting with my mother in front of strangers!’

Victor scratched his cheek lightly. It’s not like he wanted to flirt with her or anything, it was just something natural to him.

‘Oyakodon… Oyakodon…’ Anna thought in her head as she looked at this scene:

‘Seriously, I don’t know what to think about my son and his weird relationships anymore. At this point, I don’t even have the energy to discuss them any further…’ Anna shot him a dead look that said how much she was getting used to this ridiculous situation.

“Fufufufu.” Aphrodite just laughed out loud and laughed even harder when she saw her friend’s reaction.

‘I wonder what she’ll think when she finds out that literal Goddesses are interested in her son.’

“Back to the point, what do you have to talk to me about, Liena?”

Liena awoke from her stupor and looked at Victor:

“…Nothing.” She answered carefully as she tried to ignore the gaze of everyone in the room, especially Scathach.

“Oh?” Victor raised a curious eyebrow.

“All the questions I had regarding you were clarified in Adam’s conversation.”

“The only reason I came here was to figure out if my son was in danger with you. After all, you are a Vampire, so you know how these things commonly go.”

“….” Victor flashed an amused smile. Even though she was speaking vaguely, he could understand what she was talking about.

Basically, she was suspicious that Victor was enchanting Andrew or using her son for something involving his blood, a common act when Vampires preyed on humans.

Even if she trusted her son’s words, she still wanted to be sure.

“I’m glad you’re satisfied.” Victor spoke in a neutral, apathetic tone.

“And now?” he asked curiously.

“Honestly, I just wanted to know what was going on.”

Seeing Victor’s confused expression, she continued:

“…I understand that a Demonic invasion is about to happen, but for what reason? Who is responsible? I want information about the Supernatural World.”

“… You don’t know anything?” Victor couldn’t hide his incredulous tone.



“Don’t look at me like that. I am retired, you know? I was planning to live a normal life.”

“…” Victor narrowed his eyes, and he wasn’t the only one. Ruby, Edward, Leona, and even Scathach herself did as well.

“You know that once you enter the Supernatural World, you can’t leave, right?”

“….” Liena nodded slightly.

It’s not that you couldn’t ‘leave’ of your own volition, it was simply that once you became aware of the other side, the other side could no longer ignore your presence.

Once you learned the knowledge of Supernatural Beings, you couldn’t live like you used to.

It was like opening Pandora’s box. The moment you witnessed its contents, you wouldn’t be able to ignore the other side anymore.

Even if you tried, the other side wouldn’t let you.

An example of this was this situation itself. Despite trying to live a calm and ‘retired’ life, her son became involved in the Supernatural World, and she had no choice but to return.

And she lied, she knew what was going on. She saw the world acting strange, the strange murder cases increasing, and people going crazy.

She was no fool, and she knew something was going on, but she didn’t know what was going on and who caused it. She wasn’t a Hunter anymore, and she didn’t want to get involved with The Inquisition anymore.

Despite keeping his expression neutral, Victor could read the woman like an open book, her body language delivering everything he needed to know.

‘Looks like she really longed for retirement.’

“You’ve gone rusty, Liena.” Scathach spoke in a neutral tone, but everyone in the room could see the disappointment in her voice.

“I’m not an immortal being like you, and I don’t take pleasure in battle like you do, Scathach.”

“The second part may be true, but the first part, you and I both know it’s a lie.”

“…I’m speaking of my mind, Scathach.”

“….” Scathach just nodded slightly. She could understand what Liena was saying, and it wasn’t strange at all, as she had experienced it several times in the past.

Vampires who had gone completely mad with the passage of time, few had actually been able to maintain their sanity after several centuries of roaming the land.

And the case was even worse for Slave Vampires because they weren’t ‘living’ beings like Noble Vampires and were just glorified walking corpses.

“Humans are not meant to live a long life, our minds are not immortal.”

Aphrodite nodded internally since this was something she fully understood. Just like Scathach, she had experienced several of such cases in the past.

‘Only humans who have a goal, or a great will, can withstand the passage of time.’ Aphrodite couldn’t help but look at Victor.

Even though he was a human in the past, his mindset was more suitable to the Supernatural World, specifically, Noble Vampires. Perhaps, absorbing Adonis may have helped with that. Even though he didn’t live that life, he experienced 1700 years through someone’s memories, not to mention he’s a Progenitor of Vampires, a being who won’t allow himself to bow his head to these ‘weaknesses’, his blood, his pride will not allow it.’

She couldn’t help but look solemnly at Victor: ‘This is his blood curse, but also his greatest asset… I’m just glad he’s different from Vlad. He’s Vlad’s complete opposite, a man who seeks to surround himself with his family, and as long as that part of him never changes, he’ll be fine even if millions of years pass.’

She couldn’t help but think that his obsessive mentality is what will save him too. Because of that obsession, his relationship with girls will never go as cold as it did with the Vampire King.

‘He’s kind of like a warm, gentle fire that burns forever~’ She laughed in amusem*nt as she imagined a certain Goddess who lived in her temple looking at her fireplace.

‘He’s a lot like her in that aspect…’

‘Wait…’ Aphrodite touched her chin and started to think, and, for a moment, her eyes turned neon pink: ‘That might be a good idea…’

Anna looked at Liena with a neutral look, several thoughts were running through her head, but the main one was her son’s proposal to give her immortality.

But then she realized she didn’t have much to think about. Despite being called ‘immortals’, Vampires could still be killed, and she didn’t doubt that was the case with her.

‘Why worry now? I’ll just keep stroking my granddaughter’s head~.’

“You think too much, Liena.”

“….” Liena looked at Victor.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re immortal, but if you don’t want to live anymore, just give in to your weakness and kill yourself.”


“Stop being dramatic.” He spoke in a neutral tone. The way he spoke was beyond rude, but Victor didn’t care.

“Do you speak-.”

“You’re just tired of living.”


“As a former Hunter, you must know about The Inquisition’s wrongdoings, right?”

“….” She opened her eyes wide.

“Seeing that scene and seeing that the leader of The Inquisition himself allowed it, you felt your faith waver, and you were disillusioned.”

Liena just felt shock after shock as she stared at Victor.

‘This man is scary. How can he understand me so well?’

“Tsk, tsk, in a way, you are worse than Mizuki.” Victor rolled his eyes.

Scathach and Ruby couldn’t help but chuckle softly when they saw the way Victor spoke.

‘He really has no filters.’ Mother and daughter thought at the same time.

“Victor, she’s still my mother, you know?” Andrew narrowed his eyes.

“I know, and I’m saying this because she’s your mother.”


“You think if she was a stranger, I would give a damn? She could be stuck in this feeling of helplessness as long as she needs to, and I wouldn’t give a damn.”

“???” Andrew just had question marks popping up around him.

“Victor, please slow down the conversation. Andrew and Liena probably can’t keep up.” Fred spoke.

Veins bulged in the head of mother and son. Did this scoundrel just call them a donkey?

‘Hahahaha, this man doesn’t have filters either, but it seems that in his case it’s more stupidity.’ Scathach chuckled inwardly.

“Haaaah…” Victor took a long breath and threw something towards Liena.

Unconsciously, Liena raised her hand and caught the object.

And then she saw a cell phone…?

“This cell phone has the number of Mizuki, a former General of The Inquisition, a General who defected after learning the truth of The Inquisition.”

“….” Liena opened her eyes wide.

“Talk to her, explain your past affiliation, then your doubts will be clarified. After that, I will ask Ruby to give you a report on the Demon invasion.”

“Oh, and you’re coming to Nightingale when it all starts, you and Andrew.”


“That’s not debatable.” Victor didn’t wait for her to finish speaking.

“Either you go, or I will force you to go.”

“… Okay.” She could only respond with that. She felt weird right now, she should be annoyed that Victor ordered her around and tossed her around as if she were his subordinate.

But she didn’t… In fact, she felt a little shy… And grateful since she could feel that he had the best of intentions in giving these orders.

“Mother!?” Andrew felt his instincts tingle.


And that instinct exploded when he saw how distraught his mother was, and it made him angrier. Luckily, he was sure enough to know that Victor wouldn’t break the ‘brothers’ promise they’d made.

Like himself, Fred and Edward weren’t going to do that.

A promise between brothers was something sacred.

“Darling/Victor…” Mother and Daughter looked at Victor with dry, lifeless eyes.

“…What?” Victor knew immediately that it was time to play the fool.

‘Fufufufu, the most handsome man’s charm is not just to charm women. Coupled with his natural charisma, he basically became the perfect leader. Everyone will follow him if they feel the man has good intentions… In fact, even if he had no good intentions, they would all follow this man. His charm and charisma are powerful tools to make allies.’ Aphrodite couldn’t help but nod inwardly with satisfaction.

Scathach’s eyes brightened even more as she took Victor’s hand and pulled him in one direction.

“Come with me.”

“W-Wait, where are you taking me?”

“To train. You’ve been getting very arrogant lately and, as your Master, I need to beat some sense into your mind.” She couldn’t say she was jealous.

“Oh?” Victor smiled widely and then pulled Scathach, and the woman was surprised that, before she knew it, she had her face in his chest.

“Training with you is something I will never refuse.”

Badump, Badump.

Scathach’s heart began to pound madly as she lightly blushed while her eyes turned red, and she looked at Victor with an obsessive gaze.

The fire she had before was completely rekindled.

“I’ve changed my mind… It won’t be more training. I will destroy you.” She spoke in a vicious tone that sent shivers down the spines of everyone present.


Chapter 485: A Battle For ‘D’ominance.

“I’ve changed my mind… It won’t be more training, I’ll destroy you.” She spoke in a vicious tone that sent shivers down the spines of everyone present.

Everyone wondered what kind of training/torture Victor would undergo.

‘Now, I understand how he got so strong.’ Liena, Edward, Leona, Fred, and Andrew thought at the same time.

Only Aphrodite, Ruby, Anna, and Natalia knew what was going on.

Aphrodite was the Goddess of Sex, and she could smell Scathach’s lust from miles away. She was also the Goddess of Love, so she could see Scathach’s love burning like the sun itself.

Ruby, on the other hand, had seen this situation thousands of times with Violet, Sasha, and herself. The girls always had an ‘excuse’ to pull Victor into a room… Even though they knew they didn’t need excuses. Not with Victor. He knew right away what they wanted, and they all knew he held himself back so he wouldn’t attack them every day.

But it was more interesting that way, right? The better the game, the better the excuse, the better they could ‘act’ in that role and practice the act of training in the bedroom.

‘…To think that I wouldn’t feel anything when my mother progressed with Victor… I think it’s because I’ve unconsciously accepted this outcome ever since the time my husband came back from training with her…’

‘I just hope she doesn’t get pregnant…’

Anna, Victor’s mother, had her motherly instincts, and her instincts were screaming:

‘Oh, my son is about to be eaten.’

And what did she do to interfere with it?


She was too busy stroking Ophis’s head to do anything.

And Natalia was the same case as Ruby.

‘Should I spy on them?’ Honestly, she was very curious, but she decided that it wasn’t a smart idea to do so. Horny or not, Scathach was still Scathach, and she would most likely sense Natalia’s presence.

Victor’s smile grew wide when he saw Scathach’s obsessive eyes. Her lustful gaze was much like Ruby’s, and he never thought he’d see those eyes on his teacher’s face.

“Ruby, where are the two fools?”

“On a mission.”

“Call them back as soon as possible, I need them in the near future.”

“Okay~” Ruby wasn’t against it. She was just curious about what Victor was planning. She would’ve liked to ask now, but the way Victor was looking at her mother, she knew she wouldn’t get any answers from him now.

“Ophis, Nero, I’ll be back soon.”

“Take care, Father.” Nero spoke in a gentle tone.

“Mm.” Ophis just nodded.

Wasting no more time, Scathach held Victor and disappeared.

The very next moment, she appeared in a room.

The entire room was then covered in hardened ice made by Scathach herself, but when she went to throw Victor on the bed, she found herself in bed instead of him.

“Vic-” She didn’t have time to say anything. Victor kissed her while holding her body tightly.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she quickly hugged him.

With her heart beating faster and her arousal rising to uncontrolled levels, the woman pushed Victor onto the bed and flashed a large, predatory smile.

Victor, with the same smile as her, lightly touched her belly in the area above the uterus, and sent forth a harmless electrical discharge.

“Ugh~.” She squirmed a little and lost the strength of her arms. He took advantage of this moment and climbed on top of her.

He smiled victoriously and kissed Scathach harder.

Scathach’s legs twitched, and something wet began to stain her underwear.

Her eyes glowed blood red, and she pushed Victor back across the bed, held his arms, and licked his neck.

“Ughh.” Victor groaned lightly when he felt Scathach’s tongue attack his neck, but when she would open her mouth to bite Victor’s neck,

Victor smiled, gripping both of her asscheeks, and caressed them with his massage.

She bit her lip to keep from moaning and lifted her torso up: “Hmmmm~.”

For a moment, her eyes were intoxicated with pleasure, and Victor didn’t miss the chance.

He pushed her onto the bed again, getting her under him.

A war for domination had begun.

Scathach was stronger than Victor physically in his base form, but Victor knew all the weaknesses of women, and those weaknesses didn’t differ much from woman to woman. Of course, Scathach herself had her weaknesses, thus, like a warrior trying to breach his opponent’s defenses, he relentlessly attacked Scathach, and because of that, the woman couldn’t maintain her strength for long.


She found herself trapped beneath him.

“On the battlefield, you’re invincible… But in this kind of war, I’m better than you.” He smiled.

It wasn’t arrogance, it was pure confidence in his prowess.

With sneaky fingers, he completely removed her armor, and before she knew it, she was only in her bra and panties, a bra that barely contained her ample assets.

‘… Huh? How did he take my clothes off?’ For a moment, in her spasms, Scathach herself didn’t understand what had happened. At some point, she was left with only her underwear.

“Hmm~.” She moaned lightly as he caressed the tips of her breasts and licked her neck and ears.

‘Vic~.’ She wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed the man’s body even tighter. If he were too weak, his whole body would’ve snapped in multiple places right now.

But despite not being strong, Victor’s body was tough and robust. Couple that with his regeneration, and even if he took damage, he wouldn’t feel it.

“Haaah.” Hot air came out of Scathach’s mouth, and her eyes glowed blood red. She would not allow herself to be dominated in any war, thus, a red aura slowly began to cover her body.

She shoved Victor up with a force so great that he hit the ceiling of the room. Then, before he could succumb to gravity, she mounted herself on his waist against the ceiling, and with her own strength, she ripped off his suit.

“Strong? Hahaha~”

“This is what we’re going to see~.”

Feeling challenged, Victor’s body began to be covered in a dark aura as he released his restraints until level 2 and attacked the woman.


“Damn, that training must be ridiculous… We can hear the effects from here.” Andrew commented when he felt the entire basem*nt shake.

“….” Those who understood what was happening couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

“He didn’t get strong without making sacrifices, you know?” Aphrodite, who was still in Renata’s form, said, laughing.

“… He has a lot of willpower. Training with that woman is not easy at all.” Liena commented, impressed.

“Indeed, he is very strong-willed. His will is so big and long and robust that even Scathach was impressed.”

Anna, Ruby, and Natalia couldn’t help but have their little smiles tremble at this conversation.

“No wonder he is her favorite disciple.”

“Favorite disciple, huh…”


More tremors were heard, and Liena couldn’t help but comment:

“In fact, someone who can handle that woman and even enjoy spending time with her is an amazing person.”

“You have no idea~.” Renata laughed.

Edward, Leona, Andrew, and Fred narrowed their eyes. They got the feeling that this woman and Liena weren’t talking about the same subject.


Ruby coughed lightly and said:

“Don’t you guys have to go somewhere?”

“…?” The visiting group looked at Ruby, confused.

“…Really? Did you forget the conversation?”

“Oh…” They all spoke at once.

“I’ll go get our things.” Leona spoke as she got up from the couch.

“I will too.” Edward spoke.

“I will help you.” Andrew spoke.

“Wait, should I bring my parents? I don’t think they are prepared for the Supernatural World… I intended to introduce them to it slowly…”

“…We can assign someone to protect them. What do you think?” Ruby spoke.

“Sounds good.” Fred nodded, then continued when he noticed something:

“…Wait, one more question. In the place where we will be taking shelter, will my father have contact with the supernatural?”

‘…Since they’re staying here, I think I can tell them…’ Ruby thought.

“…Nightingale is building a city that will house both humans who have connections with Nightingale as well as Supernatural Beings. The city will be completed before the Demons invade. While your parents can stay in the humans’ area, it’s not 100% guaranteed that they won’t know about our world, but the chances are slim.”

“You’re building a city?” Andrew opened his eyes wide.

Are they that efficient? Isn’t this Demon invasion thing recent? How did they build a city?

“Andrew, my son.” Liena could easily tell what Andrew was thinking.


“They used Magic. Remember, there are Witches in this world.”

“Oh…” was all Andrew could say.

“Since you are a part of this world now, my friend, you need to learn how it works and understand that this sort of thing is quite common.”

“…Take it easy on me. I’m not a freak like Fred, who takes everything with his legs open.”

“Word choice! Word choice!” Fred grunted.

“But it’s true, right?”

“I mean, my filter for bullsh*t is better than yours, so yes.”

‘I think it’s because of my anime.’

“Hey, Hey! What is this tremor!? Is the world ending!?” Pepper and Lacus appeared again.

“Did something happen, Ruby?” Lacus was more direct.

“Scathach and my husband are training.” She could only say it with a wry smile, completely hiding the fact that her sisters had just gained a new father.

“…Oh…” They spoke at the same time, and now they could understand the earth-shaking.

“Anyway, let’s go back! We were in the middle of something!” Pepper spoke, and soon she pulled Lacus too.

“Ugh, this girl keeps dragging me around like a doll.” She grunted but didn’t make the slightest effort to get out of her grip.

“Let’s go, Ed?” Leona caught her brother’s attention.

“Sure.” Edward spoke.

“Will I move too?” Liena spoke.

“Only if you want to.” Ruby replied while drinking a red tea.

“…Hmm, okay, I’ll go get my stuff.” Liena spoke as she got up.

When all of the visiting group had departed from the basem*nt, Ruby took out a communicator and put it to her ear:

“Follow the groups that have just left, and notify me if anything happens. Only intervene if their lives are in danger.”

“Yes, Lady Ruby!”

Ruby smiled with satisfaction and put the communicator back in her pocket.


“F-… Damn, I’m jealous.” Aphrodite, still disguised as Renata, was going to say a bad word but stopped because of Ophis and Nero.

“Whoaa look for this bit-… Woman, aren’t you too horny?”

“Girls, I think you guys missed the moment to not speak bad words.” Natalia spoke.

“…I mean, just because Victor spoke to them before doesn’t mean we’re obligated to do the same, right~?” Renata spoke.

“Indeed, indeed. We must set an example.”

‘You are the worst examples to follow.’ Natalia spoke internally but didn’t dare voice her thoughts—it would be too rude.

‘Only at times like these that these two are synchronized as if they were sisters…’ Ruby rolled her eyes as she felt the tremors intensify.

Five hours after the fight between the two lovers.

“Haah, Haah.” Breathing sounds were heard.

Currently, Victor was on top of Scathach with a very heavy breath. They weren’t labored breaths of tiredness; it needed a lot more than that for Victor to get tired.

They were panting breaths of excitement.

The woman below him just laughed lightly at the sight. Sweat was pouring from her curvy and mature body, her breathing was heavy too, but she was able to control her breathing better due to her years of training.

The two had already lost their clothes a long time ago.

She could feel something hard and robust near her most precious entrance that hadn’t been invaded since Ruby was born. She could feel her fluids oozing and lubricating the tip of the sturdy thing as if it were begging for the co*ck to come in and for her to devour it.

Her insides were twitching. She wanted to scream for him to just shove it in and end her misery, but she wouldn’t beg. It wasn’t her style, she would dominate!

Her red eyes intensified again, and her smile grew.

“Are you getting tired already?” The red aura of her body started to get more intense.

Victor looked at the woman beneath him. The woman was many things to him, his teacher, his target, his goal, his mother-in-law.

‘And even though I’d seen her naked many times in the past, even though I’d seen her beauty over and over again, for some reason…’

‘… For some reason, today, she is even more stunning.’ Victor thought.

“You know me…” Victor’s smile grew wider just as hers did, while the aura of his body started to get more intense.

“I can do this all day, as many times as it takes, for years!”

“Fufufufu~, this is what we’re going to find out-… Hufff?” Before she could continue, she felt a stimulating electric shock run through her body. It wasn’t an electric shock coming from an attack but an electric shock of pleasure.

Scathach opened her eyes wide and looked down. There, she saw that her intimacy was invaded. Even her stomach, with a six-pack of defined abs, was a little deformed with the foreign object inside her.

Victor took advantage of when she was about to speak, he cupped her curvy ass, and with one motion, he thrust himself fully inside her.

“…You said it yourself, the best strategy in a war has always been attacking, and I should never miss a chance to attack an unsuspecting enemy~.” Victor stroked the two happy mounds of Scathach.

“Ahh~.” The woman moaned with a sensual moan and quickly put her hand over her mouth.

“As your favorite disciple, I wouldn’t miss a chance like this.” Victor’s smile grew.


Due to having spent 21 years without her insides being filled, she was very sensitive.

Unconsciously, she wrapped her legs around Victor’s waist and leaned against his neck.

Victor used her ass for support and started slowly pulling out his member from inside her.

“Victor, just wait-.”

“…” Victor just smiled, “NO.” and gave a boost.


All the furniture behind her was destroyed, then he heard the sweet moan of the woman in his arms.


Her entire insides shuddered.

For a moment, she swore she went to another world and came back. She squirmed even more, and it felt like something was coming out of her.

She felt her womb descend, fully accepting her lover’s co*ck. Like a hungry animal, she completely held Victor’s co*ck inside her.

Her eyes were clouded with lust, love, and various heavy feelings.

She squeezed Victor’s body. Unconsciously, she sought his neck, and as a natural gesture of her race, she bit into it and sucked his blood.

“Ugh~.” Victor, in that moment, felt like he’d entered Heaven and Hell at the same time. The pain of having his bones shattered by Scathach’s grip, plus the pleasure of his co*ck trapped inside her extremely tight interior that he’d always craved.

And now his blood began to be sucked… Everything was an indescribable sensation for him.

Acting on instinct, he also bit her neck.

‘She is mine. I want her for myself. I want her completely.’ His possessiveness came out at that moment and smothered Scathach’s senses.

She could feel his love and his desire, his blood said it all.

“!!!” At that moment, Scathach stopped drinking his blood and shuddered. Her whole body squirmed, and liquid poured out of her entrance.

‘W-Why am I so sensitive?’ She couldn’t understand it.

Suddenly, she felt something filling her insides, something hot and viscous, something that sent another electric shock wave of pleasure through her body.

‘That is…!’ Her eyes widened, and she squeezed Victor’s body even tighter.

Sounds of bones breaking were heard, but she didn’t care. She was too absorbed in this feeling to care! Something big was coming!

Her blood-red eyes seemed to focus on something nonexistent in the air before something came rushing out of her.

She tried to hold it back but couldn’t.

“Ughhh~, Ahnnn~”

She squirted.


Chapter 486: A Battle For ‘D’ominance. 2

The heavy breathing of two lovers was heard in a destroyed room whose only intact furniture was the mattress, which in a way, proved the quality of the mattress. It managed to withstand a ‘battle’ of two Vampire Counts and didn’t give in.

A power of resistance that would make Werewolves blush with embarrassment!

Scathach was on cloud nine.

‘This feeling…’ She focused her attention inside.

She could clearly feel the shape of her lover’s co*ck inside her, filling her completely.

She could feel the heat coming from him, she could feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

It was something more primitive, a feeling of happiness in being a woman and having a partner, not just any partner, but an ideal man.

The sensation started from the entrance of her womb and spread throughout her body like a fire that burned away all her defenses, but it wasn’t a fire that damaged her body.

It was a gentle fire that was changing her, shaping her feelings, her motivations. She was transforming in this moment and understood that, after this session, she wouldn’t be the same anymore.


She’s going through this right now.

It all started when she understood her feelings towards Victor. She knew from that point on, even if Victor wanted to run away from her, she wouldn’t let him go. But she also understood that her prior feelings weren’t as strong as they were now.

Even if he died, she would wreak chaos and destruction throughout Hell to bring him back.

Even if he wanted to stay away from her, she wouldn’t let him. He couldn’t run away from her anymore.

For Scathach, Victor was the first man she was willing to be with forever, the first man she could fully accept, body and soul.

The man she’d given her body to, the man she’d willingly let inside her and paint her insides with his color.

She could feel his seed, which had completely filled her insides and was leaking onto the bed. He was the man she really didn’t care about having her child with right now.

He was not an experiment like her ex-husband was, a man who only served to create her precious treasure, Ruby.

He was much more than that… Much more than an experiment, much more than a curiosity, he was much more than that.

So. Much. More…!

For Scathach, he had become an irreplaceable existence now.

Unfortunately, she still hadn’t given him her heart… She couldn’t…

Not completely…

Even though this man who was in her arms now held an important place in her heart, even though she gave her body to him, he still hadn’t completely conquered her.

He still needed to defeat her… That was her pride, something that made her what she was today; the pride of a warrior that made up her core.

And she wouldn’t let it go for anyone, not even Victor.

‘And to think this all started with an arrogant brat who dared to be with my daughter…’ Remembering the first time she’d met Victor, she couldn’t help but display a gentle smile. It was a very good memory.

‘Huh… Before I knew it, ever since that day… He’d always been around, huh…’

‘Victor… My son-in-law, my disciple, the man who gained my interest for the way he was… A man who was very similar to me, but at the same time different…’ The memories she’d made with Victor began to flood her entire being.

And that was changing her. This whole situation was changing her.

Her eyes were pure blood red, but unlike usual, those red eyes were empty as if she were lifeless, but at the same time not.

For any being, their first true love was always an explosion of feelings. Regardless of the result that the fruit of this first love bore, it couldn’t be denied. It was an immutable truth.

And for a woman… The first time with their first love was like a volcano erupting.

But for Scathach? An Elder Vampire who felt everything more intensely? A woman who had never experienced this before in the past?

Her feelings were like a cosmic event that created the Universe.

A big bang of emotions!


It all started with a simple name, a single, simple name, and suddenly…

Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor, Victor…

She broke.

Not even she knew how many times she’d called that name internally. The count went past thousands easily.

‘My ViCtOr’

‘My Darling’

Her feelings were running amok, and she squeezed him even tighter as if she was afraid he would run away.

Her mind implanted Victor’s face in her brain, her nose took in his scent, to never forget, and her insides shifted to completely suit Victor’s co*ck.

Her body memorized his heat so that in the times he wasn’t around, she would still feel him.

Her hand gently stroked the man’s hair, feeling the texture, remembering how it felt as it gently flowed through her fingers.

Scathach was implanting within her being all of Victor’s existence.

Victor looked up, and when he saw Scathach’s gaze,

That beautiful look, his smile couldn’t help but genuinely grow.

He could finally let go… let go of all his bottled-up feelings.

“My Scathach…” As he looked into the eyes of the woman in front of him, Victor gently touched her cheek.

‘She’s finally mine… Not completely, but she’s still mine. I’ll make it happen.’ Victor was happy with his progress, but it still wasn’t enough. He wanted her completely, body and soul. He wanted her entire existence for himself.

And he knew he would only earn that when he defeated her.

“….” Scathach smiled, a big smile that showed her sharp teeth.

To others, it would look like a predatory smile that would cause fear.

But for Victor?

It was one of the most beautiful smiles he’d ever seen.

The reason?

He understood that that smile came from the bottom of her heart. That was her ‘true form’, something he was always after.

Her nature, her being, Victor accepted it completely.

Victor had left his mark on Scathach’s being in many ways, both emotionally making the woman accept his feelings and physically by claiming all of her insides and painting her with his seed.

Victor brought his face closer to Scathach, and naturally, he kissed her.

Scathach closed her eyes, touched his face gently, and kissed him back.

The kiss had several meanings that only the two of them knew. Their feelings were combining like the spheres of Yin and Yang, merging, changing, evolving.

When Scathach and Victor stopped kissing, the two looked at each other, their two red eyes staring at each other, implanting each other’s faces throughout their entire being.

No thoughts were on their minds, and they were acting on instinct. They wanted to get closer to each other and wanted to bond even more!

Scathach wanted her insides to be devastated.

Victor wanted to paint Scathach’s entire being with his color.

And this synergy of feelings accumulated.

“Hmmpf.” It all started with a passionate kiss from Victor and quickly began to escalate.

Scathach threw Victor and straddled him, but Victor wasted no time, grabbed her voluptuous ass, used it as support, and made a move!

“!!!” Scathach opened her eyes wide as she felt her entire insides being ravaged, as a mad smile appeared on her face. Even if she was acting on instinct, she wouldn’t let herself be dominated.

She leaned on Victor’s chest and started to go up and down.

Meaty slapping sounds echoed through the desolated room.

It all started slowly, as if she had just learned it, but as expected of a Master, she soon got the hang of it and rhythmically went up and down, always targeting her weak points.

She felt her body twitch when his co*ck hit certain spots, and she wanted more!

More, More, MORE!

The red aura of her body started to get stronger, and a crazy look was seen on her face.

These fierce and repeated attacks would make any member not strong enough to break the tight, wet shape of Scathach’s entrance, come.

But not Victor. It still wasn’t enough for him, and he wouldn’t end up with just that. Unlike his wife Natashia, Scathach was still inexperienced, but Scathach was a Master for a reason.

She learned fast and applied that knowledge at an even faster rate, and her body was often superior to his base form. Even though she was careful with Victor, sometimes her attacks had broken his bones.

It hurt like hell, but he didn’t care. He was in Heaven and Hell at the same time with this woman.

Victor held Scathach’s waist even tighter for a moment and prevented the woman from moving.

“Oh?” Thinking she started to win, she flashed an even bigger smile, but when she was going to tease Victor, she heard something.

Rumble, Rumble.

Electricity covered Victor’s body in a way that was harmless to Scathach, and the only reason Victor did this was for a technique.

He smiled widely as he leaned on Scathach’s waist and, with a hip movement…

“AHHH~” Scathach went to the clouds.

In a few simple moments, he took more than 50 thrusts inside her.

If Scathach wasn’t strong enough and tough, this move would have destroyed her, literally speaking of course.

Scathach’s eyes clouded over, and saliva was coming out of her mouth. She couldn’t keep sane and realized that maybe Victor had the high ground in this kind of battle.

Before she knew it, she was lying on the bed, and Victor was on top again, having regained the lead.

“Ahh~” Scathach’s moan was heard, she was still sensitive from that sneak attack, and to make matters worse Victor didn’t just attack her uterus. He attacked her breasts, her cl*t, her collarbone.

All her erogenous zones were being attacked, and she had no choice but to moan like an ordinary woman.

But would she give up?

HER? Scathach Scarlett!?


Scathach, with a sudden forceful movement, took Victor’s hand, smiled widely, and pushed him away. Victor crossed the room and found himself implanted in the wall of the room.

‘Ugh, ridiculous strength.’ Victor laughed in amusem*nt.

After Victor’s member came out of her, liquids began to leak from Scathach’s entrance, but she didn’t care. Even though for a moment she felt unhappy about it, she quickly fought to undo this unhappiness caused by herself.

She appeared on the wall and mounted Victor again.

Her insides screamed in ecstasy as she was filled again, and she opened her mouth wide and bit Victor’s collarbone!

“!!!” Victor opened his eyes wide.

Not satisfied, she began to move her hips in an up and down rhythm, as she was determined to wring him completely dry in every way possible.

With this unexpected attack, Victor couldn’t help but release all the seed he was desperately holding onto, into her womb.

“!!!” Scathach’s eyes gleamed in ecstasy as she felt her insides filled again. That hot, addictive sensation. She was starting to love it!

Victor growled in annoyance, and as soon as he made a move, he brought his mouth to Scathach’s ear and bit gently.

“HMMPPFFF?” Scathach’s body visibly shook, and, for a moment, she almost stopped sucking his blood.

Victor’s hand went to Scathach’s waist, and he delivered a harmless electric shock to her waist.

Scathach unconsciously tightened her waist, causing Victor’s co*ck to harden even further.

Victor moaned a little, but he still didn’t finish his combo, as he used his vacant hand and pulled Scathach’s hard nipples and squeezed.

“Ahhhn~” At that moment, Scathach stopped biting Victor and moaned uncontrollably.

Her mouth was completely bloody, blood that was Victor’s, and she couldn’t drink it because she groaned unexpectedly.

Deciding not to miss the chance he’s been given, Victor leaned against the wall and threw himself back on the bed with Scathach beneath him.

He gripped both of Scathach’s legs tightly, and began his relentless attack!

Once again Scathach’s groans were heard throughout the room.

Scathach tried to compose herself, but it was impossible. Victor didn’t give her a break, and with a repetitive effort and wild movement, Scathach was completely at his mercy.

She had no choice but to moan as she squeezed her insides that were being ravaged.

God! She loved that feeling!

10 minutes of constant attacks while all that was heard was the couple’s moaning, the loudest being Scathach’s, and the sound of flesh pounding. Scathach felt that numbing sensation coming from her womb.

‘It’s coming~!’ The moment she thought that.

She squirted.


Seeing that this was his chance, Victor grinned widely and stopped moving as he turned Scathach and positioned her doggy style.

He wrapped both his arms around Scathach, his right hand cupped the woman’s voluptuous breasts, and his left hand cupped her cl*t.

Scathach was so absorbed in her release that she didn’t even notice the position she was in.

She only noticed something when her neck was bitten by Victor.

“AHHH~.” Unconsciously, she wrapped both her arms around Victor’s head.

At that moment, Victor began to rock his hips while caressing the woman’s breasts and her cl*t.

Of course, he didn’t forget to suck her blood either.

… And the result of this terrifying combo for any female Vampire was obvious. Once again, Scathach was at Victor’s mercy, moaning uncontrollably as she came due to how sensitive her insides were.

2 x 1, Victor was winning this war that promised to last a long time…

The question was, would the room hold up?

Chapter 487: Lost in love.

Two weeks, 14 days, 336 hours!

Victor and Scathach had been ‘training’ for all this time non-stop and had completely lost track of time.

Ruby tried to enter the room but couldn’t because her mother’s ice prevented anyone from entering, and not even she was strong enough to break Scathach’s ice. If the woman really wanted to, she could make incredibly tough ice. With no other choice, she had to ask the Goddess for help.

The moment Aphrodite broke the ice and entered the room along with Ruby and Natalia,

They bore witness to the absolute devastation of the room. Everything was destroyed. Not even the mattress was able to withstand the battle of two Vampire Counts that long.

But that’s not what caught the girls’ attention. Somehow, they all knew the consequences when two strong beings ‘fight’ this kind of battle.

They were more curious about the state of the two lovers.

Victor and Scathach were in bed while Scathach was sleeping on top of Victor with a satisfied smile on her face. Her skin was glowing like a newborn baby’s, and it was pretty obvious she was satisfied. It seemed like the years of frustration she had gone through were erased in this ‘battle’.

She was completely out.

The reason everyone thought that was the case was that even when Aphrodite entered her ‘territory’, the woman didn’t wake up.

“They’re still connected…” Aphrodite commented lightly, while envy could be heard in her voice.

‘Scathach literally got the f*ck she always wanted… f*ck, what envy!’ As the Goddess of Sex and Love, she could clearly see that the woman’s feelings were completely sated.

And upon seeing that, she returned her gaze to Victor, her eyes glowing a bright pink.

‘He was able to satisfy an Elder Vampire, someone who has practically an inexhaustible sexual appetite, and that person was none other than Scathach, someone who was frustrated for a long time but didn’t know it.’

Aphrodite once again had no choice but to reassess Victor’s position in her mind.

‘I want him…’ She felt her insides twist when she saw Victor’s tool inside Scathach.

“….” Natalia was completely beyond red at that moment. She just couldn’t look at this… Scenery with a serious look.

She’d seen similar scenarios involving Victor and his wives many times, but this one was beyond normal.

She could clearly see that the room’s damage didn’t extend outside the room because of the ice cage Scathach had created.

Ruby, on the other hand, sighed in relief. She didn’t even look at her mother, she looked at Victor, and despite being a little thinner than usual, he was still alive.

Now that she was calmer, she looked at the situation again.

‘…My mother managed to reduce Victor to this state by herself…’ She couldn’t help but comment internally, that is to say, that when Ruby and Violet attacked Victor, the man was still completely fine.

‘I guess I can’t compare the situation with an Elder Vampire who was beyond frustrated…’ Ruby thought.

And just as she went to approach Scathach, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder.

“…?” Ruby looked confused at Aphrodite, who was in her God form.

“Don’t approach now, it’s dangerous.”

“What do you mean?”

“Look.” Aphrodite picked up a piece of stone around them and threw it towards Victor and Scathach. She threw it so that the stone fell close to them and did not cause any damage.

But the moment the stone got close enough.


The stone froze into a pillar of ice.

Scathach opened her eyes wide, and her eyes were glowing blood red, while a sense of death descended around her as she looked towards the stone that froze in midair and made a gesture with her hand.

The stone soon disappeared into particles of ice.

“….” Natalia and Ruby opened their eyes wide at this scene.

“Is she awake?” Ruby asked.

“She’s not awake.” The moment Aphrodite said that, Scathach slowly closed her eyes and fell back into the position she was in.

She snuggled into Victor’s body and held him lovingly.

“She’s unconscious, but at the same time, she’s not.”

“…I think it’s because this is the first time she’s completely blacked out, so her body is acting on instinct to protect her?” Ruby deduced.

‘Really? What a troublesome woman, does even the way she sleeps have to be completely extravagant?’ Natalia couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“You are right and wrong at the same time.”


“She’s not protecting herself, she’s protecting her ‘love’.” Aphrodite spoke in a flat tone.

“….” Ruby didn’t know what to say when she heard what Aphrodite said.

“She’s acting on instinct now, and can’t recognize friend or foe. It is better to let them sleep.” Natalia spoke.

Ruby sighed and said,

“I wish we had time for them to sleep.”

“We haven’t heard from him for a long time, and Violet, Sasha, and even Natashia are worried.” Ruby didn’t mention that Eleonor, Mizuki, and Leona were also worried.

It was strange that Victor didn’t give any news and suddenly disappeared. If it weren’t for Ruby saying he was training with Scathach, the chaos would have been greater.

On the other hand, Victor’s wives were worried about Victor dying after having sex with Scathach. As an older woman, Natashia understood well how Scathach felt, and in Scathach’s case, it should be 1000x worse than Natashia’s.

“Not to mention he needs to wake up because the Supernatural Beings’ meeting is going to happen in three days.” And there are still problems related to this damn invasion and the city being built.

“He just doesn’t have time to sleep.”

“Hmm…” Aphrodite touched her chin and spoke:

“Shall we try to wake up Victor then?”


Ruby, Aphrodite, and Natalia started to think about what to do, but before they had any ideas.

A darkness covered the room, and several red eyes could be seen.

“Kaguya and the Maids?”


“Master forgot that we were in his shadow.” Maria’s voice spoke.

“Or he didn’t care, fufufu.” Roberta commented.

“Did you guys see everything in VIP seating then?” Aphrodite asked with a slight smile on her face.

“….” The Maids were silent.

And the silence was, in itself, a confirmation.

Within Victor’s shadow, all the Maids were red in the face, including Kaguya. They never thought that-… Huuuu… their master’s activity was so intense.

[Damn, I really don’t know what to say… I just know I want this treatment in the future.] Alter Eve spoke internally.

“…” This provoked an even more intense reaction from Eve, as she blushed even more.

“Cough.” Kaguya coughed falsely and said:

“I will try to wake up my master.”

“Thanks.” Ruby said. She just wanted to get this thing over with!

And put some clothes on her husband and mother, for God’s sake!

Victor, who was in the world of unconsciousness, felt that someone was calling him.

“To have…!



“Hmm?” Victor opened his eyes and looked at the broken ceiling.

[You finally woke up.] Kaguya sighed.

Feeling a heaviness in his body, he looked down and saw Scathach and soon began to remember all the things the two of them had done.

Victor laughed lightly, hugged Scathach, and kissed her mouth.

Unconsciously, Scathach returned Victor’s kiss and contracted her insides.

Victor couldn’t hold back his org*sm that he’d already lost count of how many times he’d released it inside her, and painted Scathach’s insides again with his liquids.

Feeling the warm sensation inside her again, Scathach began to wake up.

Her vision was a little blurry, but it slowly started to return to normal, and she saw Victor’s violet eyes looking at her.

“Good morning, Honey.”

Scathach felt a sweet feeling in her heart when she heard the name that Victor called her. She didn’t dislike that kind way of calling her at all.

“…Good morning, Darling…?” She felt awkward saying those words, but when she saw Victor’s smile growing, she didn’t think much of it.

Victor laughed lightly as he supported Scathach’s body and sat on the bed. [What was left of it.]

He lifted the woman up a little and let his member slide out of her.

“Hmm~.” She moaned lightly.

Liquids started to come out of Scathach and smear everything, but the woman didn’t care since she was too focused on looking at Victor as if she found something fascinating in looking at him.

‘Ugh, it’s sore…’ It was the first time Victor had felt something like this.

Scathach lay her head on Victor’s chest and focused on listening to his heartbeat.

Now that she was fully awake, she could feel people in the room, but she didn’t mind them and just focused on listening to the rhythmic sound of Victor’s heart beating.

Victor wrapped his arm around Scathach protectively and stroked her long red hair.

Soon, he lifted his face and looked at the group.

“How long were we gone?” He asked this because he knew days had passed. He didn’t have an exact time measurement, but he knew it took a long time in his little war.

“Two weeks…” Ruby replied in her usual neutral tone, a tone that completely hid the shock inside her.

‘This is my mother?’ She couldn’t relate that woman to her mother.

Make no mistake, she knew it was Scathach, but she was acting rather clingy with Victor, something she’d never done before.

Even the act of laying her head on his chest while hugging him and closing her eyes was shocking to Ruby.

Ruby couldn’t help but imagine Scathach’s expressions with the positions she experienced when she ‘battled’ Victor at night.

‘…I think my mother is a woman too.’ The image of Scathach in Ruby’s head slowly began to change.

Ever since her birth, Ruby’s image of Scathach was something like an idol that never changed. Even when Victor came into her life, she still acted like the Strongest Female Vampire.

But this sight, and the image of the Strongest Female Vampire, just didn’t match.

Despite thinking like that, Ruby was not foolish to believe that Scathach had grown weaker. In fact, it could be said that she’d grown stronger because, just like Ruby, she had a ‘love’ now.

…And God have mercy on the woman/enemy who tried to hurt Victor.

“…” Aphrodite and Natalia were looking at the current state of Victor and Scathach.

Aphrodite bit her lip lightly, and she couldn’t help but imagine herself in this situation with him.

She was just too jealous now!

‘Gahhh! I won’t think about it! Poker face, poker face, Aphrodite! You can do it!’ Using all her eons of experience, she managed to keep her poker face.

“Two weeks, huh…” Victor commented in shock. He didn’t expect that much time to pass.

Scathach, despite having her eyes closed, was also in shock. She didn’t expect that she would get lost in the passage of time.

‘…But, I really don’t care…’ She snuggled even more into Victor’s body since all she wanted was to stay in that position forever.

‘Get stronger fast, Victor… I need you to defeat me.’

She wouldn’t make it easy for Victor, she would train even harder, but she couldn’t wait for Victor to challenge her to become completely his, and he to become completely hers.

‘Hmm~, I like that.’ She thought as she felt her hair being stroked by him. It was a gesture of affection she’d never imagined enjoying before in the past.

“…Yes, two weeks have passed, you’ve missed a lot of things. Violet, Sasha, and Natashia are worried, and the meeting of Supernatural Beings will take place in three days.”

Victor’s eyes didn’t change, while he kept looking at everything with a neutral gaze.

“…” Ruby, seeing this, felt that something had changed in Victor again.

‘Isn’t it possible that sex with my mother changed him in some way? For God’s sake, this isn’t a fighting anime where a certain red-haired protagonist changed while having sex!’ Despite what she was thinking, she couldn’t help but think that Victor had changed.

It wasn’t a significant change, but the feeling around him was more… Hmm, cold?

“… I’m hungry.”

Ruby felt like falling to the floor now. God, he was just hungry! It was all her imagination.

Now that he said that, she noticed that he was thinner!

“Haaah.” Ruby took a long breath and approached Victor.

Scathach opened her eyes and turned towards Ruby.

“!!!” Ruby cringed slightly when she saw her mother’s gaze. Those lifeless, cold eyes, a gaze that shimmered with possessiveness.

Now, she understood what had happened. Ruby snorted and flashed the same look to her mother, a look she didn’t miss a bit.

‘Hah! You’re too young to look like that, Mother!’

Seeing that it was her daughter and seeing her gaze, Scathach smiled slightly and closed her eyes, then went back to snuggling up to Victor.

Ruby soon approached Victor while freezing everything in her path since she didn’t want to get her shoes wet right now.

Natalia swallowed hard when she saw this exchange.

“The number of Violets are growing…Jesus Crist.”

Aphrodite rolled her eyes at Natalia’s comment.

Ruby squatted down slightly and showed her neck to Victor.

“Come on, you must be tired of drinking the blood of an antique.”

Scathach opened her eyes and looked at her daughter narrowly.

Victor chuckled wryly, but he was smart enough to know that if he said anything now, it would be his grave, so he just approached Ruby.

And bit her neck.


Victor’s features began to improve at a rapid pace, and soon he was healthy again.

Three minutes passed, and Victor stopped drinking Ruby’s blood, then turned Scathach’s face to the side and bit her neck.

The feeling of annoyance that Scathach was feeling vanished like leaves in the wind when she felt Victor suck her blood.

‘Humpf, the oldest is the best, my daughter.’ Scathach smiled at her daughter, who sent her mother a dangerous look.

Three more minutes passed, and Victor stopped drinking Scathach’s blood, despite still being thirsty. After all, he needed the blood of Violet, Sasha, and now Natashia to completely quench his bloodlust. Victor said:

“Let’s take a bath.” Victor lifted Scathach like a princess.

“Mm!” She nodded in satisfaction.

“….” Ruby rolled her eyes when she saw her mother acting like a teenager in love.

“Roles reversed… Pfft.” Aphrodite couldn’t help but hold back her laughter.

All she got in exchange for that comment was a dangerous look from both mother and daughter.

Aphrodite wasn’t intimidated as she shamelessly puffed out her perfect breasts and looked Victor up and down as she swallowed inwardly.

“I’ll take a shower too!” Aphrodite spoke.

“I will too.” Ruby spoke.

‘Oh?’ Aphrodite was inwardly surprised that no one stopped her, but that was a good thing!


Chapter 488: Result of the battle. And mother and daughter plotting to take ‘down’ a goddess.

7 X 5 was the result.

7 X 5!

Was Victor happy that he had beaten Scathach? Yes, he was, but most of all, he was worried.

Victor broke into a cold sweat as he looked at the woman lying on his chest. She had already finished cleaning herself and removing all the liquids off of her body, except the ones inside her. They were in the bathtub now that it was big enough to fit several people.

He narrowly managed to beat the woman. It wasn’t a landslide victory. It was a hard-fought victory, and it took a lot out of him.

Remembering that Victor had the memories of a natural playboy who was Adonis, it could be said that if he didn’t have insane stamina and didn’t have those memories, he would easily lose.

Scathach was a monster.

Victor couldn’t help but look the other way, specifically at a woman who was washing his body.

Long pink hair, pink eyes, perfect face, and even curvier and more perfect body than Scathach.

The literal Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite.

‘If Scathach is like that, what about this woman?’

Unlike Scathach, who was inexperienced, but was a quick learner,

Aphrodite was a goddamn Master. She was the literal Goddess of Sex after all.

‘I need to train more!’ Victor’s eyes gleamed with determination. He beat Scathach today, but next time… maybe he wouldn’t.

But for now… He wouldn’t think about sex but instead merely celebrate his victory.

“Fufufu…” Gently touching Scathach’s nipples and squeezing them, he spoke in her ear:

“I won.”

“….” Aphrodite and Ruby stopped washing and looked at Victor in shock.

‘He beat an Elder Vampire!?’

And they were even more shocked when they saw Scathach’s reaction.

“Humpf, don’t get co*cky. Next time I’ll win.” Scathach was bitter since, for the first time in a long time, she tasted defeat. That feeling was familiar to her when she was younger and training with her mother.

Sex or not, defeat was defeat, and she didn’t want to feel that again!

“Hahaha, I doubt it.”

“Oh? You don’t think I’ll win?” Scathach’s eyes gleamed.

Victor swallowed internally, but he spoke:

“Of course not. Who do you think I am? Remember, in battle, you are invincible, but in the bedroom, I am.”

“Oh~? I will train to defeat you then.” Her eyes gleamed, and she licked her lips lasciviously. This was training she was more looking forward to than normal training.

“….” Victor wanted to facepalm himself now since he had just dug his own grave.

“Ara~.” Hearing the melodious tone, he turned to the side and saw two perfect white mountains. Then he looked up and saw Aphrodite’s pink eyes looking up at him in an amused tone.

“Who’s invincible in the bedroom, huh? I wonder if you can compare to me~” She smiled slightly as she touched Victor’s perfect chest, and with just that touch, Victor’s body shuddered.

Soon, he was reminded of Adonis’ memories and saw that not even that man had been able to defeat Aphrodite once.

“…” Just now, he realized that he’d dug his own grave even deeper than expected.

But who was Victor?

Do you think he would back off?

Hah! Is that some kind of joke!? He never backs down! Regardless of what the conflict is.

Victor’s smile grew, as he gently touched Aphrodite’s shoulder, releasing a small electric jolt through her entire body.

“Hmm~.” She moaned softly and looked at Victor in surprise.

“Fufufu~, you have some interesting techniques~.” Aphrodite’s pink eyes started to glow pink. She was getting horny-.


“GAAHHH!” Aphrodite screamed while holding her head as she turned around and saw Ruby with a baseball bat.

“No Horny.”

“Let him rest, horny Goddess.”

“Tsk, petty!” Aphrodite huffed and got into the tub, just sticking out the top-half of her head, as she looked at Ruby with a slightly annoyed look.

“!@#$%@” She was underwater, and because of that, bubbles were being created. She was mumbling a lot now.

Ruby dropped her baseball bat on the floor and ignored Aphrodite. For a moment, she looked at her mother and was surprised that she didn’t react to Aphrodite’s approach.

‘I thought she would get clingy and wouldn’t let the woman approach. What is she thinking?’ Ruby thought she should have a talk with her mother afterwards.

“Come here, Honey.” Victor smiled gently at Ruby.

“Humpf, Humpf.” She snorted twice.

“So now you remember me?”

“What a stupid question, I would never forget you, my honey.”

“…” Ruby looked into Victor’s lifeless eyes, and smiled, then she returned his gaze with the same lifeless eyes as his.

Feeling sweet inside, Ruby climbed into the tub and leaned on Victor’s chest.

Victor laughed gently and patted Ruby’s head.

A few minutes of silence passed, and suddenly, Ruby spoke:

“How does it feel to have a mother and daughter in your own arms?”

Scathach couldn’t help but open her eyes to look at Victor.

Victor looked down and saw the looks of mother and daughter that, although similar, were completely different, and he couldn’t help but speak with a gentle smile that bewitched them both for a moment:

“The best feeling in the world.”

“Humpf, Humpf.” They both huffed at the same time and hugged him, pressing their two bountiful mountains into his body.

Victor’s smile couldn’t help but grow even gentler. It was quite cute to see his Master and wife acting like that.

“Now that you guys have washed, I want to wash myself again, can I?”

“…” Mother and daughter looked at each other. With that brief look, the two understood each other’s intentions, and soon the two left Victor.

“Thanks.” Victor laughed and kissed Ruby and Scathach on the cheek.

Victor left the embrace of the two women and dived into the bathtub, as he enjoyed the water touching every part of his body, and then got up.

Using his hand, he pulled his hair up and stretched his body a little.

Crack, Crack.

Cracking sounds were heard since he was very stiff.

Now, Victor was actually the literal Adonis, and it wasn’t an empty expression to describe how handsome he was.

His body, by all means, was considered perfect, a mix of a muscular build like a warrior. He wasn’t bulky or a muscular freak, but lean and defined.

Raising his right arm while rotating a little, Victor was exercising since his body was still very stiff.

Seeing him acting like that, Aphrodite couldn’t help but look at him while drooling a little.

“Oh? Do you like what you see~?”

Despite being a little stunned, Aphrodite sat in the bathtub as she folded her arms beneath her voluptuous breasts:

“Humpf, arrogant, you’re not even that handsome.”

“…Heh~?” Victor’s eyes glowed neon pink for a few seconds.

‘… Hmm?’ Aphrodite felt her divinity being used and looked at Victor. Seeing his eyes glowing neon pink, a small smile appeared on her face.

“Tell a better lie next time, horny Goddess.” Victor rolled his eyes, and then his gaze went to the shower.

“Narcissistic bastard.” She commented in a low tone as she followed him with her eyes. Then, seeing him going to the shower, without even thinking too much, she followed him.

“Aren’t you going to stop her?” Ruby commented as she looked at the Goddess of Beauty following Victor.

“…How about you, won’t you stop her?” Scathach returned the question to her daughter.

“… I asked first.” She looked at her mother lightly.

“Fufufu, I won’t stop her.”


“Although it’s an annoyance, and I want to kill that thot, I know she’ll be useful in the future.”

“…Oh?” Ruby’s eyes gleamed slightly.

“A Goddess with her powers is quite useful in keeping our family safe in the future.”

“Instead of stopping her, I want her to fall madly in love with Victor and thus protect him from danger… Consequently, protecting everyone he has a relationship with.”

Scathach wasn’t stupid, she knew that a Goddess like Aphrodite had a lot of influence in the Divine World, and having an ally like that was a good thing.

“And with that, some of your paranoia will be sated.”

“….” Ruby looked at her mother in shock.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m your mother, remember? I understand you better than anyone.” She crossed her arms and rested her head down on them and used her arms as a pillow, then closed her eyes.

“…And now, I understand him even better than in the past.”

It would be an understatement to say how shocked Ruby was by her mother’s words.

‘Does she understand me better than in the past?… Don’t tell me, does she think the same as me?’ Ruby was full of questions, questions she knew her mother wouldn’t answer right now.

“What do you think we should do with Aphrodite?” She asked a question to test the waters first. She wanted to see her mother’s reaction.

“Make the Goddess of Love fall madly in love.”

“With my Victor, it won’t be so difficult. He won me over after all. He just has to resist hard and not give in to her advances.”

“After all, nothing guarantees that when she gets what she wants, she will feel ‘satisfied’ and leave.” She said that because she knew how casual the Gods were with sex.

For the Goddess of Beauty and Sex, the acts of the flesh themselves were not important, but the feelings were.

‘When the Goddess of Love finally falls in love, she will become an indispensable ally for the future.’ Scathach knew how strong she was, but she wasn’t arrogant enough to believe that she could fight multiple high-level Gods on her own.

‘Not yet… My strength has increased since I started drinking Victor’s blood, and with time, I can fully refine my trump card. If I can manage that, then fighting an entire Pantheon alone would not be an elusive task but a concrete fact.’

‘But I need time for that to happen and more training.’

“….” Ruby couldn’t help but laugh a little when she heard her mother’s thoughts. After all, they were the same thoughts she had.

‘After all, she’s a pink-haired woman, and it’s been proven by anime that pink-haired women when they’re in love are the most loyal~’ Ruby couldn’t help but make a reference to herself, and while laughing at her inside joke, she spoke:

“Mother, looks like I’ll have to involve you in our plan.”

“Our plan?” She questioned as she opened her eyes and looked at her daughter.

“Indeed.” Ruby smiled like a fox and started to tell Scathach the plans she had for the future.

Hearing the words that were coming out of her daughter’s mouth, Scathach once again couldn’t help but feel shocked. Her daughter’s treacherous words, along with her fox-like smile, and empty eyes filled with love…. That was the first time she’d seen her daughter like this.

After a few minutes of explaining the long-term future that Ruby had planned, Scathach spoke:

“…Interesting… Okay, I’ll cooperate with that.”

“Fufufufu, and to think that my mother would become my greatest ally.”

“Don’t get used to it. You’ll still do all the work, I’m too old to be sneaky.”

“…Only at times like these do you use the old woman’s card.” Ruby pouted.

“When you were moaning madly, you seemed too young to me.”

Scathach looked at her daughter in shock, “…Did you see it?”

“I didn’t see it, but I could imagine what it was like, what with all the tremors you two caused.”

“…I never thought my daughter was so perverted…” Scathach rolled his eyes.

“You have no idea.” Ruby laughed lightly.

Ruby started to talk about her plan again, regarding the near future, not the far future like she talked about before.

Scathach couldn’t help but wear a smile like Ruby’s.

Unaware that two women from Clan Scarlett were planning her downfall, Aphrodite snuck into the shower Victor was in.

“Hmm?” Victor looked to the side and saw a beautiful woman with long pink hair, curvy breasts that seemed to defy gravity, a seductive body, and pink eyes.

Aphrodite smiled gently:

“Let me wash you.”

Victor thought for a few seconds and replied:

“Okay.” He handed the soap he was using to Aphrodite.

And turned to her.

“Ara?” Looking at the erect member, she smiled slyly.

With a natural action, Aphrodite touched his co*ck, and stroked it lightly.

‘As expected, it’s perfect… Is it because of his Progenitor status?’

“Why is he like this~? Wasn’t he normal before~?”

“I asked myself that same question a few minutes ago too.” Victor shrugged and picked up the shampoo.

Seeing him acting normally, Aphrodite bit her lip lightly at both Victor’s lack of reaction and arousal.

‘If it were someone else, he would have pulled me and f*cked me by now!’ She internally screamed in frustration. It must be added that it had been a long time since she’d last practiced the ‘workout’ that Scathach and Victor had.

From the time she came out of Olympus and started traveling the world between disguises and learning new things, and from the time she befriended Anna, Victor’s mother.

Doing the math briefly, she’d been doing nothing for over 1000 years! She didn’t have an exact account, considering that she didn’t care much about time or care to even check. She had an immortal life after all.

But she clearly remembered that when she left the Greek pantheon, the European continent was still made up of forests, not even European civilization was developed so well yet.

Normally, she wouldn’t think about it too much. She’d been alive for eons, the lack of ‘exercise’ was easy for her, and after the events of Adonis and her trip, she didn’t think much about it…

But when a good stud like Victor, who catered to all of her personal tastes, was in front of her while facing her current feelings towards him…

It was hard to hold back!

She was very frustrated by the lack of reaction! And because of that, inadvertently, she squeezed his member too hard.

“Ouch, don’t squeeze too hard, stupid Goddess. He’s still sore from recent events, are you going to wash me or not?”

“….” Biting her lip, she said:

“I’m sorry… And yes, I’ll wash you.” She completely ignored the stupid Goddess phrasing, something that would make her annoyed if it were another time.

Making soap suds, she began to wash Victor’s body.


‘Maybe it’s for the best. He’s not like the others after all~.’


Chapter 489: Training with the Goddess of Beauty.

Victor was standing in the shower as the literal Goddess of Beauty acted like a Maid and washed every corner of his body.

“Hmm… I’ve always been curious, what does a Goddess taste like?” He looked at Aphrodite’s neck.

“…” Aphrodite stopped washing his member, which was the part of the body she unconsciously paid the most attention to, and spoke:

“If you drink my blood, you will die.” She brushed her pink hair that was wet from the shower from her face and tossed it up.


“Look.” Instead of explaining, she decided to show.

She took her finger and put it in her mouth, then she bit it hard, injuring her finger and showing her blood to Victor.


“Our blood has the essence of a God, something that is very harmful to a Creature of The Night.”

“… Hmm…”

“Too bad… I wanted to know your taste.”

“….” Aphrodite looked deeply into Victor’s eyes and even stopped stroking his member, which was already cleaner than most of Victor’s body parts.

“Do you really want to know what my blood tastes like?”


“Then become a God.”


“If you become a God of any kind, you will gain natural resistance to the Divine Element.”

“That way, you’ll get to know what my blood tastes like.”

“…Becoming a God is difficult, an almost impossible task.”

“Indeed.” Aphrodite didn’t deny it.

“And I don’t want to lose my Progenitor status.” Victor instinctively felt that being a Progenitor was something better than being an ordinary God.

“Fool, once your soul changed into its Progenitor form, regardless of what species you are or become, you will still be a Progenitor.”

“The only difference is, you will no longer be a Progenitor Vampire, but a Progenitor God who represents the Vampire aspect.”

“Something similar to your daughter Nero that, despite being a Noble Vampire, she still uses Werewolf-like techniques.”

“A Vampire God, to put it simply.” Victor spoke.

“Hmm, you’re not wrong, but you’re not right at the same time.”

“Ugh… Gods and their complicated existences.” He spoke in disdain.

“Fufufufu, a God is something different from common species.”

“We exist on a higher plane of existence, we who keep reality going.” Aphrodite turned off the shower,

“Without a God to represent a concept in any Pantheon, that concept will cease to work in reality.”

“…” Victor felt that he understood, and at the same time, he didn’t.

“For example, I will use myself to explain.” Aphrodite lathered with her hand and poured the soap from the container.

Victor looked at the soap and took it too, making foam with his hand too.

Aphrodite took Victor’s rock-hard member and started washing him again…

Victor did the opposite and took both of Aphrodite’s breasts and started washing them.

“….” Aphrodite looked up in amusem*nt at this scene and said nothing.

“I am a Second-Generation Goddess of Olympus, I am a Titan, and I represent Beauty, Love, Sex, etc. You already know.”

“Mmm.” Victor nodded as he stopped soaping Aphrodite’s breasts and started cleaning her waist and her ass.

Aphrodite bit her lip lightly and stopped her moan from coming out.

“Concepts are fundamental aspects of the Universe. When you become a God, you become the representative of those aspects in reality.”

“And if the Gods that represent that Aspect of Reality disappear along with all the other Gods related to that concept, the concept will stop working in reality.”

“For example, Love. If you kill all the Goddesses of Love, ‘love’ will cease to exist in reality. No one could love until another God of that Divinity is born again.”

“Oh.” Now Victor understood: “That seems like something difficult to achieve.”

“Indeed, you would have to fight multiple Pantheons, after all.”

‘Not to mention that the beings responsible for the functioning of the Universe would not let that happen.’ Aphrodite couldn’t help but think about those beings of great power who were neutral towards everything and only cared about the continuation of existence.

“There is a hierarchy in the concepts too.”

“For example, Freya.”

“She is a Goddess with similar concepts as me, as she is also a Goddess of Beauty.”

“But her connection to the Concept of Beauty is lesser than mine.”

“Therefore, she is of a lower rank than me, at least in the Beauty Divinity department.”

“Can it increase in the future? I mean, her influence on the Concept of Beauty?” Victor asked.

“Yes, but for that, she needs a deeper understanding of what ‘beauty’ is.”

“Something that is extremely difficult.”

“I see…” Victor lifted Aphrodite’s leg and washed the important part of her that had a small pink tuft of hair.

Aphrodite stopped cleaning Victor and leaned on his body as she put her hand over her mouth.

“Haah…Haaah.” Breathing heavily in his ear, she returned to her explanation:

“The moment you become a God, you will be reborn and awaken with the most prominent attribute of your Soul. As the Concept of ‘Progenitor’ and ‘Vampire’ are the strongest, you will have Greater Divinity in them.”

“How you love the fight, to challenge, and having characteristics of obsessive love and protectiveness will also factor in.”

“You could also awaken fighting Concepts like ‘War,’ ‘Combat,’ etc.

“Because of your obsessive love, you could awaken Concepts of ‘Love’ just like me.”

“Because of your protective nature towards your family and those close to you, you could awaken Divinities related to Family, and Home, just like Hestia… Ugh.”

Aphrodite put her hand over her mouth and stopped herself from moaning as Victor cleaned around her entrance.

“This is quite an interesting topic…” Victor spoke honestly as he cleaned up Aphrodite.

“Is it completely certain that if I become a God, I will become a Progenitor God of Vampires?”

“Basically, yes.”

“After all, that is the biggest feature that stands out when I review your profile.”

“The other Divinities all depend on Luck and Fate, I think.”

“Fate exists?”

“Yeah, and she’s a bitch.” Aphrodite couldn’t help but say.

“…” Victor just looked at Aphrodite in disbelief.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. All existing Pantheons have Gods related to Fate. It’s not something new. Although they cannot interfere with ‘Fate’. There is someone greater who has been in that Concept for years and protects it from everyone.”

“Oh…? Can you stop Gods from manipulating ‘Concepts’?” Victor went back to washing Aphrodite’s perfect body.

“Of course, for example, myself. As the most influential in the Concept of Beauty and Love, I can prevent other Gods from progressing in these Concepts.” Aphrodite wrapped her arms around Victor’s neck.

“…” Victor slapped Aphrodite’s voluptuous ass lightly.


“You’re preventing Freya from progressing in the Concept of Beauty, right?” He spoke in her ear.

“Fufufufu, I knew you would find out.” She laughed.

“I am the most beautiful woman in existence, and I will not give that title to anyone, not even Freya.”


“Humpf, all women are like that.”

“….” Victor didn’t comment on this since he agreed a little with Aphrodite. All women had things they wanted to be petty about, and this could also be called their pride.

Victor pulled Aphrodite closer to him, and he felt his hard co*ck resting against Aphrodite’s wet entrance as he started cleaning Aphrodite’s back, the back of her neck, and her butt.

Aphrodite squirmed in Victor’s arms. Even though they were not doing anything much and were just washing each other, she was very aroused right now.

And his hard co*ck being kissed by her bottom lips didn’t do much to reduce his hard-on either.

“Even though I commented on this lightly, thanks for the explanation. It seems like being a God is more than just acting like a kid.”

“Humpf, I don’t deny that most Gods are idiots or kids with superpowers.”

“But if there were no responsible Gods, the world would be in Chaos right now.”

“After all, the Greater Gods that encompass Grand Concepts like Destiny, Time, Infinity, Reality, Earth, etc., Concepts important to keep everything in balance, are the ones that keep the Universe going.”

“If they were all like Zeus, the world would be f*cked. Literally speaking.”

This was one of the few lessons she learned on her trip around the world. She was so trapped in her ‘bubble’ called Olympus that she could barely see what kind of reality she was living in.

“I see, I see~.”

“I’m glad not all Gods are like Zeus.”

“Mm.” She nodded her head in agreement with him.

She hugged Victor tighter, and soon she felt the cold water running down her body and taking all the soap off of her body.

Even though the water was cold, she couldn’t turn down the heat that was on her little sister.

She could clearly feel her entrance opening and closing lasciviously as if begging him to let her completely swallow the thick co*ck inside her.

‘Ahh~, that smell, I love that smell.’

Victor wasn’t doing much better. It would be hypocritical of him to say he didn’t find the woman attractive, especially the sweet way she was acting now.

This woman was certainly dangerous, and his hard member was more than enough proof of that.

The scent of her arousal, her perfect body, and putting it all together with the way she was acting, was a dangerous combination.

… But, it still wasn’t enough for him to act like a rutting animal like he did when he was ‘fighting’ Scathach.

There was still something quite fundamental for Victor to be interested in Aphrodite.

Yes, the Goddess was beautiful. She was not called the most beautiful woman for nothing, but…

Remembering Scathach and her eyes when they were fighting.

‘Scathach is better.’

Soon the memories of his Wives giving him the same look flooded his mind.

‘Ruby, Violet, Sasha, and Natashia are better.’

He thought to himself, but it wasn’t something he would verbalize. It would be disrespectful to the woman who kindly explained something to him and was always helping him and keeping his mother safe.

With several thoughts running through the minds of a Divinely Beautiful Mortal and a Goddess with a look that was on the same level as the mortal, the two continued to embrace, trying as hard as they could to lower the fire that was building between them.

“…You used my Blessing again.”

“When did that happen?”

“When I told you you weren’t handsome enough.”


“Why does it only activate at these times?”


“…” Victor was speechless.

“Something common to everyone who has the Concept of Beauty in their bodies.”

“Vic.” Aphrodite stopped hugging Victor and looked at him seriously.

Victor looked at the Goddess in his arms.

“You have to control it.”

“You don’t want to make someone your slave without knowing it, right? Especially if the target is one of your Wives.”

“…” Victor narrowed his eyes.

“No, I don’t want that.” To Victor, his Wives shone brightest when they were themselves. Strong, independent women.

Aphrodite nodded.

“I can teach you.”

“…Okay, teach me.”

“….” Aphrodite looked shocked at Victor. Honestly, she thought he was going to doubt her or something.

“Please don’t look at me like that. Despite the way we started, I won’t be a hypocrite and deny the help you’re giving my family and me.”

“…” Aphrodite couldn’t help but smile gently when she heard what Victor said.

She remembered Anna’s words.

“My son is a very easygoing individual. He returns kindness with kindness and returns threats with threats. Just treat him like you treat me, and before you know it, he’ll be trusting you.” She spoke with a sincere look at Aphrodite.

‘It’s like Anna said… If I had really acted normally during our first meeting, I wouldn’t have had to go through all that pointless trouble…’ When she thought of her first meeting with Victor, she shook her head, denying her thoughts.

‘It would not help. Victor was looking at me with his prejudices and views of other people. Even if I had acted normal, he would have been suspicious.’ In the end, Aphrodite thought that everything that had happened, happened the way it did since only then could she be in this situation right now.

The smile Aphrodite flashed caught Victor a little off guard, and pairing that smile with her bath-soaked body, he wasn’t going to lie and say he didn’t feel a thing.

‘Goddess of Beauty, huh…’

“Thank you for your trust, Vic. I promise I will try not to break it.”

“Oh? I’m not feeling confident in those words.”

“Well, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t break that trust.”

Victor narrowed his eyes at this.

“After all, if I ever came across a situation where I had to betray your trust to help you and Anna, I would do it without thinking.” Aphrodite explained.

“…” Victor’s eyes softened a little:

“Before that happens, try looking for help. I’ll always be here.”

“Mm… I’ll leave it as a last resort then.”

“Haah,” Victor sighed and casually commented:

“And there you go raising the flag. Do you want Murphy to be here?”

“Fufufu, this is just the reality of things.”

“Vic, there’s a lot of unbelievable stuff going around.”

“For example, I know a Goddess that, if she spoke without holding back, she could destroy everything in a straight line. Nothing would be left to exist, not even Souls.”

“…That sounds like a dangerous Goddess, I would like to meet her.”

“Believe it or not, she is very kind.”

“Oh, and she’s in our chat group.”


“Umu.” She nodded.

“Try to befriend her later. It will be beneficial in the future.”

“Hmm, I won’t do it because it’s beneficial, but because she sounds interesting but sure.”

“Fufufu, I know.”

‘And that’s something I like about you~’ She thought to herself with embarrassment.

“Anyway, let’s train.” Aphrodite hugged Victor again as she adjusted her position a little so his co*ck fit perfectly in between her thick thighs and at the entrance to her most important place.

She lifted her face up and spoke.

“Hug me.”

Victor hugged Aphrodite.

“Hmm… A little stronger.”

He hugged her tighter.

“Good.” She smiled, satisfied.

“Look into my eyes.”

“…” Victor did as she said and looked into her eyes.

“I will force you to use my Blessing, and I will use my body to stop your Charm from leaving this shower. That’s why I’m hugging you like this.”

“Oh? Does that mean you didn’t do it as an excuse?”

“Humpf, do you think I would use such a petty trick? Weren’t we already hugging before?”

“…” Victor thought that made a lot of sense.

Aphrodite sighed inwardly when she managed to get Victor’s attention away. She would never say she did it for the reasons Victor talked about.

“I’ll start, okay?”

“Mm.” Victor nodded his head.

“3… 2… 1… Now.” Aphrodite’s eyes slowly began to glow neon pink.

Victor was transfixed for a few seconds, and as he looked at Aphrodite, his eyes also started to change to neon pink.

His long dark hair grew to his waist, and unlike Aphrodite’s pink hair, Victor’s hair was more shades of black, but it wasn’t a dark black like his Progenitor form.

It was more like a silky black like the night itself. His appearance began to become more striking, and a Divine ‘Charm’ began to emanate from his body.

Seeing Victor’s current appearance, Aphrodite can’t help but utter internally.

‘As expected of the man I chose, he is definitely the most handsome man.’ Her cheeks flushed a little as she noticed her own thoughts.

But quickly, she kept her poker face and said:



“Control yourself. Feel my Blessing, and control it as your own.”

“Hmm…” Victor was a quick learner, and his experience with control was quite vast, considering that, from the beginning, control was the aspect he’d trained the most in his life.

He was, after all, a walking atomic bomb.


Chapter 490: Training with the goddess of beauty. 2

“Hmm…” Victor was a quick learner, and his experience with control was quite vast, considering that, from the beginning, control was the aspect he’d trained the most in his life.

He was, after all, a walking atomic bomb.

He needed to control his vast power from the start.

The problem that Victor was having in controlling his Charm from the Blessing of the Goddess of Beauty was that he couldn’t feel that energy.

It was like trying to look for something in the middle of five seas, those seas being his powers of Fire, Water, Ice, Lightning, and Blood.

Aphrodite’s Blessing was like a small object floating between these seas, and he couldn’t feel it.

But thanks to Aphrodite acting as a guide, he managed to find that source and controlled it to form another ‘sea’ in his body.

“My Blessing is relatively easy to control, so it shouldn’t be a problem for you.” Aphrodite trusted Victor a lot.

Because of that, when she saw him controlling the power coursing through his body, she couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction.

“Good, good job.”

“…Thanks…” Victor sincerely thanked her.

“My Blessing is relatively easy to control but difficult to evolve and apply in ways other than to Charm.”

“What do you mean?”

“Watch me.” Aphrodite stopped hugging Victor and moved away from him a little, she pointed her finger forward, and suddenly a pink energy started to gather at her tip, and in the next moment, a construct made of pink power was created.

Specifically speaking, a Bow.

Aphrodite made a gesture as if pulling an arrow, and soon an arrow was created, and the next moment she released the arrow.

And the arrow easily passed through the wall, and it didn’t cause any noise or destruction, but Victor could see that the piercing power was incredible.

“….” Victor opened his eyes wide.

“Humpf, did you think I would just Charm everyone around me and never fight?”

“I mean… Hmm… Yes?” Victor couldn’t deny her words.

Veins bulged in Aphrodite’s head, but she caught herself when she saw that Victor answered honestly.


She sighed and said,

“I admit that for quite a while, I used my power like that, but only recently, when I traveled the world, I learned ways to apply my powers in ways I never knew… it’s correct to say that I never fully exploited my power.”

“…You traveled the world?”

“Oh? Are you interested to know?”


“I’ll tell you the next time you come to my house.” She spoke while smiling gently. She always felt like butterflies were dancing in her stomach when Victor took an interest in her life.

“Okay, I’ll look forward to that day then.”

“Umu.” She felt shy now.

“Now, why a bow?”

“… I mean, I’m Cupid’s mother, you know? Wouldn’t it be weird if I didn’t know how to use a Bow?”

“…” Should that be a reason? He was speechless.

“Anyway, do you understand now?”

“Yeah, easy to control, hard to progress, I got it.”

“Umu.” She nodded in satisfaction and then went back to the bathroom.

“Haaah.” She sighed a little and said, “I got sweaty again. Let’s shower.” Aphrodite’s eyes glowed neon pink, and as she stepped into the bathroom stall, closed the door, turned the shower on again, and in the next moment as if it was natural, she hugged Victor.

“Oh, I forgot to say something.” She turned around and had her back to Victor, as she placed her voluptuous ass on Victor’s hard co*ck, and placed his co*ck between the two sides of her ass.

She smiled seductively, “You can’t do what I did.”

Victor pursed his lips a little when he saw the Goddess of Beauty teasing him:


“I used my Divinity of Beauty to make the construct, Divinity of Love together with Beauty to make the arrow, and the minor Divinity of War to make the arrow harmful.”

“If you try to do the same thing I did, you’ll only get the construct…” She held back her groan a little as she felt Victor caressing her ass.

“Try to incorporate Beauty into your own skill set.” She picked up the soap again and started to wash.

Acting ‘innocently’, she rubbed Victor’s co*ck on her ass and bottom lips as if she had no idea what she was doing.

“Hmm… I’ll think of something in the future, any tips?”

Victor gripped the woman’s ass tightly and lasciviously opened it, and soon he could see the messed-up state that was beneath her.

“Mm~.” She nodded her head, and when she started to think of something, her thoughts stopped when she felt him playing with her ass.

‘Haaah~’ She leaned against the shower window a little and let out a long breath of hot air: ‘Ugh, f*ck me soon, Dammit!’ Aphrodite wanted to scream it, but she wouldn’t stoop so low. She could tell what he was doing; he was playing with her ‘fire’.

Victor hugged Aphrodite from behind as he buried the woman’s lecherous body into his and caressed the woman’s two perfect breasts with his hand.

“‘Beauty’ is subjective. It all depends on each individual’s worldview~.”

He licked her neck and her ear.

“…Beauty is not just to make someone more beautiful.”

“Only that?” He spoke softly as he bit her ear.

“Y-Yes~.” Her back lifted a little, and she felt that something was coming and at the same time not.

‘Ugh.’ She grumbled due to the stress caused by her frustration and her sexual arousal. She turned her face and looked at Victor with a serious look.

Seeing the neon pink eyes, Victor smiled wryly. Maybe he provoked the Goddess too much, and he just realized that.

“Don’t tease me too much, or I will really attack you seriously.” As proof of her threat, she lightly caressed Victor’s abdomen up to his chest.

‘Ugh~’ Victor’s teeth chattered as his lower jaw quivered. He didn’t dare to moan out loud.

“Do you know why I’m invincible in the bedroom? Because my Divinity tells me everything I need to know about my partner that I’m interested in~.”

She turned her body completely and hugged Victor with her voluptuous body, and using her tongue, she licked his neck.

Once again, Victor shivered a little.

“Normally, your neck wouldn’t be an erogenous zone until your partner bites it, but… I can activate that zone with my tongue~” Aphrodite’s tongue began to be covered in a faint pink glow, and she continued:

“And, with my power, I can increase that feeling 100x more.”

“Like this.” She started to lick again, and Victor’s whole body shook as his mind went to the clouds for a few seconds and came back.

“100x is not the limit. I can increase it even more. How about 500x?” This time, she not only licked Victor’s neck but also gently stroked his co*ck.

It took all of Victor’s effort not to drop his seed then and there! He actually bit his tongue in an attempt to make the pain wake him up, but in this state, it seems that even the pain had turned into pleasure!

Faced with the invincible power of the Goddess of Beauty, he had no choice but to back off.

“F-Fine, I get it, no teasing the horny Goddess~” He held her away from him.

“Humpf, glad you know, jerk.” She huffed and stopped hugging Victor.

“And who is the horny Goddess? You were the one who was teasing me!” She smiled seductively as she licked her lips. Her eyes could be seen with small pink hearts, “I just returned it to the best of my ability~.”

“….” Victor laughed wryly, as he just realized once again how dangerous this woman was in her specialty.

‘Looks like I have a new opponent to defeat…’ Victor was an innate challenger, so he wouldn’t be sad to find a strong enemy. On the contrary, he was very happy now.

And even if he lost, he wouldn’t lose without a fight:

He took her hand and pulled her to his body.

“Oya?” Aphrodite stood still and waited for Victor’s next move. What kind of ways would he tease her? She was really curious and eager to double back, but never in her excited thoughts would she expect his next action.

Victor held both Aphrodite’s cheeks gently and kissed her forehead. The kiss lasted for a few seconds until he stopped and looked deeply into the Goddess’s shocked pink eyes.

“Thank you for the training. And for the help, Aphrodite.”

“….” She was caught off guard by this sincere wave of feelings and, for a moment, didn’t know what to do, so she just…

“Mm.” She nodded in acceptance of his feelings.

Victor laughed gently and patted the Goddess’s head a little. She could be invincible in teasing and things related to pleasure.

But his headpat was EX Rank. Above God level!

He could calm an aroused Goddess very easily with this technique!

Aphrodite began to feel sweet inside, and a sense of peace ran through her entire body.

‘Hmm~, that’s not bad either.’ She thought as she looked at Victor’s gentle smile.

When Victor was petting Aphrodite, he suddenly stopped, and his eyes took on a serious and somewhat frightening expression.

“… What is it?” she asked curiously.

“Agnes, something happened to her.” He shut off the water in the shower and got out.

“….” Looking at Victor’s anxious and quick steps, Aphrodite couldn’t help but flash a slightly sad smile:

‘Could it be that one day, I will be so important that you will act like this when something happens to me?’ she asked depressingly.

As an Ancient Goddess, she could notice Ruby’s ‘manipulations’. She was, after all, a Greek Goddess. These kinds of manipulations were the ones she was getting tired of seeing on Olympus, but she didn’t do anything until now, because the girl’s manipulations benefitted her somehow.

In fact, she just ignored it and approached Victor and Anna even more, and whenever Ruby asked for help with something, she did her best to help.

Even though she was aware of the girl’s thoughts, she wouldn’t do anything because she understood that if she were in Ruby’s shoes, she would do the same.

Aphrodite understood her worth, and she was glad that someone from that group did too. Few beings had truly gained her attention and favor over the millennia, and no being had gained the favor of this Goddess like Victor and Anna had.

They were really special to the Goddess of Beauty.

‘No use thinking about it now…’ She shook her head and erased those thoughts from her head:

‘It’s no use being pessimistic either. I should just act with him as I act with Anna. I just have to be true to him, and I believe that if I follow my friend’s advice, my future will be colorful. The proof of that was that previous situation. If it was a few months ago, he would never have accepted my advances….’

She squirmed a little. Victor was really cruel. He lit her fire and left without finishing the job!

‘Obnoxious man! Ugh.’

She chuckled lightly when she realized her current state. She never thought she would have a partner ‘playing cat and mouse’ with her.

‘Next time, I won’t let you get away~’ She laughed seductively.

She snapped her finger, and all the water on her body evaporated, and soon her Divine Robes began to be created.

… Now, Aphrodite had no idea how much she would thank her current self in the future for those thoughts.

Coming out of the bathroom, Victor came across Ruby, and she had the same look as him:


“No, that was Agnes. I don’t feel our connection anymore.” Despite trying to remain calm, it was pretty obvious to both of them that he was worried.

“…Calm down, Vic.” Scathach spoke and then continued:

“Nothing happened to Agnes. Knowing the woman, she probably performed the ritual to undo her marriage.”

“….” Victor opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it and assumed a complex expression.

‘She’s right. I remember talking to her about it earlier… So she made her decision.’ Hiding his feelings behind his poker face, he spoke.

“I will go to Nightingale, and I will see my Wives.” Victor approached Ruby and deeply kissed her lips.

Ruby returned his kiss.

A few seconds passed, and then they came apart.

“When you have time, I will want the same treatment as my mother~.” She whispered in his ear. Competition, jealousy, and excitement could be heard in Ruby’s voice.

“…” Scathach rolled her eyes when she saw the state of her daughter, and soon she returned to her rest in the bath.

“…Fufufu, someone is anxious.” Victor lightly kissed Ruby’s neck.

“Ughnn~” Ruby squirmed a little, which made Victor’s smile grow.

“When I come back, you’ll have what you want and more… So much more..”

Those words only made Ruby’s smile grow.

“Scathach, are you staying?”

“Mm… I want to get some rest.” That was all Scathach said as she caressed her belly. She could still feel Victor’s seed inside her, and that sensation made her feel quite calm for some reason.

Victor saw no problem with what she said.

Aphrodite appeared wearing her divine robes:

“I will entertain and distract the two guests until you return, Vic.” Aphrodite spoke.

And Victor nodded since he understood which guests she was talking about:


“You’re welcome.” She smiled kindly.

Victor started walking towards the bathroom exit, and on the way, his body began to be covered by darkness, and soon he was dressed in his suit.

“Thank you, Kaguya.”



Chapter 491: The Maids I Love So Much.

“Which guests are you talking about, Aphrodite?”

“My friends from the Norse Pantheon, the Goddess Freya and the God Loki.” She replied calmly as she walked towards the bathroom’s exit:

“I’ll keep them busy; talk to you later.” A pink power appeared around Aphrodite as she quickly disappeared. She reappeared at the entrance to the basem*nt, and when she came out of the basem*nt, she immediately teleported to another place.

“….” Ruby narrowed her eyes when she heard what Aphrodite said.

‘More Gods? Wasn’t dealing with one Goddess complicating enough? And even more, these are important figures.’ Ruby felt her headache coming from miles away.

“Fufufu, don’t think too much, my daughter. Or you will go crazy.”

“…You seem quite calm for someone who has just heard that more Gods will appear in the near future, Mother.” Ruby narrowed her eyes a little.

“Meh, they’ve always been around. It’s not like it’s anything new…” Scathach was feeling too lazy to worry about the Gods, and to be honest, she wasn’t even excited to fight or anything. She was quite at ‘peace’ ‘ now.

“…” Would it be an understatement to say how shocked Ruby was now? Was this really her mother? Where was that crazy woman who liked to fight?

If it was the Scathach she knew, she would be excited to fight these beings right now!

“Fufufu, let Victor come back, and you can ask him anything related to these Gods, and I’m sure he’ll answer with complete honesty. If he hasn’t told us anything, it’s because he has no need.”

“And you heard, right? What happened in the bathroom?”


“Aphrodite is falling into a much more dangerous spider’s web than she thinks, and in the near future, she will become our most valued ally.”


“Given what happened in the bathroom, I doubt Aphrodite will let some random God play with Victor.”

“And she said it herself.”

“These Gods are her ‘friends’, meaning she has some control over the actions these Gods.”

“They won’t harm, Victor.”

“….” Ruby thought her mother was right.

“You think too much, My Daughter, and sometimes, you lose sight of what matters most. I always complained about it to you when we trained.”

“Ugh, don’t lecture me now, please.”

“Fufufu, there is always time for a lesson or two.” She spoke in a voice strangely containing wisdom.

“…And will you learn how to practice night warfare with my husband now?”

Scathach displayed a seductive little smile, “It can be said that a ‘night war’ is the only war that I currently want to experience. I must defeat my opponent next time.”

‘In simple words, you want to f*ck one more time.’ Ruby rolled her eyes.

“Come here, come rest.”

“Staying too long in the water is not good for your skin.”

“We are Vampires, it makes no difference.”

“And the water is quite warm~.”

Victor was walking towards the kitchen where he saw Natalia with her powers.

And in the meantime, he was talking to his Maids in his head.

“Master, you are a pervert.” Eve grumbled.

“…What can I say? I was caught in the moment…”

“And you forgot about us.” Bruna said.

“…Yes…” He couldn’t deny those words.

“Gahh, my mind has been corrupted!” Eve shook her head several times.

“…” You were already corrupted from the start, you just hid it well!

All the Maids wanted to say it out loud, but they kept those thoughts to themselves.

“Darling, darling~, you have to do that to me later!” Roxanne demanded.

“…First, learn what sex is.” Victor dodged the bullet.

“But I know what sex is!”

“Oh? Tell me then.”

“Sex is when a couple puts the male organ of the man in the female organ of the woman, and from there, a seed of a plant is born!”

“…” There were so many things wrong with that explanation but Victor was too lazy to comment.

“Roxanne, idiot! You mixed it up!” Maria screamed.


“You’re hopeless! Aren’t you taking the lessons seriously!? Eve, explain it again!” Maria asked.


“Cough…” Eve coughed and began to speak:

“Sex is when two beings-…” The violent image of Scathach and Victor’s fight flashed through Eve’s mind, and she literally froze, her face turning completely red.

“I can’t!” She crouched down and put her hands to her face.

“…Look, what you did to Eve, master!” Bruna spoke.

“…Ugh.” Look at what? I can’t see a thing, you’re in my shadow!

“Kaguya, why are you silent?” Roxanne spoke up.

“…!?” Kaguya turned to face the girls, and with a neutral tone, she said:

“I have no need to speak.” She spoke in a robotic tone and quickly turned away. It was pretty clear she didn’t want to comment on that subject.

“….” Why is she acting even more robotic than usual? The Maids asked internally.

It could be said that the previous scenes affected the Maids on a level that only they understood.

The one who was least affected was Roxanne, but that was because, despite having knowledge of sex, she didn’t really know what that act ‘meant’ for two partners.

After all, she still had the mentality of a child… An exceedingly cruel child, but still a child.

Those who suffered the most from these two weeks were… Roberta, Bruna, Maria and Eve.

Roberta was already an adult woman when she was turned, and although she had never performed the act, thanks to her heroic spirit that repudiated this act, she was quite aroused now.

Not to mention that when Medusa saw that act, instead of feeling disgusted or annoyed as she always was, she was interested because it was ‘Victor’, her ‘Master’, who was doing this act. And, despite him being aggressive, each time he finished a ‘Round’, he was quite amorous with Scathach.

Medusa was attracted to this.

Roberta was barely holding back because of that, so, just like Kaguya, she was quiet. She couldn’t even provoke Victor like she always did.

Bruna, just like Roberta, was an adult woman, but being a nun, she’d never tasted the ‘Sin’ of Lust, and thus, seeing it in person, you could say that she wanted to try it, but she was much calmer than Roberta.

Maria… Well, Maria already liked Victor on an obsessive level, and after what she’d seen during those two weeks… Her obsession level had practically tripled, if that were even possible…

She saw her master defeat the strongest warrior! She was proud! And she wanted the same treatment.

And Eve?


[Stop being a prude! Attack him! Let’s go, let’s go! I want that too, and yesterday!] Alter Eve was freaking out.

Eve was shaken by what she saw, and Alter Eve was talking indecently all the time in her head. She really didn’t know what to do now.

… She just felt… Hot. On her underside.

“Anyway, Kaguya, does Ruby need your services?”

“Oyy! Do not change the subject!” Maria screamed.

“Hmm… She said it’s pretty much over.” Kaguya, who was also looking to change the subject, quickly betrayed the group.

Maria was in disbelief when she saw Kaguya switch sides so easily.

“… Traitor!!”

“Hmm… Good. In that case, I want you back in my shadow 24 hours a day.”

“…” This order made even the noisy Maria shut up. All the Maids, even Eve, who was sitting with her head down, were wearing big smiles.

They were clearly not against the idea.

“Do you need blood?” Victor asked.

His throat felt itchy, and he needed to quickly visit Violet, Natashia, and Sasha. He’d gone too long without drinking his Wives’ blood, and he was already feeling the effects of his bloodlust.

“Yes, Yes, YES! I’M HUNGRY!” Roxanne practically screamed as she raised her hand.

“…” Victor showed a small smile. He actually found Roxanne’s excited tone quite cute.

“Anyone else?”

“…I need your blood… Master.” Bruna muttered, her cheeks slightly red, but she had an expectant look on her face.

“Fufufu, this is something I will never refuse.” Roberta laughed lightly.

“Is that still a question!? I’ve needed it since yesterday!” Maria was horny.

“…I want it too, Master.” Eve spoke quietly.


“…I’m fine.” Kaguya refused to give in.

“…Really?” Victor raised an eyebrow in amusem*nt.


“Oh? That’s a shame, I was thinking of letting you be the first-.”

“Actually, I’m in need of your blood too, Master.”

“….” The way she changed her mind to something that benefited her was amazing! As expected from the Perfect Maid. Wrong, the Shameless Maid.

Kaguya even had the decency to blush a little when she saw the accusing eyes of her subordinates.

“… Glad you’re being honest, My Maid~.”

The shade of red on Kaguya’s face increased when she heard her Master’s voice.

“Come here.”

“Mm…” Darkness covered Kaguya’s body, and soon she appeared in front of Victor.

Victor lowered his center of gravity a little and looked into Kaguya’s eyes:

“Thanks for protecting my Wife and family while I was away, Kaguya.”

“It’s my job, and I didn’t do it alone.”

“….” The Maids smiled in Victor’s shadow. Kaguya could be many things to the Maids, a strict woman, a teacher, a friend.

But most of all, she was fair to all Maids.

“I know… And I plan on rewarding you all later.”

“!!!” The Maids’ eyes glowed blood red, including Kaguya’s eyes.

Victor gently caressed Kaguya’s cheek.

Kaguya felt her heart beating rapidly as butterflies seemed to fly inside her stomach. The look her master was giving her now was unfair!

Victor smiled gently and turned his face away.

“Come, My Maid.”

“Mm…” She nodded lightly and gently wrapped her arms around Victor’s neck and bit him in a rather shy way.

The moment her Master’s blood reached her taste buds, her eyes opened wide.

‘Delicious!’ She squeezed Victor tighter and started gulping down his blood.

Gulp, Gulp.

“I know it’s been a while, but don’t rush. I won’t disappear.” Victor kindly explained.

Kaguya’s ears turned slightly red when she heard her Master’s voice so close to her ear.

“Mm…” She nodded slightly.

Five minutes passed, and Kaguya stopped drinking Victor’s blood. But, before releasing Victor, in an instinctive gesture that she had no control over, she licked the area where she bit him, sniffed his neck a little, and then licked it again.

She only stopped licking when she saw the small holes she’d made in the flesh close.

“…Are you already satisfied? It usually lasts longer.” Victor spoke gently as he stroked her hair.

“Mm… Your blood has gotten more delicious, Master. What did you do?” She asked curiously as she tried to hide her embarrassment and return to her poker face.

“Even if you ask me, I have no idea. I just did what I always do.”

[Cause Chaos?] Roberta laughed.

[Cause wars?] Maria spoke.

[Create a sea of blood?!] Roxanne flashed a big smile.

[Seduce innocent women…?] Eve spoke up.

[I want him to tease me too…]

“….” The Maids turned their gaze to Bruna.


[…Nun is showing her claws…~] Roberta laughed.

[It’s like they always say, it’s the quiet ones you gotta look out for… Right? Kaguya, Eve, Bruna?]

[“What are you talking about?”] All three answered at the same time.

“….” Maria, Roberta, and Roxanne opened their mouths in shock at this synchronization.

“Hahaha~.” Victor chuckled lightly in an amused and gentle tone at the same time.

The Maids looked confused at Victor.

“Why are you laughing, Master?” Bruna asked curiously.

“Nothing~, I’m just glad you guys are getting along.”


“Especially you, Eve.”

“… It seems like you are no longer holding back from your sisters.”


[Sisters?] Roxanne asked curiously.

“Of course, you are all mine, and you have my blood, so that statement is not incorrect.”

The girls couldn’t help but show beautiful smiles when they heard what Victor said.

“Sisters, huh.” Kaguya muttered.

“Indeed, you all have my blood, after all.”

“…I don’t have your-…” She wanted to say that she didn’t have Victor’s bloodline, but she stopped when she saw Victor’s serious gaze.

“Yes, you do.”

“This is a Progenitor secret, but each time you drink my blood, your lineage and influence shift to mine.”

“This applies to everyone who regularly drinks my blood.”

“Your distant bloodline ancestor is no longer Vlad and is changing to me, My Maid.” Victor adjusted his center of gravity and stood. He stroked the hair of an extremely shocked Kaguya and said:

“Don’t you like having my blood?” Victor asked teasingly. He already knew the answer to that question but asked just for fun, but he was extremely shocked when he saw Kaguya’s expression.

Kaguya’s poker face had shattered and she beamed a beautiful smile.

Victor opened his eyes wide, and he wasn’t the only one, even the Maids who saw this were in complete shock.

“What a silly question, Master. This is the happiest news I’ve had in several years.”

Seeing her Master’s face, she realized what she had done and quickly turned away.

A few moments of silence fell around until…

[Ahhh, your smile is beautiful, Kaguya! You should smile more!] Roxanne broke the atmosphere.

Hearing Roxanne’s voice, everyone woke up from their stupor.

“What smile?” Kaguya spoke with a neutral face:

“Are you sniffing illegal things, Roxanne? I know you were born from a tree, but still.”

“Illegal things? Huh?” Roxanne’s head only had question marks flying around it.

Victor laughed gently as he leaned down and lightly kissed Kaguya’s cheek.


“You should smile more, my Maid. You looked beautiful.”


“…Wait, you can’t smile.”


“If you start smiling like that, everyone will see it, and that’s something I don’t want.” He spoke in an extremely serious tone as if it were a matter of life and death.


“I’ve decided!” Victor’s smile widened.

“You must do this exclusively for me when we are alone.”

“M-M-Master!?” Kaguya didn’t know whether to be ashamed or happy.

“Hahahaha~, I really do have a cute Maid.” Victor ruffled Kaguya’s hair and started walking towards Natalia.

Kaguya just looked at her Master’s back in disbelief, and slowly a small smile began to appear on her face.

‘As you wish, my Master.’ That was an order she definitely didn’t want to deny.


Chapter 492: The Maids are Horny…

“….” The Maids who saw this interaction just said.

“Do you really need our help, Head Maid?” Maria asked around, “You’re doing a good job on your own.”

“Actually, I want her to help us.” Maria added.

“Fufufufu, Kaguya is unfair~! That’s the charm of a… Hmm, what did Lady Ruby say?” Roberta thought a little about Ruby’s words and her teachings and then said:

“The charm of a Kuudere?”

“If we’re going to talk about Kuuderes, doesn’t Eve stand a chance?” Roxanne said. She was one of the girls who’d received Ruby’s ‘teachings’ as well. In fact, all Maids had received Ruby’s teachings, as she would not allow people without ‘culture’ to be part of her group.

“She’s not Kuudere, she’s a closet pervert.”

“….” A vein bulged on Eve’s head, and she looked at Roberta with a dangerous glint in her eye.

“Ara? You Wanna Fight? Bite me! I doubt you can!”

“No fighting, or I’ll spank both of you.” They heard Victor’s voice.

“…” Eve and Roberta looked at each other, and a mental conversation ensued.

‘Actually, isn’t that a reward? Let’s fight!’

Victor just gave them more motivation…

Roberta was already imagining Victor holding her voluptuous ass while ‘slamming’ her insides hard. The image of Scathach’s defeat wouldn’t leave her head, and she wanted the same treatment.

Eve, on the other hand, imagined Victor holding her in his lap while disciplining her for being a bad girl!

[Daughter and Father fetish… And you say I’m perverted.] Alter Eve rolled her eyes.

‘Shut up!’ Eve screamed.

Holding various desires in their hearts, most of them being lewd, they leapt towards each other in a battle that would be legendary!

Unfortunately, when they were about to start a mess so Victor would ‘discipline’ them…

Kaguya appeared and put the house in order.

Victor arrived in the kitchen and asked Natalia to follow. Before going to Nightingale, he didn’t forget to kidnap his two daughters, who were reading a book with Pepper and Lacus.

Since Pepper and Lacus were reading manga.

After picking up his daughters and sending some messages to Morgana and Jeanne responding to their children’s ‘training’.

Victor checked the chat group that Aphrodite had put him in and just scrolled up to read through. He didn’t say anything since he was just curious what those litter Gods were talking about.

And as expected, aside from a few mentions that they were going to the human world, the rest was normal conversation.

“Father, put me down, please…” Nero grumbled with a red face. She was being held like a princess, and the stares of the people, especially the guests in the basem*nt, couldn’t help but make her a little embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Ophis sported a proud face as she sat on Victor’s shoulders.

She had a look that said, ‘Praise me, Mortal! I’m taller than you!’

“Oh? You are embarrassed. My lovely daughter is cute~.” Victor hugged Nero tighter and rubbed her cheek with his.

Nero’s face got even redder, but a smile couldn’t help but appear on her face. She couldn’t deny that she liked the kind way her father treated her.

Victor meant too much to Nero. He was her savior who rescued her from a terrible fate, her father who adopted her and gave her a family, her Master who trained her to get stronger, and the man who gave her hope for a better future.

Because of all these reasons, Nero couldn’t help but lean more towards liking Victor, though she still liked Ruby a lot too. After all, she was the first ‘Mother’ she’d met.

“Hmmm…” Ophis’s cheeks turned squirrel-like when she saw what her father was doing to Nero.

“…And to think that this man would be a doting father… I can only imagine what he will be like when his Wives give birth.” Liena, who was wearing casual clothes, spoke up.

“This is a surprise for us too…” Andrew spoke for his mother.

“I thought he would hate being a father.”

“Humpf, you talk like you haven’t known Victor since childhood! You know how yandere he is. Did you really think he wouldn’t love his own children?” Leona spoke.

“…Now that you say it.” Andrew touched his chin, thinking Leona was right.

“Leaving that aside, where’s Fred?” Edward asked.

“He said he would join us when the evacuation starts. He doesn’t want his family to know about the Supernatural.” Victor was the one who answered.

“Something I agree with, considering that once you enter this world, you cannot easily leave.”

“It may not seem like it, but that man is mature enough for things that matter.”

“….” Victor’s friends couldn’t help but smile at that.

“Indeed, he’s too smart and talented for his own good.” Andrew couldn’t help but speak. He was extremely shocked when he heard how Fred entered this world.

And seeing the reasoning he explained, he wondered how he had never noticed this before either.

‘Oh… I was more worried about chasing Milfs.’ Andrew thought.

“Are you going out, Vic?” Leona asked when she saw him being accompanied by Natalia and holding his two daughters.

“Mm, something happened to my mother-in-law. I need to check in on her.” Victor nodded gently and explained.

“Can I go with you?” She asked with a bright blue glint in her eyes.

“….” In response to that question, Victor just looked at Edward.

His gaze held more meaning than Leona herself understood.

Edward cringed a little when he saw his friend’s gaze.

Edward’s inner sis-con wanted to scream in defiance and say no, but he knew that would only hurt his sister. He knew that Victor would never deny any of Leona’s requests, and the man was mature enough now to sense Leona’s feelings.

‘Actually, maybe he already knew from the beginning… It was painfully obvious.’

How could he not notice? He’s one of the best observers out there and able to read between the lines. It was one of Adonis’ qualities, something he’d specialized in due to years of being the leader of a house of a Vampire Count, and that trait only grew stronger when his superior senses came into play.

But Victor didn’t need supernatural senses to understand Leona. Like it or not, she was the second woman Victor had observed the most in his life.

The first being Anna, Victor’s own mother.

Violet didn’t count in this regard because Violet was the one who watched Victor, not the other way around.

Even if Victor didn’t know her secrets of being a Werewolf, he didn’t need that to understand Leona.

They had known each other since childhood after all.

“…” Edward nodded imperceptibly. He trusted his friend and knew he was an honorable man.

“…You know I won’t deny your request.” Victor responded with a gentle little smile that made Leona’s heart flutter slightly.

Seeing his sister’s smile brighten, Edward felt sour.

‘Ugh, I can’t tell if I’m happy or sad that Victor is an honorable man’ Edward knew that if it weren’t for the promise that literally held Victor at bay, his sister would have been dating Victor for a long time.

Although the story wasn’t that simple since before, Victor was a human, and it was strictly forbidden for a Werewolf to be with a human. They didn’t want Hybrids being born.

Because of this, Leona tried to turn Victor into a Werewolf to be with him.

But by a twist of fate, Violet and the Vampire Counts’ heirs appeared, and Victor became a Vampire.

But now, it caused even more complications for Leona. A human and Werewolf Hybrid? It’s forbidden.

A Vampire and Werewolf Hybrid?

Even worse.

But he knew that wouldn’t stop Victor from acting since he was a man who didn’t give a damn about rules and common sense. The only thing holding him back was his promise.

A promise that everyone in the group of friends was honoring to this day.

And because of that promise with Victor that he had entrusted his sister to him, he knew nothing would happen to her even in Vampire territory.

If Edward knew that Victor was a Progenitor and had more grounds to support his thoughts, he would be much more cautious than before.

After all, Victor was now someone who could change a Pure-blooded Werewolf into a Noble Vampire with just one bite.

Victor’s secret of being a Progenitor was only known to his family, Maids, and the people who understood what a Progenitor was, like Adam and the Goddess Aphrodite.

While Edward was brooding over his decision, Victor’s brain was simpler.

‘It’s been a while since I’ve talked to her. I wonder how much she’s changed…’ The last deep conversation the two had happened before Leona’s incident where she reached maturity and awakened as a Werewolf.

Since then, Victor had no more time, and it was one thing after another happening that demanded his attention.

God, before, he didn’t even have time to spend with his Wives!

But now? He was much freer. After all, he had subordinates to do most of the work, and his subordinates were very competent.

Similar thoughts were going through Leona’s head as well:

‘I want to see how much he’s changed. I want to know how his life is now…’ Even though it probably hurt her heart, she wanted to see how many women Victor was dating.

With her very keen sense of smell, she could smell at least four different odors on Victor’s body.

Two of them being stronger since he came out of his ‘training’. Edward might not have noticed because Victor washed his body.

But as a female and a woman who had always watched Victor, Leona was more sensitive to that, and she knew Victor was doing naughty things.

‘Ugh…’ And knowing that made her stomach turn in anger, even though she had been expecting something like this to happen since Victor’s ‘Wives’ showed up at her store.

Victor wouldn’t hold back with those beautiful women around him. He wasn’t like Andrew, a playboy who’d go with any woman, but he was still a man.

Apart from that, Victor’s Wives had the ‘yandere’ trait, so they would quickly want to tag their ‘lover’.

She could easily identify the source’s of those scents that seemed to mark Victor’s entire existence.

‘Scathach, Ruby, and that maid, Kaguya… Now, the last one is unknown… The other scents are quite small and almost non-existent but can still faintly be sensed.’

She couldn’t feel anything from Aphrodite because when she was in human form, everything about the Goddess changed, even her scent.

Leona got up and approached Victor.

‘I know that Violet and Sasha are his Wives too, but even more women?’ she wondered internally.

“…” Leona’s thoughts stopped as she looked into Victor’s eyes.

A Vampire’s blood red eyes and an Alpha Werewolf’s bright blue eyes met as a ‘forbidden’ feeling suddenly appeared around them.

A feeling that occurred when two people were practicing what was seen as ‘forbidden’ by normal society. The same feeling when a stepmother did naughty acts with her child.

It was… Addictive.

If Edward hadn’t been so worried about his decision and brooding over it, he would have seen this scene that only happened for a few seconds.

“…” Nero looked lightly at the woman who had a slim but beautiful figure in front of her. She was by no means voluptuous like her mother Ruby and Ruby’s mother, Scathach, but she was still beautiful.

Leona had undergone major changes upon awakening her Werewolf Bloodline.

She’d lost the tired and sickly look she’d previously had. Her thin arms became more defined and slightly muscular, a similar effect happened to her entire body, and thanks to her family’s training, she had the physique of a lean warrior. She also grew taller and stood at 185 CM tall, almost the same height as Scathach, who was 186 CM tall.

As her appetite was now greater from awakening her lineage, she had a healthier appearance that exuded youth, while her breasts and butt developed more.

She grew into a tall, healthy woman, but compared to Eleanor and her group, who were over 190 CM+, a height that happened due to the mutated bloodline of Clan Adrastea, she was still relatively ‘normal’. Eleanor and her Valkyries were literally built differently than normal Vampires.

If described in simple words, Leona was a cool beauty.

She had everything in the right place, not too excessive or lacking. The Werewolf physique prioritized development for battle and elevated her body to reach that perfect state for it.

In some ways, she was very similar to the current Natashia, who grew in various places due to drinking Victor’s blood.

Seeing the child’s gaze on her, Leona spoke:


“Another mother?”

“….” Leona blushed and looked at Victor.

Victor smiled tensely. His daughter really put him in a difficult situation. If he denied it, Leona would be even sadder, and if he affirmed it, he would break his promise, and Edward, his friend, would look at him with those eyes.

But Victor being Victor, he knew what answer to give,

“Hard to say. Always on the move, the Future is.”

“….” A silence fell around.

And Victor could visibly see the atmosphere getting lighter and carefree. He dodged that bullet with a mastery worthy of a man who wore a black leather coat, sunglasses, and dodged bullets in slow motion!

“… Seriously, have you become Yoda now?” Edward and Andrew laughed in amusem*nt.

“Much to learn, you still have.” That was the only thing Victor said before turning and looking at Natalia.

Natalia snapped her fingers, and a portal appeared.

“Thank you, Natalia.”

The Maid just smiled a little. She always liked to hear Victor’s compliments since they always motivated her to work… Even if she didn’t like it.

“Come on, I have a lot of things to do.” Victor passed through the portal with the Maids in his shadow, Nero in his arms, Ophis on his shoulders, and Natalia and Leona following behind him.

Seeing that her vision had changed, Leona saw that she was in a darker world, and a gigantic mansion was in front of her, but she ignored the mansion and looked around curiously. After all, it was the first time she had come to this world.

Natalia closed the portal, and Victor put Nero and Ophis down.

“Girls, look for a Maid named Yuki. She will attend to you. I need to look for my Wife and Mother-in-Law.”

“Mm/Yes.” Nero and Ophis spoke at the same time and started running around the mansion.

“…” Victor laughed awkwardly and looked at Natalia.

“Natalia, take care of them, make sure they don’t overdo it.”

“Yes, Master.” Natalia knew what Victor meant when he said ‘overdo’.

Every now and then, Nero and Ophis had brilliant ideas of going out and about unsupervised to ‘explore’ and test their powers.

Which was a good thing since they didn’t hold back their powers and developed. But going out without supervision or protection was dangerous.

And even though Nero was responsible for a child… She was still a child.

When Natalia left, Victor looked around and realized he was alone with Leona.

Leona didn’t have much time to enjoy the view, because she was shocked when Victor approached her ear and spoke in a low voice.

“Do not rush. I know how you feel. I’ve felt the same way since we were teenagers.”

“!!!” She turned her face to Victor in shock.

Chapter 493: A forbidden love.

“Do not rush. I know how you feel. I’ve felt the same way since we were teenagers.”

“!!!” She turned her face to Victor in shock, and her eyes screamed, ‘Why’!?

Why didn’t you do anything? Why didn’t you say anything? WHY!?

Even if she didn’t say anything, Victor completely understood what she was transmitting; he hadn’t known her for a long time for nothing.

“Why-.” Before Leona could even question Victor, he spoke:

“It’s complicated and at the same time not. The motives have changed over time; you must understand a little.”

Before, it was because he was more concerned about his illness and the disapproval of his family members [Edward and Adam]. After came his Vampire transformation, which prohibited Vampires and Wolves from being together because of an unwritten law.

The motives constantly changed depending on the time, place, and circ*mstances.

Something always happened to keep the two of them apart.

And Victor wasn’t blameless either. When he turned into a Vampire, he thoroughly delved into that world, and more people came into his life.

And he needed time to organize everything.

“….” Leona didn’t say anything, but her eyes spoke how she felt.

Sometimes being a good body reader like Victor was a bad thing; he understood things even if he didn’t want to.

Leona understood that, after all, she’d heard the many reasons throughout her childhood.

But what she didn’t know was that the main reason that stopped Victor from doing something was a promise, a promise made between brothers…

But now, all that was in the past, minus the promise…

“I don’t remember clearly when you came into my life. Was it at the beginning of our school?”

“Is that when my mom helped Adam with something?”

“Was it in our teens?” Victor was by no means someone with a photographic memory or anything like that; he didn’t remember all the events of his life. Just like any being, he only vaguely remembered his childhood.

Even though his brain processed things faster now, much like a high-end supercomputer, in no way had his intelligence been increased.

He was not capable of building things or researching things like a genius scientist like Ruby.

What he had was the wisdom and life experience that came from Adonis; he knew how ‘life’ worked and how ‘relationships’ between people worked.

But there was one thing he was sure about this situation.

“For years, you’ve always been there with similar circ*mstances. We both had illnesses, and while they weren’t similar, we shared in each other’s pain. You’ve always been fun to be around. To be honest, your presence, that of your brother, and Fred have helped me a lot in the past… Especially you… There’s no way I can’t relate to you, there’s no way I can’t understand… you.”

“… I know… I know all this; I always knew.” Leona muttered carefully.

Leona was always frustrated with herself. Since childhood, she had health problems, and she knew that this problem called ‘albino’ made her relatively weak. It was torture, especially when she knew of her origins.

She didn’t understand; why didn’t she awaken her lineage earlier? She knew that when the Werewolf Bloodline activated in her body, she would be healed.

And she undoubtedly was on that Full Moon night.

By God, Edward, her brother, even before being fully awakened as a Werewolf, was always much stronger than ordinary humans. His body was full of vitality, proof that he had awakened his lineage a little, which was common among Werewolves.

Why didn’t she grow up like that too? Why did she have to be weak?

Even her father didn’t understand why she was born that way; after all, it was unthinkable for a Werewolf to be sick. Instead, they had a high vitality that could compete with Noble Vampires easily.

He could only say that Leona was an extremely rare case of late awakening.

‘The day I found him… It was like I found a part of myself.’

When she had met Victor, he was weak, with an almost sickly complexion. In addition, he was virtually the same height as her.

In her eyes, he was a strange boy.

But as she grew up with him, getting to know him better, she started to like his character, especially… His loyalty.

He was a strange human.

Victor could be many things. People labeled him with various convenient labels due to his goals and even labeled him with actions that he did, but one thing was correct.

If you gained Victor’s friendship, he would be loyal to you.

A unique quality. A dangerous quality. Because if he gave his allegiance to bad people, he could break when betrayed.

Fortunately, thanks to his mother’s teaching, he was always a good judge of character.

And because of this judgment of character, he didn’t entirely trust anyone; you could say he was skeptical of the world from a young age.

Leona was attracted to this boy, and his personality, which strangely resembled that of a Werewolf.

And those feelings only grew with time.

Because of these reasons, even when Victor gained a wife, she didn’t think about giving up; having multiple women wasn’t uncommon in the Supernatural World.

Was she upset? Of course, someone stole her first love.

Did she get angry? Of course, what did you expect?

Even though she was brought up with the ideologies of the Supernatural World, she couldn’t fully accept the idea of a leech suddenly appearing to take her place.

She had bitten him! He was part of her family!

She even asked Edward, her brother, not to turn Victor because she wanted to!

She wanted him to be her one and only Beta. She wanted him to be part of her family.

… But! That bitch! That leech appeared!

She was beyond pissed off when she found out what happened.

As time passed and she started listening to his deeds, she learned about the 3 wives he’d gained that day.

And from her perspective, it was pretty apparent that he would get more women. Thirsty Vampires wouldn’t let this piece of man-meat walk around unattached.

Of course, Victor, being a man of principle, wouldn’t mind that… But… Even Victor had a problem.

Victor’s tendency to like crazy people made women like Violet approach him.

Crazy, possessive, and powerful women joined him, and they got along well because Victor was a being just like them, except that even though he was just like the girls, he was even worse than them at the same time.

And this trait appealed even more to female Vampires because, in a way, all female Vampires were psychotic women.

The fact that the Vampire felt everything more intensely, coupled with the fact that Vampires were what they were by nature, the probability of someone stalking, falling into jealousy, acting crazy, and being possessive was relatively high.

‘And he always knew how to treat a woman thanks to Anna…’

Leona couldn’t give up on Victor, even if he became a Vampire.

‘Victor is someone who doesn’t care about the rules; he walks his own path…’ She remembered Victor’s words when he confronted her father, something she found unthinkable.

Her father was, after all, an alpha werewolf, and not just anyone; he was a damn ex-General.

But Victor didn’t even blink and looked at Adam with the same threat level as the Former General.

Victor may be many things, but he wasn’t a coward. He accepted challenges head-on, and that personality… Never changed.

Even when he was a weak human, there was that ‘fire’ in his eyes when he was bullied. He never cried or asked for mercy; he endured it alone while waiting for the opportunity to get revenge.

A silence fell around them; the two were deep in their thoughts.

Victor and Leona were no longer the same; they were no longer sick and needed everyone’s protection.

Leona was an Alpha werewolf; she was strong in her own right; all she lacked now was experience.

And Victor was a damn Vampire Count and a f*cking Progenitor.

Victor sighed and smiled gently:

“…Just give it time. Baby steps, Leona. Baby Steps. Let’s take things easy.”


“Understand who I am now, and I will try to understand who you are now.” Victor was relentless.

“We’ve both changed; the Victor you knew has changed, but he’s still there, and so have you. The Leona I knew still exists, but she’s changed.”

“Don’t rush; I won’t run away or hold back… Not anymore.”

‘Not anymore…?’ Leona narrowed her eyes slightly: ‘Was he holding back? Why?’

The serious expression and blank eyes on Victor’s face made Leona’s heart beat faster. If she were an ordinary woman, she would run for her life, but Leona knew who Victor was; she knew this was the ‘true him’.

‘Maybe it wasn’t love… Not completely… We didn’t interact enough to delve into those feelings.’ Leona wasn’t stupid enough to fool herself with that; she completely understood that.

Victor liked her; she knew it; she felt it. Did he think he could hide the subtle looks he’d given her when they were younger? He could not.

His own admission was proof enough.

Leona was the first woman Victor came into contact with in the past, and she was the same as him; the two shared the same fate.

Feelings of liking a person weren’t born if the other person didn’t show it too.

Today, she understood Victor’s feelings were not as strong as those she had for him.

Despite that, she felt sweeter than before, and butterflies danced in her stomach, and his determined words were enough to understand how serious he was.

“I don’t need to understand you; I’m the person who knows you the most, Vic.”

“Hahaha~” Victor laughed gently; it wasn’t a mocking laugh or to annoy Leona; it was a fun laugh.

“Leona, someone who’s been through all the events I’ve been through can change a lot in a short time. You, of all people, should understand that, right?” He gave a suggestive smile at the end.

“….” If the serious look Victor previously gave Leona made the girl squirm a little, his current smile made her shudder internally.

‘Just how much can he see right through me?’ She asked herself, confused, and added:

‘How much has he changed?’ She was curious now.

“…Okay, I’ll… I’ll watch you.” She had an opportunity, and she wasn’t going to waste it.

“Thanks.” Victor smiled kindly.

Leona huffed and turned away, slightly embarrassed; she really didn’t like to talk about feelings and complicated things like that.

Victor looked at this and smiled even wider:

“Follow me.”

“Mmm.” Leona nodded and followed Victor… Close, very close.

To be honest, Leona completely underestimated how much Victor had changed… Wrong, how much worse he’d gotten.

Perhaps, in the past, Victor’s judgment of how to handle his relationship with her had been correct, but he was no longer a human; he no longer had chains restraining him.

He was a Vampire, a being who had his emotions and feelings amplified over 100x.

He felt everything more intensely.


Even if Leona hadn’t taken the initiative, Victor would’ve done something about it; he didn’t like to do something half-assed; it wasn’t his style. So either their relationship ended completely, or they were going to be together.

And every time he looked at Violet after some time without seeing her because of work or when he was busy, Leona’s image unconsciously appeared overlaying Violet as if it was an unconscious reminder to himself. It was for just a few seconds, and he controlled himself enough not to let any strange expression appear on his face.

Violet and Leona were very similar. In another time, they could’ve been mistaken as sisters. Even their attitudes, when it didn’t involve Victor, were similar.

Leona was not quite Violet’s equal because she didn’t have a mother like Agnes, who took her ‘yandere’ to the next level.

But the similarities existed. Proof of this was that when the Vampires looked at Leona next to Victor, they opened their eyes slightly and moved to address her as ‘Lady Violet.’ Yet when they realized their mistake, they opened their eyes in shock and said nothing, probably discovering the woman’s identity in front of them.

Werewolves and Vampires had ways of identifying with each other; it was quite instinctive. They weren’t called rival races for nothing.

The intense smell of blood coming from a leech.

And the smell of wet dog coming from a mutt.

Of course, the Werewolves’ strong bodies and the Vampires’ red eyes were also a way of identifying the opponent’s species.

Leona ignored all this. She was immersed in her thoughts, something that would take time to get back to normal. She didn’t seem to be worried about being in a Vampire lair of a Noble and strong Clan like the Snow Clan. She had absolute confidence that she was safe next to Victor.

‘Hehehe~, I knew, I always knew… But I wonder what’s changed?’ It was worth mentioning that she was pretty happy and confused at the same time.

‘Meh, it doesn’t matter; I won’t let anyone interfere with our decision; after all, that’s our problem.’

‘Our… Our problem, only ours….’ For a few seconds, her blue eyes darkened completely into emptiness as she glanced at Victor.


Chapter 494: Is Agnes No Longer Married?

Victor walked past the Snow Clan members and thought:

‘Well, I can understand their reaction; apart from the obvious fact of her race, her appearance is quite similar to that of the members of the Snow Clan, and only one woman in the entire Clan would stand so close to me like Leona is doing now, and that woman is Violet.’

He completely missed the look Leona gave him for a few seconds.

As he walked through the halls, he thought about his decision.

Victor didn’t have that middle ground; he was either 0 or 100 and didn’t sit on the fence of indecision when deciding something.

He was just calmly delaying things, waiting for something…

He was waiting for his strength to grow… Enough to face an ex-Werewolf General.

He didn’t want to rely on his uncontrolled power. After all, doing so would harm himself. Instead, he wanted a fight entirely under his control.

But, as with the Scathach case, Victor had no patience; the nagging voice of obsession in his head wouldn’t leave him alone.

Especially now when he noticed the blatant look Leona was giving him. It was evident that the woman was also running out of patience, and little hints of possession, jealousy, and envy emanated from her body.

He didn’t want to wait any longer, he didn’t know if his strength was enough or not, but he would prepare.

With enough preparation, he could achieve any goal. Something he learned from his beloved wife, Ruby.

Another reason he didn’t want to wait any longer was that he wasn’t sure whether Leona would wait any longer. What if she snapped and decided to move on? After all, of all the women he knew, Leona was much more ‘normal’. She was not like him, Scathach, Violet, Natashia, or even his Maids.

Knowing himself, he knew that if he saw her with another man or if she moved on, the relationship between his childhood friends would break down.

Because Victor wouldn’t be able to hold back and would kill this man.

The chances of that happening were low; after all, Leona’s feelings for him were too strong to give up on him so easily, and her pride as an Alpha Werewolf wouldn’t allow her to lower her head in defeat. However, Victor believed he needed to sort this out in the near future to prevent any mishaps.

Victor is and always has been an extremely possessive Yandere.

It was no wonder he saw himself in that pink-haired girl from the anime he watched many years ago.

Evidence for this was also seen from the various ‘bodies’ of Vampires he’d burned to ashes and erased from the registry with the help of his mothers-in-law Natashia and Scathach.

‘Ed and I need to talk. We made that promise so that fights wouldn’t happen between us friends; after all, we knew how beautiful Andrew’s mother, my mother, and Leona were.’

Victor being what he was, if Andrew, with his older woman fetishes, set his sights on his mother, childhood friend or not, the man would disappear.

Those thoughts had never changed even before he was a Vampire. He just ‘suppressed’ those thoughts because of unseen pressure from society; after all, making someone ‘disappear’ was a crime, and he would go to jail; the other reason was that he was weak.

But now?

Victor was the very definition that power brings out the true nature of an individual, and that was the purest truth.

He had eliminated individuals, committed mass genocide, and killed beings of all factions who’d decided to take advantage of his daughter.

He had made countless enemies of which he didn’t even know the names.

Rules and conventional laws no longer limited Victor.

He now lived exclusively by his own Will.

And many times, his desires were very hypocritical… But it was not like it was anything new.

“You really did that…” That was all Violet could say when she saw the state of her mother, who was standing in the middle of a very familiar magic circle and at the same time not.

“It took longer than expected, but… Yes, I did.”

“Sigh… I wonder how my husband will react; knowing him, he must already be coming here at high speed; after all, he must have felt the connection between you two being cut off.”

Agnes didn’t deny her daughter’s words; she knew they were true:

“The principle of the ritual to dissolve the marriage made by the ritual is the ‘approval’ of the two partners. Victor already gave his approval when he talked to me; because of that, everything went smoothly.”

“But that doesn’t change the fact that it was so sudden… this whole situation,” Violet replied.

“It’s better this way.”

“If you say so.” Violet rolled her eyes; she definitely didn’t agree with these methods, but this was a problem between her mother and her husband, and she had no right to pry…

… Who is she trying to fool?

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to meddle. She just knew her mother and knew she wouldn’t change her mind so easily; she was just too stubborn…

And the more decisively her mother wanted to be away from her husband, the better!

‘I will be the only wife who does not have my own mother together with my husband!’ She thought of this as her victory, a victory she would lord over Ruby and Sasha.

“Hmm?” Feeling her cell phone vibrating, she picked up the phone and opened the wives’ chat group.

Violet: What?

Ruby: Darling, you’re heading back to Nightingale, specifically to the Snow Clan.

Violet’s eyes opened wide, and quickly she focused her senses upward; the place she was now was underground, a hidden place that only the Snow Clan leader, her heir, and Hilda herself knew of. This place was where ‘Confidential’ stuff happened.

Sensing Victor’s connection, she smiled widely:

“He’s finally back!”

Because of her happiness, Violet completely missed the change in Agnes’ gaze.

Her golden eyes went from ones full of vitality to ones of emptiness faster than her own daughter’s, and that look lingered for a long time and only returned to normal when Violet lowered her head and looked at her cell phone again.


Chapter 495: The Strongest Vampire Was Taken?

Agnes’ golden eyes went from ones full of vitality to ones of emptiness faster than her own daughter’s, and that look lingered for a long time and only returned to normal when Violet lowered her head and looked at her cell phone again.

Natashia: Finally, Scathach must have wrung him dry; what envy!

Ruby: …I won’t even question how you know that.

Natashia: Fufufu, you’re still too young to hide things from me, Ruby.

Ruby narrowed her eyes at this comment, she felt her wits had been challenged, and she typed:

Ruby: It was Maria, right?

The only people who could leak something of what happened were the people who knew about it, and that included the Maids.

Knowing Maria’s relationship with the Fulger Clan, it was pretty evident that Maria gossiped the information to Sasha, and from Sasha, this information was passed to Natashia.

Natashia: …

Sasha: She got you, Mom.

Natashia: Actually, it was pretty obvious.

Ruby snorted and felt a small internal satisfaction when she saw the older woman silent.

“…” Scathach raised a curious eyebrow when she saw her daughter looking smugly at her cell phone.

“What are you doing, Ruby?”

“It’s nothing, just talking to the girls.”

“Mm…” Seeing that she didn’t lie, Scathach nodded and returned to rest.

Violet: Wait, wait, what happened? Why are you talking in code?

Sasha: …Poor thing, she’s always the last to know.

Ruby: Well, there was no choice; she’s been busy with something.

Ruby: Speaking of which, how’s your work going?

Sasha: Stressful. Remind us that when we complete the city plan, we’ll set up a server or something; dealing with paper is very annoying… But despite all the problems, I learned a lot thanks to my mom.

Natashia: Fufufu, I already told you not to call me mom; our relationship has progressed beyond that point; I’m married to your husband; call me sister!

Sasha: This is something that will never happen. NEVER

Violet: Don’t ignore me! What happened!?

Violet typed furiously; they always had that attitude! The conversation would always move too fast, and they’d gloss over critical information!

A silence fell on the chat group.

Despite not looking like it, Ruby was too embarrassed to type those words.

Natashia didn’t type because she knew she would speak very brusquely and also because Helana entered the office where she was alone and called her.

“Countess Natashia, what is your plan for the city due to the upcoming meeting?”

“Hmm?” She looked at Helena and then thought a little and said:

“Who knows?”


“I don’t really have a plan.”

“I’ll leave it to be discussed for the day with my daughter and my sister,” Natashia spoke.

“…Oh…” Helena couldn’t help but think that this was very irresponsible.

“Why did you come?”

“Oh, Tatsuya and I want to leave; we came to ask your permission.”

“… Hmm? You must ask my sister for that.”

“She won’t allow it.”

“…” Natashia stared at the Witch’s face with a flat gaze.

To be honest, Natashia didn’t really trust Helena, and the only reason this woman was here was that she was her sister’s hired Witch.

Did Helena do anything to get Natashia’s distrust?

Of course not.

The problem was:

‘I can’t trust someone who lies about their identity even to their contractor.’

Unlike her sister, Natashia knew who Helena’s identity was, and her identity was enough to keep secrets away from her.

Because of that, Natashia lied when she said she didn’t have a plan when she left for the meeting. Of course, she had a plan, but it wasn’t in Natashia’s interest to let Helena know.

“You know my sister is extremely possessive of her son, right?”

“I know…”

“We don’t want to do anything too much, just hang around; after all, all Tatsuya does is train; he needs some rest.”

“….” This was something that Natashia also agreed with. Despite not being very interested in her sister’s son, the boy was very dedicated to training.

No wonder his Kenjutsu level was reaching ridiculous levels for someone his age.

‘And he also has that troublesome power.’ Natashia thought.

Being a Noble Vampire who had intercourse with another Noble Vampire that her sister refused to say which clan he was from, that boy’s power of illusion was simply too ridiculous.

“Okay, I’ll allow it.”

“…What about, Lady Victoria…?”

“I’ll go talk to her.”

“Actually, she’s already here.” A voice called out from behind.

“!!!” Helena’s face darkened as she looked back and saw a smile that wasn’t a smile on Victoria’s face.

At that moment, Natashia’s cell phone started to vibrate, and she saw that it was her daughter who had sent the message.

Sasha: Remember what we talked about involving Scathach?

Violet: Someone finally spoke… And, yes. I remember.

Violet opened her eyes wide.

Violet: Don’t tell me!?

Sasha: Yes, Ruby has joined the club.

Ruby: Don’t say it like that!

Sasha, who was in her Clan library, rolled her eyes.

Sasha: Now, you also know what it’s like to have your mother love your husband! [Gif: Welcome to the club.]

Violet was panicking, and Agnes realized it.

“What happened, Violet?”

“Victor f*cked the Strongest Female Vampire!” She gritted her teeth. She knew this would happen at some point, but it was still annoying.


Thinking she didn’t understand, Violet spoke:

“I’m speaking literally! He f*cked her! And filled her with his seed!”

“S-S-Scathach? He did that to Scathach?”


Although she was feeling many emotions, the emotion that dominated Agnes the most was shock.

And the reason was simple. She couldn’t imagine someone doing that to Scathach. In Agnes’s head, Scathach wasn’t even a woman anymore, but a monster in the shape of a woman; that is, it was unthinkable!

Even when she got the news that Scathach kidnapped a Noble Vampire from the past and used him to get pregnant, it wasn’t as shocking as this one because, unlike the last time, she willingly let a man touch her body, and that man was still alive!

And even worse, they would probably be together in the future!

‘…I know I said what I did when she came to visit me, but still…Holy f*ck.’

While Agnes was very shocked, an incident was happening in Clan Fulger.


Chapter 496: Natashia Fulger’s Madness.

While Agnes was very shocked, an incident was happening in Clan Fulger.

“Helena, honey. Tell me, where are you taking my son?”

“I-I…” Helena stuttered a lot; Victoria was scary now!

Natashia smiled smugly. As expected of her sister, the Fulger family genes didn’t fall far from the tree after all!

Needless to say, she was quite pleased with the look Victoria was giving Helena now.

But that aside, she needed to sort out this mess and talk to her dear sister.

“Helena, leave.”

“Sister, I need to talk to you.”

“Hell no, you’re not leaving-.”


“….” Victoria looked at Natashia, and seeing Natashia’s serious gaze, she cringed slightly. That look was not how Natashia always looked at her; it was the look of a Countess looking at her subordinate.

“Helena, Leave.”

“Y-Yes!” Helena quickly left and closed the door.

When the door was closed, Natashia’s tone became softer as she asked:

“Do you love your son like a man?”


“For god sake, don’t play stupid, you heard what I said, and it’s not like it’s unthinkable. How many female Vampires haven’t had children just to create an ideal husband? I’ve already lost count of the number!”

As an immortal race, their sense of ‘normal’ is entirely different; rather than settling for a husband who may never fully love them, a female Vampire often raised a child and molded that child into the perfect husband for her.

A similar situation is when a female Vampire adopted a child Vampire to make him her perfect husband in the future, but often, said child lacked the ‘talent’ required, which was bad from a political and Clan point of view.

If the woman married her own child, the lineage remained stronger and purer, and in addition, they would get the perfect husband they’d created from the start.

Instead of being disappointed in unknown men, let’s create a perfect man!

And everyone lived happily ever after!

A typical story, a cliché that old women like Natashia and Victoria knew. Because of this, Natashia spoke contemptuously to Victoria.

… Fun fact, this was the same story Scathach recommended to her eldest daughter Siena when Victor first came to Nightingale. Though Scathach was talking about humans back then, not Vampires, or her making her own child and marrying her own child.

Unlike humans, seeing Vampire children around Nightingale was a relatively rare occasion; as a long-lived race, they hardly have many children.

“… Why the silence? Answer my question!”

Victoria sighed and spoke with a difficult face:

“I don’t like my son that way.”

“Then why are you so obsessed with him? This obsession is far greater than a mother would give her own child.”

“He is my son!”

“I know, and?” Natashia continued with the same flat tone.

“Look, it’s complicated, okay?” Victoria spoke in a tone that didn’t want to talk about it, but Natashia clearly ignored it and spoke.

“Uncomplicate it for me, please; I have time.”

“….” Looking at her sister’s face, Victoria understood that Natashia wouldn’t let it go so easily.

“And how about you? What are you going to do when your child is born? Won’t you be worried about them? What will you do when he or she starts to like someone else and leaves you alone?”

“….” Natashia narrowed her eyes when she saw her trying to change the subject.

“Do not change the subject.”

“Answer my question!”

“…Fine, but you will answer mine.”

“… Okay.”

“Simple, if I have a boy, I will train him to be strong and protect to the Clan.”

“If I have a girl, I will do the same, but she will become my husband’s wife in the future.”

“….” Victoria looked at her sister in shock.

“Are you going coerce your own daughter…?”

“Of course not. Are you treating me like a monster?”

“…” Victoria didn’t say anything, but they both knew she was thinking about it.

“Victoria, my sister. What the f*ck am I?”

“A crazy woman?”

Natashia felt a vein popping in her head; she wasn’t crazy! Maybe a little… But not completely crazy!

Like a kind woman, she corrected her sister:

“I am a Clan Leader.”

“I am a Countess.”

“And most of all, I am a woman who wants the best for her children.”

“I will raise my children and make them strong, but if she is a girl, I will always leave open the possibility of my daughter joining my husband.”

“The reason?”

“You should already know.”

“Who the f*ck is Victor?”

“Answer me.”

“….” Victoria thought of Victor, and she said:

“He is the youngest Vampire Count in history?”

“Not only that, he’s a good man. He was the man my daughter and I trusted our hearts with; I’m absolutely sure that regardless of his future wife or wives, that part of him will never change; he won’t change and become like Vlad.”


“As a mother who wants the best for her daughters, and as a Clan leader who looks out for the well-being of my Clan, I have judged that if I have a daughter, my daughter will always have the door open to enter into a relationship with her father himself.”

“This act will strengthen my clan’s bloodline; this act will protect my daughter and ensure both emotional and bodily safety.”

“My daughter won’t be like me; she won’t suffer from wrong and rash decisions, and she won’t have an unknown man breaking her heart.”

“…” All Victoria expressed was absolute shock at everything her sister said.

‘And to think she has already planned so far into the future…’ Looking at it from a logical and objective point of view, what her sister said actually made sense.

‘With this action, as she said, our Clan will always remain strong and united, and in the future, our lineage will be much stronger; after all, the blood of the Progenitor will greatly boost the next generation… And a failure like me maybe not be born in that future.’

Victoria couldn’t see any downsides, and she knew that if it was another Clan leader, they would do the same.

“…Training is good; I don’t deny Scathach’s point of view.”

“Hmm? What are you talking about?”

Natashia sighed and explained better:

“Scathach believes that with training, anything is possible, and I don’t deny that point of view. But without talent, that effort is worthless.”

“Scathach only achieved what she is today because of her talent, willpower, and experience.”

“Luck was a factor too; after all, she caught the time when humanity was progressing the most.”

“Not everyone will have the willpower she has, that luck, and that talent; times are changing.”

“Everything is getting more dangerous.”

“And we need to curb the possibility that our future descendants may be unable to handle this danger.”

“If I have a daughter, and this future daughter of mine has another daughter, I want my granddaughter to be as talented as possible.” That was the mindset that led to Natashia kidnapping Sasha’s father.

When she saw someone with such high ‘defense’ talent, she immediately used the man and the consequence of that? Sasha was born with a body immune to lightning itself; effectively, Natashia eliminated the weakness of her Clan’s power.

“…I mean, I agree with you on that; you’re not wrong, but…”

“Isn’t it wrong to dictate the child’s fate from the start?”

“….” Natashia narrowed her eyes: “Are you going senile?”


“Did you not hear what I said?”

“I said I would train my children to be strong, and I will leave the door open to a future relationship with their own father; it depends entirely on the woman that my future daughter will become. I will not coerce anyone.”


“Will Victor accept this?”

“Not now, but in the future? Perhaps. Nobody lives 2000 years and stays the same; the passage of time changes a person.”

“The people we are now are not the same people we were 1700 years ago, right, My Sister?”

“….” Victoria’s face darkened, and she couldn’t help but nod, completely agreeing with her sister.


Chapter 497: Natashia Fulger’s Madness. 2

“….” Victoria’s face darkened, and she couldn’t help but nod, completely agreeing with her sister.

“Let’s leave this topic aside; after all, this is just a thought for the future; I don’t plan on having a child anytime soon. Instead, I want to f*ck, and have fun with my husband for at least another 1000 years before I have a child.”

Just the thought of having a child made Natashia’s body twitch; hell no!

She didn’t want to have a child right now, she fought so hard to have what she had now, and if her current husband would accept her, she would fully enjoy it. She wanted to be happy for at least 1000 years! After that, she can think about it.

But of course, as a Clan leader and an experienced woman, she must think about the possible future of this happening, and as a Clan leader, she must always aim for the best future for her own Clan and future descendants.

“….” Victoria rolled her eyes when she heard the barbarities coming out of her sister’s mouth, but she couldn’t help but be jealous; after all, she hadn’t had a partner in several years.

And it didn’t help that her sister kept bragging about what had happened between her and Victor… Wait!

Victoria looked at Natashia in disbelief. Now, it all started to make sense.

“Natashia! Are you thinking of dragging me into your husband’s arms!?” Victoria accused Natashia while pointing at her; she was like a lawyer who’d found critical evidence against a rotten criminal.

“Ara? You noticed?” Instead of feeling guilty, Natashia just smiled broadly.

“I can’t believe it! How could you do this to me!?”

“It is precisely because it is you that I am doing this. Do you think I would let another woman get close to my husband?” She huffed and spoke in disdain.

“… What do you mean!?”

“You’re really slow at these things, huh…”


“What I’m saying is, I want my husband to f*ck my sister to the clouds…While I watch, of course.” Her face turned slightly red at the end, and a wave of excitement couldn’t help but rush through her body.

“…” Victoria looked at her perverted sister with shocked eyes and thought she had nefarious plans for her!

“Are you thinking of giving the entire Fulger Clan to that man!?”

“Ara, isn’t it obvious?”

“….” Victoria cringed a little when she saw her sister’s lifeless eyes.

Natashia got up from her chair and walked calmly to Victoria:

“My husband gave me simple orders, and I remember those orders to this day.”

Victoria swallowed and pulled away a little, but soon her back hit the wall behind her, and she was completely paralyzed. All she could do was look into her sister’s crazy, lifeless eyes.

“I belong to my husband. And my husband is mine. Therefore, I will give everything important to me to him. And I will take care of his heart completely. I will be a good wife, a good Clan Leader, a good mother, and a good woman.”

“As a good wife, I must consider my husband’s future. As a good Clan Leader, I must think of my Clan’s future and as a good mother and wife,”

“I must think about my daughter’s future and my husband’s happiness.”

“My beloved sister, whom I love very much,” She gently touched Victoria’s face: “You shall become my husband’s lover, and you shall have a child with him.”


“Consequently, it is natural that all women born from my belly, my daughter’s belly, and from your belly should be my husband’s wife too.”


Victoria fell on her butt on the floor, and with wide eyes, she said:

“C-C-Crazy, you are completely crazy!”

“I don’t even like your husband!”

“Ara, so you don’t like him? So it’s okay.” Natashia’s lifeless eyes disappeared, and she returned to her usual self.


“I mean, if you don’t like him, there is nothing to do, right?”


“Why are you looking at me like I’m a monster?”

“I mean… You-…”

“Well, that’s my deepest wish, and only you know it; let’s keep it that way, shall we, Sis?” Natashia’s lifeless eyes, along with her slight smile, were a terrifying sight for Victoria.

“Y-Yeah.” She might just agree.

“Fufufu, despite wishing this, I won’t force anything on anyone; I don’t want my husband to hate me.” She laughed sweetly, hiding her fear to herself.

Natashia didn’t fear an unknown enemy; she feared that Victor would start to hate her, and that was something she definitely didn’t want to happen.

Because of this, despite being completely mad with her genuine desire, this fear kept her actions in check; she would never do anything that made Victor hate her.

And forcing her future children or her sister to be something they didn’t want…

It fell into the category of possible ‘hate’; she knew her husband’s personality very well, and she’d had enough time to analyze his personality.

Victoria took a deep breath and got up:

“You’re completely crazy, sister.” She spoke as honestly as possible.

“…Nah, I don’t consider it crazy.”

“What is it then?”



Natashia closed her hands together and gestured as if holding a small, fragile animal, all while her eyes glowed blood red.

Even if she didn’t want to, Victoria could feel the intensity of Natashia’s emotions with those simple gestures.

“I will do everything possible and the impossible to care for this love.”

“…” Victoria didn’t know how to react when she saw how Natashia was looking, it was as if something invisible was in her hand, and only she could see it.

“My husband gave me something precious, something I’ve always been looking for.” She gently closed her hand and placed that something in her heart.

“I will protect it and kill all who threaten this love.”

Victoria swallowed hard as she felt Natashia’s bloodlust. It was so much stronger than anything she felt. It was a sharp, deadly bloodlust that seemed to kill everything it touched.

“But, I also want to share this love with my only family~.” Natashia’s scary expression returned to normal, and a teasing smile appeared on her face.

“….” Victoria was fed up; she couldn’t deal with her sister’s bipolar attitude.

“Sis~, Sis~, you know, when Victor caught me-.”

“Stop! I don’t want to hear it, ahhhh!” She put her hands to her ears and screamed. Her face was completely red now; she didn’t want to hear these obscenities now!… Maybe later.

“Fufufufu~.” Natashia laughed like a fox as she put her hand over her mouth.

“Anyway, it’s your turn to tell me why you’re so obsessed with your son.”


Chapter 498: Victoria Fulger’s imagination is so good~

“Anyway, it’s your turn to tell me why you’re so obsessed with your son.”

“….” A silence fell around them, and Victoria looked at her sister.

She sighed lightly. She couldn’t keep quiet after her sister told her her most hidden secret.

“Tatsuya is my blood, my son, and my hope.”


“Unlike me, who is a failure who didn’t inherit the Lightning of our Family, he is a talented boy who inherited both Lightning from our family and his father’s powers.”

“….” Natashia’s face darkened.

‘There, that problem again.’ It can be said that all the problems that Victoria, her beloved sister, had in her life were because she did not inherit the Lightning from Clan Fulger.

She was an abnormality among Vampires, a being who didn’t inherit any kind of power from her parents.

She just had the basic Vampire powers, and that’s all.

Vampire biology suggested that all Clan descendants would awaken the power of their Clan and inherit their father and mother’s talent. Still, Victoria’s existence proved that this was not 100% true most of the time.

She didn’t inherit the Lightning power from the Fulger Clan; she just inherited the upper body that someone from the Vampire Count Clan was born with.

‘On a normal occasion, she should be just like me, but for some reason, she doesn’t have that… And that was a big problem for my mother at the time, so much so that it escalated to such an extent that Victoria got kicked out of Clan Fulger.’

“I want him to have the best future, the best mate. I want him to be what I wasn’t.”

“Because of that, I’m super protective of him… Whenever someone approaches him, I feel like someone is taking advantage of him.” Victoria was silent and didn’t say anything else, showing she’d finished explaining.

“….” Another silence fell on their surroundings, and Natashia couldn’t help but sigh.

“Sis, what you’re doing is worse than my wishes.”

“… I know.”

“You’re treating him like a substitute.”

“It’s not that!”

“He’s not my replacement.”

“He is my beloved son!”

“…” Natashia sighed again while placing her finger on her brow; she was feeling a massive headache now.

‘This is bad; she doesn’t even understand that what she’s doing is wrong. Having expectations in your child is normal, but treating him as your substitute to achieve something you never achieved in your life is just wrong.’

Natashia understood the problem; in fact, the problem was pretty obvious; it was the same problem that plagued Victoria for years.

‘By being born without the power of Clan Fulger and not having my mother’s approval, she has acquired a great complex of her own, and she cannot even see her current qualities.’

Natashia was honest with herself; she couldn’t build the empire that Victoria built herself from scratch.

She was not that competent.

Natashia understood that the Clan Fulger had only regained its former strength and was growing exponentially because of Victoria.

Yes, her presence helped, she was well known, and it made people trust the Fulger Clan again, but… Even if Natashia didn’t come back, Victoria would have been able to rebuild the Fulger Clan.

Her talent for business management and being a Leader may even surpass Natashia herself.

‘Wait…Speaking of which, shouldn’t I make my beloved sister join Ruby’s plan?’ Thinking about Ruby’s future plan, Natashia’s eyes glowed blood red.

And a big smile appeared on her face.

‘It’s perfect! If she participates, the chances of my husband f*cking her and filling her entire insides with his seeds increase even more! Better yet, the chances of her falling in love with him increase too! And with that, I’ll have my entire family under his control! Fufufufu~’

‘But before that, I must make her overcome her inferiority complex. She is an amazing woman, and she must know that.’

“Okay, it’s decided.”


“You will go with me to the Snow Clan.” Natashia took hold of Victoria’s arm and started dragging her.

“… H-Eh?” Again, Victoria couldn’t keep up with her crazy sister’s insane thoughts.

“W-Wait, why are you taking me to the Snow Clan!?” She tried to escape her sister’s grasp, but she couldn’t!

Damn gorilla! Why is she so strong!?

“My husband will be there.”

“!!!” Victoria felt shivers run down her spine, and an image flashed through her mind.

She was in a room with red lights, tied to the bed, completely naked; a gag was covering her mouth, and she was utterly helpless!

She couldn’t do anything!

Soon, she heard the slamming of a door and the voice:

“Fufufu~, I captured a little lamb for you, my husband~.” It was her sister’s voice!

“MMHMMMHM!” Victoria started thrashing around madly in a futile attempt to escape this place. Then, finally, she looked up and saw robust chains made to hold Vampires.

She only stopped trying to run away when she felt someone touching her legs.

“A beautiful little lamb indeed~.”

“!!!” Victoria looked at the owner of the voice and saw a tall man, completely naked. His body was perfect, his face even more perfect, and his violet eyes were looking at her with a sad*stic look.

A look that sent shivers through Victoria!

The man started to touch her legs, and slowly he was reaching an important place.

She was scared! She was feeling betrayed by her sister for trapping her in this place! And most of all… She was horny.

“NOOOOOOO! I will not submit to this excit— Terrible situation!” Victoria began to struggle.

“What the f*ck?” Natashia looked confused at her sister, who looked like a chicken that had lost her mind.

“Ahh, stop struggling, Sis.”


A ruckus began to break out in Clan Fulger’s office.

A confusion that caught the attention of butler Jeff Larkin, a former butler of the Fulger family and an extremely loyal man, and realizing that something might be up, he decided to call Sasha, who was in the library.


Chapter 499: The Ultimate Yandere.

The first thing Victor saw as he came down from the basem*nt with Leona was a white rocket that came and hugged him and began to smell his body all over.

But before Victor could stroke the hair of this excited rocket, the rocket stopped as if it had short-circuited and spoke.

“… That smell…” She looked up and said:

“A wet dog.” Violet’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Yes, I’m here too, leech.” Leona snorted in disdain.

“….” Violet turned her head quickly and looked at the girl next to her.

“What are you doing here!?”

“What? I can’t accompany my childhood friend wherever he goes?” She flashed a small smile.

A vein popped in Violet’s head when she heard the word ‘childhood friend’ from Leona. The woman was clearly defying her!

Two lightning bolts shot out of Leona and Violet’s eyes and clashed in midair.

Despite the situation with his wife and his friend, Victor was looking at it all with an amused look.

While he caressed Violet, who was holding him like he was going to run away or something.

“Vic, you know that non-Clan members cannot enter here, especially a…-” Before Agnes could continue, Victor spoke:

“I know, don’t worry. Leona won’t tell anyone, I can guarantee you that.”

“…” Agnes swallowed the words she was about to say and felt a slight jealousy of how ‘determined’ he seemed to be in regard to that woman.

Looking at the circle below Agnes, Victor felt a slight pang in his heart, a bad feeling that he quickly ignored. He knew he couldn’t go deeper into that feeling. After all, he was the one who told the woman to make a decision.

“Apparently, you’ve made a decision.”

“Yes…” Agnes spoke softly and continued:

“You came at a good time. Shall we finish this ritual?”

All Agnes got from Victor’s response was his silence…

A silence that seemed to last forever.

For some reason, she felt that Victor was judging her with those violet eyes that were just like her late husband.

But unlike Agnes’ paranoia, Victor was having an internal struggle.

Victor wanted to move and respect Agnes’ decision, but the foreign ‘feeling’ was preventing him from doing so.

And the worst part of it all was that this feeling seemed to be allying with his ‘obsession’. His protective side that he has for all his wives, and because of that, he couldn’t move.

Victor gritted his teeth, and his eyes glowed blood red as he clenched his fists and internally screamed.

‘Enough.’ A small burst of red air shot out of his body, and it slightly startled Violet and Leona, making the two white-haired girls’ struggle stop and look at Victor.

A glint of disdain appeared on his face.

‘I’m you, and you’re me, but I’m the f*cking one in charge.’

A tall man’s face appeared next to Agnes. He was like a ghost, a ghost that only Victor could see, the ghost displayed a small smile, and slowly he started to disappear.

Controlling his emotions back, Victor’s eyes become less intense.

He knew what that ghost was. It was the lingering feelings of Adonis in his body, the intense feelings that made him the man he was.

Feelings that only appeared when Agnes was involved in the problem.

‘It seems that the shock of knowing that Agnes wants to divorce made my feelings get a little out of control.’ Victor thought.

“Victor…?” Agnes looked strangely at Victor.

“Darling, are you okay?” Violet took Victor’s hand.

And feeling the warmth of Violet’s hands, Victor began to become much calmer, in a very serene way.

“…” He looked at Violet and smiled softly.

“Yeah, I was just dealing with a little nuisance.”

“…I see… You know if you need anything-.”

“Yeah~.” Not letting Violet finish, he stroked her head.

“I’ll be counting on you.” He lightly hugged Violet and kissed her head.

“Mm…” Violet felt sweet inside as she felt the warmth of Victor’s body and his sweet words.

Looking at this interaction, Leona’s feelings turned into chaos, jealousy, envy, anger, and hatred.

Several negative feelings were going through her head. She wanted it to be like this for her! Not this bloodsucker.

“…?” She looked up, and before she knew it, Victor was in front of her.

“You really are hopeless, huh?” Victor spoke with an amused smile as he stroked her head.

‘When did he get here?’ She was honestly curious but not curious enough to care since she was having internal spasms when she felt Victor’s gentle touch. It was a very nostalgic feeling.

‘And to think that she would lose herself in her anger for a moment…’ Victor thought in amusem*nt. He wasn’t angry with her because he knew that the trigger that led Leona to act like that in this whole situation was himself. If there is a culprit, he is the culprit.

‘… It’s been a while since I did this to her… And her hair is softer than before…’ Victor remembered a memory, he was in a room with a girl, the girl was lying on his leg, and he was stroking this girl’s head.

They were watching a movie, but the movie didn’t seem to entertain the young wolf enough, and she fell asleep under Victor’s caresses.

A memory that happened at Victor’s house, an old memory of two teenage friends.

“Tsk, Tsk.” Violet clicked her tongue several times in clear annoyance as she crossed her arms and turned her face away.

“Agnes… Let’s continue.” Victor stopped caressing Leona when he felt, and saw through her body language, that her negative feelings had dissipated.

“Y-Yes.” Agnes, who was feeling quite mixed feelings about this whole situation, spoke in a stuttering manner.

Victor walked towards Agnes and asked out of curiosity:

“From what I can understand from you, this decision was too abrupt. Has anything changed?”

“….” Agnes looked at Victor and thought about her decision, and after a few seconds of silence passed, she said:

“I realized that no matter how much time passes, I will never stop loving Adonis. After all, he is my ‘darling’, and you who date my daughter must know how special these feelings are.”

“….” Victor just nodded in agreement. He understood very well.

“I understood that even if I get ‘divorced’, I will not tarnish my husband’s memories.”

“He would rather have me stay healthy than suffer from the side effects of the ritual.”

“That’s true.” Victor spoke unconsciously and closed his mouth instantly.

This situation was by far the most complicated for Victor, the reason being that the feelings he is feeling are not his… Or must it be his now that he has absorbed Adonis, and Adonis is essentially ‘him’?

Victor internally shook his head and tried not to think about it. It is because of these complications that Victor will avoid ‘absorbing’ another person in the future.

Because in doing so, he is essentially fussing with another being while maintaining the dominant consciousness, but these foreign feelings are very troublesome. It’s not like he doesn’t like Agnes.

In fact, he loves her. He loves her on the same level as Violet.

But Victor can’t tell if these feelings are a mixture of his and Adonis’s or just Adonis’s.

[In the end, it doesn’t matter, stop brooding over something useless.]

Victor suddenly found himself in a red world.

And in front of him was a shadow that was strangely missing one of its hands.

“You are you, absorbing people or not, don’t think too much about those feelings. It’s not healthy.” The being advised.

“…That’s a very wise thing coming from you.”

“I understand this matter better than you, considering I am you too.” The creature flashed a terrifying smile.

“Guess you have more things to talk about, huh…”

“Of course, what do you think we are? We are progenitors, entire bloodlines begin with us, we are the beginning, and as progenitors of the vampire species, our power taps into a realm that only entities of death can wield.”

“The domain of the soul.”

“Absorbing Adonis gave us all of that man’s life experiences, his feelings, his curses, his powers, everything.”

“No matter how confusing these feelings are, it doesn’t matter since they are a part of you. After all, essentially speaking, this is the new ‘you’ now.”

“….” Victor was silent and thought about the words of the being in front of him.

“… Surprisingly, you’re right.”

“…” The entity just showed a toothy smile and said:

“You must have a stronger mindset and create an image of yourself as your ‘I’.”


“Because when we unite, you will acquire everything you were originally supposed to acquire, and that could confuse you.” The entity raised its hand, a gesture that showed that its hand that was originally there was no longer there.

“…” Victor looked at his right hand and saw that his hand had become completely made of darkness with red ‘veins’.

“The process has already started.”

“…Keep up what you’re doing, you’re on the right path.”

“The answer has always been with you all along.”

“Now go back. You have a divorce to sign.”

“….” Victor’s smile twitched slightly, and he huffed and turned away.

And soon, he found himself back in reality, and seeing Agnes smiling gently at him, he smiled helplessly.

Agnes smiled a little more gently when she saw the helpless smile on his face. She could understand that those actions were her husband’s ‘feelings’ inside him, which essentially were his feelings too.

“Let’s get started. The whole process should take less time than getting married.”

“Getting married is hard, and it’s full of preparations, but getting divorced is easier, huh.”

“It’s the same with human law as well.”


While Agnes and Victor were making their preparations, Leona, who was next to Violet, spoke:

“Am I misunderstanding something, or is it my imagination?”


“Victor married your mother?”

“It’s a little more complicated than that, but yes…”

“….” Leona was speechless.

Inwardly delighting in that expression, Violet spoke:

“By the way, he married my friend Sasha’s mother, who is also his wife.”

“…” Leona’s look of shock only increased, the reason being because she knew what kind of training Scathach was doing with Victor.

“Triple Oyakodon? What the hell…” She was purely and legitimately shocked.

‘Not only the heiresses of the most prestigious clans but also the mothers of these heiresses!? What the f*ck? Is your body made of some addictive nectar?’


Chapter 500: The Ultimate Yandere. 2

‘Not only the heiresses of the most prestigious clans but also the mothers of these heiresses!? What the f*ck? Is your body made of some addictive nectar?’

Leona looked at Violet with disdain.

“Huuuh? What’s with that look, bitch!? You wanna fight!?” Violet snapped. She may have changed, but she was still a delinquent. After all, it was in her genes… Just look at Agnes! She was exactly the same.

Unlike Violet, who was ready to start a fight with Leona at any moment, the woman getting these looks had a look of disappointment and contempt.

“Aren’t you a yandere? Why aren’t you doing your job? As a proud yandere, you must ward off whor*s!”

“Kill the women who approach your lover, kill even the men, keep your man in check, and do everything for him to the point that he can suffocate from love!”

“That’s your job!”

It’s worth saying that of all the reactions she’d expected from Violet, she didn’t expect a defeated look.

“You don’t understand. I already do this, and I’ve lost count of how many female Vampires I’ve driven away from this man…”

“So what’s the problem?” Leona couldn’t understand. How could a Yandere like Violet allow this? Was she even a Yandere? Was she maybe not as determined as the girls she’s seen in anime?

“The problem is that man is worse than me.” Violet pointed at Victor.

“…Eh?” Leona was in shock. Victor was worse than Violet? What the hell?

“Impossible; he’s not as psychotic as you are.”

‘I mean, he has the qualities of a male yandere, but he still wasn’t on Violet’s level, right?… Right?’ Leona broke into a cold sweat without realizing it as she imagined the changes caused by a Vampire’s bite.

“Indeed.” Violet didn’t deny it since she knew her qualities as a woman, and she’s not ashamed of it, “He wasn’t like that at first, but as time went on, he became an even bigger monster in that regard.”

“…. W-Wait, what are you talking about?”

“I’m telling you he’s worse than me!” Violet grumbled.

“I’ve heard that; I’m not deaf!” Leona snapped angrily.

“Why are you asking then!?” Violet asked, more annoyed than Leona.

“I want to know why he’s worse than you!” Leona felt like she would freak out if she talked to this woman more.

“Oh…” Violet looked at Victor for a few seconds and said:

“Well, he keeps me happy, always visits me, we always have wild sex, and kills every male Vampire trying to get to me.”

“…Are you looking for a fight, bitch?” Leona’s eyes glowed a brilliant blue.

“Mah, Mah, just listen.” Violet gave a sh*t-eating smile.

“….” And that only made Leona’s eyes narrow.

“Not only does he do all this to keep me happy, but I also know he controls some clan members to check on me. He keeps them within this invisible network that he controls.”

‘And because he keeps me happy, I usually ignore what he does… But, wait, isn’t that a trap!?’ Violet just realized that she fell for Victor’s scheme.

“….” Leona opened her eyes slightly.

‘Isn’t that the perfect description of a psychotic yandere?’

Looking at Leona’s shock, Violet continued,

“Of course, he lets me do whatever I want. I know he likes to see the women he loves ‘beat their wings’ alone. He says it makes them prettier.”

“But that doesn’t mean he leaves us unsupervised.”

“A good example is Victor’s own mother and father.”

“Huh? What did he do to Anna?” Leona asked in shock and with a bit of fear in her heart.

‘Don’t tell me he laid his hands on his mother too? I know incest is not uncommon in the Supernatural World, but… Even for Victor, this is too much!’

‘Is he trying to get into the Sweet Home Alabama club? Is he planning to practice the Wincest!?’ Leona’s mind was going through all the degenerate scenarios she’d ever seen in thousands of Hentai.

… Leona and the Scarlett sisters would definitely get along well, especially Ruby and Pepper…

“…I mean, he probably controls her whole life? And she probably doesn’t even know it, or she knows it and ignores it. Maybe she can’t even do anything to change it. Victor’s influence is just too big, and with Ruby’s support, he’s become unstoppable.”

‘Not just Ruby. As foolish women as we are, we do whatever he asks.’ But, despite complaining about it, she wasn’t upset. In fact, she was frustrated.

‘Why doesn’t he ask for more…relevant things?’ That was Violet’s thought.

The thing is, Victor was just too independent. He only asked for help with ‘little’ things, which annoyed Violet. She wanted him to depend on her more, so Violet could control him a little more, but the man was like a cat and always jumped and ran when he was about to fall into Violet’s trap.

And like the treacherous cat he was, when Violet got really angry, he’d return for affection and give her all the love in the world.

Violet, unlike Victor, would gladly fall into this sweet trap and let herself be loved by Victor in every way, and when she was happy, she just didn’t have the strength to care.

Cough… This was one of Goddess Anna’s great teachings, coming straight from book 101 on how to treat a woman.

The lesson was: No matter what, just keep her satisfied and happy, and the rest will somehow work out.

And because Victor was very competent, he could execute these teachings as efficiently as possible.

That was one reason Violet was upset to see Leona, and she wasn’t angry or possessive like before. After all, her relationship with Victor was absolute now.

No one could break that, and most of all.

‘I’m the first wife, fufufufu~’ This was a status that no one could take away from her.

Coming from the High Nobility of the Nightingale, Violet didn’t have many thoughts about being in Harem, which applied to all Supernatural Beings.

One could have as many women as they wanted if they were strong.

And that was true for both sexes.

Vlad’s case was an example. The man had six wives and a few thousand lovers unknown to the general public.

A very famous case of women with harem was about a woman coming from Clan Lykos. She was a woman who had over 100 men in her harem.

She was a True Alpha…

‘Now that I think about it… Isn’t this woman Leona’s grandmother?’

While Violet was internally thinking, Leona’s reaction to this news was:

“…Oh.” Leona was feeling complicated emotions now.

She was relieved that her thoughts were wrong and terrified of what this man was doing.

‘When did he become so… Psychotic?’ The moment she thought that she remembered Victor’s words.

‘…Is that what he meant by change?’

Comparing Victor’s attitude in the past to now, question marks began to appear above Leona’s head.

‘…Has he really changed that much?” Unbeknownst to Leona, she already had the ‘dangerous, jealous, and possessive’ man image of Victor.

The only difference between Victor and other men with that same personality…

Was just that, unlike men with these personalities who meet ordinary women, Victor had a bit of strange luck in bringing together beings similar to him in the same room.

‘That is, he is a magnet of Yanderes…’ Then, after reflecting for a while, long enough for Victor and Agnes to finish their preparations, she realized something.

In fact, she just restated her thoughts on a particular subject.

‘Yes, he hasn’t changed at all. In fact, he’s just gotten worse than he already was.’ She nodded contentedly as if solving a big puzzle.

Leona was someone that Victor had known since he was a kid, and he’d always had traces of those personalities. It just so happens that with the Vampire transformation, he just started acting like he really was.

After all, the Vampire’s bite brings the true ‘Ego’ of the person out.

And even though Victor was a Psycho Yandere, on the same level as that pink-haired girl from the anime she watched in the past, he had a lot of good qualities too.

These qualities seem to contradict his real personality, and that is, once again, all this is thanks to the teachings of his parents, especially Anna’s loving teachings.

‘Anna is a hidden Goddess of women? How did she manage to educate someone like that? Maybe she did it without much understanding?’ Leona was quite curious about this possibility, but everything in the woman’s life was normal. Her friends were normal, her job was normal, and she was just a little eccentric.

And that alone doesn’t raise too many suspicions.

Victor was many things, a battle maniac and a committer of genocide, but, most of all, he was very loving to his family. But unfortunately, he engaged in actions that bordered on insanity for any member of his family.

And those qualities just contradicted him a lot…

‘Actually, now that I think about it, he seems to be a lot like those ancient warriors who fight and love their family.’ It all started to make sense when she started to think like that.

‘He was trained by Scathach, a woman who lived for over 2 millennia and had many students over that time.’

‘Anna and Scathach… The two women who shaped Victor into who he was today….’ Leona felt like a child who was solving the puzzle known as Victor.

“Done,” Agnes spoke.

“Okay, I should just say the words, right?”

“Indeed,” Agnes confirmed.

“Okay, let’s get this over with.”

“Mm.” Agnes nodded her head.

Victor cut his wrist, and tiny drops of blood fell into the magic circle. The scent of the blood left Agnes and Violet in an excited state, as it was simply too delicious of a smell.

In human terms, it was as if Violet and Agnes were very hungry, and in front of them was a hamburger prepared by the world’s most renowned chefs. The smell of the meat dulled their senses!

“Focus,” Victor spoke.

“O-Oh.” Agnes stuttered a little, but she managed to keep her control.

Agnes spoke a few words in Ancient Latin and, as if it were magic,

The circle began to glow blood red, and as a separation ritual, materials were not needed. Only Victor’s blood was.

“… Question, I inherited this ritual from Adonis. What name should I say…?”

“Hmm… I don’t know? This is my first time going through this too. Just try it with your name, considering that, in your own words, you ‘inherited’ it.”

“… Okay” Despite still having doubts, Victor decided to move on.

As the circle grew to Victor’s waist, Agnes gave him a look that said, ‘go on’.

“…I…Victor A-.” Before he could continue, Agnes spoke:

“Use your real name.”

Victor nodded and continued:

“…I, Victor Walker, accept the closing of the ritual that unites Agnes Snow and me.”

The moment Victor said it, the red light shone brighter like a beacon, and the letters moved around as if making another set of words entirely.

The next moment, the effect was instantaneous… at least for the people involved.

They could feel their connection completely breaking, and at that exact moment, Violet, Sasha, Ruby, and Natashia felt ‘someone’ withdrawing from their shared connection.

And, at that moment, everyone understood what had happened.


Despite hiding his emotions well, something he’d become proficient in, Violet could still feel the faint sadness that Victor couldn’t hide from his connection to her.

A feeling she only felt because she was closer to Victor these days, but the other girls probably didn’t feel anything.

“It’s done…” Agnes spoke.

“Yes, we’re not married anymore.” Victor nodded, and by that time, he was about to turn around and walk out of this place. After all, he was going through a variety of complicated feelings.

He felt someone holding his hand.

“…?” He looked at Agnes, confused:

“What happened?”

“We’re not done yet.”

“Huh? Do I need to do anything else?”

“Of course…” She nodded with a soft smile and completely lifeless eyes.

Eyes that caught Victor entirely off guard.

“You must marry me now.”

“… Eh?”

It would be an understatement to say how shocked Victor was right now.

“Come on, this is just the beginning.” Agnes pulled Victor out of the magic circle, and soon she walked towards a pillar, and behind that pillar was a bag that looked like it was full of various materials.

She took the horn of some magical creature that Victor couldn’t identify just by looking and spoke with a soft smile on her face:

“We have a ritual to do.”

“…Huh?” It is worth saying that Victor was utterly unresponsive.


My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires Chapter 451 to 500 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.