Academic Special Forces (2024)

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Aug 6, 2024, 12:09 PM

Click here. Open this attachment. Log into your account. We get dozens of emails daily asking us to perform these kinds of tasks—but all it takes is one from a malicious actor to risk exposing personal information … or worse, the safety of a nation.

Academic Special Forces (1)

“People everywhere click on things they shouldn’t click on, which gives bad actors access to things they shouldn’t have access to. And the results can be dramatic,” said Holly Tucker, Mellon Foundation Chair in the Humanities.

This spring she led an undergraduate immersion program to investigate those threats. Seven students conducted original research on phishing attempts among their peers, including examining the increasing use of generative artificial intelligence to conduct more sophisticated attacks.


The research program was associated with Vanderbilt’s Institute of National Security, which will launch in the fall and be led by the founding director, retired Gen. Paul Nakasone, the former commander of U.S. Cyber Command and director of the National Security Agency.

The purpose of the institute is to address emerging security concerns in a 21st century environment, harnessing Vanderbilt’s expert faculty, strategic partnerships and interdisciplinary approach. That exciting mix of talent and strategy will make the Vanderbilt Institute of National Security the premier institute for accelerating innovation, advising officials and preparing students to be the next generation of national security leaders.

“The security landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace and in unknown directions. To meet these challenges, it is imperative that we approach them in a highly interdisciplinary way,” Nakasone said.

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“We are establishing the premier institute of national security to develop and support leaders who serve and solve our most pressing national security challenges,” he added. “Students who participate in the immersion program led by Professor Tucker represent a new era of leaders in national security, and we are excited that many of these students have chosen to serve the nation upon graduation by contributing to national security solutions that will help keep us safe.”


Research shows that undergraduates are among the most frequent targets of phishing attacks. The student immersion program led by Tucker partnered closely with Vanderbilt’s cybersecurity team, led by Vanderbilt Chief Information Officer Shane Callahan, and representatives from the national security community.

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“Vanderbilt has a unique attack surface,” Callahan said. “We protect important research, large amounts of administrative data, athletics, student data and many other types of technology and data. Partnering with Tucker and her team allowed us to show students what real-life attacks look like. We were also able to demonstrate testing in a large enterprise, giving the students practical experience while trying to solve one of the hardest problems we face.”

The students also met with an impressive roster of top national security officials, including FBI Director Christopher Wray, Ambassador-at-Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy Nate Fick, Chief of the National Security Agency’s Laboratory for Advanced Cybersecurity Research Rita Bush, and retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Charles “Tuna” Moore, former deputy director of U.S. Cyber Command who now is a distinguished visiting professor at Vanderbilt.

“We learned that one person clicking on a link to malware could conceivably shut a key system down,” Tucker said.

“As a humanities professor,” she added, “I never could have imagined leading an immersion group focusing on cybersecurity and national security.”


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Tucker’s expertise is on emerging technologies in the Scientific Revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries. Her interests in technology and nation-state conflicts in historical contexts led to an invitation for her to be a moderator for Vanderbilt’s 2023 Summit on Global Conflict and Emerging Threats.

“I thought they were crazy,” she said. “Why were they asking me?”

Upon reflection, however, she realized she did have a lot to say about new technology and international conflict. After all, her research has included how the importation of Chinese gunpowder and arrival of rifles on 16th century battlefields changed the face of medicine as well as European social dynamics more generally.

“What’s fascinating to me is seeing the way societies respond to emerging technologies, not just on an individual level, but also how they affect the global balance of power,” she said.


When she was invited to join the Institute of National Security at Vanderbilt, she didn’t hesitate to lead the immersion program, along with a diverse team that included Vanderbilt senior cybersecurity analyst Max Lieb, Jessica Phelan, MS’23 (computer science), Carlos Olea, MS’24 (computer science) and Ph.D. student Cameron Pattison (philosophy).

Her humanities background, Tucker said, has also helped her to explore the subject.

“Phishing emails are not always obvious,” she said. “They often play on emotions or create a sense of urgency. Humanistic inquiry is all about the practice of subtle interpretation and the choices we make based on those interpretations.”


The seven students selected for the immersion cohort learned about how they and their classmates could be vulnerable to phishing attacks—and developed an educational game that challenged students to discern whether an email was legitimate or malicious.

A class of Immersion Vanderbilt students created a research game to help students identify phishing scams. (Harrison McClary/Vanderbilt)

Immersion students participating in cybersecurity research through a game called “Get Phished.” They set up fishbowls full of Swedish Fish candy and sent out a student in a giant shark costume to gain some 500 participants. (Harrison McClary/Vanderbilt)

In the game, students are shown “real” emails alongside the types of phishing emails that commonly target undergraduates—offering employment, asking the user to click on attachments or requesting personal information. Some of both types of emails were human-generated, while others were created with ChatGPT.

The game design also provided an opportunity to collect data on how students engage with suspect emails, including whether their accuracy in discerning phishing attempts changed if the emails were generated by AI rather than humans.

The students developed the study design in collaboration with Vanderbilt faculty researchers and learned how to jump the hurdles of conducting ethical research on human subjects. Along the way, they had fun drumming up excitement among other Vanderbilt students for their game, which they called Get Phished. They set up fishbowls full of Swedish Fish candy and sent out a student in a giant shark costume, eventually “hooking” some 500 participants.

“I think the final count was well over 50 pounds of Swedish Fish packets,” Tucker said.

The data gathered from the research is being analyzed by the Vanderbilt faculty team, which includes Professor of Special Education Laurie Cutting, Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development Lisa Fazio, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Human Development Alex Christensen and Professor of Teaching and Education Alyssa Wise.


Early results show that students were fooled by the phishing emails as often as 1 in 5 times. Consistent with past research, they found that people who were more confident in their abilities were the least accurate in discerning phishing attempts. They also found that students were significantly less able to identify AI-generated phishing emails, failing 29 percent of the time, compared with 17 percent for human-generated.Academic Special Forces (7)

Tucker and Cutting recently presented these results with NSA’s Advanced Cybersecurity team. In early August, Tucker will give a presentation at U.S. Cyber Command’s Academic Day conference at the University of Maryland.

“I appreciated learning about the seriousness of phishing attacks and how they can lead to disastrous cybersecurity attacks,” said Elise Farley, BA’24 (computer science), who is beginning a career in technology consulting in Washington, D.C.

Computer science student Kate Fischer, Class of 2026, has long been interested in a career in national security, and she found the extent of threats using generative AI particularly eye-opening.

“I was able to gain many insights into the changing methods of global attacks that are facilitated by rapidly developing technologies,” she said.


Tucker is now putting together the cohort for the next immersion program in the fall: an undergraduate class focusing on generative AI and national security that will culminate in another student-led project. She is also going through the process of security clearances for an upcoming sabbatical, during which she will be stationed at Fort Meade in Maryland for four to six months to apply her humanities training and her growing cybersecurity experience to national security projects.

After years of writing award-winning books on French history, she is happily surprised by the new turn her career has taken.

“Only at Vanderbilt,” she said. “My entire career at Vanderbilt has been about thinking outside the box and disciplinary limitations.”

In a way, it mirrors the scientific pioneers she’s studied.

“In the 17th century, scientists were called natural philosophers. All disciplines were brought to bear in the quest for knowledge—including philosophy, history, literature—during the Scientific Revolution,” she said. “Someday people will look back at the early 21st century and see how much we’ve accomplished because we invested as much as possible in interdisciplinary approaches to our world’s greatest challenges.”

By Michael Blanding

Keep Reading

  • Key takeaways from the 2024 Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats

  • Harnessing the Machine: Vanderbilt is embracing generative AI technology to unlock opportunities for research and learning

  • Vanderbilt hosts U.S. Rep. Mark Green and CISA Director Jen Easterly for cybersecurity discussions

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  • General Paul Nakasone
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  • Immersion Vanderbilt
  • Institute of National Security
  • Michael Blanding
  • phishing
  • phishing attack
Academic Special Forces (2024)


What is the toughest special forces unit? ›

Delta Force is the elite special operations force under the operational control of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Its operators are responsible for complex missions related to counter-terrorism, direct action, hostage rescue and recon.

How long is the Q course for officers? ›

The Army Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) is long and demanding. Although the length of the course varies according to Military Occupational Specialty and language it is generally 12 to 24 months long. Most of the training is held on Fort Bragg, North Carolina or Camp Mackall, North Carolina. Prerequisites.

Is the 18X program still available? ›

Like the active duty Army, the non-prior service Special Forces enlistment contract in the Army National Guard is referred to as an (18X) contract. The 18X contract is available in every state, and funding for travel to and from unit training is available once you qualify for Special Forces.

How many sfas classes per year? ›

There are 8 SFAS classes each year. There are no classes during the summer months; from June to mid-August. Soldiers may choose to attend any class that is not already filled.

Is Delta Force more elite than SEALs? ›

Both units have the most sophisticated equipment and are highly trained in Close Quarters Combat (CQB), hostage rescue, high value target extraction, and other specialized operations. The difference is the extensive training DEVGRU operators have in specialized maritime operations, given their naval heritage.

What is the deadliest Special Forces group? ›

Determining the “most dangerous” special force is subjective, as each unit specializes in unique capabilities. However, some renowned units, such as the Russian Alpha Group and the US Navy SEALs, are often considered among the most elite.

How many people fail the Q Course? ›

As you can imagine, passing the SF Q Course is no easy task. The Special Forces Qualification Course failure rate is around 75%, so being prepared is critical. Here are some great tips that can help you achieve what most cannot: You're going to need to be mentally tough.

Do Green Berets see combat? ›

In addition, the Green Berets participate in combat search and rescue, counter-narcotic, humanitarian assistance and peacekeeping operations. Green Berets undergo a rigorous training that begins with a six-week course focused on physical fitness and land navigation.

What is the age limit for Special Forces? ›

Be between 20 and 34 years old. Hold a minimum rank of E-3, and within the rank of private first class, specialist, sergeant, or staff sergeant. Have no more than 12 to 14 years in service prior to training, and a minimum of 36 months remaining in service after graduation.

What happens if an 18X fails SFAS? ›

If I don't get selected in SFAS what happens next? If you are active duty you return to your parent unit. If you are an "18X" you are reassigned based on your MOS and the needs of the Army. If you are National Guard you return to your unit and may be afforded the opportunity to attend SFAS a second time.

What is a Green Beret salary? ›

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Green Berets Jobs
CityAnnual SalaryHourly Wage
Vallejo, CA$47,855$23.01
Oakland, CA$47,762$22.96
Hayward, CA$47,680$22.92
Ashland, CA$47,675$22.92
6 more rows

Can you go straight to Green Berets? ›

The Army's Green Berets: duties, qualifications and training

You can qualify for assignment to the Green Berets straight from basic training.

Which is harder Ranger school or SFAS? ›

Having a Ranger Tab and the Special Forces Tab, I get asked all the time which school was harder. The answer is complicated. Both schools are physically and mentally challenging, but in different ways. I generally say that Ranger school sucks more – but the Q course is harder.

How heavy is your ruck at SFAS? ›

– BUT the main challenge that SFAS requires is to ruck with a weighted back pack (50+ #'s) day after day at a high speed for 3 weeks.

What is the dropout rate for SFAS? ›

The average enlisted attrition rate for SFAS and SFQC is 77%. Keep in mind, that this data does not include all of the candidates who dropped throughout Infantry OSUT, Airborne school, or who failed to make it to day 1 of SFAS.

Is SAS better than Delta Force? ›

SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (SAS): CONCLUSION. At the end of the day, neither Delta Force nor SAS is “better” than the other. Both have a rich history in warfare, and both offer invaluable assets to the world of SOF and beyond.

What are the 5 Tier 1 units? ›

The Tier 1 SOF units in the US military are:
  • SFOD-D (Delta Force / CAG)
  • DEVGRU (Seal Team 6)
  • 24th STS.
  • The Ranger Reconnaissance Company of 75th Ranger Regiment (the rest of regiment being Tier 2)
  • Intelligence Support Activity.
Nov 29, 2022

What is the highest tier of special forces? ›

The term Special Missions Unit (SMU), at one time referred to as a "Tier 1" unit, is used in the United States to categorize the nation's most highly secretive and elite military special operations forces.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.