ABOUT - Rachel Pizzolato (2025)

Hi, my name is Rachel Pizzolato, and……Yes!!! I can finally admit it!! I am a part of MythBusters Jr.with Adam Savage on the Discovery Science Channel!!

ABOUT - Rachel Pizzolato (1)

To see what we are doing, check out @MythBusters or @Science Channel. I am so glad you made it over to my little part of the web. The last few years have been extremely exciting, and I have met many interesting people, visited dozens of cities, and I have also been fortunate enough to be part of one of the most iconic shows in television history.

Since I was a little girl, I have been extremely focused on my academics and athletics pursuits. Also, I have developed an interest in dance, art, and studio performance, in addition to a love for fashion and beauty and science. I have been extremely lucky to have two very supportive parents, and I want to say, “Thanks!” I have also been fortunate to have the support of my teachers, coaches, and friends to whom I cannot begin to thank enough. However, I want to shout out a big “Thanks!” to all of them for the love and support that they have shown me over the last few years.

I really enjoy working to further my education, participating in athletic events, working as a fashion model, and participating in beauty pageants. Winning is not the goal; however, it usually is, and it should be, an amazing experience. What is most important is learning how to find the answers to problems and learning from your successes and failures. I firmly believe in the old saying, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained!” Without giving yourself the opportunity to fail, you may never experience success or realize your true potential.

Failure is very important because when you fail at something, you gain insight into why a certain outcomeoccurred. Failure and persistence go hand in hand, and with persistence, and patience, comes success. To find the answer to a problem, perform a skill at an elite level, or even walk a fashion runway, it is extremely important to train your mind and body to perform certain tasks so that they become, virtually, second nature. With enough practice, your mind and body will just perform the task automatically. It is through many trials and failures, and tiny adjustments to your performance, that those high-level skills are truly developed. I believe that it is extremely important for everyone to develop good educational study habits, quality athletic training habits, and explore as many extracurricular activities as possible. That way, you will be able to find things that interest you and allow you to build a set of skills that will stay with you throughout your lifetime. Those skills will, ultimately, play a big part in how you perform in school, your job, and even your relationships with others.

I am extremely lucky to have the support of those around me. Having someone who supports your dreams and desires can have a tremendous effect on your ability to obtain your dreams. That is why I started this site. I want to encourage everyone to go for their dreams and dive head first into the deep end. I want to share my experiences of success and failure and get to know those who have the same dreams and desires as I do. There is no better way to connect than to share what is important to us and work together to reach a common goal. Take your time and browse the site and think about which dreams are most important to you. Your biggest dream might be getting an A in a subject that has been difficult for you, or it may be just barely passing something that seemed impossible just a few weeks back. There is no right and wrong dream. What is important to one person may not be as important to another, and that means that the straight-A student’s dreams are not more important than the person who dreams of just passing. What matters is setting goals and working to obtain them.

For some people, certain skills come a little more natural to them, but that does not mean that a person who has less natural ability cannot obtain the same lofty goal. What is important is being persistent and working through failure. I have heard my dad tell me hundreds of times that, “Everything is not going to be easy in life.” He has told me that I am going to get hit, and I am going to fall, but he tells me that if I don’t stand up and brush myself off, my dreams and desires will be just that, DREAMS! For our dreams to become reality, we must face adversity and look failure straight in the eye. Sure, there are times when we will reach a short-term goal with little or no perceived effort, but that is because we have trained our minds and bodies to work like a fine-tuned machine, and along the way, our skills have become honed to the point that many skills are second nature. Short term goals are extremely important because they are like building blocks that we stand on to reach our loftier goals. Nevertheless, we should not be content with those short-term goals, but we should use them as a tool to obtain our dreams that are beyond our grasp. Therefore, we should always set our goals a little bit out of our reach. In that way, we are forced to use everything at our disposal to find a way to achieve the goal! We should not fear rejection or loss, but we should embrace it because by failing, we can find out what does not work, modify the process, and continue to forge ahead on our journey – Success is a journey and not a destination!

I hope that you decide to become part of this “team” that I am building, and together, we can help each other formulate, manipulate and execute a plan that will allow us to achieve our ultimate dreams in this thing we call life!!



ABOUT - Rachel Pizzolato (2025)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.